22:00:25 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 22:00:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 2 22:00:25 2017 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:00:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:00:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 22:00:25 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 22:00:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 22:00:30 <stickster> #topic Roll call 22:00:32 <jwf> .hello jflory7 22:00:34 <stickster> .hello pfrields 22:00:34 <zodbot> jwf: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 22:00:36 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 22:00:45 <stickster> #chair jwf ryanlerch 22:00:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: jwf ryanlerch stickster 22:01:19 <stickster> o/ jwf 22:01:20 * jwf waves 22:01:47 <sub_pop_> .hello linkdupont 22:01:48 <zodbot> sub_pop_: linkdupont 'Link Dupont' <link@sub-pop.net> 22:01:58 <stickster> #chair linuxmodder 22:01:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: jwf linuxmodder ryanlerch stickster 22:02:03 <stickster> oops, sorry linuxmodder 22:02:07 <stickster> #undo 22:02:07 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x2e829d0> 22:02:11 <stickster> #topic Roll call 22:02:17 <jwf> I think #unchair should work 22:02:24 <stickster> #unchair linuxmodder 22:02:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: jwf ryanlerch stickster 22:02:31 <stickster> #chair sub_pop 22:02:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: jwf ryanlerch stickster sub_pop 22:02:42 * stickster can't spell "link" right apparently 22:02:43 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 22:02:44 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'Ryan Lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 22:02:49 <linuxmodder> .hello linuxmodder 22:02:52 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 22:02:56 <stickster> #chair linuxmodder 22:02:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: jwf linuxmodder ryanlerch stickster sub_pop 22:03:26 <stickster> #topic Last week in review 22:04:01 <stickster> #info just shy of 50K pageviews -- a little down from previous weeks in mid 50Ks 22:04:19 <stickster> But overall a very good February, even if down from January it was our best Feb ever 22:04:33 <ryanlerch> woot! 22:04:34 <jwf> \o/ Saw that email, exciting news regardless! 22:04:39 <ryanlerch> that is great news! 22:04:47 <stickster> #topic Review pending 22:04:47 <jwf> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/magazine@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/TZ2WMNFESDQ5FGUTPKQSIAR45LCUSAHA/ 22:04:50 <ryanlerch> a couple of days less in Feb too 22:04:55 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending 22:05:21 <stickster> ryanlerch: jwf: yeah -- so it's a definite sign that the Magazine is on the right track, up and to the right in a substantial way!!! 22:05:33 * stickster thinks the content curation we're doing is on the money 22:05:42 <jwf> Definitely agreed. 22:06:00 <stickster> #info --- Ibus --- 22:06:02 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=16322&preview=true 22:06:22 <stickster> jwf: You're working on this one, want to fill us in? 22:06:29 <ryanlerch> ibus typing Wooster 22:06:30 <jwf> This one is edited and finished, but I just want to try improving the section about choosing the language using ryanlerch's magic GIF script. :) 22:06:53 <jwf> That's all I have left, so I will get it scheduled in the 30 minutes or so after the meeting. 22:07:03 <jwf> Any other edits or review is also welcome! 22:07:13 <jwf> * are also 22:07:27 <stickster> woop woop... so I take it this is going out tomorrow 22:07:39 <jwf> Yeah, we had planned for this one to be on Friday of this week. 22:07:55 <stickster> #info ibus article going out tomorrow (Fri 2017-Mar-03) 22:08:16 <stickster> #info --- Getting the most out of GNOME notifications --- 22:08:18 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=16496&preview=true 22:09:09 <ryanlerch> #info needs featured image 22:09:24 <stickster> Yeah, good point. This one also needs an editorial pass, and a test of the recommended extensions, but IIRC is pretty much on track 22:09:29 <ryanlerch> i can do the image 22:09:41 <stickster> that's weird, because I can do the editing :-D 22:10:03 <stickster> #action stickster edit GNOME notifications article by Sunday 2017-Mar-05 22:10:26 <stickster> #action ryanlerch do GNOME notifications article image 22:10:29 <jwf> Sounds like a plan meant to happen! 