12:00:49 <asamalik> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 12:00:49 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 3 12:00:49 2020 UTC. 12:00:49 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 12:00:49 <zodbot> The chair is asamalik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:49 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:00:49 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 12:00:49 <asamalik> #meetingname magazine 12:00:49 <asamalik> #topic Roll call 12:00:49 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 12:00:49 <asamalik> #chair stickster ryanlerch cverna asamalik sub_pop gregbartholomew jakfrost misc rwaltr 12:00:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik cverna gregbartholomew jakfrost misc rwaltr ryanlerch stickster sub_pop 12:00:54 <asamalik> .hello2 12:00:55 <zodbot> asamalik: asamalik 'Adam Samalik' <asamalik@redhat.com> 12:01:17 <jakfrost> .hello 12:01:17 <zodbot> jakfrost: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 12:01:42 <bcotton> .hello2 12:01:44 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 12:01:58 <cverna> hello 12:02:26 <asamalik> hi everyone! 12:04:21 <asamalik> #topic Agenda 12:04:21 <asamalik> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-magazine/workflow/ 12:04:21 <asamalik> #info -- 1/ Last week's stats -- 12:04:21 <asamalik> #info -- 2/ In progress followup -- 12:04:21 <asamalik> #info -- 3/ Finished articles to review -- 12:04:21 <asamalik> #info -- 4/ Articles to edit -- 12:04:21 <asamalik> #info -- 5/ Publishing schedule -- 12:04:22 <asamalik> #info -- 6/ Article proposals to clarify / approve -- 12:04:22 <asamalik> #info -- 7/ Open floor -- 12:04:49 <stickster> .hello pfrields 12:04:50 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 12:05:03 <stickster> I'm around, just a little underwater this morning with TODO items 12:05:56 <asamalik> #topic 1/ Last week's stats 12:06:00 * asamalik waves at stickster 12:06:29 <asamalik> #info Week of 25 May: 60k pageviews -- quite low, but not the worst, 4 out of the last 14 weeks have been lower 12:06:59 <asamalik> #topic 2/ In progress followup 12:07:00 <asamalik> #info Looking at the 'in progress' column, is there something that's been finished? Anything to follow up on with its author? 12:07:00 <asamalik> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 12:08:29 <jakfrost> Looks like #158 hasn't changed since last meeting 12:09:08 <asamalik> ok, thanks for checking, I was just thinking that it looks good, but we've moved it to done earlier already, so don't want to do that to the author again :) 12:09:08 <jakfrost> I know the author is currently busy and is intending to complete it 12:09:15 <asamalik> I'd just leave it here 12:09:18 <asamalik> yep! 12:09:32 <jakfrost> Yeah that was my bad last time 12:09:51 <asamalik> I 12:10:01 <asamalik> I'd do it based on how it looks, too :) 12:10:10 <asamalik> #topic 3/ Finished articles to review 12:10:10 <asamalik> #info Looking at the 'review' column, let's decide which articles are good to go. Move each either to the 'to edit' (finished) or to the 'in progress' (needs more work) and provide feedback. 12:10:10 <asamalik> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 12:11:01 <stickster> asamalik: I notice there is also a post that's been contributed in WP in 'pending review' status 12:11:12 <stickster> Oh wait, that's the same thing :-D 12:11:16 <jakfrost> I don't know any status on #17 12:11:21 <jakfrost> #177 12:11:25 <stickster> Sorry, I was coming at this from the wrong side 12:11:36 <stickster> #177 is the one I'm referring to, as well 12:12:00 <stickster> The article looks reasonably ready to edit 12:12:14 * bcotton just swiped 177 :-) 12:12:31 <bcotton> i'd meant to take that earlier this week and then got distracted by a shiny object 12:12:42 <stickster> It needs some cleanup -- including (1) removing the outline at the top, (2) cutting