21:00:02 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 21:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 13 21:00:02 2017 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 21:00:04 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 21:00:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 21:00:05 <stickster> #topic Roll call 21:00:06 <stickster> .hello pfrields 21:00:07 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 21:00:34 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 21:00:35 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'Ryan Lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 21:01:00 * stickster summons jwf cprofitt sub_pop[m] x3mboy[m] and anyone else who cares to duck in 21:01:17 <stickster> #chair ryanlerch jwf cprofitt sub_pop[m] x3mboy[m] 21:01:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: cprofitt jwf ryanlerch stickster sub_pop[m] x3mboy[m] 21:01:23 <stickster> Hiya Ryan! 21:01:36 <ryanlerch> good morning stickster! 21:02:15 <ryanlerch> good release week! both days were amazing! the second day almost matched actual release day! 21:02:41 <pingou> o/ ryanlerch 21:02:50 <pingou> ryanlerch: nice! 21:04:33 <stickster> ryanlerch: We need to put something in our comments block for the theme about "this is not a help forum" 21:04:52 <stickster> it seems like every release day there are about 50% of commenters with a random bug and the Magazine isn't really good for follow-up on those 21:05:05 <stickster> (maybe more nicely worded) :-) 21:05:09 <ryanlerch> stickster: agreed! i will work on that today! 21:05:19 <stickster> ryanlerch: we can point them to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicating_and_getting_help for example 21:05:21 <ryanlerch> where should we point people? 21:05:25 <stickster> *jinx 21:05:25 <ryanlerch> haha :D 21:06:10 <stickster> #topic Last week stats 21:06:22 <stickster> #info as expected.... YUUUUUUGE 21:06:29 <ryanlerch> lolz 21:07:02 <stickster> ryanlerch: looking at those bars in site stats is kind of like looking at the Twin Towers, a bit of a weird sad undertaste... maybe it's just me 21:07:20 * stickster being completely oddball there. It's fantastic the stats are so high! 21:07:30 <ryanlerch> oh yeah :( 21:07:31 <stickster> that's the first thing that came to mind, though 21:07:41 <stickster> Unbelievable that we had two days of record hits! 21:08:10 <stickster> If we can keep up momentum... July is poised to be the biggest month ever for the Magazine 21:08:11 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah, the second day beat the previous best day too 21:08:22 <jwf> .hello jflory7 21:08:23 <zodbot> jwf: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 21:08:24 <jwf> Sorry I'm late! 21:08:30 <stickster> yay jwf is here! 21:08:56 <ryanlerch> morning jwf! 21:09:06 <jwf> stickster++ ryanlerch++ Cheers on a successful release week thus far :) 21:09:06 <zodbot> jwf: Karma for pfrields changed to 6 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:09:09 <zodbot> jwf: Karma for ryanlerch changed to 1 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:09:14 <jwf> What are some of the numbers looking like so far for July? 21:09:18 <jwf> I haven't had a chance to look yet. 21:09:28 <ryanlerch> 166K 21:09:29 <stickster> #info two record days Tue + Wed; probably highest week ever; and on track for best month ever! 21:09:42 <jwf> ryanlerch: Just this week???? 21:09:45 <pingou> how is thu looking so far? 21:09:51 <stickster> 166K for the month, I think 21:09:58 <stickster> but that's < halfway through the month 21:09:58 <ryanlerch> pingou: 20K 21:10:11 <stickster> 20K is already a stellar day 21:10:14 <ryanlerch> STILL ANOTHER 3HOURS IN THE DAY THOUGH 21:10:17 <stickster> lol 21:10:18 <pingou> and on release day we had ? 