21:00:00 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 21:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 13 21:00:00 2016 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 21:00:01 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 21:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 21:00:03 <stickster> #topic Roll call 21:00:04 <stickster> .hello pfrields 21:00:04 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 21:00:05 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 21:00:08 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 21:00:39 <jflory7> Hiya! 21:00:46 <stickster> o/ 21:01:06 <stickster> jflory7: I'm going to just barrel on ahead today, trying to turn over a "get started on time" leaf :-) 21:01:09 <stickster> #chair jflory7 21:01:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7 stickster 21:01:14 <stickster> #topic Last week review 21:01:17 * jflory7 nods 21:01:20 <jflory7> Go for it! 21:01:51 <jflory7> I mentioned the meeting time to Anupama, so she might also join later on too. 21:02:23 <stickster> #info Oct-03 weekly stats down slightly, 38.9k views. September monthly stats were good, October off to a bit of a slow start 21:03:07 <stickster> #topic Pending review 21:03:31 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending&post_type=post 21:03:46 <stickster> #info important note... stickster has already scheduled FreeOrion post for Friday Oct-14 21:04:21 <stickster> #info --- Grub2 --- 21:04:24 <jflory7> Hey Anupama! Welcome! 21:04:24 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=14701&preview=1&_ppp=4dbe7f8790 21:04:32 <stickster> #chair Anupama 21:04:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: Anupama jflory7 stickster 21:04:33 <jflory7> stickster: I can give a quick update on this one. 21:04:40 <Anupama> Hello 21:04:41 <stickster> go 4 it! 21:05:19 <jflory7> #info Article reviewed last night and put out for a technical review - received feedback off-list from a few different people. ryanlerch created a featured image, so pending minor changes, this article should be good to ship at any time next week. 21:05:43 <stickster> jflory7++ 21:05:51 <stickster> Awesome, shall we say Monday 8 UTC? 21:06:15 <jflory7> Hmmm... 21:06:19 <jflory7> Depends on the Raspberry Pi article. 21:06:33 <jflory7> I think that one could make a big kick-off for the week. We could revisit scheduling at the end. 21:06:53 <stickster> ah yes 21:07:10 <stickster> pbrobinson: if you can finish up the RasPi article, we'd definitely prefer to do that first thing next week 21:07:35 <jflory7> stickster: I haven't had a chance to look at since I spoke to him this morning, but he was aiming to have it complete by the meeting time, I think. 21:07:36 <stickster> OK, so most important point... Grub2 ready and on deck 21:07:37 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 21:07:40 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'Ryan Lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 21:07:56 <jflory7> Yes, GRUB2 is indeed ready (finally). 21:07:59 <stickster> #chair ryanlerch 21:07:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: Anupama jflory7 ryanlerch stickster 21:08:00 <jflory7> Hey ryanlerch! 21:08:03 <ryanlerch> jflory7++ 21:08:04 <pbrobinson> stickster: I'll look at it tonight/tomorrow morning if that's OK? 21:08:15 <stickster> pbrobinson: not just OK, it's beautiful 21:08:20 <stickster> it's all coming together... 21:08:26 <ryanlerch> pbrobinson: i sitll need to do the featured image for it 21:08:27 <jflory7> Then we could have a strong start to next week. :) 21:09:00 <stickster> OK, sounds like we have a plan, so moving on then... 21:09:08 <stickster> #info --- Atom editor --- 21:09:17 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=14863&preview=1&_ppp=d49acbfea1 21:10:24 <stickster> This is Anupama's article? 21:10:33 <jflory7> Yep! 21:10:45 <stickster> I can take on editing one thing for next week at thisp oint 21:10:50 <stickster> any objections? 