12:00:25 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 12:00:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 24 12:00:25 2019 UTC. 12:00:25 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 12:00:25 <zodbot> The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:00:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 12:00:27 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 12:00:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 12:00:29 <stickster> #topic Roll call 12:00:31 <stickster> .hello pfrields 12:00:33 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 12:00:37 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 12:00:39 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'Ryan Lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 12:00:42 <asamalik> .hello2 12:00:44 <zodbot> asamalik: asamalik 'Adam Samalik' <asamalik@redhat.com> 12:00:47 <gregbartholomew> .hello glb 12:00:50 <zodbot> gregbartholomew: glb 'Gregory Lee Bartholomew' <gregory.lee.bartholomew@gmail.com> 12:01:01 <stickster> #chair ryanlerch cverna asamalik gregbartholomew 12:01:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik cverna gregbartholomew ryanlerch stickster 12:02:12 <stickster> Hi everyone! 12:02:15 <stickster> #topic Last week's stats 12:02:30 <bcotton> .hello2 12:02:31 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 12:02:35 <stickster> #chair bcotton 12:02:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik bcotton cverna gregbartholomew ryanlerch stickster 12:03:02 <stickster> asamalik: Do you want the gavel today? 12:03:17 <asamalik> stickster: sure! 12:03:26 * stickster hands it over 12:03:40 * asamalik takes it 12:04:51 <asamalik> #info Week of July 15: > 65.1K pageviews -- looks like an average, although quite less than last week which was a peak! 12:05:15 <ryanlerch> yeah, that silverblue article! 12:06:13 <stickster> Yeah, ryanlerch figured out that HackerNews is what made the difference 12:06:32 <stickster> We have a new "introducing Fedora CoreOS" post -- does anyone have HN or Reddit account they could post it with? 12:06:46 <asamalik> heh, cool! 12:07:00 * asamalik has a reddit account but basically unused 12:07:37 * gregbartholomew also has reddit account but basically unused 12:08:13 <stickster> lol 12:08:19 <stickster> Well, so much for that. Let's keep rolling then 12:08:50 <asamalik> #topic Pending review posts 12:08:50 <asamalik> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending&post_type=post 12:09:02 <asamalik> #info no pending review this week 12:09:11 <asamalik> #topic Drafts to review 12:09:11 <asamalik> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type=post 12:09:45 <asamalik> #info --- Get e-Mail Notifications from your Computer --- 12:09:48 <stickster> (*Good news is we already have something scheduled for Friday) :-) 12:09:48 <asamalik> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=28960&preview=true 12:09:57 <asamalik> this feels WIP :) 12:10:15 <asamalik> #info WIP 12:10:29 <gregbartholomew> What does WIP mean? 12:10:29 <asamalik> #info --- bpftrace: A new eBPF-based supertool for tracing --- 12:10:38 <asamalik> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=28092&preview=true 12:10:51 <asamalik> gregbartholomew: work in progress 12:10:52 <asamalik> sorry :) 12:10:54 <stickster> asamalik: I think that first one might be a pitch, I don't recall seeing it beforfe 12:11:02 <asamalik> stickster: oh! 12:11:06 <gregbartholomew> It was meant to be a pitch. 12:11:15 <stickster> Let me move the category and we'll hit it in short order 12:11:24 <asamalik> #undo 12:11:24 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7f6d4a64b490> 12:11:29 <asamalik> #undo 12:11:29 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by asamalik at 12:10:29 : --- bpftrace: A new eBPF-based supertool for tracing --- 12:11:32 <asamalik> #undo 12:11:32 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by asamalik at 12:10:15 : WIP 12:11:34 <asamalik> #undo 12:11:34 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7f6db2089150> 12:11:35 <asamalik> #undo 12:11:35 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by asamalik at 12:09:45 : --- Get e-Mail Notifications from your Computer --- 12:11:46 <asamalik> #info --- bpftrace: A new eBPF-based supertool for tracing --- 12:11:52 <asamalik> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=28092&preview=true 