22:00:02 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 22:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 2 22:00:02 2017 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 22:00:03 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 22:00:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 22:00:04 <stickster> #topic Roll call 22:00:05 <stickster> .hello pfrields 22:00:06 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 22:00:15 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 22:00:16 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'Ryan Lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 22:00:35 <stickster> RYAN!!! Long time, no talk ;-) 22:00:43 <ryanlerch> :D 22:00:55 <stickster> #chair ryanlerch jflory7 22:00:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7 ryanlerch stickster 22:02:00 <ryanlerch> morning jflory7! 22:02:14 <stickster> Hmm, he might be jflory at the moment 22:02:16 <jflory> .hello jflory 22:02:17 <zodbot> jflory: Sorry, but you don't exist 22:02:19 <jflory> .hello jflory7 22:02:20 <zodbot> jflory: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 22:02:24 <stickster> lol 22:02:26 <stickster> #chair jflory 22:02:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory jflory7 ryanlerch stickster 22:02:29 <jflory> Yeah, hanging out on webchat for now. :P 22:02:43 * jflory waves to ryanlerch and stickster 22:02:55 <stickster> #info Full disclosure: stickster is just catching up today and is behind on prep for this meeting 22:02:59 * jflory also goes to grab a charger really quick 22:03:10 <stickster> #topic Credit/kudos 22:03:28 <stickster> #info Thank you ryanlerch for keeping things running smoothly while jflory and stickster were out last two weeks! 22:03:41 <stickster> .kudos ryanlerch 22:03:57 <ryanlerch> thanks for all the prep you all did before too! it helped a lot! 22:04:02 <ryanlerch> stickster++ 22:04:04 <stickster> *sigh, I don't know the proper zod command 22:04:10 <ryanlerch> jflory++ 22:04:10 <zodbot> ryanlerch: Karma for jflory7 changed to 24 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:04:11 <stickster> ryanlerch++ 22:04:44 <stickster> #topic Last week's stats 22:04:46 <jflory> ryanlerch++ ryanlerch++ ryanlerch++ 22:05:17 <jflory> .thank ryanlerch 22:05:17 <zodbot> jflory thinks ryanlerch is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please don't forget to ryanlerch++ also) 22:05:20 <stickster> The great news is that overall our stats are up vs. pre-F25, pretty regularly 22:05:42 <stickster> And ryanlerch did a great post to the list showing the actual quantities... up YoY as well 22:06:46 <jflory> Sounding good to me. :) 22:06:51 <ryanlerch> #info Just a quick update on our stats for Jan 2017. For the month of January, we had 237,642 pageviews. This was a 43% increase over the stats for Jan 2016 (166,040 pageviews). It was also a 19% increase over our monthly average for 2016 (199,570 pageviews) 22:06:58 <stickster> \o/ 22:07:37 <stickster> Anything else here, or should we move on to getting posts rolling? 22:07:38 <ryanlerch> for a non-release month, to exceed our average by 20% is pretty good IMHO 22:07:49 <stickster> ryanlerch: Agreed, that's very good 22:07:53 <ryanlerch> posts! 22:08:09 <stickster> we haven't taken as much of a downward dip after release, which is really cool. I tend to think good press for the F25 release helped a lot 22:08:17 <stickster> i.e. more users coming in, more interest 22:08:48 <jflory> ryanlerch: +1 22:08:54 <stickster> shall we move on? 22:08:56 <jflory> I think that's a fair conclusion. 