22:00:01 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 22:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 12 22:00:01 2017 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 22:00:05 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 22:00:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 22:00:06 <stickster> #topic Roll call 22:00:08 <stickster> .hello pfrields 22:00:09 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 22:01:52 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 22:01:53 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 22:01:54 * jflory7 waves 22:02:02 <stickster> #chair jflory7 22:02:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7 stickster 22:02:04 <stickster> Hi Justin! 22:02:13 <jflory7> Hey Paul! 22:02:27 <jflory7> Happy belated New Year, by the way! 22:02:42 <stickster> #info ryanlerch has to miss this meeting unexpectedly, minor medical emergency at his house 22:03:25 <stickster> Happy new year :-) 22:03:33 <stickster> Sorry for being slow, I'm fully here now. 22:03:47 <jflory7> No worries, I was also getting settled 22:03:56 <jflory7> Hope everything is well with ryanlerch :( 22:04:07 <stickster> it'll be ok, family member has a tummy bug 22:04:16 <stickster> just due diligence hopefully 22:04:23 <jflory7> Ooh, gotcha. Those are no fun. 22:04:29 <stickster> jflory7: if it's just you and me, I guess we can roll pretty quickly here 22:04:34 * jflory7 nods 22:04:36 <stickster> #topic Last week review 22:04:46 <jflory7> Let's do it. I am a little behind on things, though, but I'm getting caught up. 22:05:03 <stickster> jflory7: no worries, we'll keep it light. ryanlerch said he'd be happy to take some actions too 22:05:07 <stickster> #nick ryanlerch 22:05:55 <stickster> #info Last week was approx 52K hits, keeping up with "better than avg" trend lately 22:06:03 <smooge> yay 22:06:18 <jflory7> We'll have to see if the "better than average" becomes the average... :) 22:06:26 <stickster> +1 22:06:45 <stickster> #info "How to install Apache" article scheduled for tomorrow already 22:06:52 <stickster> #topic Pending review 22:07:10 <jflory7> There is one, I know. 22:07:11 <stickster> #info Nothing in Pending Review at this time 22:07:15 <jflory7> It was in drafts, just moved it 22:07:25 <stickster> jflory7: Aha! 22:07:27 <stickster> #undo 22:07:27 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by stickster at 22:07:11 : Nothing in Pending Review at this time 22:07:53 * jflory7 isn't sure about any of the other nine drafts, so we may want to either move some to holding pen or check on status when we get there 22:08:06 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending&post_type=post 22:08:13 <stickster> jflory7: agree 105% 22:08:30 <stickster> #info --- Access Docker Daemon of Fedora Atomic Host Remotely --- 22:08:32 <stickster> #link 22:08:35 <stickster> doh 22:08:46 * stickster waits for jflory7 to drop in link instead 22:09:05 <stickster> #undo 22:09:05 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x40751950> 22:09:10 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=16137&preview=1&_ppp=4380ae8a4f 22:09:15 <stickster> <-- worst sec'y ever 22:09:51 <jflory7> Heheh, you can maybe blame it on getting back into habits after the holiday :) 22:10:20 <stickster> Yes. Yes, that is what I shall do. :-D In any case, looks like this trishnag article is... really complete? Looks that way. Just some style edits? 22:10:29 <jflory7> I was about to say the same. 22:10:48 <jflory7> The material matter is out of my domain, but the article looks solid. Maybe just some headers and a little bit of editing and it should be ready. 22:10:50 <jflory7> Plus a featured image. 