12:00:10 <asamalik> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 12:00:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 23 12:00:10 2020 UTC. 12:00:10 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 12:00:10 <zodbot> The chair is asamalik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:00:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 12:00:10 <asamalik> #meetingname magazine 12:00:10 <asamalik> #topic Roll call 12:00:10 <asamalik> #chair stickster ryanlerch cverna asamalik sub_pop gregbartholomew jakfrost misc rwaltr bcotton 12:00:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 12:00:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik bcotton cverna gregbartholomew jakfrost misc rwaltr ryanlerch stickster sub_pop 12:00:22 <bcotton> .hello2 12:00:23 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 12:00:37 <jakfrost> .hello2 12:00:38 <zodbot> jakfrost: jakfrost 'None' <s40w5s@gmail.com> 12:00:40 <bcotton> asamalik knows my weakness 12:00:57 <jakfrost> which is? sandwiches 12:01:04 <stickster> .hello pfrields 12:01:05 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 12:01:49 <asamalik> good morning/afternoon/evening everyone! 12:01:59 <jakfrost> good morning EOW 12:03:12 <asamalik> #topic Agenda 12:03:12 <asamalik> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-magazine/workflow/ 12:03:12 <asamalik> #info -- 1/ Last week's stats -- 12:03:12 <asamalik> #info -- 2/ In progress followup -- 12:03:12 <asamalik> #info -- 3/ Finished articles to review -- 12:03:12 <asamalik> #info -- 4/ Articles to edit -- 12:03:13 <asamalik> #info -- 5/ Publishing schedule -- 12:03:13 <asamalik> #info -- 6/ Editor of the Week -- 12:03:13 <asamalik> #info -- 7/ Open floor -- 12:03:18 <asamalik> #topic 1/ Last week's stats 12:03:35 <asamalik> #info Week of 14 Sep: 55.5k pageviews -- roughly the same in the past three weeks, but below average overall 12:04:23 <stickster> asamalik: There was only one article published last week 12:05:10 <asamalik> yeah 12:05:13 <stickster> We've seen a similar result in other one-article weeks. Three article weeks were coming in generally around 70K or so pageviews? 12:05:43 <stickster> What that tells me is 3x the articles only produces about 20% more pageviews 12:05:50 <asamalik> yeah about 70k are the more popular weeks 12:06:13 <jakfrost> increase volume for diminishing returns 12:06:33 <stickster> It also implies the possibility something is generating a majority of pageviews that is not human readers 12:06:59 <asamalik> maybe we have people in our audience who like to read the magazine, but perhaps don't have time to read more one or two a week? (I'm just making this up) 12:07:16 <jakfrost> thats an interesting thought stickster 12:07:19 <asamalik> or that 12:07:20 <stickster> If we were to attach some Google Analytics or something to Magazine that might tell us more, but I have no idea if WPengine allows that or can do it 12:07:35 <bcotton> i bet there's a long tail from search 12:07:51 <stickster> bcotton: Yeah, that's a good point 12:08:20 <bcotton> we see a similar pattern on opensource.com where the first day/week isn't very high, but the article sees a lot of search views over an extended period of time 12:08:43 <stickster> Anyway, not worth bogging down on. I guess what this tells me is, we should concentrate on producing great content, but a high volume of content isn't as crucial 12:08:58 <stickster> ^ and making it well searchable (keywords, SEO) 12:09:16 <asamalik> agree 12:09:26 <jakfrost> ditto 12:09:55 <asamalik> #topic 2/ In progress followup 12:09:56 <asamalik> #info Looking at the 'in progress' column, is there something that's been finished? Anything to follow up on with its author? 12:09:56 <asamalik> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 12:10:12 <bcotton> stickster: think i'd be worth to ask jzb or someone like him for a lesson in SEO for the editors? 12:10:17 <bcotton> s/i'd/it'd/ 12:11:10 <bcotton> ooh! 12:11:36 <bcotton> the lenovo annoucement finally has input from lenovo. so that should be done today and we can run it tomorrow or friday 12:12:13 <stickster> bcotton: For sure 12:12:23 <stickster> And then that should be captured into the Magazine docs. 12:12:24 <bcotton> and i've drafted a release announcement that's with mattdm for review 12:12:48 <stickster> woohoo peanut Beta jelly time 12:13:00 <bcotton> #action bcotton to talk to jzb about SEO training for Magazine editors and document the subsequent knowledge 12:13:01 <stickster> speaking of which, I need to upgrade this system. 