20:00:16 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 20:00:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 1 20:00:16 2019 UTC. 20:00:16 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 20:00:16 <zodbot> The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 20:00:21 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 20:00:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 20:00:26 <stickster> #topic Roll call 20:00:31 <stickster> .hello pfrields 20:00:32 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 20:00:44 <stickster> wheee! 20:01:19 <stickster> #chair asamalik cverna ryanlerch sdgathman jakfrost gregbartholomew 20:01:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik cverna gregbartholomew jakfrost ryanlerch sdgathman stickster 20:02:04 <stickster> #info HAPPY F30! 🎈 🎉 🎆 🎂 20:03:23 <stickster> Oh no, am I alone? 20:03:26 <sdgathman> no 20:03:32 <stickster> yay! 20:04:08 <stickster> Well.. is it just us? 20:04:21 <sdgathman> All I have is a pending article from my next openas2 release. 20:04:24 <stickster> 😢 20:05:17 <stickster> Not about the article, about it being just us 20:05:39 <gregbartholomew> .hello glb 20:05:40 <zodbot> gregbartholomew: glb 'Gregory Lee Bartholomew' <gregory.lee.bartholomew@gmail.com> 20:05:55 <sdgathman> Good call on the personal accounting apps article. 20:06:03 <stickster> hurrah, another joiner! 20:06:10 <sdgathman> I wish it had more feature comparisons, however. 20:06:19 <gregbartholomew> o/ 20:06:50 <stickster> Yeah, I tried at first, and it turned out to be difficult because they weren't direct competitors feature to feature. 20:07:11 <sdgathman> I mean which to chose. Do you need double entry accounting? 20:07:22 <stickster> They use different accounting methods and even the user audience is different (meaning... some haven't decided) :-D 20:07:23 <sdgathman> What are the import/export formats? 20:07:47 <stickster> *nod 20:08:07 <sdgathman> Sounds like I stick with gnucash, however. 20:08:25 <stickster> :-) 20:08:29 <stickster> #topic Last week's stats 20:08:59 <stickster> #info Week of April 22: ~61.2K pageviews, up considerably from the previous, weaker week. 20:09:12 <stickster> This week is already blowing the doors off, of course :-)D 20:09:38 <stickster> Reminder -- help us spread on social media by liking, sharing, RT, and whatnot 20:10:05 <stickster> You might find it tedious or silly, but it actually puts things on more people's view/timeline when otherwise they'd not see it thanks to algorithm games 20:10:33 <stickster> You can find source posts at https://twitter.com/fedora for example 20:10:43 * gregbartholomew greg isn't a big social media user 20:10:48 * stickster neither these days 20:11:26 <stickster> I remembered why this morning in a grumbly exchange with a random person who was being rude 20:11:50 <stickster> But... it's an easy way to help/contribute :-) 20:12:13 <stickster> #info Remember to share/RT/like/etc. to help us spread the word (works for *any* article!) 20:12:52 <sdgathman> Some people believe paying for a product entitles them to be rude to support persons. 20:13:12 <sdgathman> And that spills over to community support. 20:13:21 <stickster> yeah, but even that, specious as it is, falls flat for something you're *not* paying for 20:13:35 <stickster> like, they're wrong already, now even more so 20:14:28 <stickster> So let's do this. So few people here, no reason to be formal. Two things to do: (1) round up on articles and publishing; (2) talk about new meeting time 20:14:33 <stickster> Sound OK? 20:14:36 <sdgathman> sure 20:14:43 <stickster> #topic Articles and publishing 20:14:47 <gregbartholomew> OK 20:14:55 <stickster> gregbartholomew: Are we still pending on that software RAID article or is it out now? 20:14:59 * stickster looks back at feed 20:15:07 <gregbartholomew> pending 20:15:18 <stickster> So we could push that on Friday 20:15:23 <sdgathman> I read an article on mdadm. 20:15:24 <stickster> (has it been reviewed?) 