22:09:20 <jflory> Yep, I think we can move on. 22:09:40 <stickster> #topic Pending review 22:09:43 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending&post_type=post 22:09:51 <stickster> #info --- Security tips #1 --- 22:10:00 <stickster> https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=14609&preview=1&_ppp=5012dde91a 22:10:04 * jflory has a tentative one to put out for pending review that isn't actually in the queue yet 22:10:34 <ryanlerch> the HDYF one in there is slated to go out today, FYI 22:10:50 <stickster> ryanlerch: cool, we'll hop on that in a moment too 22:10:56 <stickster> So for this one, I have an idea 22:11:11 <stickster> linuxmodder reviewed the concepts in this article and they're solid 22:11:30 <stickster> the other article mashes up a bunch of topics in a way that I think is less actionable for readers 22:11:46 <stickster> how about having this one edited and just putting it out without marking as a series? 22:12:11 <stickster> i.e. "Protect yourself on public or shared computers" 22:12:31 <linuxmodder> say what now? multi tasking 22:12:34 <jflory> Yeah, since we don't have an active author to carry the series, I see no reason to have it as a series 22:12:58 <linuxmodder> ah sec tips #1 is solid still need to redo part 2 and 3 22:13:17 <linuxmodder> we DO jflory I just got busy last week 22:13:22 * stickster will volunteer to edit this article but isn't really feeling great about doing the others 22:13:23 <jflory> stickster: Maybe "5 tips for protecting yourself on public or shared computers"? I know we discussed that tagline but I can't remember if it was actually tied to improved reading results. 22:13:27 <linuxmodder> but feel free to can it if you wish 22:13:28 <stickster> jflory: BINGO 22:13:40 <jflory> linuxmodder: Ah, sorry, I thought this was Sylvia's and then you added edits. 22:13:41 <stickster> jflory: it is indeed good for SEO resuls 22:14:01 <jflory> Okay, cool, then let's do it :) 22:14:13 <linuxmodder> jflory, at this point do what you wish and let me know I'm done fighting the series author battle 22:14:15 <ryanlerch> yeah, no real need to have this one ina series, IMHO 22:14:24 * stickster wants to honor linuxmodder contributions on this article 22:14:38 <linuxmodder> stickster, don't its not worth it imo 22:14:59 <linuxmodder> it was mostly grammatical stuff anyway it was rather sound to begin with 22:15:32 * jflory is a week or two behind so I wasn't 100% on credit, didn't mean to step on toes 22:15:46 <x3mboy> .hello x3mboy 22:15:47 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 22:15:50 <jflory> Anyways, we can do some style edits and get this one ready for next week? 22:15:50 <x3mboy> o/ 22:16:02 <x3mboy> Sorry, Am O late??? 22:16:10 <x3mboy> s/O/I/g 22:16:18 <jflory> x3mboy: Not too late to jump in :) 22:16:32 <jflory> #chair x3mboy linuxmodder 22:16:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory jflory7 linuxmodder ryanlerch stickster x3mboy 22:17:31 <stickster> x3mboy: o/ 22:17:37 <linuxmodder> stickster, unless otherwise stated by me if I'm only doing edits no need to mention my name if I author something then sure 22:17:48 <stickster> jflory: but to answer your question, yeah 22:17:49 <linuxmodder> jflory, ryanlerch saem to you folks 22:17:58 * jflory nods to linuxmodder 22:18:10 <jflory> stickster: Cool - maybe best to pick dates towards the end of the meeting. 22:18:36 <stickster> *nod 22:18:43 <ryanlerch> stickster: +1 22:18:56 <stickster> #action stickster to edit for style/text, and do featured image 22:19:07 <stickster> #info --- HDYF: Michael Larabel --- 22:19:14 <ryanlerch> stickster: i can take the featured image 22:19:20 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=16290&action=edit 22:19:23 <stickster> ryanlerch: SURE! 22:19:48 * jflory also has a featured image request in another minute! ;) 22:19:58 * stickster makes o_O eyes, that's AWESOME to have Michael on one of these. I knew he used Fedora and writes the articles at Phoronix targeted at it, but still cool to see him in a HDYF :-) 22:20:46 <ryanlerch> this one is stated for release at 0800 today / tomorrow for y'all 22:20:56 <stickster> woop woop! 22:21:14 <stickster> #info nothing to do, this goes out Friday 2017-Feb-03 UTC 0800 22:21:14 <ryanlerch> i think the only thing we need to add here is a link to phoronix at the first mention of it 22:21:16 * jflory wants to see if he can make an adjustment to that publishing schedule 22:21:37 <stickster> ryanlerch: I think it's in there, actually 22:21:51 <jflory> stickster, ryanlerch: I wanted to pitch a timely article for tomorrow about FOSDEM, if we could fit it in 22:22:03 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=16290&preview=1&_ppp=a8861ad5fc 22:22:23 <jflory> And possibly bump the HDYF to Monday. 