12:12:42 <stickster> Oh! This looks at least ready to review/edit now! 12:13:12 <stickster> However some of the examples aren't filled in yet 12:13:30 <stickster> .fasinfo caringi 12:13:30 <zodbot> stickster: User: caringi, Name: Augusto Mecking Caringi, email: augustocaringi@gmail.com, Creation: 2014-12-19, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: UTC, Locale: C, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 12:13:33 <zodbot> stickster: Approved Groups: None 12:13:52 <stickster> Hm, wrong account 12:13:55 <stickster> .fasinfo acaringi 12:13:56 <zodbot> stickster: User: acaringi, Name: Augusto Mecking Caringi, email: acaringi@redhat.com, Creation: 2017-05-04, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: Europe/Prague, Locale: en, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 12:13:59 <zodbot> stickster: Approved Groups: db-sig fedorabugs packager cla_done cla_fpca 12:14:34 <stickster> asamalik: suggestion -- I can contact the author and see if he has more to add to this article 12:15:12 <asamalik> stickster: sure, that sounds good! thanks! 12:15:56 <stickster> #action stickster contact author of bpftrace article (DONE) 12:16:18 <asamalik> #info --- Drop-down terminals – Quick Tips --- 12:16:22 <asamalik> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=28697&preview=true 12:17:10 <asamalik> I really like this one, just one thing... it shows how to set it up under (I guess) KDE which is not the default Fedora desktop 12:17:51 <stickster> asamalik: Also, this is still unfinished -- there are yakuake place holders for the other terminals still. What does the 'last modified' date show? 12:18:09 <asamalik> stickster: 2019/07/09 12:18:19 <stickster> Yeah, hasn't been touched since before our last couple meetings. I think there's nothing else new in the list 12:18:22 <asamalik> I guess that's worth a ping 12:18:47 <asamalik> oh, I see, yeah 12:18:51 <stickster> action me dude! 12:19:27 <asamalik> stickster: ha! you want to finish it? 12:20:49 <stickster> author said he'd have this done on Monday 2019-07-22, so I'll contact him about it 12:21:05 <stickster> #action stickster contact author of dropdown terminal article to see about ETA (DONE) 12:21:19 <asamalik> ok! 12:21:23 <asamalik> so that's all then 12:21:29 <asamalik> #topic Pitches to approve 12:21:29 <asamalik> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pitch&post_type=post 12:21:47 <asamalik> #info --- Get e-Mail Notifications from your Computer --- 12:21:52 <asamalik> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=28960&preview=true 12:21:54 <asamalik> hello again! 12:22:03 <gregbartholomew> hello! 12:22:23 <stickster> :-D 12:22:42 <gregbartholomew> This was just a quick idea that I jotted down before joining this morning. 12:22:55 <stickster> +1 on this article but I would like to see it cover postfix instead of sendmail, which while not deprecated is out of favor these days 12:23:03 <gregbartholomew> Not sure how long it would take me to compose 12:23:35 <gregbartholomew> I haven't done it with postfix before, but I can certainly look into it. 12:23:47 <stickster> In general postfix is also easier to configure! 12:23:52 <stickster> (which is a nice bonus) 12:24:01 <asamalik> +1 from me too 12:24:19 <ryanlerch> +1 fropm me too 12:24:19 * asamalik trusts stickster with the postfix suggestion 12:24:26 <gregbartholomew> I think it was a little lighter on the features though, which *might* be a problem, I don't know. 12:25:09 <gregbartholomew> There is a speacial "auth" token that has to be set up for interopperation with gmail. 12:25:29 <stickster> I use a postfix server locally on my laptop (for $reasons) and it works fine with gmail 12:25:49 <stickster> but yeah, I do that token thing as well ;-) 12:25:58 <gregbartholomew> Great, it sounds like postfix is a go then. 12:26:18 <asamalik> #info pitch "Get e-Mail Notifications from your Computer" approved with a suggestion to use postfix instead of sendmail 12:26:24 <stickster> I can volunteer to edit since I don't mind messing my postfix installation up here. I have it in an ansible role so I can recreate when needed 12:26:28 * asamalik moves it to draft? 