22:10:32 <stickster> :-D 22:10:48 <stickster> #info --- Minsk conference presentation --- 22:10:51 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=16657&preview=true 22:11:45 <jwf> Looking like more of a CommBlog article – if I remember right, this was already suggested elsewhere too? 22:11:48 <stickster> I sent some feedback on the list. This came in as a pitch but is in Pending Review... I opined it's a better fit for Community Blog: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/magazine@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/VLCN7YSVUZG4OUZCMGMILBHWCFICYQLL/ 22:11:53 <stickster> *jinx jwf :-D 22:12:17 <x3mboy> .hello x3mboy 22:12:18 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 22:12:24 <stickster> #chair x3mboy 22:12:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: jwf linuxmodder ryanlerch stickster sub_pop x3mboy 22:12:25 <stickster> o/ 22:12:26 <jwf> Ah, yeah, I thought so. 22:12:30 <ryanlerch> the content of the talk might be interesting to present on the magazine though 22:12:50 <x3mboy> #info Eduard Lucena; UTC-4; Marketing/Magazine/Ambassadors 22:13:06 <stickster> ryanlerch: like, about Patternfly? 22:13:07 <x3mboy> stickster, ryanlerch, jwf 22:13:10 <x3mboy> o/ 22:13:22 * jwf waves to x3mboy 22:13:54 <stickster> Or do you mean, why Fedora makes a great front-end developer workstation? 22:13:56 <ryanlerch> stickster: oh, i didnt read that far 22:14:03 <jwf> I'll still want to read the article more thoroughly, but I think a direct port to the CommBlog is a reasonable ask. I might have to take a lighter week on the Magazine side because I have a large queue of content on the Community Blog to work on 22:14:16 <ryanlerch> yeah, that is what i assumed the talk was about 22:14:54 <stickster> jwf: It seems like the conference talk was more about PatternFly, but the writer was also interested in evangelizing Fedora in Belarus 22:14:55 <ryanlerch> sorry, ignore my last suggestion 22:15:06 <stickster> oops, that should have been ryanlerch: 22:15:24 <stickster> OK, fair enough -- either way, I think we know what should happen with this blog then? 22:16:00 <jwf> I can reply back to the author on the list with specific details about moving it over to the CommBlog. 22:16:05 <ryanlerch> stickster: def commblog 22:16:14 <stickster> #action jwf reply to author and get the move to CommBlog done 22:16:19 <stickster> makes sense, thanks jwf 22:16:26 <stickster> anything else in review? 22:16:49 <stickster> seems like not, so... 22:16:52 <stickster> #topic Drafts 22:16:52 <jwf> I didn't have a chance to double check the drafts yet, so we might have something in there. :) But nothing else marked right now. 22:17:03 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type=post 22:17:33 <stickster> #info --- i3 --- 22:17:38 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=16348&preview=true 22:17:54 <stickster> #info This i3 article is supposed to be retooled, no changes since 2017-Feb-04 22:18:02 <stickster> Should we give this another week? I can ping the author 22:18:15 <jwf> Ah, I think we had meant to check back in with the author on this, did we do that? 22:18:29 <ryanlerch> hmmm stickster we have done one link this in the past, right? 22:18:31 <ryanlerch> https://fedoramagazine.org/getting-started-i3-window-manager/ 22:18:57 <stickster> There's a thread on the mailing list 22:19:16 <stickster> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/magazine@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/5X37QRI2EPYCROSSMFGJGDP5PU4RHUOQ/ 22:19:25 <stickster> It seems left in an uncertain state, I can reply there 22:19:25 <jwf> ryanlerch: We originally had wanted the author to focus in some specific tools or configurations for i3 instead of a getting started guide 22:20:10 <x3mboy> Because another article was published about it 22:20:10 <jwf> Ah, yeah, we didn't get a reply back for some of his last questions at the very bottom 22:20:19 <stickster> his reply is not totally clear, it *seems* like he's saying maybe he'd rather write on a different topic, so we can encourage him to either do that, or look at starter pitches 22:20:33 <jwf> stickster: I think that would be a good approach. 