20:00:14 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 20:00:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 2 20:00:14 2018 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:14 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 20:00:16 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 20:00:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 20:00:18 <stickster> #topic Roll call 20:00:19 <stickster> .hello pfrields 20:00:20 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 20:00:30 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 20:00:31 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'Ryan Lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 20:00:31 <stickster> \o/ It's Magazine time peeps! 20:00:48 <ryanlerch> sorry! bit slow this morning! 20:00:55 <ryanlerch> good evening stickster 20:01:01 <stickster> Good morning ryanlerch! 20:01:14 <stickster> coffee time for you I think :-) 20:01:25 <stickster> ZOMG 35 comments in backlog on Magazine!?! 20:01:35 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah on #1` 20:01:43 <ryanlerch> OMG 20:01:46 <ryanlerch> realy? 20:02:42 * stickster taking care of some of them as we speak :-) 20:02:57 <stickster> I wonder if x3mboy sub_pop cverna will be here 20:03:09 <sub_pop> .hello linkdupont 20:03:10 <zodbot> sub_pop: linkdupont 'Link Dupont' <link@sub-pop.net> 20:03:12 <stickster> #chair ryanlerch x3mboy sub_pop cverna 20:03:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: cverna ryanlerch stickster sub_pop x3mboy 20:03:16 <stickster> o/ sub_pop! 20:03:17 <sub_pop> Thanks for the tag 20:04:12 <stickster> #topic Last week's stats 20:05:08 <stickster> #info Week of Apr 23: 59.8K page views, way up from 45.5K previous week 20:05:19 <stickster> That doesn't count anything from this Monday or Tuesday, obviously. 20:05:39 <stickster> I can give you a peek that we already hit over 80K views this week. 20:06:13 <ryanlerch> stickster: :D 20:06:14 <sub_pop> Neat 20:06:38 <stickster> Unfortunately we didn't top our all time high of 43,140 views for a day yesterday. 20:07:17 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah, not sure what f27 did there 20:07:33 <ryanlerch> 33K/day is closer to average for a release da 20:08:08 <ryanlerch> we also did dump all our articles as once, sadly too 20:08:49 <stickster> ryanlerch: I see what's wrong. There's no <--more--> in the announcement :-( 20:09:07 <ryanlerch> stickster: :D 20:09:12 <ryanlerch> :( even 20:09:21 * stickster wonders if he should edit it 20:09:34 <ryanlerch> stickster: i dont think it makes much of a difference 20:09:43 <ryanlerch> after the fact that is 20:09:53 <ryanlerch> it def makes a difference when posting 20:10:15 <ryanlerch> the emails pretty much get sent out instantly 20:10:25 <stickster> mattdm: ^ to keep in mind for future articles -- we should always use the <!--more--> content divider so that we pick up page views from all subscribers 20:10:29 <stickster> (potentially) 20:10:40 * ryanlerch wonders if we should write up a bulletpoint SOP for relasdes on the magazine 20:10:41 <stickster> My bet is that would have picked us up over the record. 20:10:48 <stickster> ryanlerch: YES! 20:11:07 <sub_pop> +1 on that 20:11:20 <stickster> #idea We need a bulletpoint SOP for release announcements on the Magazine 20:11:23 <sub_pop> So that we don't get the announcement draft in by the night before the release? ^_^ 20:11:30 <stickster> sub_pop: that would be ideal, yeah ;-) 20:11:42 <stickster> because that <!-- more --> thing is something I would have edited in for sure 20:11:59 <ryanlerch> sub_pop: also, if we do, we can check the major things off in it 20:12:13 <sub_pop> I also noticed a preview link in some coverage on distrowatch 20:12:16 <ryanlerch> i.e. not linking to the upgrading or workstation article in them off the bat 20:12:44 <stickster> ryanlerch: right, that forced us to push the others ahead of time 20:12:51 <sub_pop> https://distrowatch.com/?newsid=10195 20:13:02 <sub_pop> "F28 Workstation news" links to https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=21072&preview=true&preview_id=21072 20:13:19 <ryanlerch> sub_pop: mmmm, interensting 20:13:38 <stickster> ryanlerch: sub_pop: That's because the preview link was in our announcement (until someone noticed and I fixed it) 20:13:57 <sub_pop> The