12:00:14 <bcotton> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 12:00:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 8 12:00:14 2020 UTC. 12:00:14 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 12:00:14 <zodbot> The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:00:14 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 12:00:16 <bcotton> #meetingname magazine 12:00:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 12:00:17 <bcotton> #topic Roll call 12:00:19 <asamalik> .hello2 12:00:19 <bcotton> #chair stickster ryanlerch cverna asamalik sub_pop gregbartholomew jakfrost misc rwaltr bcotton 12:00:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik bcotton cverna gregbartholomew jakfrost misc rwaltr ryanlerch stickster sub_pop 12:00:19 <zodbot> asamalik: asamalik 'Adam Samalik' <asamalik@redhat.com> 12:00:34 <bcotton> dobry den, asamalik 12:00:44 <jakfrost> .hello2 12:00:45 <zodbot> jakfrost: jakfrost 'None' <s40w5s@gmail.com> 12:00:49 <gregbartholomew> .hello glb 12:00:50 <zodbot> gregbartholomew: glb 'Gregory Lee Bartholomew' <gregory.lee.bartholomew@gmail.com> 12:00:59 <stickster> .hello pfrields 12:01:00 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 12:01:03 <asamalik> krasne rano bcotton :) 12:01:06 <asamalik> and hi everyone! 12:01:27 <asamalik> bcotton++ for the Editor of the Week thing! 12:01:27 <gregbartholomew> o/ 12:01:37 <bcotton> good morning, stickster, gregbartholomew 12:01:45 <bcotton> asamalik: you just like it because it means less work for you :p 12:01:51 <asamalik> absolutely! 12:01:58 <gregbartholomew> good morning asamalik, bcotton, stickster 12:02:03 <bcotton> this is why we're friends 12:02:15 <asamalik> and be more focused during my weeks, because it's not every week :) 12:04:13 <bcotton> okay, let's get started 12:04:20 <asamalik> :) 12:04:22 <bcotton> #topic Agenda 12:04:23 <bcotton> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-magazine/workflow/ 12:04:25 <bcotton> #info -- 1/ Last week's stats -- 12:04:26 <bcotton> #info -- 2/ In progress followup -- 12:04:27 <bcotton> #info -- 3/ Finished articles to review -- 12:04:29 <bcotton> #info -- 4/ Articles to edit -- 12:04:30 <bcotton> #info -- 5/ Publishing schedule -- 12:04:32 <bcotton> #info -- 6/ Article proposals to clarify / approve -- 12:04:33 <bcotton> #info -- 7/ Editor of the Week -- 12:04:35 <bcotton> #info -- 8/ Open floor -- 12:04:36 <bcotton> #topic 1/ Last week's stats 12:04:38 <bcotton> #info Week of 2020-06-29>: 68.4K pageviews -- slightly below the week prior but above the June average 12:05:01 <bcotton> #topic 2/ In progress followup 12:05:02 <bcotton> #info Looking at the 'in progress' column, is there something that's been finished? Anything to follow up on with its author? 12:05:04 <bcotton> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 12:05:39 <bcotton> we have two in progress. looks like the pulseaudio one may be ready to move forward 12:05:51 <gregbartholomew> I have hardly started on #147. 12:06:18 <bcotton> ah, not quite. #206 has some TODOs in the article still 12:06:55 <bcotton> okay, so those are both still wirks in progress 12:07:11 <bcotton> let's pretend i said "wirks" on purpose for some kind of humorous effect 12:07:23 <bcotton> #topic 3/ Finished articles to review 12:07:24 <bcotton> #info Looking at the 'review' column, let's decide which articles are good to go. Move each either to the 'to edit' (finished) or to the 'in progress' (needs more work) and provide feedback. 12:07:26 <bcotton> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 12:07:34 <bcotton> there are four here! 12:07:37 <gregbartholomew> I'm not sure about whether to consider #195 a work in progress or not. 12:08:21 <gregbartholomew> This one sat in the taiga card for a while and just last week I asked that it be moved to the magazine. 12:08:33 <bcotton> yeah, it reads like it's done except for the "still needs testing" at the top 12:09:01 <bcotton> ah! it is in wordpress now. i'll put the link in the card 12:09:01 <gregbartholomew> Well, also note that there are some issues with the formatting. 