21:10:24 <ryanlerch> OOPS sorry capslock 21:10:25 <stickster> pingou: 37K on Tue, 37K on Wed too 21:10:38 <pingou> damn, we won't make it 3 days in a row 21:10:40 <stickster> pingou: Tue broke the record, Wed was only a few hundred views behind 21:10:41 <ryanlerch> 37,912, and 37784 21:10:47 <stickster> there you go 21:10:52 <jwf> ryanlerch: I don't know, I just thought you were really excited :D 21:10:55 <kthebyrd> So I'm late all 21:10:59 <stickster> o/ kthebyrd 21:11:04 <jwf> kthebyrd: No worries, welcome! o/ 21:11:12 <jwf> <-- was also late 21:11:12 * pingou goes visit the magazine 21:11:21 <pingou> there, one more visit today :) 21:11:33 <ryanlerch> linking to the annoucnment on the announcment email helped a bit i think 21:11:36 <kthebyrd> I'll be passively monitoring; in a meeting :x 21:11:48 <pingou> ryanlerch: more than a bit imho 21:11:54 <jwf> pingou: \o/ 21:11:57 <ryanlerch> stats to prove that are impossible out of the jetpack stats though 21:12:12 <jwf> ryanlerch: I believe Rhea also linked it out on Reddit too to help give some exposure on that side 21:12:17 <stickster> ryanlerch: I'm sure that was a big part of it 21:12:22 <jwf> ryanlerch: Also, nice grab on the Instagram, sometimes we forget to keep that up to date too 21:12:26 <stickster> *nod 21:12:34 <pingou> I went to see the announcement there because it wasn't in the email 21:12:45 <stickster> #topic Release week discussion (already underway) 21:12:47 <kthebyrd> Yeah I saw it shared on a few Linux related subreddits 21:13:15 <ryanlerch> jwf: yeah, want to get the IG going a bit more 21:13:19 <jwf> Interesting that so many of our referrals are from search engines and the start.fp.o portal 21:13:29 <stickster> One thing that was not so good... we didn't pre-setup the "What's New in F26 Workstation" article, so people who hit the "More info" button in the GNOME Software upgrade tool got a 4040 21:13:33 <stickster> er, 404 21:13:39 <jwf> ryanlerch: I only ever remember it when I'm at a Fedora event – consistency would def be better for our presence there. June was pretty quiet. 21:13:45 <stickster> I fixed that by writing it very quickly after release, it was only a problem for an hour 21:13:53 * ryanlerch opened this PR too 21:13:55 <ryanlerch> https://pagure.io/fedora-websites/pull-request/688 21:13:56 <jwf> stickster: Oh, yikes, I forgot about that too 21:14:20 <stickster> #idea We need to either glom on someone's release day/week SOP, or have one of our own 21:14:25 * jwf wonders if some sort of task manager / planning board would be helpful for keeping track of these notes long-term… 21:14:43 <jwf> Yeah, or just write / contribute back towards a release week SOP 21:14:44 <stickster> jwf: We have a task schedule that jkurik maintains; we could have him add release-bound tasks 21:15:00 <jwf> stickster: Yeah, that would be really nice to add in there so we avoid that snag in the future 21:15:00 <ryanlerch> stickster: a SOP is a greeat idea 21:15:25 <stickster> jwf: We could put both the whats-new and the upgrading article down as tasks 21:15:26 <ryanlerch> might be good to flesh it out, and maybe try to get some more posts into the mix 21:15:41 <ryanlerch> if we plan them now, we can get the interested pat=rties thinking about them 21:15:43 <stickster> ryanlerch: like more things for release day-ish, you mean? 21:15:44 <stickster> yeah 21:15:49 <stickster> +100, the more the merrier 21:15:51 <ryanlerch> like maybe a whats new in server? 21:15:56 <stickster> *nod 21:16:00 <ryanlerch> and updates for the popular spins 21:16:10 <stickster> We could link those from the Workstation article, no reason not to 21:16:32 * stickster would rather see more articles than jam them into one 21:16:50 <stickster> a purely mercenary grab for more pageviews, but hey, we have a goal, right? 21:16:51 <jwf> stickster: Yeah, and preferably to get feedback from the folks who are heavily immersed in these stuff. I didn't end up having time for that in the upgrade article, but was going off of my experience from past releases / upgrading myself. Even though it was fine, I definitely would have liked to have some communication there since things will always inevitably change. 