12:00:27 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 12:00:27 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 4 12:00:27 2019 UTC. 12:00:27 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 12:00:27 <zodbot> The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:27 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:00:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 12:00:29 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 12:00:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 12:00:30 <stickster> #topic Roll call 12:00:32 <stickster> .hello pfrields 12:00:34 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 12:01:09 <stickster> #chair asamalik bcotton cverna ryanlerch 12:01:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik bcotton cverna ryanlerch stickster 12:01:15 <bcotton> .hello2 12:01:16 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 12:01:27 <asamalik> .hello2 12:01:28 <zodbot> asamalik: asamalik 'Adam Samalik' <asamalik@redhat.com> 12:01:33 <stickster> asamalik: Do you want to gavel today? 12:02:46 <asamalik> stickster: sure! 12:03:06 * cverna is around but in another meeting 12:04:14 <stickster> np cverna 12:04:32 <stickster> let's go asamalik 12:04:32 <asamalik> #topic Last week's stats 12:04:32 <asamalik> #info Week of August 26: > 63.5K pageviews -- slightly higher than the previous two weeks 12:04:53 <stickster> yeah, we got back on the horse somewhat :-) 12:06:18 <asamalik> yeah :) 12:06:45 <asamalik> #topic Pending review posts 12:06:45 <asamalik> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending&post_type=post 12:06:55 <asamalik> #info nothing in Pending review 12:07:03 <stickster> :,( 12:07:15 <asamalik> #topic Drafts to review 12:07:15 <asamalik> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type=post 12:07:44 <asamalik> #info --- Performing storage management tasks in Cockpit --- 12:07:50 <asamalik> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=29233&preview=true 12:08:11 <stickster> I think Shaun said this one is ready for review/edit 12:08:30 <asamalik> that looks nice! 12:08:33 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 12:08:35 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'Ryan Lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 12:08:35 <asamalik> excellent 12:08:47 * asamalik can do the edit 12:09:51 <stickster> Coolio 12:10:43 <asamalik> yeah just confirmed on the list, this one is ready 12:10:55 <asamalik> #action asamalik edit the Performing storage management tasks in Cockpit article 12:12:01 <asamalik> ryanlerch: how do you feel about making some art? :P 12:12:13 <ryanlerch> count me in! 12:12:20 <asamalik> ryanlearch++ 12:12:51 <asamalik> #action ryanlerch creates an image for the Performing storage management tasks in Cockpit article 12:12:54 <asamalik> cool! 12:13:27 <asamalik> #info --- The Rsync Misconception --- 12:13:31 <asamalik> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=28647&preview=true 12:13:38 <stickster> #info stickster emailed the rsync article's author again, no reply since last week 12:13:48 <asamalik> oh, this one is just a title :) 12:13:51 <asamalik> ok 12:13:53 <stickster> If we don't have any reply by next week, I say bin it 12:14:14 <asamalik> we've seen the others if I'm not mistaken 12:14:46 <asamalik> and none of those are ready 12:15:33 <asamalik> #topic Pitches to approve 12:15:33 <asamalik> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pitch&post_type=post 12:16:14 <asamalik> #info --- Firefox 69 in Fedora --- 12:16:19 <asamalik> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=29272&preview=true 12:16:36 <asamalik> I see stickster is now editing/proposing this one? 12:16:45 <stickster> asamalik: Actually I think sgallagh post on Fedora services might be ready? 12:17:00 <sgallagh> stickster: No, not yet 12:17:05 <asamalik> stickster: that one is about Fedora 31 so I thought we're waiting for the release? 12:17:12 <stickster> ah, I sit corrected 12:17:14 <stickster> right 12:17:17 <stickster> duuhhh 12:17:32 <sgallagh> stickster: I'm going to get to it this week, but the intention was to have it come out just after Beta is released. 