22:00:00 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 22:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 17 22:00:00 2016 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:00:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 22:00:02 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 22:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 22:00:03 <stickster> #topic Roll call 22:00:04 <stickster> .hello pfrields 22:00:05 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 22:00:26 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 22:00:27 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'Ryan Lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 22:00:32 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 22:00:33 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 22:01:07 <stickster> #chair ryanlerch jflory7 22:01:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7 ryanlerch stickster 22:01:22 <jonny_> .hello jonny_ 22:01:23 <zodbot> jonny_: Sorry, but you don't exist 22:01:23 <jflory7> Good morning / evening! :) 22:01:42 <jflory7> jonny_: Try doing .hello <your FAS username> and it should work. :) 22:01:48 <jonny_> .hello jonny 22:01:49 <zodbot> jonny_: jonny 'Jonny Heggheim' <jonnyheggheim@sigaint.org> 22:01:54 <stickster> #chair jonny 22:01:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7 jonny ryanlerch stickster 22:01:55 <stickster> o/ 22:02:06 <jonny_> Thanks jflory7 22:02:12 <jflory7> jonny_: Yep, no problem. Welcome! 22:02:48 <stickster> #topic Last week in review 22:03:27 <stickster> So last week wasn't bad, about 44K views, which is roughly average 22:03:34 <stickster> that jibes with about 3 articles a week 22:03:52 <stickster> We need to drive more traffic next week around the release, and that shouldn't be too hard with the GA :-) 22:03:59 <stickster> speaking of which... 22:04:07 <stickster> #topic Special topic: F25 GA! 22:04:43 <jflory7> Whoooo! 22:04:43 <stickster> jflory7: did you want to address the release announcement? 22:05:27 <jflory7> stickster: Sure. I know we have the "What's new in F25 Workstation" article done and ready to go. It would be worth checking in on the release announcement now to determine the source and also the author. 22:05:53 <jflory7> bkp (Brian Proffitt) has done a lot of heavy lifting with the release announcement. I think it might be best to sync up with him to get the Magazine copy ready to go. 22:06:29 <jflory7> For the upgrade article, it's later than I wanted to have started on it, but I still plan to follow through on my original promise of no later than tomorrow, end of day for the upgrade article. 22:07:16 <stickster> jflory7: +1 22:07:52 <jflory7> Featured images will be needed for the upgrade article and the announcement. 22:08:47 * jflory7 can't think of anything else to cover here 22:08:58 <jflory7> We should be able to follow up with bkp tomorrow to get the Magazine draft going. 22:09:27 <stickster> I can do an image for the upgrade article... using a pattern from previous if that's OK 22:10:10 * jflory7 has no objections! 22:12:03 <ryanlerch> stickster: that sounds good! 22:12:11 <ryanlerch> i can do it up today too if you are too busy 22:12:46 <stickster> ryanlerch: I have some time, nowhere to be tonight 22:12:49 <stickster> let's split them uip 22:12:59 <stickster> #action ryanlerch do featured image for F25 GA announcement 22:13:07 <stickster> #action stickster do featured image for F25 upgrade article 22:13:33 <stickster> ryanlerch: the placeholder for the announcement exists already, so you can add the image there when ready 22:13:41 <ryanlerch> stickster++ 22:13:43 <jflory7> stickster++ 22:13:55 <stickster> ryanlerch: jflory7: Is there anything else we should cover on GA stuff? 22:14:47 <jflory7> I think it's just the big three articles, one of which is already scheduled. As long as we are on top of the announcement and upgrade article, I think we're good. We can discuss scheduled towards the end of the meeting. 22:15:56 <ryanlerch> typically, the announce goes out at the release time, right? 22:16:08 <ryanlerch> and the upgrade one an hour or two later? 22:16:27 * jflory7 nods 22:16:51 <jflory7> And we usually push those manually, as far as I can remember. 