12:26:40 <stickster> disco 12:26:42 <gregbartholomew> thanks stickster 12:26:51 <asamalik> stickster++ 12:26:57 <asamalik> ansible++ 12:26:58 <asamalik> :D 12:26:59 <zodbot> asamalik: Karma for ansible changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:27:01 <gregbartholomew> BTW, I know that I have two or three old posts floating around in WP 12:27:05 <asamalik> oh! 12:27:08 <stickster> haha 12:27:20 <gregbartholomew> Last I tried to delete them, I couldn't. 12:28:03 <asamalik> gregbartholomew: can you send me the names on #fedora-magazine? I can clean that up 12:28:14 <gregbartholomew> will do. 12:28:16 <stickster> We can probably do that; at least one of them I recall was something of good interest, like '3 ways to install Fedora from your Fedora system' 12:28:18 <gregbartholomew> thanks asamalik 12:28:40 <stickster> that one sticks out in my memory at least, maybe it was someone else's 12:28:50 <gregbartholomew> oh, if you want me to actually follow-up on any of them, that is still a possibility 12:29:03 <stickster> oh! here it is 12:29:04 <gregbartholomew> I thought they were all rejected. 12:29:19 <stickster> https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=25797&preview=1&_ppp=23fe20af0f 12:29:48 <gregbartholomew> Yeah, I pitched that one at the request of a reader in the comments of another article. 12:29:50 * asamalik will prepare the new editorial workflow we talked about before my vacation three weeks ago — so we can see what's a proposed pitch, what's an approved pitch, what's WIP (work in progress) etc. 12:30:42 <gregbartholomew> I think it is doable, but it is something that would take time, especially because I still have a lot of other priorities. 12:30:52 <stickster> asamalik: ryanlerch: I can't figure out why the "Editorial Comment" function says "no one will be notified" on some posts, and not on others 12:31:13 <ryanlerch> weird.... 12:31:16 <asamalik> stickster: heh! not sure 12:31:37 <ryanlerch> stickster: are you the author on any of those posts? 12:31:45 <stickster> ryanlerch: no 12:31:59 <ryanlerch> maybe it has to do with the status of the post? 12:32:11 <ryanlerch> i.e. a pitch, daraft... etc? 12:32:28 <ryanlerch> sorry, just throwing out random ideas 12:32:37 * ryanlerch will have a dig into it 12:32:52 <asamalik> there is an Assignment field in the Editorial Metedata.. maybe that? 12:32:57 <asamalik> but I don't remember us ever using that 12:33:07 <asamalik> yeah let's dig into it 12:33:08 <stickster> Hm 12:33:16 <stickster> Yeah, doesn't need to be here, I'll piddle with it later 12:33:22 <asamalik> anyway.. we got a bit lost :) 12:33:38 <asamalik> I've moved the email notifications article to drafts 12:33:56 <asamalik> do we want to look at "3 Ways to Install Fedora from Fedora" as a pitch? 12:35:42 <stickster> I think we already +1'd it, but I just looked at it and would +1 it again! 12:36:10 <asamalik> it could be interesting to demonstrate how to do that from other distros or from Windows :P 12:36:11 <gregbartholomew> If both are approved, which one do you think I should work on first? 12:36:31 <asamalik> but that's just an idea 12:36:57 <gregbartholomew> asamalik, sure, I'm all ears for ideas about how an article can be approved 12:37:23 <gregbartholomew> improved 12:38:34 * stickster thinks either is fine 12:39:01 <asamalik> oh yeah I meant a different one maybe :) 12:39:04 * stickster notes we are about 20 minutes left and not sure what our schedule looks like. 12:39:15 <asamalik> right 12:39:26 <asamalik> looking at the dates in pitches we must have seen all of them already in the past 12:40:01 <asamalik> #topic Publishing schedule 12:40:11 <asamalik> stickster: so you've mentioned we already have something for Friday right? 12:41:24 <asamalik> and we talked about two drafts, but we're waiting for the authors to confirm so we don't know what we can do there 12:42:16 <asamalik> any suggestions? :) 12:42:21 <SpyTec13> The Bitwarden article I wrote is scheduled for Friday. Also, I noticed that the tags for Bitwarden article is a bit all over the place - is this something we care about? 12:42:52 * asamalik is going to write "Modularity-related activities at Flock" but that's clearly a Community Blog topic 12:43:16 <stickster> SpyTec13: I tagged it, just trying to hit many related terms for SEO. 12:44:01 <SpyTec13> stickster: ack, just missing a Bitwarden tag :) 12:44:21 <stickster> SpyTec13: since that's the SEO focus keyphrase, it shouldn't need one 12:44:48 <SpyTec13> I see, thank you 12:44:58 <stickster> I'll throw it in for fun though :-) 12:45:48 <stickster> asamalik: what about starter pitches? https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=starter-pitches&post_type=post 12:46:42 <asamalik> I'm not sure I can commit to writing something before Flock... :( 12:47:37 <stickster> Yikes, and that's still three weeks off 12:47:48 <asamalik> oh I thought two? 12:48:38 <bcotton> starts two weeks from tomorrow 12:48:43 <stickster> Oh right! 