22:22:45 <ryanlerch> oh, i musta been looking at an old preview or something 22:22:47 <ryanlerch> weird 22:22:55 <stickster> #topic We interrupt this program... 22:23:00 <stickster> Go jflory :-) 22:23:02 * jflory goes for the links 22:23:17 <ryanlerch> +100 for newsy posts! 22:23:18 <jflory> #info --- Fedora speakers at FOSDEM 2017 --- 22:23:27 <jflory> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=3388&preview=1&_ppp=951f33356a 22:23:50 <jflory> #info Post is in the CommBlog but would be moved to Magazine - details speaking arrangements for all 24 of our confirmed Fedora speakers this weekend in Brussels 22:24:33 <jflory> I have a few more speakers left to grab details / links for, but I'd like to push this out tomorrow morning. After talking with bexelbie, we both thought the Magazine might make a better, more general audience to help promote the presence of our Fedora speakers 22:24:53 <jflory> Along with social media coverage tomorrow morning and during the weekend. 22:24:58 <ryanlerch> jflory: is there also a fedora booth? 22:25:08 <ryanlerch> might be nice to mention that too 22:25:16 <stickster> ryanlerch: +1 22:25:21 <jflory> ryanlerch: There is! I mentioned it in the top section with a link to it, but I could make that much more prominent and give the names of the Ambassadors that will be there. 22:25:23 <jflory> ryanlerch++ 22:25:24 <ryanlerch> otherwise a +1 from me on this as soon as it is ready 22:25:32 <stickster> +1 here 22:25:45 <jflory> ryanlerch: I anticipate having content / edits done in another hour from when we finish, but could you help with a featured image here? 22:26:01 <jflory> It's getting late and I also think you'd be able to whip up something much nicer than me :) 22:26:27 <ryanlerch> jflory: is there an online schedule somewhere? maybe just talk titles/speaker and links to the talk might read better? 22:26:55 <ryanlerch> my first reation to reading it was it was kinda hard to quickly parse 22:27:06 <ryanlerch> sorry for being ciritial. 22:27:11 <jflory> ryanlerch: It is online, but there's no easy way to group them like this. Part of the intent for the article was to print it out at our table too and have it on screen. I am definitely open to suggestions on improving readability because it's a really, really long list 22:27:18 <jflory> ryanlerch: No, I completely see that too 22:28:03 <ryanlerch> but a huge +1 for this kind of content on the magazine 22:28:25 <jflory> If I had more time, a table would be nice to whip together 22:28:46 <ryanlerch> we should use the magazine more to promote events that are targeted at users IMHO 22:28:51 <stickster> jflory: Or maybe keep this one on the commblog, but distill the list to just person + title on FM? 22:29:08 <ryanlerch> stickster: ooh, i like that idea better! 22:29:10 <linuxmodder> list ? 22:29:12 * stickster wants to see this or some version of it on FM for sure 22:29:21 <jflory> stickster: Ooh, yeah, that could work. I can also outline the presence of the booth more heavily in the FM version 22:29:27 <jflory> +1 to going this route! 22:29:32 <stickster> linuxmodder: the list of talks in the article draft we're discussing 22:29:43 <stickster> jflory: oh, nice 22:29:48 <stickster> yeah, this sounds like the ticket 22:30:08 <jflory> Okay, cool - if ryanlerch can make the schnazzy featured image, then I think this will be all set. :) 22:30:19 <jflory> I will have last bit of content done within an hour of when we close 22:30:26 <stickster> coolio 22:30:38 <ryanlerch> jflory: will do this morning! 