22:17:09 <ryanlerch> jflory7: yes, always 22:17:23 <jflory7> Sweet. 22:17:27 <stickster> sorry for being slow here guys -- dealing with an appliance delivery/installation here at home :-) 22:17:30 <jflory7> Nothing else here from me, then. 22:17:30 <stickster> I'm back now 22:17:33 <jflory7> No worries! 22:17:38 <ryanlerch> stickster: new fridge? 22:17:53 <stickster> ryanlerch: washer/dryer 22:18:02 <ryanlerch> :) 22:18:10 <stickster> jflory7: So should I schedule the What's New in F25 Workstation article for the Wed *after* release? 22:18:17 <stickster> that might make more sense than pushing all three in one day 22:18:28 <stickster> esp so we don't run short on the schedule 22:18:30 <jflory7> stickster: I was kind of thinking Monday, in prep for the release 22:18:39 <jflory7> Building momentum 22:18:50 <stickster> jflory7: I guess that would work too -- I would need to just tweak it to remove the reference to the release announcement 22:18:57 <jflory7> Ooh, yeah. 22:18:59 <stickster> it was designed to point to "get your copy today" 22:19:06 <stickster> sorry, s/announcement// 22:19:28 <jflory7> I see. We could do it Wednesday instead, but I think having release-type content at the start of the week will be good to do 22:19:46 <stickster> *nod 22:19:59 <stickster> I'm OK either way 22:20:11 <jflory7> #action stickster Update the "What's new in F25" post to remove reference from release announcement to "get it tomorrow!" 22:20:11 <stickster> #action stickster tweak What's New in F25 Workstation article so it can go out Monday 22:20:15 <jflory7> Whoops. :) 22:20:15 <stickster> oops 22:20:20 <stickster> *double-jinx!!! 22:20:26 <jflory7> It's kind of scary how often this happens. 22:20:29 <stickster> #undo 22:20:29 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by stickster at 22:20:11 : stickster tweak What's New in F25 Workstation article so it can go out Monday 22:20:36 <jflory7> :) 22:20:38 <stickster> heh 22:21:33 <stickster> So, if I can suggest a special order for this agenda... (1) jonny_ is here about an article he proposed via our Feedback panel, might make sense to put that up front; (2) instead of running through the queues, target the schedule for next week so we can be confident of Thanksgiving week 22:21:50 <jflory7> Yup, I was thinking the same since we won't meet next week. 22:22:32 <jonny_> +1 22:22:39 <ryanlerch> +1 22:23:32 * jflory7 just read the suggestion! 22:23:54 <jonny_> I am the packager of Electrum, a Bitcoin wallet 22:23:55 <jflory7> This would be super cool. :) 22:24:02 <stickster> Cool 22:24:06 <stickster> #topic Electrum pitch 22:24:55 <jonny_> The review have been aproved, but we would like to wait for upstream to confirm some license questions before we import the package 22:25:34 <stickster> jonny_: makes sense. Obviously we can give you space/perms to draft the article in advance, and hold the publication until ready 22:25:35 <ryanlerch> jonny_: are you thinking we publish the post when it is available in the repos? 22:25:45 <stickster> WE ALL HAVE ONE BRAIN HERE 22:25:59 <jflory7> This makes sense. Is there any kind of expected ETA for the final approval? 22:26:06 <jonny_> It depends on our audience 22:26:11 <ryanlerch> jstickryanflory7 22:26:21 <jflory7> :) 22:26:43 <jonny_> jflory7, I would say that I import it during the weekend, so it will be in rawhide soon 22:26:50 <jflory7> Oh! That's good to know. 22:27:01 <jonny_> The ETA for Fedora 25 depends on the testing 22:27:20 <jflory7> jonny_: Would you want to /tentatively/ set a deadline for a first draft on Friday, Nov. 25? And if all is well, maybe publish on Wednesday, Nov. 30? 22:27:45 <jflory7> Or closer to when it hits the stable repos 22:27:53 <jonny_> I think that sounds like a good date 22:27:59 <jflory7> Okay, awesome! 22:28:28 <jflory7> That would work well. Although I keep forgetting next week is a US holiday, but I'm sure if you are in the US or not. If you end up needing more time, it's not a big deal. 22:28:34 <jflory7> * I am not sure if 22:28:55 <jonny_> So then I write an article that expect the user to be able to install it for Fedora 25 from the released repo? 22:29:10 <jflory7> jonny_: I think assuming a default of Fedora 25 is fair. 22:29:30 <stickster> jonny_: Yes, correct 22:30:11 * ryanlerch wonders if we should monitor some of the new package imports to see if there is anything interesting we can write about like electum in the future 22:30:25 <jflory7> ryanlerch: Not a bad idea either. 