link still works, fortunately, and redirects to the published URL 20:14:00 <mattdm> stickster: *nod* yeah I forgot 20:14:21 <sub_pop> But that might more likely be caught by a release process doc 20:14:35 <stickster> mattdm: Here's an action item for you -- talk to program manager and have "announcement draft is done in Magazie" as a Release Readiness item 20:14:40 <stickster> *magazine even 20:14:42 <ryanlerch> either way, having a checklist of gotchas here will help us at release time 20:14:50 <stickster> yep, that too 20:15:14 <stickster> ryanlerch: Let's set up a page on the magazine for it, even if it's a private one 20:15:23 <ryanlerch> stickster: agreed 20:15:44 <stickster> #action stickster open a page on the Magazine for release announcement checklist 20:16:12 <stickster> #action mattdm have announcement draft included in release-readiness checklist for GA (and Beta) 20:17:17 <stickster> ryanlerch: done 20:17:29 <ryanlerch> stickster++ 20:17:32 <stickster> OK, anything else on last week / retrospective? 20:18:14 <ryanlerch> stickster: other than being workstation-heavy i think our coverage was pretty good 20:18:55 <stickster> *nod -- and response to the release has been good as well. 20:19:21 <stickster> Next time around I'd like more time to get the article schedule (and content) all checked and corrected before push time 20:19:27 <sub_pop> Workstation 4 life! 20:19:46 <stickster> But on the whole, a super satisfying release. If that's the only thing there is to poke at, that's pretty good :-) 20:20:25 <sub_pop> Could we do a follow-up article on the state of Modularity in F28? What is the state of Modularity in F28? 20:20:29 <ryanlerch> i'm also outof ways to crop the f28 background creatively 20:20:32 <ryanlerch> :D 20:21:00 <stickster> sub_pop: I could ask sgallagh or asamalik to do an article on that -- in asamalik's case, probably not able to do until week after next 20:21:06 <stickster> ryanlerch: lol 20:21:20 <stickster> "that is one big blurry lit-up fiber strand" 20:21:36 <stickster> #idea followup article on the state of Modularity in F28 20:21:39 <sub_pop> lol 20:21:48 <stickster> #action stickster see if sgallagh or asamalik can take on Modularity article 20:22:11 <stickster> #topic Admin note on publishing schedule 20:22:33 <stickster> I have a hard stop at :55 so we need to get things rolling with an agreed on schedule before then :-) 20:22:45 <stickster> Shall we move on to look at pending posts? 20:22:52 <ryanlerch> stickster: +1 20:23:06 <stickster> #topic Pending review posts 20:23:07 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending 20:23:11 <stickster> #info --- buildah --- 20:23:22 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=20945&preview=1&_ppp=38519b6e26 20:23:45 <stickster> cverna: I believe you were editing this one -- and thank you for that! How's it coming along? 20:23:46 <sgallagh> stickster: sure, I can do that. 20:23:55 <stickster> \o/ lasso victory 20:24:54 <sub_pop> 👍 20:25:16 <stickster> Not sure if cverna is around. But from what I can see, I think he's done quite some editing on this! 20:26:14 <ryanlerch> cverna++ 20:26:14 <zodbot> ryanlerch: Karma for cverna changed to 1 (for the f28 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:26:15 * stickster makes two quick tweaks and resaves 20:26:36 <stickster> ryanlerch: Can you give this one more quick-look, and schedule for tomorrow (er, tonight your time)? 20:26:47 <stickster> That's when we agreed last week to push it out, at least 20:26:56 <ryanlerch> stickster: ack! 20:27:07 <ryanlerch> does RH support buildah? 20:27:18 <ryanlerch> should we even include that line? 20:27:21 <stickster> I don't think "support" here is a good thing to say. 20:27:29 <stickster> I'd strike that sentence and be done with it. 20:28:04 <stickster> (I did that just now) :-) 20:28:16 <ryanlerch> stickster: willget this one out this evening! 20:28:35 <stickster> I think it may have meant, "Red Hat people dig buildah and work on it," but I don't think that's what we should be worried about in the Magazine 20:28:51 <stickster> or rather, that's not something we need to include in text 20:28:55 <stickster> ryanlerch: thanks! 20:29:09 <stickster> #action ryanlerch final tweaks on buildah and schedule for Thu 0800 UTC 20:29:39 <stickster> Here's the bad news. We have nothing for Friday. 