down on the number of headings, (3) turning the footnotes into regular old links in the body (hey look, we have HTML) 12:13:03 <stickster> as well as the requisite polish so it reads well in standard en-US 12:13:06 <bcotton> lol at "hey look, we have HTML" :-) 12:13:19 <stickster> :-) 12:14:01 <bcotton> some of those points should probably work their way into our writing guidance/style quasi-guide. i'll propose some edits as I work on it 12:14:07 <asamalik> bcotton++ 12:14:52 <stickster> +1... let me find the link for that so it exists here for folks who read the log 12:15:39 <stickster> #link Where to edit the tips for writers: https://pagure.io/fedora-magazine/blob/master/f/modules/ROOT/pages/tips-for-writers.adoc 12:15:56 <asamalik> cool, thanks! 12:16:13 <asamalik> #topic 4/ Articles to edit 12:16:13 <asamalik> #info Looking at the 'to edit' column, assign an editor and a cover image creator. 12:16:13 <asamalik> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 12:16:19 <asamalik> nothing here! 12:16:27 <jakfrost> lol 12:16:31 <asamalik> well, I guess we can move 177 here :) 12:16:46 <stickster> Yeah 12:16:59 <asamalik> #topic 5/ Publishing schedule 12:16:59 <asamalik> #info Looking at the 'queued' and 'to edit' columns, decide the publishing schedule for the next week period. 12:16:59 <asamalik> #info If there is not enough content, we might also need to look at the 'in progress' or even the 'article spec' columns come up with additional content. 12:16:59 <asamalik> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 12:17:22 <asamalik> heh, so last time, we agreed on publishing 165 12:17:43 <asamalik> but it didn't happen, and I believe that's because it's been already edited and imaged so no one actually pressed the button 12:17:59 <jakfrost> sounds reasonable 12:18:02 <asamalik> so let's try again! 12:18:15 <jakfrost> like ... now? 12:18:41 <asamalik> yeah, let's schedule articles that are ready during the meeting 12:19:40 <bcotton> aw heck, is that my fault? 12:19:52 <stickster> Whoops 12:20:06 <stickster> Sure, let's set it to go tomorrow 0800 UTC 12:20:13 <asamalik> I don't think so.. our process always assumed there is an action related to every article 12:20:47 <asamalik> so whoever was last — either the editor or the image designer — pressed the button 12:20:58 <asamalik> stickster: agree 12:21:32 <asamalik> #proposed #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Thu 04 Jun 2020: #165 Generate an epub file on Fedora (image: DONE, edit: DONE) -- Mon 08 Jun 2020: #177 Mindmapping with Freeplane (image: bcotton, edit: bcotton) 12:21:50 <jakfrost> agree 12:22:03 * asamalik will schedule 165 right away 12:22:18 <stickster> bcotton: yeah it's a mulligan :-) I had put an image in during the last meeting, so it would be ready when your edit was done. No worries 12:22:24 <asamalik> well, if we all +1 the schedule :P 12:22:32 <stickster> +1 12:22:33 <jakfrost> +1 12:22:41 <stickster> :-) 12:23:34 <asamalik> #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Thu 04 Jun 2020: #165 Generate an epub file on Fedora (image: DONE, edit: DONE) -- Mon 08 Jun 2020: #177 Mindmapping with Freeplane (image: bcotton, edit: bcotton) 12:23:56 <asamalik> and 165 scheduled 12:24:33 <asamalik> #topic 6/ Article proposals to clarify / approve 12:24:33 <asamalik> #info Review the the article proposals and decide about what's next — a new article spec? more discussion? 