12:17:42 <stickster> *nod 12:17:47 <sgallagh> To highlight a new feature 12:17:48 <asamalik> sorry, looks like we'll need to be creative today 12:18:24 <stickster> asamalik: Yeah, cverna put that idea on the list and I put in a placeholder for it. I'm happy to write it, but we do need to see if stransky is getting F30/F31 packages out 12:19:05 <stickster> oops, jhorak I mean 12:19:07 <asamalik> +1 12:19:33 <asamalik> stickster: that would be very nice! 12:20:18 * stickster checking 12:20:36 <stickster> #action stickster find out if Firefox-69 is coming for F30/31, then write Firefox article 12:21:01 <stickster> Let's not count on it for Friday yet -- I don't know how long it will take for packages to be out 12:21:08 <stickster> Monday may be safe if I hear back from jhorak 12:21:41 <asamalik> ok 12:21:50 <asamalik> we might do the Cockpit one on Friday 12:22:00 <stickster> Looks like they don't have required nss in F30/31 yet... seems like this should be an update bundle 12:22:01 <asamalik> #info --- Multimedia codecs in Fedora --- 12:22:04 <stickster> anywhow 12:22:13 <asamalik> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=29166&preview=true 12:22:19 <asamalik> there is an update from the author 12:22:26 <asamalik> "Hi Paul, I was thinking in the codecs `ffmpeg ffmpeg-libs` and alternatively `dnf groupupdate Multimedia`. I assume the later is legally ok, but I am not sure about ffmpeg, I was told it lies in dubious territory." 12:23:31 <stickster> ffmpeg is not OK, AFAIK, if we're talking about rpmfusion. It's free software, but it implements patent encumbered codecs. 12:23:38 <stickster> I'll answer once the edit lock is released. 12:23:52 <asamalik> oops, sorry 12:23:55 <asamalik> I'm out! 12:24:41 <asamalik> otherwise, there's nothing else that's new 12:25:02 <asamalik> #topic Additional article inputs 12:26:00 <asamalik> we need two more (or one if Firefox 69 gets out in time) 12:27:29 <asamalik> I propose asking on the list again. It worked out well the last time I did it. 12:27:34 <cverna> we were talking about gnome 3.34 coming in F31 12:27:47 <cverna> apparently they have improved the performance quite a bit 12:28:02 <cverna> not sure if we want to publish this before the f31 beta is released tho 12:28:44 <stickster> cverna: we did last time: https://fedoramagazine.org/gnome-3-32-released-coming-to-fedora-30/ 12:29:07 <stickster> I think that would be an excellent idea... when is 3.34 coming? 12:29:17 <stickster> asamalik++ 12:29:44 <stickster> misc: Are you around perchance? 12:30:02 <cverna> GNOME 3.34 will be released on Wednesday, September 11 12:30:18 <stickster> OK, so that would be great to queue up for next week :-) 12:30:50 <stickster> I wonder if we can convince ryanlerch to take that one 12:30:53 <asamalik> I think that would work nicely, yes! 12:31:15 <ryanlerch> stickster: i'll do it! 12:31:54 <asamalik> excellent! 12:33:35 <asamalik> #action ryanlerch will write a GNOME 3.34 announcement for Wednesday 12:34:04 <asamalik> so, we *might* be good if the Firefox works out, but I'll ask on the list just in case 12:34:17 <asamalik> that works? 12:34:33 <stickster> asamalik: If there's no news on Firefox by Friday, I'll watch the list. If nothing pops up I'll write something short over the weekend for Monday. 12:34:45 <asamalik> stickster++ 12:34:59 <stickster> Let's agree on schedule so we can see what's up with this workflow stuff ;-) 12:35:06 <asamalik> yep! 12:35:33 <asamalik> #proposed #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri Sep 6, Performing storage management tasks in Cockpit (asamalik:edit/ryanlerch:image) -- Mon Sep 9, Firefox 69 or something else (stickster) -- Wed Sep 11, GNOME 3.34 (ryanlerch) 12:35:38 <misc> stickster: yup 12:35:45 <ryanlerch> +1 12:35:52 <asamalik> stickster: you knew why I was rushing :P 12:35:58 <asamalik> +1 12:36:23 <stickster> +1 12:36:27 <cverna> +1 12:36:34 <asamalik> #action asamalik to ask on the list for an article for Monday 12:36:52 <asamalik> #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri Sep 6, Performing storage management tasks in Cockpit (asamalik:edit/ryanlerch:image) -- Mon Sep 9, Firefox 69 or something else (stickster) -- Wed Sep 11, GNOME 3.34 (ryanlerch) 12:37:03 <asamalik> #topic new workflow 12:37:07 <asamalik> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-magazine/issue/2 12:37:28 <asamalik> so I feel like we agreed on the workflow in the ticket 12:37:46 <cverna> asamalik++ for the nice picture 12:37:53 <asamalik> cverna: thanks! 12:38:09 <asamalik> I think we can discuss implementation and go for a trial! 12:38:32 <cverna> do you have ideas for implementation ? 12:38:49 <asamalik> I do! 12:39:22 <asamalik> proposing ideas / pitches could happen in Pagure or on a mailing list — we'd discuss them there 12:39:55 <asamalik> and when ideas turn into specific article specs, we'd put them in Taiga and track them there until the publication 12:40:20 <asamalik> and we'd stop using the states in Wordpress 12:40:35 <bcotton> if we're going to track state in taiga, why not take ideas/pitches as taiga issues. then you can button-click convert them to user stories if we accept them 12:40:49 <bcotton> (then everything is in one place) 12:41:18 <asamalik> bcotton: that's an option, too, yes! I just felt like Pagure seems simpler / more approachable for people, but that might be just a personal thing. 