20:30:09 <stickster> #topic The next 1.5 weeks 20:30:13 <langdon> iirc buildah and podman were both shipped with 7/5 20:30:20 <langdon> 7.5 rather 20:30:45 <stickster> ryanlerch: ^ that might make more sense to say, if langdon can verify it 20:30:58 <stickster> is podman mentioned in that article? 20:31:03 * langdon runs to catch a bus.. 20:31:12 <langdon> podman wraps buildah and skopeo 20:31:38 <langdon> see the top of: https://github.com/dustymabe/summit-2018-container-lab/blob/master/labs/lab1/chapter1.md 20:31:38 <stickster> It's not mentioned, so we shouldn't add anything about it. Too confusing. 20:31:50 <langdon> but i have no context on the article 20:31:56 <stickster> langdon: don't sweat it. 20:31:59 <langdon> ill try to log back in from the bus 20:32:09 <stickster> Moving on, we have a schedule to fill :-) 20:32:41 <stickster> ryanlerch: sub_pop: I'm going to be out next week at Red Hat Summit. That means "virtually impossible get anything done" :-( 20:32:47 <stickster> er, s/get/to get/ 20:32:50 <sub_pop> There was talk on the mailing list of a follow-up to the 3rd-party repos article. Is that something we can crank out? 20:33:22 <stickster> sub_pop: If you think you can, that might make a great entry for Friday. 20:33:41 <stickster> depends on the content 20:33:44 <ryanlerch> sub_pop: yeah, with more background? 20:34:05 <stickster> I'm leery of the Magazine turning into a lightning rod for zealots vs. pragmatists 20:34:07 <ryanlerch> i think some coverage on the reasoning was the idea? 20:34:32 <sub_pop> I don't remember the content of the discussion. 20:35:24 <stickster> if this was about promoting the draft content on 3rd party repos on the wiki, I guess we could do that? Although I think the vast majority of comments we got indicate our audience members weren't particularly fazed by it and were +1 20:35:54 <sub_pop> That might've been it, yea. 20:36:34 <stickster> I'm torn. I think it's great for us to be up front about our FOSS Stance. At the same time, I think posting that after the fact could look like a CYA/backpedaling move. 20:37:19 <sub_pop> Maybe just hold off on any additional 3rd-party repo coverage. 20:37:21 <stickster> I don't feel strongly about an article either way -- I'd be fine with having one if that's what folks feel is needed. 20:37:42 <sub_pop> I'm ambivalent too. The current article seemed pretty straight-foward to me. 20:38:02 <ryanlerch> yeah, i think it would be nice to focus on some different release stuff 20:38:12 <ryanlerch> i.e. the modularity post 20:38:19 <sub_pop> Anything around SilverBlue? 20:38:20 <stickster> OK, so let's set that aside -- what else could we do for Mon/Wed/Fri next week, and Monday of following week? 20:38:26 <ryanlerch> and maybe one on the Atomic post auto updates 20:38:55 <stickster> I don't know what sgallagh schedule looks like, whether he could do a draft in time for us to publish Monday -- so I tagged him just now to see :-) 20:38:56 <ryanlerch> dustymabe: ^ is that something you might be interested in at least quick drafting up 20:39:20 <stickster> Oh, I would *really* like to have something Atomic related for sure. esp. given we already pushed a F28 Workstation what's-new 20:39:44 <ryanlerch> i have a couple non-release ideas in the pipeline too 20:39:58 <stickster> ryanlerch: you had something on Audacity, right? 20:40:04 <ryanlerch> but those would be nice to keep for next week during summit 20:40:20 <sgallagh> stickster: The CI work I’m doing hit a wall a bout an hour ago, so I’ll have time tomorrow. Tell me what you want in the article and I can have something to review before Friday is out. 20:40:25 <stickster> funny thing is, I was just talking to a fellow podcaster who mentioned that exact thing! And he's not a 100% FOSS all the time guy, Audacity is just that popular 20:40:57 <ryanlerch> stickster: okies will do it 20:41:37 <dustymabe> stickster: we are planning a F28 Atomic Host Features article 20:41:41 <stickster> sgallagh: I think the overall gist is "status of Modularity in F28" -- so this might focus on both (1) things that are working in DNF/software management in F28 to support it, (2) what modules are offered now (if that's changed), and (3) pointers to how to make them, if appropriate 20:41:43 <dustymabe> sinny is going to write it 20:41:51 <ryanlerch> dustymabe: awesome 20:41:56 <stickster> dustymabe: awesome! ksinny++ dustymabe++ 20:41:56 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for sinnykumari changed to 7 (for the f28 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:41:59 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for dustymabe changed to 5 (for the f28 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:41:59 <dustymabe> hopefully will be out early next week 20:41:59 <ryanlerch> that is exactly what we are after! 