12:24:33 <asamalik> #link Article proposals: https://pagure.io/fedora-magazine-proposals/issues 12:25:11 * asamalik is gonna +1 and then create issues 12:25:27 <asamalik> I'll send the issue # here when creating a card so we're not stepping over each other :) 12:26:17 <asamalik> doing 90, 89, 88, 87 12:26:39 <stickster> Note that we also have pending actions from last meeting to go through these proposals and winnow them down. I've just closed several ancient ones which had no agreed scope, and moved another to Taiga 12:28:13 <bcotton> looks like issue 80 just needs another +1 and then it can jump immediately to "to edit" 12:29:04 <stickster> done 12:32:11 <stickster> Got quiet here 12:32:28 <bcotton> you scared us all away 12:32:38 * stickster is totally OK with the working session. Also with scaring people :-D 12:32:49 <jakfrost> just reading 12:33:35 <asamalik> I'm adding users to Taiga 12:33:43 <asamalik> sorry for taking forever 12:34:26 <stickster> all good! 12:34:46 <stickster> One thing we do need to start talking about, and this could go to list, is staffing the Magazine more completely. There are basically 2-3 people running the Magazine at this point, and that's a pretty low "point of failure" factor. Running a WordPress site (when you don't have to administer any server under it) is a relatively low technical bar, and we should be seeking some more volunteer 12:34:52 <stickster> leadership to run meetings, monitor queues, guide writers, etc. 12:35:58 <jakfrost> What are your thoughts @stickster? 12:36:07 <bcotton> i wonder if we should adopt a model used by other groups and have an assigned chair for the week. they could run the meeting and either be the queue monitor or have a separate assigned queue monitor 12:36:35 <jakfrost> so more formalization of roles of the board meeting 12:36:53 <sysoplab> Sorry I'm late. Here now. 12:36:59 <bcotton> yeah. and each week, we can pass the baton 12:37:13 <asamalik> done 12:37:26 <jakfrost> It is a functioning model used for meetings alot 12:37:30 <asamalik> 11 minutes to process 4 cards :D 12:37:57 <bcotton> hm. we need to upgrade the asamalik-bot ;-) 12:38:12 <asamalik> after writing it, yes, we can also upgrade it! 12:38:32 <stickster> nice asamalik 12:38:37 <asamalik> this will be actually worth spending time on 12:39:01 * asamalik made a note 12:39:54 <asamalik> reading stickster's comment about staffing, let's just go to open floor! 12:40:02 <asamalik> #topic 7/ Open floor 12:40:39 <asamalik> stickster: yeah, I agree with that 12:40:41 <sysoplab> Well since it's open floor and I don't see it mentioned anywhere did I edit/review the fastapi article right? 12:40:59 <asamalik> sysoplab: you did great and it published on time! 12:41:34 <bcotton> if we're generally okay with the idea of a rotating "editor of the week", i can make a first draft of the specifics for broader discussion 12:41:49 <asamalik> +1 12:41:50 <sysoplab> Ok. Other comment is I can't delete the article I myself started writing but gave up on. 12:41:50 <jakfrost> bcotton +1 12:42:09 <bcotton> #action bcotton to draft the specifics of an "editor of the week" concept 12:43:03 <asamalik> we have all the docs to run the meeting available, all the commands are there, so anyone can run it :) 12:43:05 <stickster> sysoplab: Ah, that may be an access control on the writer role, set in WordPress. Note that we use a "user roles" plugin, which controls the level of access so that people can't e.g. inadvertently delete someone else's article 12:43:28 <stickster> I don't know if it understands "my article vs. someone else's article" 12:43:37 <stickster> And in cases of multiple authors, which we support, that would get hairy anyway 12:44:18 <stickster> also sysoplab++ 12:44:19 <asamalik> we should probably have a clearly defined way to retire articles in progress — that might help reduce the pile a bit, too 12:44:24 <stickster> fastapi article was good :-) 12:44:26 <asamalik> it definitely happens and there is nothing wrong with it 12:44:34 <stickster> Agreed 12:44:41 <asamalik> better than being in progress for months :D 12:46:12 <sysoplab> stickster regarding your point of failure comment I'm not sure I want to be entirely in charge of anything still fairly new here but if some task that's fairly easy needs more people I can probably contribute an hour or two here or there every week to helping out. 12:47:30 <asamalik> sysoplab: reviewing proposals definitely helps a lot for example 12:47:41 <jakfrost> definitely 12:48:03 <asamalik> even just reading them, and giving them +1 or any suggestions 12:48:14 <sysoplab> Ok so read proposals and comment got it. 12:48:32 <asamalik> and if theres one with two +1's, adding it to the board and closing the card also helps a lot! 12:48:46 <asamalik> even if you add the second +1, that's approved :) 12:49:07 <sysoplab> Were you going to setup the discourse or are we staying at email. Kind of sounded like you were going to try it out in last email unless someone vehemently rejected. 