22:30:32 * jflory7 notes we're at halfway point 22:30:40 <ryanlerch> jonny_: thanks for reaching out! it will be good to have more of this on the magazine 22:30:44 <jonny_> I noticed that mp3 libraries are showing up in the package database 22:31:03 <jflory7> Yeah, definitely! Thanks for bringing this to us, jonny_! jonny++ 22:31:03 <zodbot> jflory7: Karma for jonny changed to 1 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:31:08 <ryanlerch> yeah, spot tweeted about that, but wasnt sure of the deets 22:31:16 <stickster> jonny_: Yes! 22:31:18 <ryanlerch> jonny++ 22:31:19 <zodbot> ryanlerch: Karma for jonny changed to 2 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:31:24 <jflory7> Hmmm, wonder if spot would be interested in writing something for that... :) 22:31:28 <stickster> ryanlerch: that would be a really cool thing to appear in F25 Workstation What's New, huh 22:31:34 <jflory7> We had a *lot* of engagement on Twitter about it. 22:31:40 <jonny_> Great to hear that you want to include an article about Bitcoin/Electrum :) 22:32:45 * jflory7 does some quick markup for the minutes 22:33:02 <jflory7> #agreed Electrum article would be a great fit for the Magazine! +1, pitch is approved! 22:33:10 * stickster updates What's New 22:33:19 <stickster> +1! 22:33:30 <jflory7> #info Tentatively agreed on first draft deadline of Friday, Nov. 25, possible publication date of Wednesday, Nov. 30 22:33:35 <stickster> bitcoin + blockchain are huge topics in OSS now 22:33:49 <stickster> Anything else to discuss on this article? 22:33:55 * jflory7 has nothing else 22:34:02 <jflory7> I think we can jump into holiday post scheduling :) 22:34:43 <stickster> #topic Holiday schedule 22:35:25 <stickster> jflory7: so right now, we have a choice for tomorrow of either an Inkscape article (I don't know if one exists yet), or the Introducing Hubs article (done) 22:35:38 <stickster> Monday is What's New in F25 Workstation, iiuc 22:35:48 <stickster> Tuesday would be GA announcement, and upgrade article 22:35:54 <ryanlerch> stickster: lets go with the hubs one 22:36:17 <ryanlerch> was having issues with my gif animator this week, so wont have an inkscape one ready 22:36:20 <stickster> ryanlerch: Can do, do you think Inkscape for next Friday would be possible? 22:36:29 * stickster really was hoping ryanlerch would not be the one writing all these, though 22:36:29 <ryanlerch> next friday! for sure! 22:37:27 <stickster> okey dokey then 22:37:32 <stickster> So that leaves Wed/Thu 22:37:40 <stickster> I would say one more on Wed would suffice 22:38:19 <jflory7> Fri, Nov. 18: Fedora Hubs 101 (devyani7); Mon, Nov. 21: What's new F25 Workstation (stickster); Tue, Nov. 22: GA announcement (bkp?) + upgrading 101 (jflory7); Wed, Nov. 23: ???; Fri, Nov. 25: Inkscape series (ryanlerch); Mon, Nov. 28: HDYF (cprofitt); Wed, Nov. 30: Electrum / Bitcoin on Fedora (jonny_) 22:38:25 <jflory7> ^ this is how I'm seeing it right now 22:38:33 <jflory7> *? 22:38:46 <stickster> yup yup -- is cprofitt good for that 28th? 22:38:57 <ryanlerch> FWIW, we typically put mattdm's name on the announcmenet, right? 22:39:02 <stickster> ryanlerch: correct 22:39:09 <stickster> ryanlerch: feel free to fix that if I goofed up 22:39:20 <jflory7> stickster: We had originally aimed for Nov. 25 in channel, but I think we could probably push it back to Monday. He had one in progress he was hoping to share next week. 22:39:29 <ryanlerch> stickster: havent checked, was just confirming :) 22:39:47 <stickster> jflory7: makes sense... important point, I may not be around on Wednesday to edit and not sure about weekend either 22:39:56 <jflory7> I'll be available to edit next week. 22:40:05 <stickster> jflory7: so if we could get it by Mon/Tue I'm happy to help 22:40:16 * stickster sees jflory7 doing so many things and worries he's flat out 22:40:31 <stickster> ryanlerch: OK 22:40:41 <jflory7> That raises a good point that I wanted to mention, though. 