21:10:58 <jflory7> I have none! 21:11:15 <Anupama> nope 21:11:17 <ryanlerch> none here 21:11:20 <stickster> #action stickster edit the Atom article and create featured image for release next week 21:11:23 <jflory7> anupama++ Thanks for answering the writing call on the mailing list for this one :) 21:11:29 <stickster> Anupama++ 21:11:34 <ryanlerch> Anupama++ 21:11:51 <jflory7> I think FAS doesn't recognize the capital 'A' yet. 21:11:58 <jflory7> s/FAS/zodbot 21:12:00 <stickster> anupama++ 21:12:00 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for anupama changed to 2 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:12:00 <ryanlerch> anupama++ 21:12:03 <zodbot> ryanlerch: Karma for anupama changed to 3 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:12:07 <stickster> COOKIE PARTY 21:12:07 <jflory7> There we go :) 21:12:30 <ryanlerch> pbrobinson++ 21:12:30 <Anupama> hehe... Thank you :) 21:13:13 <jflory7> pbrobinson++ too, although I'm pretty sure I also gave him cookies this release. :) 21:13:17 <stickster> https://media.giphy.com/media/pN6Jvdh6BwSEE/giphy.gif 21:13:26 <stickster> haha that will make the minutes 21:13:27 <jflory7> stickster++ 21:13:36 <jflory7> Worth it :P 21:13:45 <pbrobinson> brilliant :) 21:14:02 <Anupama> good one :p 21:14:11 <stickster> #info --- Inkscape: Getting started --- 21:14:12 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=14922&preview=1&_ppp=64dbb43a91 21:14:16 <jflory7> Ahh, a note about the two Inkscape articles coming up 21:14:21 <jflory7> This is intended to be part of a series 21:14:26 <jflory7> The "Getting started" one is pt. 2 21:14:30 <stickster> Oh! 21:14:35 <jflory7> "Design your imagination" is intended to be pt. 1. 21:14:38 <stickster> #undo 21:14:38 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x4b886d0> 21:14:40 <stickster> #undo 21:14:40 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by stickster at 21:14:11 : --- Inkscape: Getting started --- 21:15:01 <stickster> #info --- Inkscape: design your imagination --- 21:15:03 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=14921&preview=1&_ppp=48fef08aa5 21:15:10 <jflory7> These were originally drafted in the Community Blog, but thought they would be better fit in the Magazine. 21:15:50 <stickster> jflory7: Hm, the content seems to be backward 21:16:00 <jflory7> Ohh, really? 21:16:03 <stickster> the DYI article has a procedure for drawing some specific pictures 21:16:09 <jflory7> Maybe *I'm* reversed 21:16:22 <stickster> Well never mind, let's just go with this one for now :-) 21:16:30 * jflory7 nods 21:16:40 <jflory7> I can probably take the first part of this series. 21:16:46 <ryanlerch> yeah, the one with the wallpaper is first, right? 21:17:11 <stickster> maybe? 21:17:21 <jflory7> Yeah, looking through them now, the "Getting started" one definitely looks to be better for a pt. 1 21:17:30 <jflory7> Introducing the layout / menus / etc. 21:17:40 <stickster> ryanlerch: it's hard to tell, because launching right into a procedure seems a little weird for an intro 21:18:07 <ryanlerch> the layout/menu one is pretty focused just on layers at the moment 21:18:34 <ryanlerch> which IMHO is more of a advanced topic 21:18:44 <stickster> I think whichever of these is part 1 could use a little more gentle intro on vector graphics in general 21:18:47 * jflory7 thinks he should read the full details before making a call - I see this now too 21:19:08 <jflory7> Perhaps it would be better to rebrand the "Getting started" one as an intro to layers since it focuses a lot on that. 21:19:10 <stickster> I like the idea of an Inkscape overview 21:19:15 <stickster> jflory7++ 21:19:43 <ryanlerch> yeah, i like it too! 21:19:47 <jflory7> The "Design your imagination" one would be good to kick off the series (I also believe a2batic was planning on more of these) and help introduce Inkscape. 