21:00:44 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 21:00:44 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 13 21:00:44 2017 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:44 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:44 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 21:00:45 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 21:00:45 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 21:00:46 <stickster> #topic Roll call 21:00:48 <stickster> .hello pfrields 21:00:49 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 21:00:54 <nb> .hello nb 21:00:55 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nb@nb.zone> 21:00:56 <jwf> .hello jflory7 21:00:58 <zodbot> jwf: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 21:01:02 * jwf waves to stickster and nb :) 21:01:05 <stickster> o/ hi guys 21:01:20 <stickster> ping ryanlerch -- although I think he may be out -- it's Friday in Australia, and a holiday 21:01:30 <stickster> #chair nb jwf 21:01:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: jwf nb stickster 21:01:48 * stickster checks stats 21:01:52 <stickster> #topic Last week in review 21:02:13 <stickster> #info Tilix article was a HUUUUUUUUUGE hit 21:02:25 <stickster> more than any other recent article 21:02:38 <jwf> What were the numbers like?? 21:02:39 <stickster> as a result, last week's results back up to ~55K hits 21:03:24 <stickster> We've seen this phenomenon before, for user articles on "here's a cool tool" that lots of people can use (like a terminal, a prompt, a shell, etc.) 21:03:34 <stickster> That should yield some ideas for future articles ;-) 21:03:55 <stickster> #info last week -- ~55K hits, back up to par with other weeks over the last couple months 21:04:34 <jwf> Awesome. :) 21:04:40 <stickster> jwf: unfortunately, nothing in Pending Review status tonight :-( 21:05:04 <alciregi> .hello alciregi 21:05:05 <zodbot> alciregi: alciregi 'Alessio Ciregia' <alciregi@gmail.com> 21:05:15 <ryanlerch> .hello 21:05:15 <zodbot> ryanlerch: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 21:05:20 <jwf> Really?? I could have sworn that I thought we had something 21:05:22 <jwf> Hmmm 21:05:26 <stickster> jwf: We have one draft but it's something which hasn't been touched in ~2 weeks, inkscape clipping article which Ryan was asking for revision/change 21:05:44 * stickster moves on directly to Pitches, maybe in there? 21:05:44 <ryanlerch> sorry im a bit late! 21:05:53 <stickster> WOW IT'S RYANLERCH!!!!!1!!! 21:06:04 * stickster didn't expect to see you here :-) 21:06:09 <ryanlerch> :D 21:06:26 <ryanlerch> bonnie and i are "working" on the couch 21:06:45 <ryanlerch> puzzles on the tablet dont do themselves, you know 21:07:06 <stickster> nice! 21:07:15 <stickster> #chair alciregi ryanlerch 21:07:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: alciregi jwf nb ryanlerch stickster 21:07:19 <ryanlerch> last weeks stats were pretty good! 21:07:22 <jwf> ryanlerch++ 21:07:24 <stickster> Very good in fact 21:07:27 <jwf> bonnie++ 21:07:27 <zodbot> jwf: Karma for bonnie changed to 1 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:07:32 <stickster> ryanlerch++ for that tilix article 21:07:34 <ryanlerch> that tilix article surprised me 21:07:40 <stickster> it was YUUUUUUUUUUUUGE 21:08:02 * stickster thinks we should come up with some starter pitches for CLI "everyman" usage 21:08:11 <ryanlerch> there was a disctussion on desktop list that brougfht it to my attenedt 21:08:14 * jwf definitely sees the value there too :) 21:08:15 <stickster> "everyperson"? YKWIM 21:08:51 <ryanlerch> mattdm also mentioned an extention in anoither thread that might make an interesting article too 21:09:35 <stickster> ryanlerch: do tell, I have time to write one tonight 21:09:39 * jwf wonders if we could do something regarding FLISOL and Fedora for next week… 21:09:56 <jwf> I wonder if we could find a writer to cover that angle on Fedora's presence in LATAM 21:10:27 * ryanlerch digs up the thread 21:10:38 * jwf goes to ping someone quickly 21:11:34 <ryanlerch> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/desktop@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/VGEHR4BUSTNCQEG7BICHVVEAW2AC4YCN/ 