21:16:58 <jwf> s/these/this 21:17:02 <stickster> jwf: exactly... shouldn't be just us writing these 21:17:17 <stickster> and we got some feedback on trying to get more Atomic stuff covered 21:17:30 <ryanlerch> stickster: agreed. 21:17:30 <jwf> #idea For critical release day articles (e.g. how to upgrade), get feedback from relevant folks who are informed about best practices / current procedures 21:17:39 <stickster> I'm totally in agreement to do that, but it requires *writers* not just requests 21:17:50 <jwf> #idea What's New in… Fedora {Server,Atomic,$SPIN,$LAB,…?} 21:17:50 <ryanlerch> jwf: stickster: 21:18:04 <ryanlerch> would also like to have a bit of a better social media plan 21:18:09 <stickster> ryanlerch: for sure 21:18:15 <jwf> Err– 21:18:16 <jwf> #undo 21:18:27 <ryanlerch> not really magazine, but since we promote on the socialnetworks 21:18:28 <jwf> #idea What's New in… Fedora {Server,Atomic,$SPIN,$LAB,…?} by reaching out to relevant groups to invite them to participate / write articles 21:18:36 <jwf> Oh, am I chaired? 21:19:02 <stickster> should be, I did it at opening 21:19:20 <jwf> Oh, weird. Maybe #undo is quiet now 21:19:37 <sub_pop[m]> .hello linkdupont 21:19:38 <zodbot> sub_pop[m]: linkdupont 'Link Dupont' <link@sub-pop.net> 21:20:00 <sbrady1[m]> Hello guys 21:20:10 <stickster> OK, so it sounds like we do need to put together a SOP for the Magazine. 21:20:27 <stickster> Does someone want to chase down the right place to put it so we know we'll refer there, or someone will poke us to do so? 21:20:29 <jwf> #idea Improving a Magazine-related social media SOP for sharing / distributing content (helping maximize our reach across different platforms, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Reddit, Instagram, Diaspora, etc.) 21:20:50 <jwf> stickster: You mean for one of those release agenda task calendars? 21:21:08 <stickster> jwf: more like a list of things to do, but anything we want could conceivably go on the detailed schedule. 21:21:56 <jwf> stickster: Like a Magazine-specific one of these? https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-26/f-26-all-tasks.html 21:22:01 <ryanlerch> IMHO, def the release annoucnemtn should go on the schedule 21:22:07 <stickster> jwf: correct, that's jkurik's managed calendar 21:22:10 <stickster> ryanlerch: agreed 21:22:12 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-project-schedule/ 21:22:23 <stickster> we could also use something like https://docs.pagure.org/infra-docs/ but that might be too much overhead 21:22:35 <stickster> for that matter we could just write a page on the Magazine ;-) 21:22:58 <stickster> similar to https://fedoramagazine.org/tips-for-articles/ 21:23:24 * stickster notes, we are 23 minutes in and we still need to work on publishing schedule 21:23:39 <ryanlerch> stickster: defer to list++ 21:23:49 <jwf> Oh, interesting. If we did want to use the calendar with all of the other subprojects, it looks like we'd need to make a page like this (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Schedule/Generic) and then add a link to it in the script in the above linked repo 21:24:00 <jwf> And then it will always use the relevant dates for every release so we don't have to upkeep that 21:24:03 <jwf> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Schedule/Generic 21:24:10 <jwf> But yeah, we can take this to the list 21:24:11 <stickster> #proposed #agreed assemble a list of items on the mailing list, and then pull together email with jkurik to get on the magic scheddule 21:24:28 <stickster> += 21:24:31 <stickster> er, +1 21:24:37 <kthebyrd> +1 21:24:38 <ryanlerch> ++1 21:24:43 <pingou> += 1 21:24:51 <jwf> +1, although it might make jkurik's life easier if we have a page like this to bring to him :) 21:25:14 <stickster> #agreed assemble a list of items on the mailing list, and then pull together email with jkurik to get on the magic schedule 21:25:29 <stickster> #info we can pull mailing list info into that style page that Marketing did on wiki 21:25:33 <stickster> agreed, great idea jwf 21:25:46 <stickster> shall we move on? 21:26:12 <jwf> +1 x2 :) 21:26:32 <ryanlerch> yes please! 