21:20:30 <jflory7> I'd be willing to take the "Design your imagination" one for review for late next week 21:21:19 <stickster> jflory7: Yeah, I know you have some Inkscape experience, but maybe you could put your Inkscape-newbie hat on and see if we could spruce up the beginning a bit 21:21:25 <stickster> it gets down in the weeds pretty quickly 21:21:53 <stickster> and some of the procedure gets hard to follow as I read along 21:21:53 <jflory7> Heheh, yeah, I'm definitely still in the newbie category. For the featured images, you and ryanlerch have made it almost too easy to make them :P 21:22:04 <jflory7> I could definitely help add that perspective here 21:22:09 <stickster> it's all ryanlerch, I'm still a n00b 21:22:32 <ryanlerch> i'm interested in this one for sure 21:23:04 <stickster> #info ryanlerch and jflory7 will fight over the inkscape series... two Fedorans go in, only one comes out 21:23:13 <ryanlerch> lol :) 21:23:25 <ryanlerch> i may have a conflict of interest on this one ;) 21:23:57 <jflory7> ryanlerch: If you want this one, I think you're the most qualified to take it. I could always review it afterwards and make sure it all makes sense to a newbie like me. :) 21:25:02 * stickster waits with #action poised 21:25:13 <ryanlerch> yeah, happy to take it! 21:25:21 <jflory7> Perfect. 21:25:26 <jflory7> ryanlerch++ 21:25:32 <ryanlerch> it might be good to create a better idea of the series 21:25:47 <stickster> #action ryanlerch review Inkscape Design your Imagination article and work with author to finalize for end of next week 21:25:55 <stickster> ryanlerch: yeah, strongly agree 21:25:57 <ryanlerch> there is a *lot* of things to cover, so keeping it bite-sized would be good 21:26:11 <stickster> We get into trouble when we have series "concepts" where most of the articles aren't done or at least outlined 21:26:24 <stickster> series is serious busienss 21:26:27 <stickster> hee hee 21:26:45 <jflory7> Agreed - I feel good that we have at least two so far, but if the first one could be split up further, even better. 21:26:56 <jflory7> I think 4-5 articles should be the "minimum" amount for a series 21:27:08 <jflory7> Or at least when it could be finished and closed out 21:27:12 <stickster> jflory7: +1 21:27:33 <stickster> and it would be nice to have at least that many outlined so someone else could pick up one if desired 21:28:11 <ryanlerch> okies, i will owrk this week on a outline 21:28:15 <stickster> ryanlerch++ 21:28:34 <stickster> #action ryanlerch will outline additional articles so we have a rough idea of the series before we launch into it 21:29:04 <stickster> That's it for Pending Review 21:29:11 <stickster> #topic Drafts 21:29:13 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type=post 21:30:26 <stickster> #info --- C99 support in gcc --- 21:30:30 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=14646&preview=1&_ppp=84b6c12483 21:30:45 <stickster> wow, this one is thick 21:31:02 <stickster> I would really like to see the screenshots be just <pre> blocks 21:31:45 <stickster> Especially since the terminals shown are using a reeeeeeeally old theme that I guess the author is still in love with :-) 21:31:59 <jflory7> Yeah, that would be helpful 21:32:11 <jflory7> We covered this one last week too and had some feedback - I saw the author editing earlier today. 21:32:23 * jflory7 digs last week's minutes 21:32:34 <stickster> yeah, it's been updated today for sure 21:33:15 <ryanlerch> do we know anyone that could be a SME that can give us an idea on this one? 21:34:57 <stickster> ryanlerch: The only ones I know are probably too busy, but maybe I can ask my friend Matt 21:36:29 * stickster sends an email 21:36:45 <stickster> #action stickster contact mattn to see if he or a colleague can review C99 articlel 21:36:54 <jflory7> Sorry, momentary freeze there 21:37:08 <jflory7> Yeah, a technical review would be helpful. This one is tough for me to take a look at. 21:37:23 <stickster> I'm going to skip ahead by one and come back 21:37:30 <stickster> #info --- Kernel 4.9 merge window features --- 21:37:36 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=14879&preview=1&_ppp=3633fcb84d 21:37:45 <stickster> This one I can almost guarantee will be close to ready to go 21:37:55 <stickster> and