21:11:54 <stickster> jwf: I would think given our goal we should first try to cover M/W/F with articles that grab views... according to stats, Tilix still is beating the "Share Fedora" article even two days after publication, over 3:2 ratio 21:12:01 <ryanlerch> specifically https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1176/argos/ 21:12:14 <stickster> but I'm here to support whatever the crew decides 21:12:15 <ryanlerch> havent had a chance to look at the extenstion at all thought 21:13:18 <ryanlerch> stickster: was looking at the f26 changeset too, there are a few items in there we could do some posts about 21:13:23 <jwf> stickster: Makes sense – I was throwing that out because I knew it was something coming up and could be worth squeezing in. 21:13:43 <ryanlerch> we have done the pyhton one, but things like newer versions of other langs 21:13:49 <jwf> I can spend some editing cycles over the weekend, but I think I'd be stretched to come up with something new. 21:13:51 <ryanlerch> ruby i thinnk is on the list 21:14:17 <jwf> Oh! An idea… have we considered doing anything to cover the new LXQt spin for this release? 21:14:29 <stickster> jwf: That will probably be a BIG hit 21:14:45 <stickster> I think any "try this alternate desktop" articles have had more views, too 21:14:45 <jwf> #idea Article introducing the new LXQt spin for Fedora 26 21:15:11 <ryanlerch> there is also the new python classroom lab coming too 21:15:12 <stickster> jwf: Are you thinking about something well in advance of GA? 21:15:22 <ryanlerch> that is pretty nifty 21:15:27 <stickster> Hey, can you guys throw these into starter pitches? 21:15:37 <stickster> or just pitches? I suspect a few of these ideas are too hard for first-time writers 21:15:42 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah, i think doing some of these posts ahead of time works well 21:15:45 <jwf> stickster++ 21:15:47 <stickster> like, they have to know a lot of Fedora infra or people 21:15:56 <jwf> stickster: Yeah, I think something ahead of GA would be helpful, to build momentum 21:16:06 * jwf goes to start a new pitch for LXQt 21:16:10 <stickster> for sure 21:17:27 * jwf dropped it into starter pitches 21:18:41 <stickster> jwf: We ought to also clue cprofitt in -- we have a bunch of "Feedback" email on the site volunteering for HDYF 21:18:47 <stickster> Some of them sound really interesting 21:19:11 <stickster> #action stickster email list + cprofitt about HDYF prospects 21:19:20 <stickster> jwf: do you know whether he's able to see those? 21:19:31 <jwf> stickster: How do you mean? 21:19:49 <stickster> jwf: Like, can he view the Feedback panel in the admin backend? 21:20:00 <jwf> Also, x3mboy was interested in putting together a FLISOL and Fedora article for Friday (FLISOL starts next Saturday on the 22nd). 21:20:03 <ryanlerch> stickster: i am 95% sure he can see it 21:20:16 * stickster thinks this should be in a new topic 21:20:21 <ryanlerch> it just needs to be checked, since we dont get emails of this stuff 21:20:25 <jwf> stickster: Ah, yeah, I'm pretty sure he is able to because I remember him mentioning it before. But it would be cool if we could get that set up to go to the fedoramagazine-tips mailing list… 21:20:25 <stickster> #topic Free form ideas (pipeline is low) 21:20:43 <stickster> ryanlerch: Oh, we should be able to fix that. In fact, I think that was my job :-( 21:20:46 <ryanlerch> we made that mailing list for this purpose, but then the emails never worked 21:20:47 * jwf always forgets to check if the notification isn't there 21:21:12 <ryanlerch> i forget what that mailing list is now 21:21:29 <jwf> fedoramagazine-tips@lists.fp.i 21:21:32 <jwf> Err, fp.o 21:21:45 <ryanlerch> but it was private, so when people sent a comment through the forrm, it wasnt instantly public 21:22:05 <ryanlerch> jwf: thats that eone 21:22:38 <jwf> ryanlerch: As far as I know, it's still set up that way. I think all of us are added as list owners 21:22:48 <stickster> ryanlerch: jwf: I'll try to hook that up 21:22:53 <jwf> stickster++ 21:22:55 <jwf> Awesome!! 