22:30:54 <ryanlerch> not sure how to attack this one though 22:31:02 <ryanlerch> might just be some text... 22:31:12 <linuxmodder> name + topic > read more link is my recommendation 22:31:18 <linuxmodder> or a slide deck link' 22:31:22 <ryanlerch> also, might be worth noting what kinda swag we have at the booth too if we know it 22:31:39 <ryanlerch> come grab a sticker! 22:31:55 <jflory> ryanlerch: I think we can grab the FOSDEM logo somewhere too, as well as a picture from last year 22:31:58 * ryanlerch stops shouting ideas into the IRCs 22:32:01 <stickster> heh 22:32:06 <jflory> ryanlerch: We can sync up after meeting 22:32:07 <jflory> *? 22:32:12 <ryanlerch> jflory: +1 22:32:20 <jflory> And yes, def mentioning swag at table too! We have all of our best goodies for FOSDEM. 22:32:32 <stickster> #agreed take FOSDEM article for tomorrow, push off HDYF to Monday 2017-02-06 22:32:54 <stickster> #agreed have a reduced-detail FM version linking as needed 22:33:09 <stickster> anything else on this? 22:33:23 <jflory> Nope! ryanlerch and I can follow up post-meeting :) 22:33:38 <stickster> #topic Drafts 22:33:40 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type=post&orderby=date&order=desc 22:33:59 <stickster> So there's a new-ish thing here, XMind 8, but no text yet. Everything else in Drafts is old news. 22:34:35 <stickster> The one thing I can tell you in the list that's still "active" is the ModernPaste article. relrod should be finishing the deployment Any Day Now (HINT HINT) ;-) 22:35:15 <jflory> XMind is new to me, I'll have to check that one out :) 22:35:21 <jflory> Also, the embedded terminal one... holding pen? 22:35:57 <ryanlerch> jflory: +1 for holding pen for that one 22:36:40 * jflory goes for it 22:36:58 <stickster> jflory: Yeah, I kind of think holding pen for everything else (other than XMind + ModernPaste) 22:37:21 <stickster> I think link told us his article probably wouldn't progress because he covered it in the FreeOrion article 22:37:24 * jflory tries to remember where the testing packages article was, but memory needs jogging 22:37:29 <jflory> Ahhh, okay. 22:37:35 <jflory> That answers that then! 22:37:38 <stickster> jflory: Maybe that testing packages article should go to Starter Pitches 22:37:48 <jflory> stickster: I think it's still fair game 22:37:51 <jflory> So I give a +1 to that 22:37:55 <stickster> because I still think we could use it, maybe in a few months so it doesn't seem repetitive 22:38:18 <stickster> #info XMind 8 article is possibly active 22:38:28 <jflory> That one is x3mboy's :) 22:38:42 <stickster> awesome... x3mboy, are you going to finish that one up? 22:39:13 <x3mboy> Yes 22:39:24 <x3mboy> But it's going to change 22:39:46 <x3mboy> It won't be just about XMind, but to mind mapping tools in general 22:40:09 <x3mboy> I use that one a lot, but ti get there I test almost all in existence 22:40:26 <x3mboy> This will be ready for review at next week 22:40:50 <jflory> :+1: 22:41:10 <ryanlerch> fwiw, we have a old post that mentioned mind maps -- https://fedoramagazine.org/tracking-your-time-and-tasks-on-fedora/ 22:41:11 <stickster> x3mboy: That actually sounds like a GREAT article -- "(4) mind mapping tools in Fedora" 22:41:19 <ryanlerch> not the same, just a FYI 22:41:30 <stickster> subsitute correct # for (4) above :-D 22:41:40 <stickster> ryanlerch: I like it, so maybe cross linking would be useful 22:42:12 <x3mboy> ryanlerch, let me check that one 22:42:28 <stickster> x3mboy: I just added a note in the article text, so you could remember to link to that other article 22:43:10 <stickster> #info --- XMind 8 article --- 22:43:26 <x3mboy> Ok, cool 22:43:29 <stickster> #action x3mboy rework this article into a general mind mapping tools article 22:43:41 <stickster> #info --- ModernPaste --- 22:43:55 <stickster> #action stickster ping relrod to get deployment finished and then this article can be scheduled too 22:44:04 <jflory> \o/ 22:44:10 <stickster> Any other meeting minute captures here? 22:44:17 <jflory> Excited to hear about the new hotness with Fedora pastebin 22:44:36 <stickster> #topic Fleshing out schedule for next week 22:44:39 * jflory can't think of anything 22:45:08 <stickster> OK, so right now we could ostensibly have tomorrow, Monday, and Wednesday covered (Monday: HDYF, Wednesday: tips for shared/public computers) 22:45:23 <stickster> would be nice to have something on deck for Friday too so no scrambling, what do you guys think? 