22:00:03 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 22:00:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 25 22:00:03 2017 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:00:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:00:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 22:00:06 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 22:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 22:00:08 <stickster> #topic Roll call 22:00:10 <stickster> .hello pfrields 22:00:11 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 22:00:12 <stickster> #chair ryanlerch 22:00:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: ryanlerch stickster 22:02:02 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 22:02:03 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'Ryan Lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 22:02:08 <ryanlerch> morning stickster! 22:02:09 <stickster> o/ Ryan, long time no talk ;-D 22:02:16 <ryanlerch> :) 22:02:22 <ryanlerch> sorry i'm a ittle late! 22:02:33 <stickster> no worries 22:02:36 <ryanlerch> saw the latex article! nice! 22:02:49 <stickster> I'm going to plunge ahead, feel free to #chair anyone who stops by 22:02:54 <stickster> #topic Last week stats 22:03:09 <stickster> #info 73K pageviews last week, BIG increase from previous week. 22:03:20 <stickster> (vs 55.9K the week before) 22:03:22 <stickster> best week since August 22:03:37 <ryanlerch> woo! 22:03:53 <stickster> #info October 2017 is already up from September and we have a few days in the month left. 22:03:59 <ryanlerch> we surpassed last years totla pageviews during the week! 22:04:10 <stickster> We need one more big/controversial post :-D 22:04:13 <ryanlerch> #bestyearevar 22:04:17 <stickster> \o/ 22:04:50 <ryanlerch> averageing over 9K / day this month too! 22:04:59 <stickster> Yeah, rocking for sure 22:05:31 <stickster> #topic This week's schedule 22:05:40 <sub_pop[m]> another flatpak post? flatpak is pretty controversial 22:05:46 <ryanlerch> if we can do that for devember / november too, we will come very close to 3M 22:05:56 <stickster> sub_pop[m]: lol, bring it on 22:06:06 <stickster> we have modular server still to come, ryanlerch 22:06:30 <ryanlerch> morning sub_pop[m] ! 22:06:36 <stickster> if langdon can get us some content, as I've asked, we can boost awareness and drive some good #s here 22:06:41 <ryanlerch> #chair sub_pop[m] 22:06:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: ryanlerch stickster sub_pop[m] 22:07:12 <stickster> I'm short circuiting the usual agenda so we can just jam out a plan for the week 22:07:23 <ryanlerch> stickster: sounds good! 22:07:42 <stickster> #info Oct 31 is *supposed* to be F27 GA but not sure whether we're going to make it -- so let's assume we post nothing on Tuesday for GA (or the "what's new in workstation" link) 22:08:20 <sub_pop[m]> heyo. not driving home yet 22:08:44 <stickster> ryanlerch: I saw you have a post on Overview improvements... I noticed when I looked at the title, I thought at first it was an overview *of* improvements 22:09:17 <stickster> would it be better to say "Shell Overview" or something like that in the title? 22:09:20 <ryanlerch> maybe search improvements? 22:09:34 <ryanlerch> ah +1 for shell overview 22:09:41 <ryanlerch> will change! 