22:41:18 <jflory7> I'll be able to do some heavy-lifting next week, but at the start of December until at least December 20 or so, my time will be barebones minimal with finals beginning. 22:41:20 <stickster> ryanlerch: I fixed it 22:41:36 <stickster> jflory7: ooof, yeah, that's to be expected 22:41:56 <stickster> Hopefully ryanlerch and I can pick up slack -- and/or start to get more things in the queue from other people 22:42:00 <jflory7> So I'm happy to do some extra work next week, but hopefully some others can help pick up for me for the first half of December. :) 22:42:26 <stickster> jflory7: you are a gentleman and a scholar, sir 22:42:36 <ryanlerch> #info jflory7 on hiatus from December 1 to December 20 22:42:48 <ryanlerch> jflory7++ 22:42:54 * jflory7 thinks he has that in Fedocal, but will double-check to be sure 22:42:55 <ryanlerch> good luck with your exams! 22:43:05 <jflory7> ryanlerch: Thanks!! 22:43:07 <stickster> We should also make sure to have an on-deck plan for social media... typically I try to check at least 3-4 times a week whether the latest article had a media push, and if not, I do it 22:43:20 <stickster> happy to continue doing that 22:43:32 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah, i regularly check too and post 22:43:39 <ryanlerch> i sometimes miss the telegram feed 22:43:39 <jflory7> Do you mean posting on social media or monitoring for engagement / interaction? 22:44:01 <jflory7> The ones I actively check on are FB + Twitter + Google+ + Reddit + Telegram. 22:44:17 <jflory7> With Tweetdeck, I've also been peeking in on our Twitter engagements and interacting with our followers 22:44:30 <jflory7> Not as much the case on Facebook or Google+, but Tweetdeck really makes it easy 22:44:56 <ryanlerch> jflory7: the IG feed is growing now too 22:45:14 <jflory7> Ooh, yeah, and IG too. I've tried doing the Stories thing and that's gone well too :) 22:45:21 * jflory7 took a page from the Mozillagram 22:46:12 <jflory7> Anyways 22:46:24 <stickster> ryanlerch: I'm not on it 22:46:40 <jflory7> Any ideas on something we can fill Wednesday, Nov. 23rd with? 22:46:41 <stickster> jflory7: I mean pushing the article link to sm... FB + Twitter + Google are the sum of mine 22:46:43 <langdon> .hello langdon 22:46:44 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 22:47:02 <ryanlerch> stickster: we don't post to it with every magazine post like the others 22:47:02 <jflory7> stickster: Gotcha. I think we're doing pretty well with that – bkp definitely kicks butt on the days we miss too 22:47:18 <stickster> so... quick interjection here... you guys know the MS SQL article that ryanlerch is finalizing to go out any minute now 22:47:20 <ryanlerch> evening langdon 22:47:20 <jflory7> langdon: o/ 22:47:38 <jflory7> stickster: Yup, I'm +1 to publish there. 22:47:39 <stickster> langdon has a similar process for Docker... I thought we could easily add that to a second article (I'm happy to write copy around it) and have that set up for next week ;-) 22:47:41 <ryanlerch> stickster: i should be off it now 22:47:52 <ryanlerch> added the image 22:48:02 <stickster> ryanlerch: brilliant! I'll push it now if jflory7 is +1 then 22:48:11 <stickster> get it out while the topic is hot 22:48:13 <jflory7> I am definitely +1 22:48:26 <stickster> there it goes! 22:48:29 <jflory7> stickster: If langdon is up to get something out in time for next Wednesday, that would be *awesome* 22:48:54 <stickster> langdon is almost done with the process I think... we just need to make sure it's verified on a clean machien 22:48:59 <stickster> *machine even 22:49:19 * jflory7 nods 22:49:28 <jflory7> Is this something we think we can deliver on for next Wednesday? 22:49:47 <langdon> it isn't terribly janky ;) 22:51:11 <langdon> its a docker container.. so it really shouldn't be hard to prove 22:51:15 <langdon> yeah.. i can probably do it tonight 22:51:16 <stickster> agreed 22:51:27 <stickster> jflory7: yeah, should be dead easy for me to write up copy around it in like 15 min 22:51:36 <jflory7> langdon: Okay, awesome! Then, on that note, here's what I propose... 