12:09:39 <gregbartholomew> Notice, for example, that there is a < in the bash script near the end. 12:10:14 <bcotton> yeah, but that's our (the editors) problem :-) 12:10:26 <gregbartholomew> I could probably fix that sort of thing, but is that something that editors should be doing or is that something that we should send it back to the author to fix? 12:10:38 <jakfrost> #203 and #205 appear good to be edited 12:10:47 <bcotton> welcome jakfrost! 12:11:00 <jakfrost> was here all along, said hi and everything 12:11:17 <gregbartholomew> bcotton: ok, I guess whoever gets this one can follow-up with the author that they are willing to correct the problems. 12:11:20 <bcotton> gregbartholomew: unless the intent of the article becomes unclear, i wouldn't kick it back to the author 12:11:36 <bcotton> jakfrost: so you did. how silly of you to assume i was paying attention ;-) 12:11:55 <jakfrost> bcotton: I really didn't ass ume anything 12:12:08 <jakfrost> sorry u me 12:13:51 <bcotton> #183 seems pretty thin 12:14:01 <jakfrost> yeah thought so too 12:14:17 <bcotton> i moved #203 and #205 into the to edit column, but we should probably send #183 back with a "tell me more" 12:14:22 <bcotton> and by we, i mean me 12:14:48 <stickster> I was supposed to contact the author for #183 and ask about fleshing that article out. I'm looking to see whether I did that, it was a whole week ago after all 12:15:07 <jakfrost> stickster: I thought you did via the taiga card 12:15:28 <stickster> Not according to the Taiga card 12:16:34 <jakfrost> I was wrong, my bad 12:17:11 <bcotton> m'kay done :-) 12:17:32 <bcotton> #topic 4/ Articles to edit 12:17:33 <bcotton> #info Looking at the 'to edit' column, assign an editor and a cover image creator. 12:17:35 <bcotton> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 12:18:28 <stickster> bcotton: Oh, I just did the same and your comment showed up 12:18:46 <bcotton> #201 was supposed to publish monday, but the editor didn't get a chance to finish editoring on it. it's still not scheduled, so i'll follow up on that 12:19:02 <bcotton> stickster: by our powers combined... 12:19:08 <stickster> lol 12:20:07 <gregbartholomew> I haven't edited #204 yet, but I will later today. It is supposed to go out Friday. 12:20:17 <bcotton> gregbartholomew: you just answered my question, okay :-) 12:20:54 <asamalik> happy to take 203 12:21:12 <jakfrost> asamalik++ 12:21:29 <bcotton> asamalik: for wednesday next week? (I'm going to get 201 in for monday) 12:21:40 <asamalik> that works! 12:22:21 <bcotton> i'll take #205 for next friday 12:22:37 <jakfrost> bcotton++ 12:22:52 <gregbartholomew> bcotton++ 12:23:18 <asamalik> wow next Friday, great times! 12:23:21 <bcotton> that leaves #195 (spam classification with ML pack). any volunteers? 12:23:30 <asamalik> it's clearly because of the Discourse move! :P 12:23:46 <bcotton> i thought it was because of the new editor of the week system ;-) 12:23:50 <jakfrost> I can do #195 12:24:21 <asamalik> bcotton: fair enough! that's probably true 12:24:34 <jakfrost> that would put it at july 20th publishing I guess 12:25:22 <bcotton> jakfrost: right, unless one of the articles ahead of it slips, but that's a problem for a future editor of the week :-D 12:25:41 <jakfrost> yes ... 12:25:44 <bcotton> okay, so let's take a look at that schedule 12:25:54 <bcotton> #topic 5/ Publishing schedule 12:25:56 <bcotton> #info Looking at the 'queued' and 'to edit' columns, decide the publishing schedule for the next week period. 12:25:57 <bcotton> #info If there is not enough content, we might also need to look at the 'in progress' or even the 'article spec' columns come up with additional content. 