22:11:05 <jflory7> trishnag++ for the sweet article 22:11:10 <stickster> jflory7: I can style-edit this and do the image, I have some time tonight unexpectedly 22:11:28 <jflory7> Okay, awesome, I'm tight for time after the meeting, so that works out well. :) 22:11:37 <stickster> #action stickster style edit the Docker/FAH article and do image, schedule for Monday 2017-Jan-16 22:11:54 <jflory7> (for the record, I found one more hidden article that should be pending - is now moved) 22:12:11 * stickster refreshses 22:12:17 <stickster> and loses his speling license 22:12:44 <stickster> #info --- Redshift --- 22:12:53 <jflory7> Oops ;) 22:12:58 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=16074&preview=1&_ppp=c074e2aece 22:13:31 <stickster> Man I really don't like our blockquote style for quoting. It works great for an excerpt, but not so much for a quotation itself. I'd probably advise to pull that into the paragraph 22:13:32 <jflory7> I remember some controversy with this article in lieu of Wayland, but I see that is addressed now. 22:13:52 <jflory7> Yeah, I feel the same way on quotes. :/ 22:14:06 <stickster> There are a bunch of other formatting things to fix, from looking at the preview, but nothing difficult 22:14:15 <jflory7> #action jflory7 File an issue in the Magazine theme about changing around how blockquotes appear (cc: ryanlerch) 22:14:25 <jflory7> Yeah, I feel the same here. 22:15:02 <jflory7> It might help if ryanlerch could help cover this one. My time this next week is little to none (will explain more at open floor). 22:15:24 <stickster> jflory7: that shouldn't be difficult, he volunteered as much when I chatted with him earlier 22:15:36 <jflory7> Okay, awesome! 22:15:50 <stickster> #action ryanlerch edit and provide featured image for Redshift article, for publishing Wed 2017-Jan-18 22:16:27 <stickster> OK, that takes care of PR 22:16:49 <stickster> jflory7: maybe we should take a moment to discuss availability before we hit drafts, so we don't run out of time? 22:16:59 <jflory7> Yeah, that works for me. 22:17:12 <stickster> #topic Editorial cycles/availability upcoming 22:17:19 <jflory7> It's not too much to say– 22:18:16 <jflory7> But next week, I'll be moving overseas to Croatia for the next five months. My travel plans will likely interfere with next week's meeting, so I don't think I'll be here for that (if I am, then bonus points). 22:18:29 <stickster> WOW 22:19:02 <jflory7> I also think the current meeting time should work well for me, ironically. So hopefully there won't have to be any changing of meeting time. It'll just be on the later side for me. 22:19:17 <stickster> WOW*2 22:19:30 <stickster> OK, sounds like an exciting time for you, jflory7 ! 22:19:30 <jflory7> Yeah, seriously, I don't know if that ever happens :P 22:19:39 * stickster now makes things a little more complicated 22:19:42 <jflory7> I am very excited for the next few months! :) 22:19:52 <jflory7> Thanks Paul. 22:21:06 <stickster> Next Thursday afternoon (EST) I'm leaving for a short holiday in London with my wife. I'll be completely AFK until Tuesday night CET (afternoon EST) when I get to Brno for DevConf.cz. And the next week will be very busy, so I don't expect to have any real time to edit or such. 22:21:44 <stickster> So my outage looks basically like Jan 19 - Jan 31. I should be at the 2017-Feb-02 meeting, though. 22:22:02 <jflory7> Oh, wow, that sounds awesome! Hope you have a good time in London. And I'll see you in Brno too. :) 22:22:11 <stickster> that's what I hear, looking forward to it jflory7 22:22:55 <stickster> So I was thinking I may do 2-3 short articles that can be held in PR and Ryan can publish them as needed 22:23:04 <jflory7> Hmm, actually, with you mentioning DevConf, I actually don't know if I will be around for that meeting either. I also don't think I'll be around for the meeting that following week because I'll be traveling then too. 22:23:13 <stickster> I was hoping we might see a HDYF from cprofitt too, but no guarantees 22:23:31 <jflory7> Yeah, that's definitely going to be a good idea. I've had an article in my pipeline that I wanted to write about Matrix / Riot, so I'll see if I can get that into the queue for an easy schedule 22:23:35 <stickster> We may just want to plan on list, or here in channel with Ryan tonight, how to fill up the queu 22:23:35 * jflory7 nods 22:23:59 <stickster> That way we don't either (1) bury him in Magazine work, or (2) go dry while we're out 22:24:06 <jflory7> Yeah, we might want to find some time to sync up with him on that - for me, mailing list will be easier, at least just for this coming week 22:24:09 * stickster chortles at the idea of "going dry" in Brno 22:24:17 <jflory7> Heheh. 