12:13:25 <stickster> asamalik: Sorry, didn't mean to pollute the topic! 12:13:56 <asamalik> \o/ 12:14:03 <jakfrost> #185 is close but needs some editing and maybe a bit of a conclusion 12:14:18 <asamalik> no problem at all, sounds worth it! 12:14:24 <jakfrost> #234 needs more content 12:14:28 <asamalik> looks like #227 isn't in progress yet 12:14:59 <jakfrost> i think the author is a bit busy at the moment 12:15:32 <stickster> What happened with #226? 12:16:05 <jakfrost> ^^ what he said 12:16:32 <jakfrost> did we mis that one? 12:16:43 <asamalik> just looking at it, too 12:17:15 <asamalik> can't find it in Wordpress either 12:17:39 <asamalik> it mentions "the 16th" — was that this month? 12:17:40 <jakfrost> so no content, can't publish, makes sense 12:17:50 <jakfrost> IDK 12:18:16 <bcotton> yeah, i think we just crumple that one up and throw it away 12:18:24 <bcotton> it ran on commblog a week or two ago 12:18:29 <asamalik> oh ok 12:18:40 <bcotton> but i think it came in super late and undercommunicated 12:19:39 <asamalik> yeah it's been created right in the in progress column, and I don't remember any other mention of it 12:19:46 <asamalik> ok, trashing then 12:20:11 <jakfrost> we should have sound affects for that action 12:20:27 <asamalik> hah 12:20:44 <asamalik> so looks like we can't move anything forward 12:20:49 <asamalik> well, except the Lenovo article! 12:21:10 <jakfrost> that will draw in the views 12:21:19 <asamalik> I hope so :) 12:21:22 <asamalik> #topic 3/ Finished articles to review 12:21:22 <asamalik> #info Looking at the 'review' column, let's decide which articles are good to go. Move each either to the 'to edit' (finished) or to the 'in progress' (needs more work) and provide feedback. 12:21:22 <asamalik> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 12:21:27 <asamalik> nothing here 12:21:32 * asamalik goes look in Wordpress 12:21:32 <stickster> bcotton wins this week apparently :-) 12:21:39 <jakfrost> bare cupboard 12:21:52 <bcotton> i'm putting this as the featured image on the lenovo article https://images.app.goo.gl/v5gE2QmJFyLDjw48A 12:21:59 <asamalik> https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=31944&preview=true 12:22:15 <asamalik> bcotton++ 12:22:18 <jakfrost> bcotton: I like it! 12:22:51 <jakfrost> asamalik: that looks like a completed article 12:22:56 <asamalik> it does 12:23:03 <jakfrost> isn't it in the spec column 12:23:10 <stickster> bcotton: nice 12:23:13 <bcotton> 'tis: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/us/94?kanban-status=280 12:23:15 <asamalik> looks good, too 12:23:27 <asamalik> bcotton: thanks! 12:23:52 <asamalik> moved, link added 12:24:02 <asamalik> that's all I see 12:24:12 <jakfrost> me too 12:24:16 <asamalik> and I'm +1 for moving it forward 12:24:23 <jakfrost> +1 12:24:35 <bcotton> samesie 12:24:40 <asamalik> moved 12:24:49 <asamalik> #topic 4/ Articles to edit 12:24:49 <asamalik> #info Looking at the 'to edit' column, assign an editor and a cover image creator. 12:24:49 <asamalik> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 12:25:14 <bcotton> so #233 got interrupted by life/work/etc 12:25:37 <stickster> asamalik: *: One thing to keep in mind... that Butterfly Backup is that person's own pet project 12:25:50 <asamalik> so it looks like we have three this week! 12:26:01 <bcotton> i haven't had a chance to do anything for it, but i should have time to get it ready today 12:26:20 <asamalik> stickster: hah ok 12:26:24 <stickster> I'm not saying it's not a good article, but it might be worth considering whether this was contributed as an advertisement since I don't think any of us heard from this contributor 12:26:35 <jakfrost> true 12:27:15 <asamalik> it's on github under GPL-3.0 12:27:17 <jakfrost> so how do we handle someone writing about SW they contribute to? that is FLOSS of course 12:27:52 <stickster> I don't know, this is a good question to discuss as editors though, we could make that the open floor focus. 