12:25:59 <bcotton> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 12:26:17 <bcotton> stand by 12:27:48 <jakfrost> \me stares at the bottom of his empty coffee cup for the third time today 12:27:56 <bcotton> proposed #agreed Publishing schedule: Fri 10 Jul 2020: #204 DNS over TLS configuration (image: glb, edit: glb) -- Wed 15 Jul 2020: #203 -- Rsync for scp users (image: asamalik, edit: asamalik) -- Mon 13 Jul 2020: #201 Manage Network Devices with Ansible (image: DONE, edit: sysoplab) 12:27:57 <bcotton> -- Fri 17 Jul 2020: #205 How to configure an ssh proxy server (image: bcotton, edit: bcotton) -- Mon 20 Jul 2020: #195 Spam Classification with ML-Pack (image: jakfrost, edit: jakfrost) 12:28:11 <bcotton> d'oh, didn't remove one of the newlines 12:28:50 <asamalik> I should probably make it output the format we want for the meeting :) 12:28:57 <asamalik> because that's when we use it the most 12:29:00 <bcotton> asamalik++ 12:29:01 <asamalik> +1 to the schedule 12:29:07 <jakfrost> +1 12:29:27 <gregbartholomew> +1 12:29:30 <bcotton> #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri 10 Jul 2020: #204 DNS over TLS configuration (image: glb, edit: glb) -- Wed 15 Jul 2020: #203 -- Rsync for scp users (image: asamalik, edit: asamalik) -- Mon 13 Jul 2020: #201 Manage Network Devices with Ansible (image: DONE, edit: sysoplab) -- Fri 17 Jul 2020: #205 How to configure an ssh proxy server (image: bcotton, edit: bcotton) -- Mon 20 Jul 2020: #195 Spam Classification with ML-Pack 12:29:31 <bcotton> (image: jakfrost, edit: jakfrost) 12:29:40 <jakfrost> sure 12:29:56 <bcotton> achievement unlocked: publishing schedule exceeds the maximum line length 12:29:57 <gregbartholomew> asamalik: what is the *it* that should "output the format that we want"? 12:30:28 <asamalik> $ podman run --rm -it asamalik/magazine-schedule 12:30:36 <asamalik> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-magazine/editorial-meetings/#_5_publishing_schedule 12:30:51 <gregbartholomew> bcotton: haha, you're pushing the limits of the system! 12:30:59 <asamalik> it's a script that reads Taiga and constructs the publishing schedule 12:31:19 <jakfrost> asamalik: I've wanted to ask about it, I just run it from a terminal then? 12:31:23 <gregbartholomew> asamalik: thanks, I'm going to have to figure that out someday ... 12:31:28 <asamalik> jakfrost: yep! 12:31:32 <jakfrost> cool 12:31:43 <jakfrost> I'll remember it for the next time 12:31:49 <asamalik> Fedora Workstation, I believe, has podman installed by default, so it should literally just work 12:31:58 <jakfrost> I run Silverblue 12:32:02 <asamalik> even better! 12:32:06 <asamalik> it's there 100% 12:32:10 <jakfrost> for sure 12:32:15 <asamalik> big fan 12:32:32 <jakfrost> me too 12:32:50 <bcotton> topic 6/ Article proposals to clarify / approve 12:32:51 <bcotton> #info Review the the article proposals and decide about what's next — a new article spec? more discussion? 12:32:53 <bcotton> #link Article proposals in our forum: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/c/project/Discussion-related-to-Fedora-Magazine 12:35:26 * asamalik has commented in the one we have 12:35:44 <asamalik> there are three in Pagure still, but no updates in them 12:36:16 * gregbartholomew likes this new discussion forum -- seems easier to follow than email. 12:36:25 <jakfrost> I think there was one author active last week on the mailing list about his proposal ... 12:37:17 <bcotton> jakfrost: there was one on friday, but he also posted to discourse 12:37:50 <bcotton> or wait, no i'm mistaken. but that one's in the works now 12:37:56 <jakfrost> I think it was #96, and he commented a day ago on pagure 12:38:02 <sysoplab> I keep checking Pajure and forgetting to check discussion forum. I pinged bcotton earlier this week but I ended up afk more than I was expecting to be so :( didn't get my article edited for Monday. Definitely will for this Monday though. Sorry for out of place comment back to work. 12:38:17 <bcotton> sysoplab: good luck, have fun 12:39:09 <bcotton> this is a good time to remind folks to set yourself to "Tracking" or "Watching" on the Magazine category in discussion.fpo so that you get notified of new threads 12:39:59 <jakfrost> Yeah, I get a bit overwhelmed for d.fp.o notifications as I moderate there too 12:40:01 <gregbartholomew> sysoplab: I found that there is a way to get email notifications about just the posts sent to #magazine on discussion. 12:40:02 <bcotton> we have a good queue right now, but if we don't get more proposals soon, we may have to go recruiting to keep the pipeline full 12:40:12 <asamalik> Maybe we can create a ticket in pagure with a gentle title "NOTHING IS HERE, GO TO DISCOURSE!!!" :D 12:40:33 * gregbartholomew bcotton beat me to it. 12:40:42 <jakfrost> asamalik: wouldn't hurt I think 12:40:56 <bcotton> does pagure let you disable issues? 