22:21:17 <stickster> #action stickster reply on list with some suggested next steps for Ankit 22:21:35 <stickster> #info --- integrating a Nautilus script --- 22:21:37 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=16548&preview=true 22:22:21 <stickster> So this looks like an interesting article 22:23:29 <stickster> I'm not sure the javaws guidance given here is kosher though 22:24:01 <ryanlerch> i think also, having a more generic example might be more usable for more users too 22:24:31 <jwf> I think it would be a stronger article to focus on more general uses or how to add the script instead of adding the Java context, since that seems pretty specific 22:24:40 <jwf> ryanlerch: +1 22:24:57 <ryanlerch> if we show how to do something simple, like an image conversion or something, then developers *should* see the potential for things like the java example 22:25:08 <stickster> agreed 22:26:08 <stickster> I like the article concept though... does someone want editing? If not, I can do it this weekend, that's only two total for me 22:26:51 <stickster> that's my limit though -- I'll be traveling Sunday afternoon, and in Westford MA through Wednesday, so no time to do other stuff there besides all-day powwows 22:26:59 <jwf> I could probably help with this for a Friday publication. 22:27:31 <x3mboy> Tomorrow??? 22:27:35 <ryanlerch> i' can grab this one too 22:27:36 <stickster> x3mboy: next Friday 22:27:41 <jwf> Friday, March 10. :) 22:27:42 <sub_pop> is this still relevant? http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/ 22:28:12 <stickster> not sure... looks pretty old, but at the same time I think the script component of Nautilus has been stable for a while 22:28:18 <jwf> ryanlerch: If you have the time for it, I have no qualms with passing this one to you. I have a lot of content to get through on the CommBlog and I know I could spend the cycles there 22:28:32 <ryanlerch> yeah, i can do it 22:28:53 <ryanlerch> it is basically a re-write though, based on the concept, right? 22:29:31 <sub_pop> yea. it might be nice to provide a current nautilus script development guide too. a lot of references are very old 22:29:33 <stickster> ryanlerch: I think it would make sense to notify the author, then remove the javaws part, do something more generic, and keep the bit on libreoffice printing, which does seem more useful 22:29:55 <jwf> I think so, but I think this one could be short and sweet, and still be a high interest article to a lot of users. Agreed with stickster on notifying the author first too. 22:30:45 <sub_pop> lol those icons take me back... 22:30:50 <stickster> heh 22:31:02 <stickster> ryanlerch: it does appear the interface is pretty stable too 22:31:41 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah, i have used these in the past to convert images 22:32:09 <stickster> #action ryanlerch edit the Nautilus script article for a Friday 2017-Mar-10 publication 22:32:13 <stickster> #undo 22:32:13 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by stickster at 22:32:09 : ryanlerch edit the Nautilus script article for a Friday 2017-Mar-10 publication 22:32:19 <stickster> #action ryanlerch edit the Nautilus script article for a Friday 2017-Mar-10 publication, and do a featured image 22:32:22 <stickster> :-D 22:32:57 <stickster> no sense in handing Michelangelo's paintbrush to someone else 22:33:48 <stickster> #info --- How to install Fedora as a VirtualBox guest --- 22:33:49 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=16588&preview=true 22:34:55 <stickster> This is a *highly* valuable article... even though VBox isn't free. But we also need to have something in here that warns people about any catches 22:35:35 <stickster> adamw: ping, if we had an article in Fedora Magazine that shows users how to use a Fedora guest in VirtualBox, is there anything we should warn them about that helps keep useless bugs or gripes out of support channels? 22:36:00 <jwf> This is definitely an article of high interest 22:36:08 <x3mboy> Can i Highlight that there are F25 images ready for VBox and VMware??? 22:36:16 <stickster> *nod 22:36:20 <x3mboy> http://www.osboxes.org/fedora/ 22:36:27 <jwf> Some homework on any good tips to avoid problems would definitely help beforehand. 22:36:44 <stickster> x3mboy: I don't think we're going to point people to other folks' images -- the point would be to have them download the image from Fedora to use 22:37:02 <jwf> alciregi++ for being on fire with a lot of these newest drafts and articles :) 22:37:02 <zodbot> jwf: Karma for alciregi changed to 1 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:37:14 <stickster> I'm willing to take this one on, it's a beast but it has high value 22:37:37 <stickster> #action stickster take editing chair on VirtualBox article 22:37:40 <jwf> I can help with content editing, but I would definitely want a technical proof from someone else too 22:38:10 <stickster> #info VBox article *might* not be ready for publication next week, depends on how much feedback stickster can get from QA & kernel on gotchas 22:38:10 <sub_pop> maybe a blast to the list ahead of time to get some folks to test drive the steps? 