12:27:54 <bcotton> if they write it in a way that fits our editorial tone, i have no problem with it 12:28:01 * bcotton shuts up :-) 12:28:13 <asamalik> I kind of agree with bcotton here 12:29:32 <jakfrost> okay lets open floor it with a minute on mag comments 12:31:13 <asamalik> we've accepted it last year in October 12:31:49 <asamalik> it's not like they submitted it into Wordpress and waited for the best 12:31:50 <jakfrost> who is editing it, I can for next Monday very likely 12:32:28 <asamalik> so I'd say let's discuss this topic, for sure, but I feel like we should let #94 go out 12:32:39 <bcotton> +1 12:32:44 <jakfrost> +1 12:32:50 <stickster> AHA! 12:33:00 <stickster> +1 12:33:37 <stickster> I think that also means we can drop the theoretical discussion, since it's not really at hand practically 12:33:38 <asamalik> all right, who wants to take it? :) 12:33:46 <asamalik> already has an image and looks pretty easy to edit 12:34:18 <asamalik> stickster: ok, and we can always just have this discussion per case in the forum 12:34:28 <jakfrost> Again.... I can do it 12:34:32 <asamalik> oh! 12:34:36 <asamalik> jakfrost++ 12:34:49 <stickster> I can improve the image I think. 12:35:03 <jakfrost> stickster++ 12:35:25 <asamalik> oh good catch, it's a different size 12:35:27 <asamalik> thanks stickster! 12:35:30 <asamalik> stickster++ 12:35:39 <asamalik> #topic 5/ Publishing schedule 12:35:40 <asamalik> #info Looking at the 'queued' and 'to edit' columns, decide the publishing schedule for the next week period. 12:35:40 <asamalik> #info If there is not enough content, we might also need to look at the 'in progress' or even the 'article spec' columns come up with additional content. 12:35:40 <asamalik> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 12:36:20 <asamalik> so, we have #94 (butterfly), #233 (dnsmasq), and #229 (lenovo) 12:36:55 <jakfrost> when is Lenovo to be ready> 12:37:13 <jakfrost> ? even 12:38:04 <jakfrost> I could do the editing for #94 for Friday if needed, if stickster could do the image for then we could publish it Friday 12:38:08 <bcotton> Let's say for Friday. I'm sending them the "hey, here's the final version" right now 12:38:39 <bcotton> and I want to give them a a day to review it. so we'd either run it later than usual thursday or on friday 12:38:55 <asamalik> all right 12:39:08 <jakfrost> okay so bump #94 out to Monday and the DNS article to Wednesday 12:39:13 <asamalik> so let's do lenovo, butterfly, dnsmasq? 12:39:16 <asamalik> hah! 12:39:19 <bcotton> wfm 12:39:24 <jakfrost> asamalik++ 12:39:25 * asamalik goes convince Taiga 12:39:38 <bcotton> and fingers crossed we'll have a release announcement tuesday 12:39:47 <bcotton> because if not, i'm going to cry 12:39:49 <jakfrost> must be close 12:40:39 <asamalik> yep! I'd just push the release announcement whenever it's ready 12:40:49 <asamalik> and maybe delayed whatever comes after it one slot 12:40:53 <asamalik> but anyway, so far we have 12:40:54 <asamalik> #proposed #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri 25 Sep 2020: #229 Lenovo announcement (image: TBD, edit: TBD) -- Mon 28 Sep 2020: #94 Incremental/Differential backup with rsync and Butterfly Backup (image: stickster, edit: jakfrost) -- Wed 30 Sep 2020: #233 Install and configure dnsmasq to provide DNS & DHCP services (image: bcotton, edit: bcotton) 12:41:04 <stickster> asamalik: One thing to consider is whether to space things out a little further if we don't have a lot of content coming up behind 12:41:04 <jakfrost> +1 12:41:24 <asamalik> stickster: so I thought about this and I probably wouldn't delay things 12:41:29 <asamalik> we always have at least one a week 12:41:44 <asamalik> but if we start having weeks with zero content, maybe then? 12:41:49 <asamalik> I'm on the fence though 12:41:54 <stickster> Fair. I don't feel strongly about this either. Apparently I'm lukewarm this morning! :-D 12:41:57 <stickster> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 12:42:04 <jakfrost> meh 12:42:04 <asamalik> heh :D 12:42:21 <bcotton> I thought you were Paul. Nice to meet you, Luke 12:42:33 <jakfrost> may the force be with you 12:42:49 <pingou> I fear of the underlying fatherhood question lurking around 12:43:15 <jakfrost> nooooooo 12:43:48 <asamalik> pingou++ 12:44:11 <asamalik> any +1s to the schedule? 