12:41:30 <cverna> yep once place would be nice and easier to remember 12:41:35 <bcotton> i don't disagree with that :-) 12:41:48 <asamalik> there is a distinction between collecting ideas and tracking work 12:41:54 <asamalik> I think they can happen in different places 12:42:06 <cverna> we can still do mailing list for the simple side 12:42:26 <asamalik> and when an idea turns into multiple articles or there is a long discussion, we can just take what's relevant and create a new clean card just with the right description 12:43:47 <asamalik> yes, mailing list can work in parallel... we can have more of these collection sports... and everything we decide to go for (and know what it actually is) will be then tracked in Taiga 12:44:32 <stickster> I think it's important from the writer's perspective (assume a new contributor) that whatever they're supposed to do to get started be as easy or self-evident as possible 12:44:34 * asamalik has multiple inboxes but one tracking system for his personal stuff and it works quite well 12:45:36 <bcotton> stickster: i agree. i'd also extend that by saying it should be as decision-free as possible. iow, we should have one place where people send in ideas, be that taiga, mailing list, pagure, bugzilla, IPoAC, whatever 12:45:57 <asamalik> stickster: absolultely! and the Taiga board starting with article specs ready to be taken with a good description could do the job 12:46:39 <asamalik> bcotton: yeah, that's a good point 12:48:12 <cverna> ok so I guess the next step is to write that down and start using this process ? 12:48:33 <asamalik> and we should try to get it right the first time so we're not confusing contributors with tracker that keeps changing all the time 12:48:47 <stickster> Agreed 12:49:16 <stickster> asamalik: I also think putting a copy of that workflow graphic from the pagure.io ticket above into docs.fp.o/magazine would be really helpful 12:49:31 <asamalik> stickster: definitely 12:50:25 <asamalik> so let's try all in Taiga? and maybe keep the ML as a second inbox? 12:51:00 <asamalik> and I'd write it down, set it up, and we'd do the switch let's say next week? 12:51:33 <stickster> Sure, I'm game for that 12:51:57 <stickster> So basically all pitches and starter pitches will go into Taiga in this new world order 12:52:09 <stickster> And we'd clear out those categories in the Magazine 12:52:24 <asamalik> yes, and everything that's not Draft or Pending Review gets trashed in Wordpress 12:52:30 <stickster> *nod 12:52:37 <stickster> Oh right, Holding Pen too 12:52:44 <stickster> There's probably moldy stuff in there as well as good stuff 12:52:47 <asamalik> yep! 12:53:02 <asamalik> whatever we're not sure about goes to ideas 12:53:08 <asamalik> and we can decide 12:53:58 <asamalik> stickster: Holding Pen is in progress but stalled? 12:55:09 <asamalik> #proposed #agreed We'll implement the new process in Taiga. 12:55:20 <cverna> +1 12:56:11 <asamalik> and we'd move things once we're ready for the switch and everything is announced 12:56:25 <asamalik> #action asamalik documents the process in the docs and sets the board up 12:57:10 <stickster> Sounds all good to me 12:57:35 <stickster> Oh sorry asamalik -- yes, Holding Pen is "stuff that got abandoned" and it's not clear whether it's worth someone else picking up. 12:57:41 <stickster> We could evaluate each for backlog. 12:57:56 <stickster> and toss whatever's too moldy to bring back 12:58:23 <asamalik> stickster: thanks 12:58:24 <asamalik> yes 12:58:31 <asamalik> #agreed We'll implement the new process in Taiga. 12:58:37 <asamalik> I'll keep the list updated! 12:59:06 <asamalik> anything else before I close this up? 12:59:17 * asamalik waits 30 seconds 12:59:20 <misc> close the workflow or the meeting ? 12:59:40 <misc> (cause for the meeting, I had something to say) 13:00:02 <asamalik> the meeting! 13:00:26 <asamalik> #topic All other business (open floor) 13:00:40 <asamalik> misc: go for it real quick :P 13:01:08 <misc> so, I replace the staging server 13:01:34 <misc> or rather, jbrooks did create a staging setup, but we can't have it on stg.fedoramagazine.org due to hosting limitation 13:01:59 <misc> so, I would like to know where I should fix the doc 13:02:11 <misc> (but my other meeting start, I will send a email) 13:02:39 <asamalik> misc: that would be probably the best, I'm sure people have already left for other meetings 13:02:45 * asamalik is in a different call also 13:03:06 <misc> we should get paid twice if we do 2 meetings at once 13:03:08 <asamalik> misc: anything to #info so it's in the minutes? 13:03:32 <misc> #info new staging instance is setup, misc will follow up with details on the list 13:03:50 <stickster> misc: We probably should record this in docs.fp.o/magazine for editors/devs who help 13:04:15 <stickster> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-magazine/ to be exact 13:04:34 <stickster> https://pagure.io/fedora-magazine is the source 13:04:43 * stickster has to run to same meeting asamalik is at 13:04:53 <asamalik> yep! 13:04:57 <asamalik> ok, thanks misc for the update 13:05:03 <cverna> thanks all 13:05:05 <asamalik> #endmeeting