22:38:21 <stickster> I'm fine to test drive it, that's not an issue 22:38:22 <adamw> stickster: uh. not off the top of my head, but i expect there *will* be such things. 22:38:27 <adamw> we do not test fedora on vbox officially. 22:38:35 <adamw> i never run it that way, so i have no personal experience. 22:38:53 <adamw> might be best to ask on test@ and users@ lists for folks who do have experience. 22:39:23 <stickster> adamw: I know we shy away from VirtualBox running *on* Fedora since we have KVM, but it seems to me this way is both (a) more kosher to write up, and (b) highly valuable since lots of folks likely try it 22:39:51 <stickster> And of course we can let people know that virtualization on Fedora is easy, once they get their feet wet with the distro itself 22:40:10 <stickster> adamw: OK, I'm loathe to open this on users@ but I will ask around on test@ 22:40:48 <stickster> #info --- Wireshark --- 22:40:50 <adamw> i don't have any fundamental objection to it, just be aware it's not something that blocks releases and it has no formal tests, though in practice quite a lot of people do do it. 22:40:53 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=16728&preview=true 22:41:09 <x3mboy> Great article this one... 22:41:31 <stickster> adamw: yeah, of course -- the nature of the article is more like a howto, as opposed to sanctioning things 22:41:50 <stickster> adamw: but it sounds worthwhile just to point out what you said, specifically, in the article 22:41:59 <stickster> (which I'll take care of) ;-) 22:42:24 <stickster> So this wireshark article... overjoyed to see yet *another* person contributing 22:43:26 <stickster> Honestly, it seems like this one might be easier to get out next week 22:43:30 <jwf> This one seems more like pending review, no? 22:43:36 <stickster> yeah, it really does 22:43:42 <jwf> Yeah, this seems like a good "next week" candidate 22:43:54 <stickster> jwf: I was thinking the same 22:44:10 <jwf> I think this is one I can take on 22:44:18 <stickster> jwf: also, this would be light editing, so if you were going to work on just one, this seems easier 22:44:29 <jwf> Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. 22:44:36 <stickster> do the honors ;-D 22:45:17 <jwf> #action jwf Review, edit, create featured image for "How to install Wireshark network analyzer on Fedora" for a Wednesday, 2017-03-08 publication 22:45:34 <stickster> bonzer, looks like we have our week 22:45:40 <jwf> \o/ 22:46:01 <stickster> #info --- cloud-init on oVirt --- 22:46:04 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=16429&preview=true 22:47:23 * stickster wonders if there's a cloudy person around who could advise whether this is a good topic to put out there 22:47:34 <jwf> This seems like a strong article so far, but I wonder if the author is still working on it – feels like an abrupt end 22:48:12 <stickster> .fasinfo evilissimo 22:48:14 <zodbot> stickster: User: evilissimo, Name: Vinzenz Feenstra, email: vfeenstr@redhat.com, Creation: 2012-08-10, IRC Nick: evilissimo, Timezone: Europe/Prague, Locale: en, GPG key ID: , Status: active 22:48:17 <zodbot> stickster: Approved Groups: packager fedorabugs cla_fpca cla_done 22:49:33 <x3mboy> I'm back 22:49:41 <stickster> #action stickster ask on list if evilissimo is finished with this article, since it ends rather abruptly 22:50:13 <stickster> it was messed with as late as today, but he was last on the list a couple weeks ago 22:50:37 <jwf> And since we have time, we can figure out what do for that one at next week's meeting. Although, stickster, I take it you won't be here at next week's meeting because of the traveling? 22:51:17 <stickster> No, I'll be back in time 22:51:23 <stickster> traveling Wed late night and I'm at work on Thu 22:51:50 <jwf> Ahhh, okay. So we can check in next week to see if this one is ready for a spot on the publishing queue. 22:51:50 <stickster> There is a small chance I might not make it because I'll be attending one more day of meetings remotely, but I *think* I can get out by 5pm. If the on-site attendees aren't ready to break by then I'd be surprised 22:51:55 <stickster> jwf: +1 22:52:25 <jwf> If it's not looking likely, just drop me a line and I'll be able to chair if needed. 