22:24:56 <jflory7> But yeah, definitely will want to do our best to not pin everything onto ryanlerch for the next few weeks. So preemptive planning should definitely be a priority, preferably before end of week. 22:25:04 <jflory7> * before the end of this week 22:26:01 <stickster> #action jflory7 stickster ryanlerch meet and plan how to keep queue filled during next two weeks while various outages happen 22:26:11 * jflory7 nods 22:26:43 <stickster> OK, on to drafts 22:26:48 <stickster> #topic Drafts 22:27:01 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft 22:27:41 <stickster> btw jflory7 ... I'm thinking, let's not spin too many wheels on this topic 22:28:07 <jflory7> How do you mean? 22:28:30 <stickster> i.e. shelve the things that are out of date, clean up the category, and assume we'll plan e.g. Friday 2017-Jan-20 and forward tonight w/ ryanlerch 22:29:00 <stickster> I already have an idea for an article a la tomorrow's Apache that I can crank out in an hour to be ready for 20th, and several more ideas beyond that 22:29:07 <stickster> all of which are high-value SEO search targets 22:29:54 <jflory7> Yep, 100% agreed. 22:30:37 * jflory7 is filing the issue against the theme / replying to author emails in list, so is a tad slow to respond for a bit 22:30:42 <stickster> cool 22:32:52 <stickster> #idea trash the old, untouched drafts for privacy in Firefox and network namespace 22:34:55 <jflory7> Might be best for now. Looks like it's been since November when they were last edited. 22:34:58 <stickster> Also, I still would love to see puiterwijk articles on our spam defense and using rpm-ostree in a workstation 22:35:09 <jflory7> +1, those are definitely exciting topics for me too :) 22:35:42 <stickster> but it doesn't seem like he's got much time for these and he's always helping with other stuff 22:36:38 <puiterwijk> One of these days. I've at least gotten the hang of writing some stuff again recently :) 22:37:20 <stickster> puiterwijk: :-) We'd love these but I understand you have more critical stuff on your plate... We can move them to the "Holding Pen" for now, perhaps? 22:37:34 <stickster> that way they stay out of the agenda until something happens 22:37:49 <puiterwijk> Sure, sounds good 22:38:27 <jflory7> Sounds like a plan to me! 22:38:39 <stickster> #agreed trashed above drafts 22:38:49 <linuxmodder> .fas linuxmodder 22:38:52 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 22:38:57 <stickster> #idea move rpm-ostree and spam defense articles to Holding Pen 22:39:09 <stickster> #agreed move Patrick's articles to HP as above 22:39:13 <stickster> o/ linuxmodder 22:39:16 <stickster> #chair linuxmodder 22:39:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7 linuxmodder stickster 22:39:38 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Evening! 22:39:42 <linuxmodder> evening 22:40:15 <linuxmodder> anyone have any objection to me trying to revive the verify ISO or securioty tips series articles? 22:40:26 <stickster> not at all 22:41:12 <linuxmodder> stickster, weren't those originally yours ? 22:41:27 <stickster> speaking for myself... one thing I would recommend for security tips is to focus on a shorter article about a specific use case or situation rather than "tell you all the things to make you safe" which is where I think the originals went awry 22:41:28 <jflory7> Yup, no objections here either! 22:41:57 <linuxmodder> stickster, define short ? 22:42:01 <stickster> linuxmodder: No, I think Sylvia started them but they never really got finished 22:42:09 <jflory7> stickster: Or to extend that idea a bit with an idea we discussed in December (I think??), but "five things you need to do to secure X" or that specific thing. 22:42:13 <stickster> linuxmodder: I was thinking 300-500 words 22:42:51 <stickster> jflory7: Yeah, exactly. And those "<N> steps to do <X>" articles score very highly in searches too 22:42:59 <jflory7> "Three ways to verify and trust ISO files" 22:43:01 <linuxmodder> jflory7, that is not bad but what Secure `X` things do we wanna target 22:43:03 <jflory7> Etc., etc. 22:43:24 <stickster> linuxmodder: "Three plugins for Firefox to boost your privacy" 22:43:37 <linuxmodder> that one might not jive well with the present verify tho jflory7 22:43:42 <jflory7> ^^ that would be a cool one to pick up 22:43:57 <jflory7> linuxmodder: I was just tossing out ideas, I assume you would be a little more familiar with the proper lingo to use there. 