21:24:15 <stickster> Do we have anything on tap for tomorrow? 21:24:15 <ryanlerch> stickster++ 21:25:13 <ryanlerch> stickster: not sure -- i have nothing in the pipeline on my end 21:25:20 <jwf> I was looking and coming up slim 21:25:30 <stickster> I was thinking I could write a quick article about Keybase.io 21:25:42 <stickster> It's easy to run on Fedora, works well on 25 and 26 Alpha 21:26:12 <stickster> Or... I could take that extension article linked above. Only problem being, again it's relying on a copr 21:26:22 <stickster> well, that's not a problem per se, just need to remind people of caveat 21:26:24 <jwf> stickster: Ooh, that would be a fun one! 21:26:45 <ryanlerch> stickster: i'd read the keybase.io one 21:27:24 <jwf> Hmm… maybe a stretch, but I wonder if we could even give away a couple of invites to people, e.g. first 10 comments (assuming they input valid emails into the comment) 21:27:29 <jwf> That could be fun 21:27:45 <ryanlerch> stickster: i didnt relase the copr thing was a big issue... we have linked to copr based stuff a lot in the past IIRC 21:27:55 <jwf> I don't know how that could impact sharing or numbers, but I don't know if we've ever tried something like that before 21:27:59 <stickster> ryanlerch: no it's not 21:28:11 <stickster> ryanlerch: I was overstating... just need to remind myself to put a caveat in 21:28:18 <stickster> because it's not as trusted as the DNF repos 21:28:31 <ryanlerch> stickster: ack! 21:28:42 <ryanlerch> sorry for missing the caveate in the post for tilix 21:30:10 <stickster> ryanlerch: it's OK, I added it when Patrick reminded me 21:30:16 <stickster> I would have forgotten too 21:30:28 <stickster> So... sorry for delay here, I was looking at the postfix situation :-) 21:31:36 <stickster> So I can cover Friday 21:31:44 <stickster> The rest of next week is looking grim :-( 21:32:44 <jwf> I could see about reaching out to the LXQt team about an article, but I don't know about a timeline for it. With my schedule, I don't think it would be realistic for me to take on an article for next week, but I can do editing 21:33:12 <jwf> Eduard (x3mboy) should be able to have a FLISOL and Fedora article for Friday, but M-W are looking open to me at the moment 21:33:35 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah :( 21:33:43 <ryanlerch> im slowing running out of ideas 21:34:10 <stickster> jwf: ryanlerch: I feel like maybe our goal should be to get some new native-English writers around 21:34:26 <jwf> stickster: I see high value in that 21:34:37 <ryanlerch> stickster +1 21:35:12 <stickster> There are some folks around the various social media we ought to try to encourage 21:35:31 <stickster> But before we do that, can we set up some actions around making sure we have simple, clear docs to get people started? 21:35:42 <stickster> That way they have one, unambiguous route to success 21:36:04 <jwf> Is that something we want to spend some time now looking at? 21:37:51 <stickster> jwf: sure 21:37:59 <stickster> jwf: hey, here's an idea for articles this week 21:38:12 <ryanlerch> also i think about smaller posts that are more news-related too 21:38:18 <stickster> jwf: cschaller posted an article about how to get some cool upstream features now in Fedora, the ones that Ubuntu is moving back to soon 21:38:45 <stickster> jwf: I think a pointer/wrapper article for his blog article would be a good idea... then I could work on Keybase or LxQt or something for Monday 21:38:46 <ryanlerch> we cover these well on the socials, but we could easily write up a small post for the magazine instead 21:38:58 <stickster> yeah 21:39:00 <ryanlerch> rather than just RT it or share it 21:39:25 <ryanlerch> put the NEWS in FEFORA MAGAZINE 21:39:35 <ryanlerch> ...wait 21:39:41 <stickster> ryanlerch: I was thinking about the socials too... would like to see if we could get bkp to do "CTA" type text for Magazine posts, i.e. "Read this magazine article about..." so people are encouraged to click 21:40:03 * stickster knows we're throwing a lot of ideas in the pot at once here :-) 21:40:15 <ryanlerch> yeah, i try to make my posts CTAs 21:40:16 <jwf> stickster, ryanlerch: +1 from me