20:42:03 <stickster> COOKIE PARTY! 20:42:29 <stickster> dustymabe: Indeed, if we can get something by Monday night Ryan can edit it for Wed publication 20:42:43 <dustymabe> stickster: ok, will try to have it to you by then 20:42:53 <stickster> dustymabe: If before Wed night, we can schedule for Fri 20:43:06 <stickster> just have to cope with the TZ diff 20:43:07 <sgallagh> stickster: ok, I can do that. Mind adding that to my formal task backlog in the usual place? I’ll pick it up this evening or in the morning. Need to go collect my daughter from Girl Scouts in a few. 20:43:14 <stickster> sgallagh: sure thing! 20:43:19 <sgallagh> Thank you 20:44:14 <ryanlerch> so tentative schedule is Buildah Fri, Modules Mon, Atomic Wed 20:44:43 <ryanlerch> then Audacity friday 20:45:23 <ryanlerch> i can get audacity done the week, and have it ready o go if those other two arent done 20:45:41 <stickster> sgallagh: done! 20:45:58 <stickster> ryanlerch: That's starting to look like a plan :-) 20:46:21 <ryanlerch> maybe Modularity Monday is a new thing 20:46:28 <stickster> My follow-on CD tagging article is starting to look problematic because python-eyed3 hasn't been updated for Python 3 :-( 20:46:45 <stickster> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1472490 20:46:58 <stickster> ryanlerch: lol 20:47:03 <ryanlerch> stickster: :( 20:48:03 <ryanlerch> sub_pop: i wonder if an overview / review of GNOME photos might work too 20:48:15 <ryanlerch> i mention it because you did hat awesome editing post 20:48:23 <sub_pop> Ah good point. It can do importing now, right? 20:48:28 <stickster> ooooohhh 20:48:30 <stickster> +10 20:48:31 <sub_pop> And it's the new default. 20:48:34 <ryanlerch> might be good to do a small artcile covering what gnome photos can do 20:48:43 <sub_pop> I'll see what I can turn out. 20:48:44 <ryanlerch> and it is release related 20:48:55 <ryanlerch> and then link to your editing post 20:49:00 <ryanlerch> :D 20:49:00 <sub_pop> Yep. Good idea ryanlerch. 20:49:15 <stickster> There's also a good article on F28 on a RPi 3B+ -- but it needs a bit of work, it's more like an ad for someone else's blog at the moment 20:49:18 <ryanlerch> sub_pop: it doesnt have to be huge, smaller is better i think 20:49:28 <ryanlerch> sub_pop++ 20:49:28 <zodbot> ryanlerch: Karma for linkdupont changed to 1 (for the f28 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:49:39 <sub_pop> Yep. Minitutorials 20:49:40 <stickster> I think ksinny has a RPi 3B+ now and might be able to contribute on that draft article about F28 on RPi 3B+ 20:49:48 <stickster> agreed, sub_pop++ 20:49:48 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for linkdupont changed to 2 (for the f28 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:49:59 <sub_pop> 🍪 20:50:09 <stickster> OK, so in the interest of time: 20:50:09 <ryanlerch> iimagine this weeks scedule is going to be fluidish 20:50:11 <ryanlerch> :D 20:50:23 <ryanlerch> i'll keep the list updated with changes 20:51:48 <stickster> #proposed #agreed Publishing schedule (with flexibility) -- Thu May 3: buildah -- Mon May 7: Modularity F28 -- Wed May 9: Atomic -- Fri May 11: GNOME Photos -- Mon May 14: Audacity or TBD 20:52:12 <stickster> ryanlerch: sub_pop: ^ seem OK? 20:52:26 <ryanlerch> stickster: awesome 20:52:29 <sub_pop> +1 20:52:30 <stickster> #agreed Publishing schedule (with flexibility) -- Thu May 3: buildah -- Mon May 7: Modularity F28 -- Wed May 9: Atomic -- Fri May 11: GNOME Photos -- Mon May 14: Audacity or TBD 20:52:40 <stickster> #topic Open floor (all other business) 20:52:51 <stickster> a few minutes left in case there's anything we didn't cover -- then I need to run! 20:52:57 <sub_pop> Have fun at Red Hat Summit! 20:53:24 <stickster> thanks sub_pop :-) 20:53:57 <stickster> OK, thanks for coming everyone! 20:53:59 <stickster> #endmeeting