22:44:17 <stickster> "4 tips for clearing unused data off your hard disk" 22:44:21 <linuxmodder> sorry if it seems as if secure your stuff is the going mantra for me but no time for the more sysadmin-y stuff atm 22:44:37 <stickster> we like security articles 22:44:54 <jflory7> linuxmodder: No worries - security articles are fine, and we'd appreciate anything you have the time to write and put together. :) 22:45:19 <jflory7> stickster: Were there any remaining drafts we wanted to take a look at or double-check on status? 22:45:28 <linuxmodder> stickster, IF I promise to mantain the series would the original backup logic series be cool for a tag on to the security tips series 22:45:58 * jflory7 remembers sub_pop's article coming up in the past about the embedded terminal and is also not sure about the status on Modern Paste 22:46:05 <stickster> linuxmodder: are you talking about a specific earlier post? got a link? 22:46:17 <jflory7> Errr, not sub_pop for that one... 22:46:22 <stickster> jflory7: no change in embedded terminal article, doesn't work on Wayland 22:46:51 <stickster> jflory7: modernpaste *is* still alive, just waiting on deployment which should happen in the next week or two 22:47:00 <linuxmodder> `i seem to have missed the pitch for the testing packages draft where was that aimed? 22:47:18 <stickster> #action stickster make sure that relrod communicates back to Ryan when modernpaste is live 22:47:22 <linuxmodder> more the qa angle or the common user testing with fedora-easy-karma the draft is blank 22:47:29 <jflory7> stickster: *sad* I wonder if there's any merit publishing this with the disclaimer that it only works on X? I almost feel like it would be bad press to publish it and have to put extra emphasis that you have to use X for it to work. 22:47:43 <stickster> jflory7: *nod, agreed 22:47:46 <jflory7> I feel like this one might be best for the holding pen and we could try to recover it if support is ever added for Wayland 22:47:56 * relrod looks up 22:48:02 <stickster> linuxmodder: I think the author put that one aside in favor of the FreeOrion article, which included how to test but was focused on *what* to test 22:48:06 * jflory7 isn't sure if that's the kind of thing where support can be added or if it's a permanent, "not ever going to happen" sort of thing 22:48:20 <stickster> linuxmodder: I don't think he had the intention of finishing the generic one 22:48:29 <linuxmodder> stickster, so we just letting it placehold for the momement then? 22:48:34 <jflory7> sub_pop: Ping, do you happen to be around? 22:48:53 <stickster> linuxmodder: more like we should probably trash it to avoid drain buildup :-D 22:49:01 <sub_pop> hallo. what's up? 22:49:03 <linuxmodder> if so i'd motion or it to go to HP 22:49:04 <jflory7> The FreeOrion / testing packages articles were sub_pop's. 22:49:14 <jflory7> sub_pop: o/ 22:49:23 <stickster> jflory7: Ah! I forgot who did that, I look at "link" in the author name and drew a blank 22:49:27 <stickster> o/ sub_pop 22:49:40 <stickster> sub_pop: did you want to do a more general article on updates testing? 22:49:50 <sub_pop> i think that might still be worth doing. 22:49:58 <stickster> if so, it would be a great thing to publish toward end of month 22:49:59 <linuxmodder> sub_pop, were you planning to revisit the testing packages article or would you mind elaorating where you meant it to go ? 