on importing the blog post. I think that's a realistic one to pull together for next week. 21:40:21 <stickster> but it's better than zero ideas :-D 21:40:45 <stickster> #action stickster write wrapper/pointer for cschaller blog post and put out tomorrow 21:40:58 <stickster> #action stickster write an additional user-level "cool tech" article for Monday 21:41:14 <ryanlerch> i think too, if we have an idea, just throw in a pitch, and email the list 21:41:24 <stickster> yeah 21:41:24 <ryanlerch> just to keep visivbility up on these things 21:41:32 <ryanlerch> getting the ideas flowing 21:41:37 <stickster> like we might be becoming our own enemies here :-D 21:41:42 <stickster> scale out! 21:42:11 <stickster> jwf: ryanlerch: can you guys email the list with any pitches you threw in above? 21:42:21 <ryanlerch> stickster: for sure! 21:43:07 <jwf> Yeah, I can go to pitch the LXQt one. 21:43:42 <jwf> x3mboy: Do you know where the LXQt folks hang out, by chance? 21:44:17 <stickster> oops, I just hit the wrong darn button 21:44:19 <x3mboy> Hi 21:44:20 <x3mboy> Yes 21:44:27 <x3mboy> #fedora-lxqt 21:44:38 <x3mboy> .hello x3mboy 21:44:39 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 21:44:54 * jwf should have guessed that 21:44:59 <stickster> #chair x3mboy 21:44:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: alciregi jwf nb ryanlerch stickster x3mboy 21:45:07 * jwf also assumes they use the wider spins@ mailing list for LXQt 21:45:17 <x3mboy> Mmmm 21:45:19 <bee2502> .hello bee2502 21:45:20 <zodbot> bee2502: bee2502 'Bhagyashree Padalkar' <bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com> 21:45:23 <x3mboy> They have one of their own 21:45:30 <jwf> x3mboy: Oh, they do?? 21:45:33 * jwf goes to subscribe 21:45:35 * jwf waves to bee2502 21:45:44 <x3mboy> But to be fair, I always get response from IRC, not for ML 21:46:24 <jwf> x3mboy: That's good to know. 21:46:42 * stickster wrote his pitch to the list too 21:46:57 <stickster> #topic New blood 21:47:13 <stickster> So here's our starting page (linked from the Magazine itself) for new writers: 21:47:21 <stickster> https://fedoramagazine.org/writing-an-article-for-the-fedora-magazine/ 21:47:56 <x3mboy> lxqt@lists.fedoraproject.org 21:48:24 <x3mboy> stickster, sorry, I got the mail address late 21:49:08 <stickster> it's fine x3mboy :-) 21:50:10 <stickster> I think this is out of date: https://fedoramagazine.org/logging-into-fedora-magazine-with-fas/ 21:50:22 <stickster> we probably don't even need it anymore -- FAS authentication is automatic thanks to patrickbot :-) 21:50:38 <jwf> Yeah, I was going to say the the same. I almost think we could scrap it! 21:50:44 <ryanlerch> stickster: did you publish your pitch briefly? 21:51:06 <stickster> ryanlerch: yes, sorry 21:51:12 <stickster> that was the button I hit by mistake :-( 21:51:16 <ryanlerch> stickster: :D 21:51:17 <stickster> ryanlerch: tell me it didn't hit RSS!!! 21:51:25 <ryanlerch> yeah i thin i have done that before 21:51:25 <stickster> <--- dope 21:51:27 <x3mboy> stickster, We can Just update it deleting the 2. step 21:51:28 <jwf> Just link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-login.php and call it a day for step #2 21:51:32 <ryanlerch> stickster: i got the emaiuls 21:51:33 <stickster> x3mboy: already done ;-) 21:51:34 <ryanlerch> email 21:51:58 <x3mboy> Holy smoke, I'm slow or you are faster today xD 21:51:58 * stickster wielding a scythe tonight 21:53:08 <x3mboy> Well, now the URL is giving 404 21:53:09 <stickster> So the instructions look pretty good to me 21:53:12 <x3mboy> https://fedoramagazine.org/logging-into-fedora-magazine-with-fas/ 21:53:12 <stickster> x3mboy: ? 21:53:27 <stickster> x3mboy: that page is no longer published. it's not linked anywhere, so I trashed it 21:53:33 <x3mboy> Oh ok 21:53:43 <x3mboy> I though you just updated the steps 21:53:45 <x3mboy> My bad 21:54:06 <stickster> x3mboy: https://fedoramagazine.org/writing-an-article-for-the-fedora-magazine/ -- that linked to the FAS login page -- now it just sends you to the login screen itself ;-) 21:54:41 <stickster> sorry, that linked to the FAS login instructions page on the Magazine, now it just sends you to the login itself 21:54:51 <stickster> anyhoo 21:54:57 <jwf> Awesome, that's a good and simple improvement even 21:55:13 <stickster> bee2502: did you have an idea you wanted to share? 