12:49:25 <asamalik> yes, that's a topic I wanted to bring quickly also 12:49:33 <stickster> +1 to everything asamalik just said :-) 12:49:39 <asamalik> from the list, it looks like everyone is either for it or willing to try it 12:50:38 <asamalik> so I could look into that, and perhaps ask bcotton questions about how to actually do that :) 12:50:53 <bcotton> when commops moved, we explictly set 1. a move date. 2. an evaulation date (e.g. do we keep this going) and 3. (IIRC, but if not we should have) how we would decide to say or revert back to mailing lists 12:51:11 <bcotton> iirc, we set the evaluation period at 1 month 12:51:12 <asamalik> that sounds great 12:51:42 <jakfrost> stickster: wasn't there some questions raised on Discourse capacity 12:51:51 <sysoplab> Asamalik when I looked into it discourse is easy enough to setup it's basically a docker compose. Probably works in podman though I didn't try it. 12:51:52 <asamalik> so let me propose the two dates and a criteria for point 3 on the list 12:52:00 <bcotton> yes, but we should make that the council's problem ;-) 12:52:35 <asamalik> right, I'm not aware of any rule saying "please use Fedora's community systems less" :) I'm sure we want to grow, not shrink 12:53:02 <asamalik> sysoplab: there is already one running: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/ 12:53:13 <asamalik> I'm not proposing to deploy yet another service :) 12:53:19 <jakfrost> which is hosted by discoourse 12:53:24 <asamalik> yep! 12:53:46 <asamalik> I tried to make that clear, but a few people got confused on the list as well 12:54:50 <jakfrost> I was referring to M.Sherer from RH comments about it on the list 12:55:25 <jakfrost> wasn't trying to dissuade the goal 12:55:43 <sysoplab> You mentioned fedora already had one and someone else said it's paid for by views which doesn't seem effieicent vs self hosting but I'm not paying the bills so...I guess not my problem there. 12:55:50 <asamalik> jakfrost: ha, we just discussed two things at once :) 12:56:09 <asamalik> jakfrost: for you, I believe that's bcotton 's reply about making it a council's problem :) 12:56:11 <jakfrost> asamalik: Multitasking!! 12:56:42 <jakfrost> Sure, it sounds like a council problem 12:56:44 <bcotton> sysoplab: here's the thing about self-hosting. people are really expensive :-) 12:57:00 <jakfrost> and we don't herd well 12:57:15 <stickster> Also, I doubt our project will create so much traffic it will be noticeable against other discussions already happening on that server 12:57:34 <asamalik> and if it does, I wouldn't all it a problem :) 12:57:38 <asamalik> *call 12:57:40 <stickster> right, good problem to have 12:57:46 * stickster has to disappear for another meeting 12:57:54 * asamalik has to disappear, too! 12:57:54 <sysoplab> Later stickster. 12:58:01 <asamalik> thanks for coming everyone! 12:58:06 <sysoplab> Later asamalik. 12:58:06 <stickster> FWIW, I made a bunch of Taiga cards and cleared about a half-dozen or so issues from the proposals queue 12:58:13 <asamalik> stickster++ 12:58:26 <jakfrost> stickster++ 12:58:28 <sysoplab> I'll go through some proposals later today and tomorrow as asked. 12:58:36 <asamalik> sysoplab++ 12:58:50 <jakfrost> sysoplab++ 12:58:50 <zodbot> jakfrost: Karma for sysoplab changed to 6 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:58:57 <asamalik> #endmeeting