12:44:20 <jakfrost> I did mine already 12:44:30 <asamalik> any more +1s to the schedule? :) 12:44:32 <bcotton> oh, +1 from me, i thought i did but i didn't 12:45:15 <asamalik> and I'll take stickster's ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ as a +1 too :P 12:45:16 <asamalik> #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri 25 Sep 2020: #229 Lenovo announcement (image: TBD, edit: TBD) -- Mon 28 Sep 2020: #94 Incremental/Differential backup with rsync and Butterfly Backup (image: stickster, edit: jakfrost) -- Wed 30 Sep 2020: #233 Install and configure dnsmasq to provide DNS & DHCP services (image: bcotton, edit: bcotton) 12:45:33 <asamalik> #topic 7/ Editor of the Week 12:45:33 <asamalik> #info XXXX will be Editor of the Week next week 12:45:49 <asamalik> everyone please roll initiative 12:46:13 <asamalik> #undo 12:46:13 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by asamalik at 12:45:33 : XXXX will be Editor of the Week next week 12:46:25 <asamalik> we need to split these two lines in the docs... confuses me every single time! 12:46:58 <asamalik> done 12:47:09 <jakfrost> asamalik++ 12:47:36 <jakfrost> I can do it next week 12:47:42 <asamalik> jakfrost++ 12:47:54 <asamalik> #info jakfrost will be Editor of the Week next week 12:48:10 <asamalik> #topic 8/ Open floor 12:48:44 <jakfrost> Okay so does anyone else have some difficulty screening comments for the Mag articles? 12:49:01 <FrostyX> Hello everyone, I am here for the first time, so I am trying to figure out what is going on. But I have two things that I would like to discuss 12:49:18 <asamalik> jakfrost: you mean deciding which ones to approve? or the volume? 12:49:21 <jakfrost> I marked tow as spam this morning, but one I had to use Google translate on 12:49:29 <jakfrost> approval of 12:49:37 <jakfrost> two instead of tow 12:49:51 <jakfrost> hello FrostyX 12:50:00 <jakfrost> please ask away 12:50:04 <asamalik> perhaps we could discuss non-English comments in the forum? 12:50:07 <asamalik> welcome FrostyX! 12:50:55 <jakfrost> it wasn't the language, it was the content after translation 12:51:17 <jakfrost> mostly they seemed like adverts for blogs 12:51:31 <jakfrost> one posiibly pornographic 12:51:36 <FrostyX> I am from Copr team, we have a series called "4 cool new projects to try in COPR for <month>" ... Dominik Turecek writes all of them. He is not present for a few weeks and he told me, that there is one article written and submitted but we didn 12:51:45 <FrostyX> didn't release it yet 12:52:04 <FrostyX> But I couldn't find it neither in kanban nor wordpress 12:52:31 <FrostyX> Do you have any idea where it could get lost? 12:52:33 <asamalik> FrostyX: hmm... we don't have any other place where that could be I'm afraid 12:53:11 <asamalik> jakfrost: that sounds like a clear spam to me 12:53:24 <FrostyX> I haven't seen it mentioned on mailing list either. But I was told he submitted it, so I don't really know 12:53:38 <asamalik> jakfrost: I saw these in English, too.. they're usually praising the article in a non-specific way or being totally random 12:53:41 <asamalik> jakfrost: I just delete those 12:53:49 <asamalik> jakfrost: or not approve 12:53:52 <jakfrost> fair enough 12:54:22 <jakfrost> I am on the right track then. I don't want to be accused of censoring 12:55:39 <asamalik> FrostyX: I have nothing for you there :( from what you say it looks like it wasn't submitted after all 12:55:49 <FrostyX> One more thing, if you open https://fedoramagazine.org/series/copr/ , there are only old articles. There is a lot of new ones https://fedoramagazine.org/author/dturecek/ but they are not tagged to the "copr" series. Can somebody please look on that? 12:56:22 <asamalik> sure I can look at those 12:56:22 <FrostyX> asamalik: ok, ok. Np. I wanted to make sure 12:56:30 <asamalik> would be worth to mention it in the card each time 12:56:36 <asamalik> so it's clear to the editor they need to tag it 12:56:56 <jakfrost> is it maybe in the submit an idea area of the mag 12:57:05 <FrostyX> asamalik: I will let whoever will write next copr articles know 12:57:40 <asamalik> FrostyX: cool! And I'll go figure out how to mass tag two years worth of articles 12:57:41 <asamalik> :D 12:58:04 <jakfrost> asamalik++ 12:58:28 <FrostyX> asamalik: There is not that many of them. It shouldn't take more then five minutes when going one by one :-) 12:58:30 <FrostyX> I hope so :D 13:00:50 <jakfrost> we are running long this morning 13:00:50 <asamalik> FrostyX: done! 13:00:57 <asamalik> all right, that's all for today 13:01:00 <asamalik> thanks all for coming! 13:01:09 <FrostyX> Thank you 13:01:10 <asamalik> #endmeeting