22:09:46 <stickster> yeah! Or GNOME Shell Search, I think having the GNOME title is helpful for us in general 22:10:08 <sub_pop[m]> i might try to write up a gnome 3.26 feature summary or something similar. i've been loving builder 3.26 22:10:27 <sub_pop[m]> need to solidify the pitch thiugh 22:10:35 <ryanlerch> sub_pop[m]: a article about builder itself would be good 22:10:35 <stickster> sub_pop[m]: I have an article lined up here: https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=19145&preview=true 22:10:45 <stickster> sub_pop[m]: Something specifically on Builder would be AMAZING 22:10:51 <ryanlerch> i know that i did one when it was first starting out 22:10:51 <stickster> we need to cover that better for devs 22:11:13 <sub_pop[m]> ok. lemme see if i can come up with a builder topic 22:11:56 <ryanlerch> sub_pop[m]: sorta like a review of features would do well IMHO 22:12:09 <sub_pop[m]> yea 22:12:21 <ryanlerch> pitch approved IMHO :) 22:12:40 <stickster> +1 on that 22:12:51 <stickster> Builder is pretty darn cool honestly 22:12:59 <sub_pop[m]> yea 22:13:21 <stickster> #info approved proto-pitch on Builder from sub_pop[m] 22:13:34 <stickster> ryanlerch: OK, so we have your Shell Search for Friday, let's say 22:13:56 <sub_pop[m]> ok. i'm off. 22:13:57 <ryanlerch> stickster: +1 :D 22:13:58 <sub_pop[m]> o/ 22:14:12 <ryanlerch> that is a great imrpvement IMHO 22:14:34 <stickster> ryanlerch: Dominik Turecek sent us another new COPR content article 22:14:45 <stickster> o/ sub_pop[m] 22:14:57 <ryanlerch> seeya sub_pop[m] ! 22:15:03 <stickster> Do we have anything yet for Monday? 22:15:15 <ryanlerch> stickster: that could be a good possible monday one? 22:15:43 <stickster> sure 22:16:18 <ryanlerch> we do have the possible 3 for tuesday, so we could skip monday maybe 22:16:42 <stickster> ryanlerch: we'll know Thursday evening (USA)/Friday morning (AUS) what's up with release 22:16:53 <stickster> so let's call this contingency planning ;-) 22:17:01 <ryanlerch> stickster: goood idea 22:17:19 <stickster> ryanlerch: did we discuss holding the COPR articles to one a month? 22:17:31 <stickster> I have a hazy recollection on this 22:17:34 <ryanlerch> i recall something about that 22:18:17 <ryanlerch> the last one was 3 weeks ago it seems too 22:18:18 <stickster> best case scenario... GA is Tuesday, we hold COPR until next Thu or Fri 22:18:27 <stickster> so it's just into November 22:19:15 <stickster> We have an article on VSCode but it's only about 60% complete IMHO... needs more feature explanation, it's superficial as-is 22:20:56 <ryanlerch> stickster: more input needed from the author? 22:21:13 <stickster> ryanlerch: I emailed the author (and list I think?) asking for some changes/meat 22:22:12 <ryanlerch> monday might be a stretch for that one? 22:22:29 <ryanlerch> as a contingincy that is 22:22:59 <stickster> Yeah 22:23:18 <stickster> ryanlerch: Are you OK with an article on Audacious (music player)? 22:23:30 <stickster> it's actively maintained, fwiw 22:23:49 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah a +1 from me 22:24:29 <stickster> #agreed Audacious pitch approved 22:24:41 <stickster> #action stickster email the author/list with a go-sign 22:25:59 <stickster> Wow, precious little in the backlog :-( 22:26:46 <ryanlerch> yeah :/ 22:27:24 <ryanlerch> any news on the next HDYF? 22:27:33 <stickster> ryanlerch: none yet, I pinged cprofitt since I saw him online 22:28:13 <stickster> ryanlerch: maybe I need to start assigning articles to team members :-D 22:28:23 <ryanlerch> :D 22:29:30 <stickster> ryanlerch: How about this... we have Fri covered with your Shell search. I'll try to whip something up for Monday. Wednesday we could do the COPR article if there's no release. Friday we'll wing it 22:29:54 <ryanlerch> stickster: sounds like a plan 22:30:06 <stickster> ryanlerch: maybe we should have members of the Fedora team do the HDYF, that way we can ensure cprofitt gets answers :-D 22:30:08 <ryanlerch> for the release, i'll stage up the upgrading srticle 22:30:16 <stickster> ryanlerch: that sounds bonzer 22:30:27 <stickster> ^ not even sure that's correct slang 22:30:33 <ryanlerch> that is an easy one -- mainly a s/26/27 22:30:36 <stickster> *nod 22:30:42 <stickster> it's important to have but yeah, dead easy 22:30:44 <ryanlerch> it's "correct" 22:30:51 <stickster> just awkward? 