probably we'd want to get it out soon before it's out of date 21:38:08 <stickster> Like perhaps an extra on next Tuesday 21:38:26 <jflory7> Yep, we've been planning in advance for this one to go out next week. 21:38:38 <stickster> BRILLIANT 21:38:48 <jflory7> I don't know if labbott is done yet, but we definitely should keep this one in mind for next week 21:39:06 <jflory7> The big release is forthcoming very soon (if I recall) and we were going to ship it early next week 21:39:10 <jflory7> I like the sound of Tuesday 21:39:37 <stickster> jflory7: I just skimmed and it looks done... wraps up nicely at the end 21:40:02 <stickster> Some light style editing needed, just to make it slightly less dense, capitalize some stuff, etc. 21:40:06 <jflory7> Awesome. Can probably drop a ping with labbott in case she forgot to follow up on the list. 21:40:10 <stickster> I can take it tonight if desired 21:40:27 <jflory7> Whatever is easiest. :) I think it would be great as a target for Tuesday. 21:40:34 <jflory7> Compensate for a slower week this week... 21:41:05 <stickster> agreed 21:41:35 <stickster> #action stickster to edit labbott article on kernel 4.9 merge window for release next week 21:41:44 <jflory7> :100: 21:42:13 <stickster> #info --- F-🎂 in the house --- 21:42:29 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=14904&preview=1&_ppp=57882f8743 21:43:32 <jflory7> Brian asked if this would be better on the CommBlog or the Magazine. 21:43:42 <jflory7> I told him that I thought the Magazine *would* be a better fit for this. 21:44:02 <stickster> I think this position is important enough that an article like this introducing a new leadership guy is relevant 21:44:03 <jflory7> Even though it's definitely in the community side of things, I think it's similar to some of the big updates that mattdm has done in the past with regards to the Council. 21:44:07 <jflory7> Yeah. 21:44:08 <stickster> jflory7: +1 21:44:17 <stickster> ryanlerch: what do you think? 21:44:18 <jflory7> Plus, these articles (traditionally, anyways) generate a lot of comments and discussion. 21:44:43 <jflory7> So even though it's not as much traffic on the community content we publish, I think this is one that's a good update to share with the broad Fedora contributor and user audience. 21:45:08 <ryanlerch> i think magazine is perfect for this 21:45:17 <stickster> #agreed good fit for the Magazine 21:45:21 <ryanlerch> the title might need some review though 21:45:37 <ryanlerch> my first thought was it was swearing at me 21:45:45 <stickster> ryanlerch: I admit I thought the same thing until I got the joke 21:45:47 <jflory7> As much as I love the title, that might be better in the article content. The emoji will kill SEO too, I think. 21:45:54 <stickster> oh good point jflory7 21:46:08 * stickster will start calling him "F-cake" from now on though 21:46:17 * ryanlerch still doesnt get the joke i think 21:46:29 <jflory7> FCAIC => F-"cake" 21:47:07 <stickster> <cartman_voice> Follow your dreams, you can reach your goals! F-CAKE! F-CAKE! </cartman_voice> 21:47:12 <jflory7> A play on pronunciation. :) 21:47:27 <ryanlerch> i get it now hehe 21:47:55 <stickster> jflory7: do you want to take this one? 21:48:04 <jflory7> Yeah, I would be happy to. :) 21:48:19 <stickster> OK 21:48:33 <stickster> I'm going to call "uncle" for articles and publishing then 21:48:43 <jflory7> I was about to say the *exact* same thing 21:48:46 <stickster> #topic Publishing schedule for next week+ 21:48:49 <jflory7> Last ten minutes would be good for hashing out the schedule. 21:48:50 <stickster> coolio :-) 21:48:57 <stickster> GET OUT OF MY HEAD 21:48:59 <ryanlerch> nice! 21:49:06 <stickster> :-D 21:49:06 <jflory7> ;-) 21:49:23 <stickster> So... I think we are hoping for Monday for RasPi 21:49:23 <jflory7> Call it if I'm wrong, but I'm seeing it sort of like this... 21:49:28 <stickster> oh, go jflory7 ! 