22:45:58 <stickster> Oooohhh I see some great pitches out there! 22:46:12 <jflory> Something tentatively lined up would be nice. 22:46:27 * jflory also mentions that by next week's meeting, he should have his boots on the ground for a good while 22:46:50 <ryanlerch> maybe pravin's post 22:46:52 <stickster> Tell you what, I have a tmux article pitch that I'd be willing to do this weekend for next Friday 22:47:05 <stickster> .fas Pravin 22:47:06 <zodbot> stickster: pravintamil 'Pravinkumar' <pravin.tamill@gmail.com> - pravinkrpandit 'pravin kumar pandit' <pravinkr.pandit@gmail.com> - nickhill143 'nikhil.pravin.mehta' <nikhil.p.mehta@gmail.com> - dwivedi0pravin 'pravin dwivedi' <dwivedi0pravin@gmail.com> - pbandark 'Pratik Pravin Bandarkar' <pbandark@redhat.com> - pravinchenthil 'pravin chenthil kumar' <pravinc.linux@gmail.com> - scotpraveen 'Praveen John' (3 more messages) 22:47:13 <stickster> argh. 22:47:16 <stickster> .fas satpute 22:47:17 <zodbot> stickster: pravins 'Pravin Satpute' <psatpute@redhat.com> - sank87pute 'Satpute Sanket Krushnakumar' <sanket.7pute@gmail.com> 22:47:19 <ryanlerch> his previous posts have been pretty solid 22:47:53 <stickster> agreed... ryanlerch would you be willing to edit if he finishes that? I can still get my tmux article done so there"s some choice available 22:48:04 <ryanlerch> stickster: yes, and ack! 22:48:21 <stickster> ?names 22:48:23 <stickster> oops 22:48:44 <jflory> +1 for that plan. 22:48:52 <stickster> #action ryanlerch contact pravins about his IBus article, try to get that done for next week 22:48:55 <x3mboy> +1 22:49:04 <stickster> #action stickster complete tmux article for next week also, to grow pipeline 22:49:06 <x3mboy> That one is interesting 22:49:34 <stickster> I'm also going to get the "How to install WordPress" article done, it's not hard either. And that will get big search love too 22:50:15 <stickster> So that gets us through next week then :-) 22:50:23 <stickster> #topic Open floor -- all other business 22:50:37 <stickster> anyone have an item? have at it :-) 22:50:43 * jflory sees the search hits flying into that one already :P 22:50:50 <jflory> Just for record purposes: 22:51:03 <jflory> #info jflory7 will be back to a more consistent, regular activity by next week's meeting 22:51:20 <x3mboy> ! 22:51:26 <jflory> x3mboy: Go for it! 22:51:46 <x3mboy> I have a question, pitch and drafts are or should be different in some way??? 22:52:17 <x3mboy> In practical purposes I mean, because in permissions to write, the difference it's pretty clear 22:52:18 <stickster> x3mboy: pitches are ideas that we haven't discussed to see if they're good for the Magazine. Drafts are approved, and underway but not finished for review yet. 22:53:03 <x3mboy> Ok 22:53:08 <x3mboy> Clear to me then 22:53:20 <stickster> cool! 22:53:29 <stickster> anyone else got something for open floor? 22:53:34 <stickster> Oh wait I do -- UPGRADES 22:53:35 <x3mboy> Sorry for delay, but my son ruin my dinner and now I have to cook again 22:53:47 <stickster> lol, no problem x3mboy :-D 22:54:00 <stickster> WP 4.7.2 is out. Can we upgrade? 22:54:13 <stickster> And lots of other plugins too 22:54:15 <ryanlerch> puiterwijk? 22:54:24 <jflory> stickster: I see no reason why not, but it's a puiterwijk question – probably best as an Infra ticket for him to track. 22:54:40 <stickster> What I normally do is to copy files and database manually, then do the upgrade. If something breaks, restore it 22:55:03 <ryanlerch> oh, i don't have that access... 