21:26:34 <stickster> #topic Pending review 21:26:43 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending&post_type=post 21:27:10 <stickster> #info -- SELF report -- 21:27:15 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=17890&preview=true 21:27:30 * jwf wonders if this was meant for the CommBlog 21:27:43 <stickster> It feels like it probably was 21:28:09 <ryanlerch> yeah +1 to move to commblog 21:28:28 <stickster> jwf: do you want to do the honors? 21:28:38 <jwf> stickster: you got it! was literally typing the same 21:28:53 <stickster> #action jwf move this SELF report to commblog 21:29:37 <stickster> #info -- What's New in F26 Anaconda Installer -- 21:29:40 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=18030&preview=true 21:29:56 <ryanlerch> big +1 to this! 21:30:02 <Rhea> Oh Magazine meeting... 21:30:09 <ryanlerch> i started editing a bit yesterday 21:30:17 <stickster> needs some language fixes, but this looks GREAT 21:30:34 <stickster> Holy crap, it's huge 21:30:40 <Rhea> I'd like to point out 4 articles within 24 hours that could have been spread out a little - "what's new in workstation" at least a day later, and "python lab" a week later. 21:31:05 <stickster> Rhea: "What's New" can't be postponed. It's tied to release mechanics and actually was supposed to be ready at the same time 21:31:13 <stickster> that was a mistake we made, see above in log 21:31:28 <Rhea> I think that it would better focus peoples attention from one thing to the other... 21:31:45 <stickster> Also, our experience in terms of stats is that the pageviews don't suffer when things are close together 21:31:59 <stickster> the only reason we space them out is so we don't fall silent when we don't have enough content to publish every dya 21:32:02 <Rhea> To keep it at one or two articles at most, two only during release times... 21:32:02 <stickster> *dy 21:32:04 <stickster> oh goodness, day 21:32:11 <stickster> Rhea: what is the goal in doing that? 21:32:51 <Rhea> Well, the two "stickied" articles on reddit are between 50 and 100 upvotes. The two that we were not able to put up there, are below 10 iirc 21:33:13 <Rhea> We would be able to that way highlight the two articles, then replace them with the next two... 21:33:13 <ryanlerch> yeah, in my experience, the content of the posts impacts the engagement, rather than when they are posted 21:33:22 <stickster> ryanlerch: right -- it's all about content, not pacing. 21:33:37 <stickster> This affects Reddit pinning, but that is not the sole determining factor in when we get hits 21:33:49 <stickster> We also put these on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and (apparently?) Instagram 21:34:00 <stickster> And in fact Facebook is *by far* the biggest referral for our hits 21:34:28 <ryanlerch> the r/Fedora community is quite a bit smaller than FB & twitter too iirc 21:34:30 * stickster notes we're off topic here, but happy to do this sidebar, not a problem 21:34:55 * stickster checks stats to make sure he is being accurate 21:35:10 <Rhea> Well you're going to saturate the networks... I for one am not interested in 5 articles at once. 21:35:27 <stickster> So if you don't count search engines or start.fedoraproject.org, Facebook is our biggest referrer 21:35:34 <Rhea> I'd rather get the important two first, announcement and how to upgrade, and then the others as interesting reading during the release hype period 21:36:14 <Rhea> There is also that thing of "spamming content away" from the front page, by posting too much at once 21:36:21 <stickster> It would be possible to do the "What's new in F<n> Workstation" article the day before, but not after 21:36:59 <Rhea> For example even Fedora twitter, several tweets per day even during non release times, of random blogs... Sure it's awesome to promote contributors talking about the project, but maybe too excessive.. 