20:15:26 <gregbartholomew> I'd like to view it to test it against the fedora 30 20:15:31 <stickster> gregbartholomew: good idea 20:15:58 <gregbartholomew> last I tried, the site wouldn't allow me to view my article though :( 20:16:18 <sdgathman> "Managing RAID arrays with mdadm" 20:16:46 <stickster> Hm o_O 20:16:47 <sdgathman> Is the new article a followup 20:16:48 <sdgathman> ? 20:16:48 <gregbartholomew> sdgathman: that was just the "primer" :) 20:18:09 <stickster> Aha! 20:18:20 <stickster> #info Softare RAID article is already scheduled to go out Fri 2019-May-03 20:18:23 <stickster> yay! 20:19:17 <stickster> There's a cool article on SELinux that lvrabec did for us to review as well 20:19:30 <gregbartholomew> Yeah, but like I said, it was written *weeks* ago -- long before Fedora 30 was out, so I can't say for absolutely sure that it will work with the latest version. 20:19:47 <gregbartholomew> It likely is fine though. 20:20:23 <gregbartholomew> SELinux is one of those things that I wish I had better luck getting along with. 20:20:26 <stickster> gregbartholomew: feel free to give it a whirl and if it needs edits, ping me with the list and I'll put them in for you 20:21:01 * stickster can edit the SELinux article for Monday, no problem 20:21:06 <gregbartholomew> That's what I'm trying to tell you, I *can't* "give it a whirl". 20:21:19 <gregbartholomew> I cannot view it. 20:21:22 <stickster> ohhhh 20:21:31 <stickster> hang on -- are you logged in to the Magazine? 20:21:35 <gregbartholomew> yes 20:22:16 <stickster> gregbartholomew: Does this work? https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=25485&preview=1&_ppp=f21a53dd07 20:22:32 <gregbartholomew> Yes!!! 20:22:54 <gregbartholomew> OK, I'll bookmark that and I'll let you know if anything needs changing (unlikely). 20:24:21 <stickster> gregbartholomew: That link might give out tomorrow, but see also if this works: 20:24:25 <stickster> https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=25485&action=edit 20:24:47 <gregbartholomew> "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this item." 20:25:05 <stickster> gregbartholomew: *nod -- try one more time now 20:25:56 <gregbartholomew> It says that you are working on it, but otherwise, it looks like that works now. 20:26:10 <gregbartholomew> I can probably get the testing done by the end of today. 20:26:32 <stickster> gregbartholomew: feel free to steal edit from me. I think I closed it now anyway 20:26:32 <gregbartholomew> I'll send you an email with the results. 20:26:40 <stickster> cool! 20:26:50 <stickster> OK, we have Friday and Monday handled. 20:28:28 <stickster> I'm thinking about tagging ryanlerch to do a quick article for Wednesday -- or perhaps we could do a roundup of recent reviews of Fedora 30, which have been overall very positive 20:28:39 <stickster> Any other ideas? 20:29:08 * stickster trying to fill up Wed + Fri so we're "safe" until next meeting 20:29:22 <gregbartholomew> I think my follow-up on "checking storage performance with dd" is ready for review. 20:29:47 <gregbartholomew> That would be the last part to the raid series. 20:31:06 <stickster> Yeah -- we could do that next Friday I bet 20:31:30 <stickster> I'd love to get some help editing since I'm running out of free cycles with Monday article + possibility I'll have to fill in Wed 20:32:06 <gregbartholomew> Not sure that I'm talented enough to be an editor. 20:32:09 <sdgathman> I have the openas2 article - I plan to write it while testing 20:32:27 <sdgathman> I have the 2 VMs fired up for testing 20:32:48 <stickster> 👍 20:32:56 <sdgathman> When do you need it by for next Wed ? 20:33:35 <stickster> sdgathman: I was thinking that might be a good target for Monday May 13 20:33:46 <sdgathman> ok 20:34:02 <stickster> publishing then, I mean... so if it was edit-ready a week from today? Sound do-able? 20:35:21 <sdgathman> yes 20:35:59 <sdgathman> The modularity mess for java packages is delayed until f31 at least. 