22:30:54 <ryanlerch> but not really something we say anymore 22:30:56 <stickster> lol 22:31:06 <stickster> I need to stop reading Outback restaurant menus 22:31:17 <ryanlerch> hahah 22:31:17 <stickster> Is that like saying "swell" here in the USA? 22:31:46 <ryanlerch> stickster: i think it is more analogolus to awesome 22:31:49 <stickster> ha 22:31:54 <stickster> I say awesome all the time though :-( 22:31:59 <stickster> what's a better colloquialism for "awesome"? 22:32:01 <smooge> next up Fosters 22:32:06 <ryanlerch> i did have a blooming onion for breakfast tho 22:32:11 <stickster> lol no you didn't 22:32:33 <ryanlerch> well, we can't call them that TM 22:32:36 <stickster> ha 22:32:38 <ryanlerch> haha 22:32:40 <stickster> no wait, you really did? 22:33:03 <ryanlerch> yeah, its a pretty normal australian breakfast 22:33:30 <ryanlerch> haha no. i had never seen anything like a bloomin onion before going to the states 22:33:42 <stickster> wow 22:33:59 <stickster> yeah, I figured you were pulling my leg 22:34:11 <stickster> I was like, why the heck would anyone eat that for breakfast 22:34:46 <stickster> #proposed #agreed SCHEDULE - Fri Oct 27: Shell search (ryan) ; Mon Oct 30: TBA (paul, if no F27GA) ; Wed Nov 01: COPR (paul, if no F27GA) ; Fri Nov 03: TBA 22:34:51 <stickster> ^ what do you think? 22:35:00 <ryanlerch> smooge: i think the last time i saw fosters here was in the "imports" section of the bottleshop 22:35:35 <ryanlerch> stickster: +1 22:35:40 <stickster> #agreed SCHEDULE - Fri Oct 27: Shell search (ryan) ; Mon Oct 30: TBA (paul, if no F27GA) ; Wed Nov 01: COPR (paul, if no F27GA) ; Fri Nov 03: TBA 22:35:51 <stickster> #topic Open floor - all other business 22:36:18 <stickster> I have an idea for that Monday article, but it may be better as a series. I first need to make things work on a Fedora box ;-) 22:36:24 <ryanlerch> proposal: next magazine IRL meeting at an Outback 22:36:37 <stickster> if that falls through, I'll just write something up on e.g. RHEL devel subscription on new Boxes 22:36:54 <ryanlerch> stickster: the subscription thing +1 22:37:12 <stickster> OK, it's a plan. 22:37:25 <ryanlerch> feel free to ping me for images! 22:37:29 <stickster> ryanlerch: for sure 22:37:47 <ryanlerch> i'll get the 3 images for the release posts done today and uploaded 22:37:47 <stickster> ryanlerch: I feel like we should have a discussion about comment moderation, but I'd rather have x3mboy[m] and other interested folks around 22:37:56 <stickster> ryanlerch: sweet, thanks! 22:38:10 <ryanlerch> we also may have to chase up mattdm about the announcment status too 22:38:12 <stickster> ryanlerch: I did one for the What's-New, hope it was OK, but feel free to kill it if you don't like it. 22:38:27 <stickster> ryanlerch: Oh crap, I just realized, mattdm is traveling starting tomorrow to the UK 22:38:34 <stickster> he's only getting back Monday night. 22:39:28 <ryanlerch> sounds like a blocker bug to me :D 22:40:18 <stickster> lol 22:40:25 <stickster> "This isn't the release you're looking for" 22:40:32 <stickster> ryanlerch: It sounds like I may be doing that tomorrow ;-D 22:40:46 <stickster> fortunately I have a couple hours in the afternoon without meetingsx 22:41:14 <stickster> #action stickster handle the F27 release announcement unless he finds out someone is magically doing it alreayd 22:41:28 <stickster> Anything else for tonight (this morning)? 22:42:04 <ryanlerch> stickster: i'll see if i can get a start on it today 22:42:19 <stickster> ryanlerch: oh, an alley-oop would be most awesome. 22:42:19 <ryanlerch> stickster: nothing from me! 22:42:22 <stickster> OK then 22:42:24 <stickster> #endmeeting