12:48:47 <stickster> yay! 12:48:55 <bcotton> time flies 12:49:16 * asamalik notes he hasn't had proper time to start with minimization yet and has a talk about it :) 12:49:19 <asamalik> yeah! 12:49:29 <stickster> yeah, priorities... 12:50:35 <asamalik> ryanlerch we need your help :D 12:50:38 <stickster> I can do a follow on the permissions article to talk about octal mode for permissions 12:51:00 <stickster> It wasn't covered there but it's a good excuse to have people know how to deal with numbers 12:51:12 <stickster> Might also be able to cover the suid/guid/sticky bits 12:52:12 <ryanlerch> asamalik: got nothing on the burner here, but i can wrangle something up for wednesday! 12:52:30 <asamalik> stickster++ 12:52:32 <asamalik> ryanlerch++ 12:52:50 <stickster> #action stickster draft permissions followup article and get ready for publishing on Monday 12:53:40 <stickster> so we have bitwarden friday, permissions monday, something from ryanlerch for wednesday 12:53:56 * asamalik is putting together the agreed thing 12:54:03 <stickster> we actually had a surplus of articles this week, so it's not like we are in a historical drought 12:54:17 <stickster> extra test day article, extra coreos announcement 12:54:33 <stickster> we just have a lot of intro authors who haven't delivered what they said they would :-( 12:54:53 <asamalik> #proposed #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Day NN Month, Friday 26 July, Bitwarden (--scheduled--) -- Monday 29 July, permissions (stickster) -- Wednesday 31 July, something from ryanlerch (ryanlerch) 12:54:56 <stickster> but at least for every two of them, there's a SpyTec13, a gregbartholomew, etc. 12:55:17 * stickster +1 on Day NN Month! 12:55:22 <stickster> lol. But seriously, +1 12:55:27 <bcotton> ack 12:55:28 <asamalik> lol 12:55:34 <SpyTec13> :) 12:55:36 <ryanlerch> SpyTec13++ 12:55:36 <zodbot> ryanlerch: Karma for egustavs changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:55:39 <asamalik> #proposed #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Friday 26 July, Bitwarden (--scheduled--) -- Monday 29 July, permissions (stickster) -- Wednesday 31 July, something from ryanlerch (ryanlerch) 12:55:43 <ryanlerch> gregbartholomew++ 12:55:51 <gregbartholomew> thanks stickster, good to know that my articles are appriciated! :) 12:56:14 <stickster> for sure gregbartholomew 12:56:25 <stickster> SpyTec13++ 12:56:27 <stickster> gregbartholomew++ 12:56:27 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for egustavs changed to 2 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:56:46 <stickster> SpyTec13: If you think of another topic, feel free to pitch here or on list 12:56:54 <stickster> *** Also, reminder to editors... *** 12:57:04 <SpyTec13> Will do 12:57:13 <stickster> Take it from a guilty party... Make sure you are not filtering the magazine list such that you can't see mail there for days on end 12:57:48 <stickster> ;-) I recently fixed that so I can see email to the list quickly, but it would be good to have a couple editor +1's for pitches, helps contributors also know we are alive and kicking 12:57:55 * asamalik just created a new view in email yesterday to make sure he sees the list every day 12:58:01 <stickster> \o/ 12:58:07 <ryanlerch> stickster: will do! 12:58:11 <ryanlerch> sorry! 12:58:21 <asamalik> so we're all +1 ? 12:58:44 <stickster> not at all, I was messing this up myself and just wanted to admit it and that we can do better 12:58:49 <stickster> asamalik: indeed! 12:58:57 <asamalik> #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Friday 26 July, Bitwarden (--scheduled--) -- Monday 29 July, permissions (stickster) -- Wednesday 31 July, something from ryanlerch (ryanlerch) 12:59:02 <stickster> \o/ 12:59:12 <asamalik> I'm affraid we need to skip the all other business today :( 12:59:18 * asamalik has a meeting in 13 seconds 12:59:19 * stickster adds article to his Todoist 12:59:22 * stickster too 12:59:26 <asamalik> ha! 12:59:31 <stickster> asamalik: if you close out, I'll throw the notes to the list 12:59:35 <asamalik> #endmeeting