12:41:06 <bcotton> #topic 7/ Editor of the Week 12:41:10 <asamalik> actually that might be even better, yeah, let me check 12:41:28 <bcotton> this week has been quiet so far. no unruly comments or anything 12:41:46 <bcotton> any volunteers for next week? 12:41:53 <jakfrost> Last week was okay, for the most part 12:42:09 <jakfrost> crickets 12:42:10 <gregbartholomew> I think I can take editor of the week, if wanted. 12:42:17 <jakfrost> glb++ 12:42:17 <zodbot> jakfrost: Karma for glb changed to 3 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:42:23 <bcotton> glb++ 12:42:25 <asamalik> yep, we can disable issues, and update the readme... but I wonder what to do about those three issues there 12:42:29 <asamalik> glb++ 12:42:38 <jakfrost> move them to spec 12:42:46 <gregbartholomew> note that I haven't done the IRC thing before, so next week might be a bit rough. 12:42:57 <jakfrost> leave them open until we get action 12:43:09 <bcotton> gregbartholomew: it's all yours then. there are instructions on the docs and plenty of people who can help if needed 12:43:15 <jakfrost> any rougher than last week? 12:43:23 <bcotton> gregbartholomew: ooh, then you'll earn a badge for chairing your first irc meeting :-) 12:43:25 <asamalik> gregbartholomew: ther is a complete checklist and we're here to help if anything! :) https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-magazine/editorial-meetings/ 12:43:38 * gregbartholomew is glad he didn't have last week! 12:44:09 <bcotton> #info gregbartholomew (glb) will be the Editor of the Week for 12-18 July 12:44:13 <gregbartholomew> asamalik: thanks, I'll try to study up a bit beforehand. 12:44:40 <bcotton> #topic 8/ Open floor 12:44:50 <bcotton> okay, we have some time. anything we need to chat about? 12:44:54 <jakfrost> I really like that editorial checklist stickster made 12:45:06 <gregbartholomew> dito 12:45:38 <bcotton> and my axe! 12:45:58 <jakfrost> I like my axe too 12:46:01 <asamalik> oh I haven't seen it yet, nice! 12:46:09 <gregbartholomew> ??? 12:46:12 <bcotton> i somehow manage to forget at least one thing every time i edit an article, so having the checklist has been a huge help 12:46:24 <jakfrost> same here 12:46:26 <asamalik> I'll see if I'll have time to make the video about making images this week 12:46:32 <bcotton> asamalik++ 12:46:43 <asamalik> yep, I love checklists! 12:46:55 <asamalik> or, well, need checklists at least 12:47:04 <jakfrost> gimme ticky boxes 12:47:11 <sysoplab> glb okay I'll have to turn that on. My phone pings me when I get an email and I usually can glance at it. 12:47:44 <jakfrost> asamalik: so about the pagure issues outstanding 12:48:33 <jakfrost> what do you think about making them a spec card on taiga and leave them open until we can either progress them or drop them 12:49:16 <asamalik> they're not approved, so wouldn't add them 12:49:36 <asamalik> but two of those are stuck for a month, we can probably close them with a note that the author is more than welcome to submit them again in the forum 12:49:50 <bcotton> i'd say let's leave them for now 12:50:15 <bcotton> when we get to the end of of the forum trial period, if we decide we're staying on the forum, we can close them out then 12:50:23 <asamalik> point 12:50:24 <jakfrost> I'm fine with that 12:50:35 <bcotton> but i wouldn't want us to say "move to the forum" and then have us decide we like the old way better and move them back 12:50:48 <jakfrost> makes sense to me 12:51:03 <asamalik> yep, agree 12:52:47 <bcotton> groovy 12:53:10 <jakfrost> sublime 12:53:14 <bcotton> #agreed We'll leave the existing proposals in Pagure alone until we've made a decision at the end of the Discussion trial period 12:53:18 <bcotton> anything else in the last few minutes? 12:53:39 * asamalik is happy 12:53:45 * gregbartholomew is happy 12:53:46 * asamalik also has nothing else 12:54:00 <jakfrost> I've got nothing 12:55:09 <bcotton> okay, great. then i am going to go drink coffee! 12:55:15 <jakfrost> me too 12:55:17 <bcotton> thanks everyone! 12:55:20 <bcotton> #endmeeting