21:55:25 <bee2502> stickster, yes 21:55:27 <bee2502> Hi, I have a pitch for Fedora Magazine. Fedora Diversity team is looking to revive Fedora women. We would to get a magazine article out to create awareness about this. Before I send a pitch to the mailing list, I wanted to know if the Magazine team would be interested in publishing this article. 21:56:15 <bee2502> and the timeline for publishing, I want to publish the article mid or late next week. Does that seem reasonable if I send a pitch tmrw ? 21:56:29 <stickster> Is the Fedora Women group aimed at encouraging Fedora users? 21:57:01 <bee2502> stickster Fedora Women aims to foster involvement of women (cis and trans) and genderqueer people in Fedora and Free and Open Source Software - mainly Fedora users and contributors. 21:57:40 <bee2502> s/ mainly/ mainly as 21:57:54 <x3mboy> ! 21:58:29 <stickster> If it includes users I'm all for it... my personal opinion is that we should try and schedule this for a Tues/Thurs publication even while M/W/F are aimed at general audience 21:58:30 <x3mboy> I think that, having a Diversity team, aiming for a Women team is not a good idea 21:58:55 <x3mboy> But that's just my opinion 21:58:57 <stickster> Is the Fedora Women initiative part of the Diversity outreach? 21:59:03 <stickster> I kind of assumed it was :-) 21:59:11 <bee2502> x3mboy - its not a team - its' a support group or forum x3mboy 21:59:13 <stickster> since it's encouraging diversity and all :-) 21:59:19 <jwf> My understanding is that it's aiming to be an open and inclusive community as part of outreach, not necessarily a team aiming to accomplish specific objectives or tasks 21:59:26 <bee2502> stickster, yes it is 21:59:38 <ryanlerch> stickster: +1 for me, if it is aime dat users too 21:59:44 <stickster> It wouldn't be very supportive of diversity if we were discouraging such a group :-) 21:59:49 <jwf> I am +1 too 22:00:05 <x3mboy> bee2502, it needs to be rightly focused. I'm +1 on the idea, but looking at the complete picture, women is quite a grey area/term/definition 22:00:25 <x3mboy> Genders are a \quite sensible opinion right now 22:00:29 <stickster> as long as it's not aimed inward exclusively at the Fedora community, and encourages general Fedora users to become part of the group, I'm +1 22:00:32 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: i think that is more a discussion of the group itself 22:00:42 <stickster> yeah, not our discussion to have :-) 22:00:45 <x3mboy> ryanlerch, yes, sorry for that 22:01:22 <ryanlerch> as for suitability for the mag, if the group is aimed at users -- magazine is the right place 22:01:32 <stickster> bee2502: so let's do it! 22:01:33 <x3mboy> +1 22:01:44 <x3mboy> Magazine is the right place for it 22:01:45 <bee2502> x3mboy, people irrespective of their genders are welcome to join Fedora women. However, it is aimed to promote inclusion of women and non-binary people in Fedora. 22:02:15 <stickster> #action bee2502 write up pitch/draft of article for publication next week, aim for Thursday 2017-Apr-20 publication 22:02:26 <bee2502> stickster : great ! How much time does an article usually take for review ? 22:02:35 <stickster> bee2502: usually just a day or so 22:02:49 <bee2502> If I write a draft by Tuesday, we should be good right ? 22:02:49 <stickster> bee2502: feel free to follow up list email asking for review with IRC pings if needed 22:02:55 <stickster> bee2502: yes, that sounds perfect 22:03:18 <bee2502> stickster ok, thanks a lot ! 22:03:37 <jwf> bee2502++ 22:04:28 <stickster> jwf: ryanlerch: *: so to close out the "recruitment" topic -- I think the link that is on Magazine itself is the correct one to send people to 22:05:02 <stickster> I worry that step #3 (join the list, introduction, get rights, etc.) is time consuming but I also don't think we want Magazine to be open-edit... becomes a dumping ground and also spam fodder 22:05:15 * stickster hopes Hubs will help us fix this too 22:05:17 <jwf> Could you rephrase your first line? 22:05:29 * jwf feels the same about #3 / Hubs 22:05:46 <stickster> jwf: oh sorry, I meant the linnk https://fedoramagazine.org/writing-an-article-for-the-fedora-magazine/ is accurate and the right place to send any new writers 22:05:59 <jwf> +1 for sure there. 