22:52:29 * stickster notes he just emailed, should hear back before then 22:52:35 <stickster> jwf: right on! 22:52:55 <stickster> Do we want to look at pitches in the last few minutes? Maybe interrupt to share publishing schedule first, then do that? 22:53:14 <x3mboy> +1 22:53:29 <jwf> Yeah, let's do it. 22:53:30 <stickster> #topic Publishing schedule for next week 22:54:21 <stickster> #idea Mon 2017-Mar-06: GNOME notifications ; Wed 2017-Mar-08 22:54:23 <stickster> argh 22:54:24 <stickster> #undo 22:54:24 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: IDEA by stickster at 22:54:21 : Mon 2017-Mar-06: GNOME notifications ; Wed 2017-Mar-08 22:54:56 <stickster> #idea Mon 2017-Mar-06: GNOME notifications (stickster); Wed 2017-Mar-08: Wireshark (jwf); Fri 2017-Mar-10: Nautilus scripts (ryanlerch) 22:55:09 <jwf> +1 22:55:24 <x3mboy> +1 22:55:50 <ryanlerch> +1 22:55:52 <x3mboy> I'll be waiting for the wireshark article 22:56:11 <stickster> #agreed Publishing as above! 22:56:18 <stickster> #topic Pitches 22:56:35 * jwf knows x3mboy wanted us to hit on his text editor pitch. :) 22:56:38 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pitch&post_type=post&orderby=date&order=asc 22:57:01 <stickster> #info --- War of the text editors --- 22:57:03 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=16710&preview=true 22:57:38 * jwf wonder if it might be better as a two-part series for GUI and CLI? 22:57:41 <stickster> x3mboy: This could end up being a very long article... should we divide this? 22:57:44 <stickster> *jinx 22:58:01 <jwf> stickster: :) As usual! 22:58:02 <x3mboy> Yes, why not 22:58:09 <stickster> x3mboy: it could almost be 3 parts... CLI, GUI part 1, and GUI part 2 22:58:10 <x3mboy> ? 22:58:15 <stickster> there are a *LOT* of GUI editors listed 22:58:21 <x3mboy> Yes 22:58:45 * jwf almost feels like this could be as many parts as x3mboy has the time and energy to write on :) 22:58:59 <x3mboy> Like I said, it will require some research so 3 weeks will be fine (one per week) 22:59:13 <stickster> jwf: that's an idea... for instance, maybe do three editors at a time or something 22:59:34 <stickster> x3mboy: ^ that way you don't have to do as much at one time, and you're more likely to have a successful run 22:59:38 <x3mboy> I was thinking in give a final approach about for what purpose we recommend each editor 22:59:41 * jwf nods 23:00:21 <stickster> x3mboy: Actually... I don't know that I'd even do that, because your criteria might be different than someone else's 23:00:26 <x3mboy> For example: I highly recommend SciTe for CSV editing and exploration, and atom for github projects 23:00:56 * stickster sees a lot of "recommended" articles that miss other people's use cases, and we wouldn't want to fall into that trap 23:01:01 <x3mboy> stickster: fair point 23:01:26 <x3mboy> Ok, just let's people decide what to use 23:01:34 <stickster> x3mboy: It should be enough to say, here's a particular strength for this editor, like it makes markup languages easy... or it interfaces well with Github... or whatever 23:01:44 <stickster> maybe even more than one strength sometimes 23:02:04 <jwf> Kind of like a quick profile to some prominent and popular editors 23:02:08 <stickster> x3mboy: yeah, it's such a subjective thing... 23:02:08 <x3mboy> Exactly that is what I want 23:02:20 <stickster> "The World of Editors" 23:02:45 <stickster> x3mboy: don't be surprised if you get recommendations in comments on some to include, too 23:02:55 <stickster> anyway, +1 on this pitch 23:02:59 <x3mboy> Ok, so split in 2 (probably 3) articles 23:03:09 <jwf> +1 for going for it as a series :) 23:03:40 <stickster> x3mboy: see how long the first one is when you put in 3-4 editors. If it's over 500-600 words, you might want to have even more articles in the end 23:03:55 <stickster> unless we can do paged articles? 23:04:12 <stickster> ryanlerch: might know that 23:04:22 <x3mboy> Ok 23:04:25 <stickster> woo listicles 23:04:40 <x3mboy> I will start to work I the first part this weekend 23:04:41 <stickster> #agreed Pitch approved, go for it x3mboy 23:04:56 * stickster has to run, so maybe we should call it here and hit more pitches next time 23:05:41 <jwf> Yeah, I'm going to be ready to head to bed soon :) 23:05:45 <ryanlerch> hmmm, i dont think we can easily do paged articles 23:05:52 <x3mboy> See ya guys 23:05:54 <jwf> +1 to put a nail in it here 23:06:02 <x3mboy> Ahhh 23:06:08 <stickster> ryanlerch: no worries 23:06:09 * jwf feels good about next week! 23:06:11 * stickster to 23:06:17 <stickster> ugh, editor license revoked 23:06:18 <x3mboy> And already have recommendations about other editors 23:06:31 <stickster> Thanks for coming everyone! 23:06:32 <x3mboy> xF 23:06:37 <stickster> #endmeeting