22:50:26 <stickster> *jinx 22:50:34 <jflory7> relrod: Oh, hey! We mentioned the Modern Paste article draft for the Fedora Magazine that you had started. If there's not any changes yet to the status, just let ryanlerch know once it's looking like it will be going live soon. :) 22:50:38 * linuxmodder is willing to put some cycles sub_pop 's way on that if he/she is up for reviving 22:50:54 <sub_pop> i think the idea was to show how to contribute to fedora by way of testing/bodhi karma 22:51:23 <linuxmodder> sub_pop, if you're still game for doing it I can /will help from the QA sanity check /ideas angle 22:51:23 <sub_pop> the freeorion article was a very narrowly-scoped prototype version of that concept 22:51:32 <stickster> *nod, a couple ways to do that sub_pop, between Bodhi web and fedora-easy-karma 22:51:43 <jflory7> sub_pop: A resource that may be helpful to you for writing this is a three-step series that was published in the Community Blog in the past. It would be cool to have a condensed, summarized version on the Magazine that we could then point back to some of the Community Blog articles. Let me grab those links really fast. 22:51:46 <sub_pop> but i like the more generic subject of using bodhi 22:51:49 <stickster> sub_pop: that freeorion article got good hits too :-) 22:51:55 <linuxmodder> fedora-easy-karma is not very hard even for a non cli loving user 22:52:03 <jflory7> sub_pop: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/getting-started-fedora-qa-part-1/ https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/getting-started-fedora-qa-part-2/ https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/getting-started-fedora-qa-part-3/ 22:52:28 <sub_pop> neat. i'll give those a read 22:52:32 <stickster> jflory7 neat idea -- in other words, the concept would be to distill those down into a single article with references out to the old ones? 22:52:37 <linuxmodder> that is actually exactly the same structure i was thinking of jflory7 22:52:43 <stickster> neat 22:52:43 <jflory7> ^^ these all cover a lot of different angles of testing / QA team. Some sort of nice summary in a single article would be cool. :) 22:52:50 <jflory7> stickster: That's what I was thinking, yeah! 22:53:06 <linuxmodder> and a nice pingback to them too even 22:53:48 <jflory7> Oh, yeah, for sure. So then if people wanted to dive deeper, they could read the full CommBlog series if they want to explore it more 22:54:07 * jflory7 notes we're in the final five minutes 22:54:09 <stickster> I would recommend looking at this series from the perspective that the reader doesn't *necessarily* want to join the QA team per se, but that it's a *possibility* 22:54:45 <stickster> So the three steps should concentrate on minimum work required, but then at appropriate steps, point to the bigger articles for more info on how to take it to the next level 22:54:49 <linuxmodder> or a hey I wanna make this or that package better how the heck do I put some effort in in the 'best practice' way 22:55:04 <stickster> yeah, exactly linuxmodder 22:55:11 <linuxmodder> been seeing a ton of that on telegram and #fedora lately 22:55:17 <stickster> thanks for clock watch jflory7 22:55:26 <linuxmodder> and that could be a great segway top -join as well 22:55:39 <jflory7> stickster: +1 22:55:55 <stickster> So, sub_pop + linuxmodder, do you think this is something you could do by, say Thu 26th? (two weeks out) 22:56:19 <linuxmodder> the *possibility* pointing to join and the respective qa and non qa teams too even 22:57:19 <linuxmodder> I'd personally prefer the 2nd but with sub_pop helping I'd say its possible 22:57:25 <linuxmodder> next week for me is tight is all 22:57:54 <stickster> sure, let's say 2017-Feb-02 22:57:59 <stickster> sub_pop: ? 22:58:40 <stickster> Well, discuss among yourselves then... we need to close up here for the evening :-) 22:58:47 <linuxmodder> kk noted 22:59:02 * jflory7 has to have a hard stop on the hour today :( 22:59:07 <stickster> jflory7: anything else to cover? with the caveat that we'll try to get with Ryan later about queue-stuffing 22:59:28 <jflory7> stickster: We covered the availability for this next month... so no, I feel like we're all set. 22:59:35 <jflory7> stickster: The Apache article you mentioned is for tomorrow? 22:59:41 <stickster> #action linuxmodder sub_pop discuss viability of distilled "how to test updates" article for 2017-Feb-02 and get back to us 22:59:48 <stickster> jflory7: correct 23:00:53 <jflory7> Okay, sweet. 23:01:03 <jflory7> Then yeah, I think we're all covered for the next week. 23:01:06 <jflory7> +1 to close out! 23:02:09 <stickster> Okey dokey 23:02:13 <stickster> #endmeeting