21:37:11 <stickster> Fedora Twitter is definitely off topic here :-) 21:37:22 <Rhea> Or day before, yep... 21:37:28 <ryanlerch> i also think 4 posts in 3 days isnt really spammy 21:37:33 <stickster> me neither 21:37:47 <Rhea> Well, that's my two cents... :p 21:37:53 <stickster> This is just about the only time each half-annum we have more than 3 posts *a week* 21:38:13 <sub_pop[m]> it's definitely not how we normally publish, yea 21:38:28 <jwf> I think part of having this Magazine content together on the same day is that it benefits us since people are actively searching on release day for this content. It think it's noteworthy that our biggest referrals are from search engines, which to me shows people are actively trying to find this content. I think by not publishing it on the release day (e.g. "what's new"), the Magazine would lose some of its clout and an ambitious individual blogger 21:38:29 <jwf> or publication could write the same thing and absorb some of those searches 21:38:32 <stickster> As long as we aren't overshadowing the release post with *non-release* info, it hasn't seemed to hurt pageviews... in fact quite the opposite 21:38:48 <jwf> I feel like it's best to get that content out ASAP while people are searching and looking for it – too long, and someone else will just get it first 21:39:16 <ryanlerch> jwf: good point 21:40:04 <jwf> I definitely think it's a strong point to our benefit to get this content that is relevant to the release out on release day 21:40:27 * jwf is porting the article to the CommBlog, sorry for being AFK there for a minute 21:40:29 <stickster> jwf: yes, good point on the search engines. They overshadow all social media in terms of referrals by 10x 21:40:41 <stickster> Let's get back to our publishing schedule :-) 21:40:49 <jwf> I really do like the idea of an Anaconda installer article 21:40:58 <jwf> I think this is something that has gotten a lot of bad press in past releases 21:41:12 <jwf> So I'd be very supportive to see some positive, exciting news about it to try to change that reputation 21:41:15 <stickster> ryanlerch: Do you think this could go out today (your time, i.e. Friday 0800 UTC)? 21:41:23 <jwf> Big +1 from me on an Anaconda article 21:41:30 * jwf still needs to read the full draft, but loves the idea 21:41:39 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah, ican git-er-done 21:41:57 * stickster can definitely take on something for this weekend/Monday, tour is over 21:42:25 <stickster> #action ryanlerch finish editing Anaconda whats-new article and publish Friday 2017-07-14 at 8 UTC 21:42:32 <jwf> ryanlerch++ Awesome, thanks! 21:42:32 <ryanlerch> stickster: might need to try to ping the original author to check the edits, but assuming they are in a europena timezone, i can do that tonight 21:42:51 <stickster> ryanlerch: Yeah, I believe this comes from someone on Sam Bueno's team -- hers is in Brno I believe 21:43:26 <ryanlerch> stickster: ack & "awesome!" 21:43:33 <stickster> ryanlerch: yeah, it's mkolman 21:43:44 <stickster> :-) 21:43:58 <stickster> sub_pop[m]: How are things looking for your Duply article at the moment? 21:44:03 <stickster> #info --- Duply --- 21:44:09 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=17929&preview=true 21:45:40 <stickster> I recall that part 3 was proving difficult. I would probably recommend just taking the last sentence off this article (about the GUI), and that way it gives you an out. We don't have to tag these as a series until that shows up. Or we can just have two parts (even though we like 3, it's not like we're fascists about it) 21:46:07 <stickster> jwf: ^ your opinion gratefully appreciated, esp. if you think I'm wrong :-D 21:46:10 <ryanlerch> stickster: +1 21:46:18 * stickster often hops in with opinion but defers to EIC 21:46:33 <jwf> stickster: Given the strong topic of this series, I have the same opinion as you too 21:46:56 <jwf> I think the third can fit nicely on top and I think sub_pop is pretty confident on getting it done :) 21:47:05 <jwf> * on top even if it's a week apart from the others 21:47:12 <stickster> It's mainly up to sub_pop[m] whether he feels the content is ready in part 2. If so, I can take this one for Monday (and probably something else) 21:47:19 * stickster wonders if sub_pop[m] is still here 21:47:47 <sub_pop> matrix is lagging a ton.. 21:47:50 <stickster> ha 21:48:14 <stickster> sub_pop: anyway, if you think part 2 is review-ready, I've gotcha covered 21:48:17 <sub_pop> part 3 isn't written yet. it won't be challenging. it just won't be directly tied into part 1 and 2. 