22:06:03 <stickster> just so we can be consistent about where to direct folks 22:06:24 <jwf> Right. 22:06:28 * stickster will probably blitz this out onto the FB page for instance... and I am going to specifically ask for "English as native speaker" help first and foremost 22:06:54 <stickster> because if the exercise becomes having to rewrite all the language in each submission, *we* won't scale well 22:07:25 * stickster has a few places he can tap for help 22:07:45 * ryanlerch can do en_AU ;) 22:08:16 <ryanlerch> oh i misread the last message 22:08:18 <ryanlerch> nevermind 22:09:35 <stickster> lol 22:09:44 <stickster> OK, are we good for this week? 22:09:51 <stickster> Oh wait... we don't have anything for Wed 22:12:30 * jwf is coming up dry, but we could try to revisit early next week 22:12:48 * jwf might have more cycles by next week but isn't certain 22:13:37 <stickster> Sorry, had to answer door -- daughter getting a ride to a play 22:13:55 <stickster> Welllll.... ryanlerch, do you think you can invent a "try this new thing" article for Wed? 22:14:01 <stickster> I can handle tomorrow + Mon 22:14:18 <ryanlerch> yeah, i'll find something for wed 22:14:24 * jwf still thinks ryanlerch's wild little insta-GIF script is true wizardry magic and could accidentally make a good article. 22:14:51 <ryanlerch> jwf: yeah, its hacky and x11 only though :( 22:15:05 <jwf> Ohhh, didn't know it was dependent on x11 22:15:10 <jwf> That definitely changes things 22:15:22 <jwf> Oh well. We'll figure something out here. 22:15:23 <stickster> oops 22:15:28 <ryanlerch> yeah, byzanz is not waylan aware 22:15:28 <stickster> Thanks ryanlerch 22:15:36 <stickster> awww :-( the sads 22:15:43 <jwf> ryanlerch: Well, when it is aware… ;) 22:15:54 * stickster is thinking about a few-parts article on OBS 22:16:04 <ryanlerch> OBS? 22:16:09 <stickster> Open Broadcast System 22:16:32 <stickster> er Software... https://obsproject.com/ 22:16:50 <stickster> It's really nifty. Not beautiful interface wise but widely used 22:16:52 * ryanlerch wonders if we could convince mattdm to do 5tftw again 22:17:14 <stickster> ryanlerch: hit him when his resistance is low 22:17:21 <ryanlerch> if we do any community-type stuff on the magazine, my vote is for that 22:17:27 <stickster> *nod 22:17:33 <stickster> I liked those myself 22:17:45 <stickster> every week was a little brisk though... maybe every two weeks would work better 22:17:50 <stickster> 5tft2w? 22:18:03 <stickster> 5tftf ... "fortnight" 22:18:13 <ryanlerch> lolz stole it from my fingers 22:18:17 <jwf> I was having a thought about the sustainability of that series too, maybe even monthly would be a good, long-term plan 22:18:21 <stickster> Oh, we kind of need to close this meeting out. We're way overtime 22:18:29 <stickster> Plus I have eating to do :-D 22:18:32 <jwf> Especially for crazy months like release months and Flock. 22:18:36 * ryanlerch promised the beach to bonnie 22:18:37 <jwf> Oh, yeah, we are over. :P 22:18:42 <jwf> ryanlerch++ 22:18:45 <stickster> so publishing schedule: 22:19:45 <stickster> #info Fri Apr 14 -- pointer to cschaller blog; Mon Apr 17 -- Paul article (something toolie); Wed Apr 19 -- Ryan article; Thu Apr 20 -- bee2502 article on Fedora Women; Fri Apr 21 -- lotto 22:19:50 <stickster> Sound right? 22:20:24 <jwf> +1 22:20:25 <ryanlerch> stickster: +1 22:20:50 <stickster> Okey dokey then, that's a wrap :-) 22:20:52 <ryanlerch> also -- use the read more tag! 22:20:53 <stickster> ryanlerch: enjoy your holiday sir! 22:20:57 <stickster> ryanlerch: OH YEAH! 22:21:12 <stickster> #info USE THE READ MORE TAG! It helps send people to our magazine to read the whole article 22:21:22 <stickster> now it's a wrap 22:21:29 <ryanlerch> +1 22:21:31 <ryanlerch> thanks! 22:21:33 <stickster> thanks for coming everyone 22:21:37 <stickster> #endmeeting