22:51:38 <stickster> langdon++ 22:51:38 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for langdon changed to 11 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:52:00 <langdon> stickster, ohh.. you writing the post? thats what i meant i could probably do tonight :) 22:52:05 <stickster> #info stickster just pushed the FB/G+/Tw for the SQL Server article too -- go forth and RT/share! 22:52:17 <stickster> langdon: oh, if you could it would be great, I have a few other things to write already 22:52:23 <jflory7> #proposed Fri, Nov. 18: Fedora Hubs 101 (devyani7); Mon, Nov. 21: What's new F25 Workstation (stickster); Tue, Nov. 22: GA announcement (bkp?) + upgrading 101 (jflory7); Wed, Nov. 23: Docker article (langdon/stickster); Fri, Nov. 25: Inkscape series (ryanlerch); Mon, Nov. 28: HDYF (cprofitt); Wed, Nov. 30: Electrum / Bitcoin on Fedora (jonny_) 22:52:26 <stickster> langdon: but if you can't, I can still do it 22:52:31 <jflory7> I'm obviously +1 22:52:42 <stickster> jflory7: +1 22:52:49 <stickster> this is looking solid as heck 22:52:55 <jflory7> +1000 22:53:18 <langdon> jflory7, btw.. i never got to telling you.. that modularity & containers article should go in the trash 22:53:35 <langdon> i have a copy somewhere anyway so I can rewrite it if i get to it 22:53:35 <jflory7> langdon: On the CommBlog? Okay, good to know, I will do so! Thanks. 22:53:57 <jflory7> ryanlerch: Above schedule sound good to you as well? 22:55:07 <langdon> jflory7, yeah.. sorry.. i thought this was about both.. 22:55:14 <stickster> silence gives consent? ;-D 22:55:22 <langdon> umm .. fm.o just went belly up for me 22:55:39 <stickster> looks OK here 22:55:48 <stickster> I'll purge the cache to be sure 22:55:57 <stickster> still fine 22:55:59 <jflory7> Is also up on my end 22:56:09 <ryanlerch> +1 for the schedule form me 22:56:12 <stickster> langdon: computers are mean and do not like you 22:56:14 <langdon> downforeveryone says it is just me though 22:56:20 * jflory7 inks a pen to make it official 22:56:21 <stickster> :-) 22:56:27 <jflory7> #info Fri, Nov. 18: Fedora Hubs 101 (devyani7); Mon, Nov. 21: What's new F25 Workstation (stickster); Tue, Nov. 22: GA announcement (bkp?) + upgrading 101 (jflory7); Wed, Nov. 23: Docker article (langdon/stickster); Fri, Nov. 25: Inkscape series (ryanlerch); Mon, Nov. 28: HDYF (cprofitt); Wed, Nov. 30: Electrum / Bitcoin on Fedora (jonny_) 22:56:37 <stickster> awesome 22:56:37 <jflory7> \o/ 22:56:50 <langdon> i keep seeming to get network bubbles the last 20m or so.. i thought it was just ssh.. but i think it might be wider 22:57:01 <stickster> hmj 22:57:23 <langdon> how long does it take for start.fp.o to pick up latest? 22:57:26 <jflory7> devyani7++ stickster++ bkp++ langdon++ ryanlerch++ cprofitt++ jonny++ Cookies all around to next week's authors. Looking like it will be a good week. 22:57:30 <stickster> #topic Open floor (all other business) 22:57:36 <stickster> Anything else we should cover? 22:57:46 <stickster> langdon: I think it takes at least a few minutes, maybe <= 30? 22:57:47 * langdon promises to stop distracting the meeting 22:57:56 <stickster> np langdon :-) 22:58:03 <jflory7> Happy turkey day next week, for the Americans. :) 22:58:26 * stickster suggests everyone brine theirs for best results 22:58:36 <langdon> mmmm turkey 22:58:47 <jflory7> Oh, maybe one thing, as a consideration for a later time— 22:59:24 * ryanlerch might cook a kangaroo roast 22:59:36 <stickster> ryanlerch: +1 22:59:43 <jflory7> In mid-January, I'll be moving overseas until May, possibly August. The meeting time may or may not work for me after then, but we can check in and see how things are once January comes around 23:00:11 <stickster> jflory7: Oh good point -- we can definitely move this meeting around though... maybe something early morning US Eastern that wouldn't be too late for Ryan 23:00:26 * jflory7 nods 23:00:41 <jflory7> Heh, the team will almost be evenly distributed across the planet 23:00:56 <stickster> or we pick a night when you know you'll be around late anyway 23:01:01 * jflory7 nods 23:01:03 <stickster> either way... we'll burn that bridge when we get to it 23:01:16 <stickster> Anything else? I need to put out minutes and run upstairs, dinner has been served 23:01:32 <jflory7> Ooh, yeah, we're over time. I have nothing else, +1 to close. :) 23:01:45 <stickster> Thanks for coming everyone! 23:01:47 <stickster> #endmeeting