21:48:30 <sub_pop> part 2 is ready for review, and i'm hoping to get part 3 written soon. 21:48:36 <stickster> anyone got a problem with that? :-D 21:49:03 <stickster> #action stickster edit and do image for part 2 of backups series 21:49:08 <sub_pop> guh.. my internet feels like dial-up 21:49:15 <stickster> +++ATH0 21:49:20 <stickster> hee hee 21:49:48 <stickster> jwf: This brings us to the later cloud stuff 21:50:03 <stickster> #info --- add'l cloudy articles from Justin --- 21:50:32 <ryanlerch> #info for stickster -- the font i used in the backup featured image is cabin sketch 21:50:38 <stickster> ryanlerch: Thank you kind sir! 21:51:05 <jwf> stickster: I've seen some private emails I need to get back on, but sadly I don't think I'll have time to revisit until next week. That might mean the next one could be ready by that next Friday, but it's hard to say until I really sit down and look at it 21:51:13 <stickster> So we got some strong feedback about trying to aim these more at Atomic + Openshift. However, I fully appreciate that jwf might not be an expert in those. walters offered to hook jwf up with expertise or a person on these. 21:51:19 <stickster> lol, *jinx 21:51:34 <stickster> jwf: Yeah, it's probably an easy rewrite (although probably rewarding in its own way) 21:51:36 <jwf> sub_pop++ Thanks for your awesome work on this series so far :) 21:51:36 <zodbot> jwf: Karma for linkdupont changed to 1 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:51:57 <jwf> stickster: I would very much like to dive deeper on these topics and hopefully get some experience enough to write some complementary pieces to what we're doing in Fedora 21:52:12 <jwf> stickster: In short, yes, but it will come at the cost of dragging the series out a bit 21:52:19 <stickster> jwf: Agreed, and I think that's mighty cool of you. How about we move these back to draft, and let's go look at other drafts, is that fair? And do you feel empowered to move those forward when you have time? 21:52:34 <jwf> Although the next one (deploying to AWS with Tectonic) might be fine even on its own, but again, probably something I need to sit down and look at. 21:52:36 * stickster wondering if he's too much in the driver seat here :-( 21:52:47 <jwf> I definitely want to try to keep these going in July, though, it's high priority for me 21:52:55 <jwf> But yeah, let's put them back into drafts for now 21:52:56 <jwf> +1 21:53:17 <jwf> stickster: We're fighting against time here, no complaints on my end. :) 21:53:17 <stickster> #action jwf move these articles to draft and revisit with Atomic folks 21:53:25 <stickster> jwf: yeah, you said it :-D 21:53:39 <stickster> #topic Drafts 21:53:45 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type=post 21:53:59 <stickster> #info --- DoD smartcards --- 21:54:00 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=17967&preview=true 21:55:32 <stickster> Now normally I might scratch my head and say "why are we aiming at DoD audience here?"... but I happen to know (and mattdm can back me up on this, since he's visited the DC area LISA conference) we have a YUUUGE (sorry) footprint in the gov/mil space... where people deploy on RHEL but do a lot of forward/leading-edge work on Fedora 21:55:53 * stickster used to work in a shop that did that very thing, aamof 21:56:54 * stickster looking for opinions here, because it's really a judgment call... also I like the fact we have a brand new writer on this one (kthebyrd, hi!) and would love to promote their work 21:57:06 <sub_pop> it's showing 404 for me :( 21:57:17 <jwf> Yeah, last week, we had discussed about trying to keep it general and flexible for different use cases, but we agreed that keeping the DoD angle was important for the article. 