21:50:49 <jflory7> #proposed Friday: FreeOrion by cprofitt; Monday: Raspberry Pi announcement by pbrobinson; Tuesday: What's good in the kernel by labbott; Wednesday: Atom for Fedora by Anupama; Thursday: F-cake by bexelbie; Friday: Inkscape Pt. 1 by a2batic 21:50:56 <jflory7> So a *full* week 21:51:08 <stickster> WHOA COOL 21:51:14 <jflory7> But I think that would be good, and I think a lot of this is content that is time sensitive 21:51:14 <ryanlerch> nice! 21:51:21 <stickster> Also good to think about the fact that the draft pool will get smaller 21:51:28 <stickster> so we need to recruit for more articles too 21:51:33 <jflory7> I'm okay with shipping out content every day too because we have a lot of stuff in the Drafts that we could try to follow up on as well 21:51:35 <stickster> jflory7: I'm +10 that schedule fwiw 21:51:37 <stickster> agreed jflory7 21:51:43 <jflory7> There's some security ones, Python getting started guide, etc. 21:51:51 <ryanlerch> nice work stickster , jflory7! 21:51:54 <jflory7> I'd def like to spend more time circling back to these ones next week 21:52:21 <jflory7> stickster: We could use this temporary surplus in content to generate some new starter pitches. 21:52:29 <jflory7> I'm going to throw something else at all of you... 21:52:34 <stickster> yeah, good idea 21:52:47 <jflory7> #proposed Dedicate 15-20 minutes of the next meeting strictly on coming up with new starter pitches to share with the mailing list to attract new writers? 21:52:54 <stickster> I like it 21:53:08 <stickster> or we could even do that separately next week in #fedora-magazine 21:53:13 <stickster> either is fine with me fwiw 21:53:16 <jflory7> Yeah, totally not opposed. 21:53:53 <ryanlerch> jflory7: yeah, i think a less formal brainstorm mightr work well 21:54:07 <jflory7> Then I'm +1. 21:55:05 <ryanlerch> stickster: i noticed there were a few PRs in the magazine images repo 21:55:17 <stickster> ryanlerch: I kind of cleared them out 21:55:25 <ryanlerch> feel free to merge those straight away too 21:55:31 <stickster> ryanlerch: not sure it's kosher, I sort of did my own... because they were published already 21:55:42 <stickster> OK 21:55:43 * ryanlerch just uses PRs as a way to track new images 21:55:54 <stickster> yeah, we don't need to treat these as e.g. infra does 21:55:58 * jflory7 needs to get back on track with filing issues promptly for featured images and keep up with triaging 21:56:06 <stickster> where you want someone else's eyes on the commit before you deploy something that breaks 21:56:10 <jflory7> Okay, so if no objections, I'm going to finalize the above schedule 21:56:12 <ryanlerch> its a little more work workflow, but makes things a little eaiser to find later 21:56:16 <stickster> jflory7: agreed 21:56:19 <jflory7> #agreed Friday: FreeOrion by cprofitt; Monday: Raspberry Pi announcement by pbrobinson; Tuesday: What's good in the kernel by labbott; Wednesday: Atom for Fedora by Anupama; Thursday: F-cake by bexelbie; Friday: Inkscape Pt. 1 by a2batic 21:56:28 <ryanlerch> jflory7: sorry! i thought we were openfloor 21:56:31 <stickster> jflory7: did you want to take #action for filing featured image issues? 21:56:53 <jflory7> stickster: I was speaking generally, but yes, I can take care of filing featured image issues for tonight's meeting. :) 21:57:12 <jflory7> #action jflory7 File issues for all upcoming articles discussed in today's meeting in the fedoramagazine-images repository on Pagure 21:57:20 <stickster> oh yeah, I understood you right 21:57:24 <stickster> cool 21:57:28 <stickster> what a great meeting this was 21:57:32 <stickster> Anything else before we wrap up? 21:57:34 <jflory7> Yeah, definitely! 21:57:41 <jflory7> Oh, one more thing to get in minutes 21:58:02 <jflory7> #agreed Going to try to find some time to discuss new starter pitches for new writers sometime next week (will follow up with these at the next meeting) 21:58:04 <jflory7> eof 21:58:07 <jflory7> I'm all good! 21:58:21 <ryanlerch> .byebye ryanlerch 21:58:29 <stickster> hehe 21:58:37 <jflory7> ryanlerch: Adios! Enjoy the rest of your morning. :) 21:58:40 <stickster> OK then, it's a wrap -- thanks everyone! 21:58:43 <stickster> #endmeeting