22:55:06 <puiterwijk> ryanlerch: what's up? 22:55:14 <ryanlerch> stickster: go right ahead! 22:55:33 <ryanlerch> puiterwijk: talking about wordpress upgrade 22:55:36 <stickster> oh no, you woke patrickbot! 22:55:38 <stickster> :-D 22:55:40 <puiterwijk> Ah. 22:55:50 <ryanlerch> patrickbot++ 22:55:56 <puiterwijk> stickster: I might need to fix selinux again, but other then that, feel free to go ahead with update 22:56:08 <puiterwijk> stickster: oh, wait... You copy the files manually? 22:56:18 <stickster> puiterwijk: I take a tarball of them for good measure 22:56:24 <puiterwijk> Hah. So you're the one breaking the auto-update everytime! :) 22:56:37 <jflory> I think it will require someone with shell access – from the WP panel, it isn't possible to upgrade without SFTP credentials. 22:56:48 <stickster> puiterwijk: wait, how would making a tarball to some other destination break auto-update? 22:56:53 <puiterwijk> stickster: so, that's not exactly needed. Given that we have daily backups by updraft containing everything except the core wordpress parts 22:56:59 <stickster> Ah! 22:57:22 <puiterwijk> stickster: the tarball creating doesn't, but copying files manually to the wordpress directory does, since that changes the se context 22:57:35 <stickster> puiterwijk: Right, but I never copy files in manually that I'm aware of 22:57:43 <stickster> only take a snapshot out to a tarball 22:57:57 <puiterwijk> Ah, okay. That should be fine. Then I misunderstood 22:58:00 * jflory thinks he might go ahead and jump onto his remaining actions for tonight so he can try to sleep at a reasonable time and get up for his morning flight! 22:58:06 <stickster> puiterwijk: Is there call for a fix to ansible to relabel certain content automaticlly? 22:58:12 <puiterwijk> Anyway, that shouldn't be needed, since we have backups 22:58:16 * stickster has similar issues with his WP installations 22:58:20 <stickster> gotcha 22:58:27 <stickster> jflory: go for it 22:58:37 <puiterwijk> stickster: chcon -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t * -R 22:58:51 <puiterwijk> (if I'm correct... typing this from memory around midnight, so might not be entirely accurate) 22:58:52 * jflory jumps out 22:58:55 <jflory> Night all! 22:59:03 <stickster> night jflory 22:59:08 <stickster> puiterwijk: right 22:59:21 <stickster> OK, I'll just upgrade then and I can address it as needed afterward 22:59:28 <stickster> #action stickster to go forward with upgrades 22:59:29 <puiterwijk> It's possible to be done with ansible, and we probably should 22:59:32 <stickster> *nod 22:59:46 <stickster> or a special policy module or something 22:59:53 * stickster makes a note to do something about that 23:00:04 <puiterwijk> I think the file: module can set contexts 23:00:10 <stickster> yeah! 23:00:21 <stickster> thank you puiterwijk for the advice! 23:00:29 <stickster> anything else before we close? 23:00:47 <x3mboy> o/ 23:01:17 <x3mboy> These kind of thing we'll be always discussed in magazine meetings??? 23:01:19 <stickster> #publishing schedule: FOSDEM Fri 2017-02-03; HDYF Mon 2017-02-06; Security Wed 2017-02-08; IBus or tmux Fri 2017-02-10 23:01:24 <stickster> yep 23:01:31 <stickster> oh darn 23:01:39 <stickster> #agreed publishing schedule: FOSDEM Fri 2017-02-03; HDYF Mon 2017-02-06; Security Wed 2017-02-08; IBus or tmux Fri 2017-02-10 23:01:50 <stickster> x3mboy: that "yep" was for you, sorry :-) 23:01:56 <x3mboy> I mean, some time ago, a problem with a plugin I think, was agreed to be discussed in Marketing meetings 23:02:05 <stickster> OK, let's close, I need to run to dinner and also we're overtime 23:02:21 <stickster> x3mboy: Ah yes, there was a theme issue at some point. We can discuss those problems here in a meeting, yes 23:02:27 <x3mboy> Ok 23:02:28 <stickster> But we're out of time for tonight 23:02:31 <x3mboy> Ok 23:02:34 <x3mboy> Bye 23:02:34 <stickster> Thanks for coming, everyone! 23:02:35 <puiterwijk> They tend to ping me if it gets tricky :P 23:02:39 <stickster> #endmeeting