21:57:21 <stickster> sub_pop: make sure you're logged in to magazine via https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin 21:57:41 <sub_pop> i am. i can see the drafts list, but not the article 21:58:01 <kk4ewt> stickster, i think all people should be our target (yes corporate, government, education, and home users ) 21:58:03 <stickster> sub_pop: oh, might be an editor-level permission then. 21:58:16 <sub_pop> ah ok 21:58:16 <kk4ewt> so any thing to promote any or all the better 21:58:19 <stickster> kk4ewt: they are. But every article need not reach every audience :-) 21:58:30 <kk4ewt> correct and thats fine 21:58:33 <stickster> jwf: I'm down with that! Shall we +1 this for review 21:58:42 <ryanlerch> +1 from me! 21:58:54 <stickster> ryanlerch: want to split this one? You do the art, I'll do the edits? 21:59:04 <ryanlerch> stickster: sounds like a plan! 21:59:23 <stickster> jwf: jump in if you want it -- I know your time is still somewhat stretched so I'm only looking to help :-) 22:00:28 <stickster> OK, silence gives consent :-D 22:00:30 <stickster> #action stickster do edits on DoD smartcard article 22:00:31 <stickster> #action ryanlerch do featured image for DoD smartcard article 22:00:57 <stickster> That gives us Fri, Mon, Wed 22:01:12 <stickster> cprofitt said he has a HDYF coming, so if that's in next week as expected, we could run it Fri 22:01:12 <jwf> stickster: Might be best for me to jump back in starting next week. :) 22:01:22 <jwf> Want to be sure I can deliver before committing yet 22:01:34 <stickster> jwf: sure thing, and no worries. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't stepping on your toes 22:01:41 <jwf> Not a problem :) 22:01:48 <ryanlerch> stickster: HDYF on friday sound great to me! 22:01:50 <stickster> OK, so recap publishing schedule then? 22:01:56 <ryanlerch> that is when we have been posting them lately 22:02:19 <stickster> #topic Publishing schedule recap 22:03:08 <stickster> #info Fri Jul 14 - Anaconda (ryanlerch); Mon Jul 17 - Backups part 2 (stickster); Wed Jul 19 - DoD smartcards (ryanlerch/stickster); Fri Jul 21 - HDYF (TBD, hopefully) 22:03:11 <stickster> sound good? 22:03:25 <ryanlerch> stickster++ 22:03:25 <zodbot> ryanlerch: Karma for pfrields changed to 7 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:03:41 <jwf> +100 22:03:49 <stickster> https://m.popkey.co/0fdfdd/b0d4Y.gif 22:04:07 <stickster> OK, that's a wrap folks! 22:04:22 <stickster> Thanks to *everyone* for coming and participating in a spirited discussion! 22:04:23 <kthebyrd> Thanks guys! 22:04:38 <ryanlerch> thanks everyone! 22:04:47 <ryanlerch> stickster: thanks for chairing 22:04:54 <stickster> Rhea++ kthebyrd++ sub_pop++ jwf++ kk4ewt++ ryanlerch++ 22:04:54 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for rhea changed to 7 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:04:57 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for kthebyrd changed to 1 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:05:00 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for linkdupont changed to 2 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:05:03 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for ryanlerch changed to 2 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:05:05 <jwf> Karma cookie storm!! 22:05:07 <stickster> COOKIE PARTY!!!! 22:05:13 <ryanlerch> BISCUITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 22:05:16 <stickster> lol 22:05:16 <sub_pop> you get a cookie! you get a cookie! 22:05:18 <jwf> stickster: Now you have to wait ANOTHER SIX MONTHS! 22:05:20 <ryanlerch> BIKKIES!!!!!! 22:05:30 <stickster> See y'all online :-) 22:05:32 <stickster> #endmeeting