20:36:27 <sdgathman> We need more articles on modularity aimed at packagers. Or does the magazine not target devs? 20:38:43 <stickster> We could use some more modularity articles -- that's true 20:38:53 <gregbartholomew> Heh heh, I see I'm not the only one who drops that "r" on "your" from time-to-time. 20:38:59 * stickster clears throat for langdon and asamalik :-D 20:39:36 <langdon> but summit 20:39:40 <gregbartholomew> stickster: who needs to be notified about a spelling error in the image for the software raid article? 20:39:44 <stickster> langdon: "after summit" :-D 20:40:37 <stickster> gregbartholomew: I have no idea who made it 20:40:49 <langdon> modularity has traditionally, mostly, hit commblog... but we definitely have done some in magazine 20:40:50 <stickster> Ah, cverna 20:41:14 <stickster> It probably depends on the topic, tbh 20:41:15 <gregbartholomew> I'll try to find his email and let him know that it need correcting. 20:41:21 <stickster> gregbartholomew: thanks! 20:41:24 <langdon> im down for writing "something" on modularity "after-summit" (an official part of the red hat calendar now) 20:41:38 <stickster> gregbartholomew: let me know tomorrow if you don't hear from him and I'll whip a new one up 20:41:45 <stickster> langdon++ 20:41:46 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for langdon changed to 3 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:41:50 <gregbartholomew> stickster: will do 20:41:59 <stickster> So here's where we are on publishing... 20:42:10 <langdon> would love ideas.. being so close to it.. makes it hard to see what would be useful 20:43:13 <sdgathman> langdon: what is "it"? summit? modularity? 20:43:13 <stickster> Fri May 3: RAID (ready) -- Mon May 6: SELinux (edit/image: stickster) -- Wed May 8: Review roundup for F30 (TBA, maybe ryanlerch) -- Fri May 10: dd (edit/image: TBA, maybe stickster) -- Mon May 13: openas2 (edit/image: TBA) 20:43:29 <stickster> If I can find one more thing for Wed May 15 that I can assign to asamalik, I'll do it ;-D 20:43:45 <stickster> sdgathman: modularity but maybe both ;-D 20:44:22 <stickster> Anyone have a problem with above schedule:? 20:44:36 <gregbartholomew> It looks good to me. :) 20:44:43 <stickster> #topic Publishing schedule 20:44:49 <langdon> sdgathman: sorry.. modularity magazine article 20:44:53 <stickster> #agreed Fri May 3: RAID (ready) -- Mon May 6: SELinux (edit/image: stickster) -- Wed May 8: Review roundup for F30 (TBA, maybe ryanlerch) -- Fri May 10: dd (edit/image: TBA, maybe stickster) -- Mon May 13: openas2 (edit/image: TBA) 20:44:57 <stickster> #topic Next meeting time 20:45:42 <sdgathman> langdon: my confusion as a packager has been what my response should be to having all the dependencies of openas2 moved to modules. 20:46:12 <langdon> sdgathman: ok.. and you think that would be good for magazine? or for commblog? (/me feels like the latter) 20:46:15 <stickster> OK, looks like everyone who weighed in on the list said they could do a Wednesday 8:00am US-Eastern time. So we'll try to do that next week. Even though I'm working at Summit along with asamalik, my volunteer shift doesn't start until 10. So feasibly I can make a meeting and still get to the convention center on time 20:46:24 <sdgathman> Dunno. 20:46:53 <stickster> sdgathman: Where have you looked so far (so we know if there's a doc route that doesn't work)? 20:46:54 <gregbartholomew> Sounds good to me. 20:47:19 <langdon> sdgathman: well.. writing the content is independent.. then i can ship it to the editors and they can decide where to publish :) 20:48:10 <stickster> Oh hey, I found there's an Ask Fedora article awaiting review. This is good for Magazine because readers there are a lot more likely to be general users and not inner-circle community members who are looking for help on something 20:48:42 <sdgathman> I've looked on docs.fedoraproject.org in all the topics. 20:48:43 <stickster> So be aware... we might insert that at some point in the schedule and push something else back, like perhaps slot it May 8, and move the review roundup to May 15 20:49:06 <stickster> sdgathman: including https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/modularity/ ? 20:49:09 <sdgathman> yes 20:49:09 <gregbartholomew> It's all good with me. 20:49:12 <stickster> *nod 20:49:19 <stickster> Cool gregbartholomew 20:49:46 <stickster> #info Might slot Ask Fedora on Wed May 8 and move review roundup to May 15 (which gives us extra material to round up anyway, so yay for htat) 20:49:49 <stickster> #undo 20:49:49 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by stickster at 20:49:46 : Might slot Ask Fedora on Wed May 8 and move review roundup to May 15 (which gives us extra material to round up anyway, so yay for htat) 20:49:52 <stickster> #info Might slot Ask Fedora on Wed May 8 and move review roundup to May 15 (which gives us extra material to round up anyway, so yay for that) 20:50:03 <stickster> #topic Open floor / all other busines 20:50:08 <stickster> sigh 20:50:10 <stickster> #undo 20:50:10 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x7f7e66f79310> 20:50:14 <stickster> #topic Open floor / all other business 20:50:28 <stickster> Hands say, you're done typing for today buddy 20:50:57 <sdgathman> langdon: my case is an "ursine" package with all dependencies moved to modules. It will eventually be handled by builders being able to import modules - so *maybe* I don't need to do anything... 20:51:30 <sdgathman> Eyes say, time for a nap buddy 20:51:31 <stickster> sdgathman: Sounds like you have the exact problem that is still in midst of solution -- there is some code done, and IIUC one more piece needed in koji to make everything work right 20:51:44 <langdon> sdgathman: right.. this is the "missing ursa major" problem... you can't have rpms dep on modules.. would it be super hard for you to make your packages modules? 20:51:45 <stickster> langdon: ^ correct? ( 20:51:48 <stickster> yeah 20:52:19 <stickster> Wouldn't OpenAS2 be more useful that way (or at least, not less useful)? 20:52:29 <sdgathman> langdon: I don't know which module to move it to, or how to make a module from scratch 20:52:35 <langdon> sdgathman: "bare rpm" -> bear rpm -> ursine rpm (btw, if you didn't know the origin :) ) 20:52:42 <stickster> sdgathman: Making a module from scratch, though, *is* covered in those docs 20:53:00 <langdon> sdgathman: ah ha.. have you loked at fedmod? (or the docs stickester just said)? 20:53:02 <stickster> Making a regular RPM that depends on modules isn't yet, since it doesn't work 20:53:30 <stickster> (Well, it theoretically/practically works, but just not in any service that people can call/use, thus might as well not work) 20:53:43 <stickster> ^ which, yes, is uggh. 20:54:05 <sdgathman> I have no idea what to put in the yaml file 20:54:27 <sdgathman> And all the dependencies I need to code there are in other random modules. 20:54:49 <langdon> sdgathman: you can just dep on another module from yours 20:54:57 <langdon> then rpm takes over as normal 20:55:32 <sdgathman> Don't let me tie up the meeting. 20:55:32 <langdon> sdgathman, stickster should we move this convo to #fedora-modularity ? to not pollute these logs 20:55:40 <stickster> langdon: sdgathman: Yeah, agreed 20:55:57 <stickster> Although technically it's open floor, there are more people there who'd like to see input from a community member having an issue 20:56:08 <stickster> it's important to have feedback like this 20:56:14 <langdon> +1 20:56:22 <stickster> so thanks for being willing to discuss sdgathman 20:56:24 <sdgathman> Anyway, more modularity articles, please 20:56:27 <stickster> :-) 20:56:29 <stickster> hear hear 20:56:39 <stickster> Anything else before we close up here? 20:56:47 <stickster> #agreed more modularity articles would be useful! 20:57:30 <stickster> #action stickster ask ryanlerch to edit Ask Fedora article 20:57:36 <gregbartholomew> Everything looks good to me. 20:58:03 <stickster> #action stickster edit dd article and do image 20:58:45 <stickster> #action stickster edit SELinux article and do image, schedule for Mon May 6 20:59:09 <stickster> #action stickster ask asamalik to pull together review roundup for week of May 13 20:59:20 <stickster> OK, now we're done then :-D 20:59:23 <stickster> #endmeeting