13:00:58 <jakfrost> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 13:00:58 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 2 13:00:58 2020 UTC. 13:00:58 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 13:00:58 <zodbot> The chair is jakfrost. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:58 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 13:00:58 <jakfrost> #meetingname magazine 13:00:58 <jakfrost> #topic Roll call 13:00:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 13:00:58 <jakfrost> #chair stickster ryanlerch cverna gregbartholomew jakfrost misc bcotton 13:00:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton cverna gregbartholomew jakfrost misc ryanlerch stickster 13:01:07 <jakfrost> .hello jakfrost 13:01:08 <zodbot> jakfrost: jakfrost 'Stephen Snow' <s40w5s@gmail.com> 13:01:09 <gregbartholomew> .hello glb 13:01:11 <zodbot> gregbartholomew: glb 'Gregory Lee Bartholomew' <gregory.lee.bartholomew@gmail.com> 13:01:43 <bcotton> .hello2 13:01:45 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 13:01:47 <stickster> .hello pfrields 13:01:48 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 13:02:28 <jakfrost> hello everyone 13:02:34 <jakfrost> #topic Agenda 13:02:34 <jakfrost> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-magazine/workflow/ 13:02:34 <jakfrost> #info -- 1/ Last week's stats -- 13:02:34 <jakfrost> #info -- 2/ In progress followup -- 13:02:34 <jakfrost> #info -- 3/ Finished articles to review -- 13:02:34 <jakfrost> #info -- 4/ Articles to edit -- 13:02:36 <jakfrost> #info -- 5/ Publishing schedule -- 13:02:38 <jakfrost> #info -- 6/ Editor of the Week -- 13:02:40 <jakfrost> #info -- 7/ Open floor -- 13:02:56 <jakfrost> #topic 1/ Last week's stats 13:03:54 <jakfrost> #info Week of November 23: 63.1K pageviews -- Trending down 13:04:18 <jakfrost> we went 11 days I think without fresh content 13:05:20 <jakfrost> #topic 2/ In progress followup 13:05:21 <jakfrost> #info Looking at the 'in progress' column, is there something that's been finished? Anything to follow up on with its author? 13:05:21 <jakfrost> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 13:06:05 <gregbartholomew> I think one of the LVM article might be done: https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=32274&preview=true 13:07:23 <gregbartholomew> The author of that one said that he developed the content in another article and then transferred it to WP in the #fedora-magazine channel. 13:07:29 <bcotton> #2534 (Astronomy lab) looks ready, too 13:07:52 <jakfrost> #258 is still sitting, I sent a note to the author 13:07:54 <gregbartholomew> s/in another article/in another editor/ 13:08:28 <gregbartholomew> The astronomy author knows to move the card when the article is done. 13:08:45 <gregbartholomew> He specifically stated that it was not done. 13:08:59 <bcotton> ok 13:10:17 * cverna waives 13:10:21 <jakfrost> sorry my bad 13:10:33 * jakfrost waves back to cverna 13:11:22 <stickster> Should we put the astronomy lab card back into In Progress? 13:11:35 <jakfrost> done 13:11:48 <jakfrost> back to in progress 13:12:07 <jakfrost> I think that's it for in progress 13:12:27 <jakfrost> #info Are there any upcoming test days? 13:12:27 <jakfrost> #link https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/QA/ 13:12:35 <jakfrost> I checked, nothing this week 13:13:02 <jakfrost> #topic 3/ Finished articles to review 13:13:02 <jakfrost> #info Looking at the 'review' column, let's decide which articles are good to go. Move each either to the 'to edit' (finished) or to the 'in progress' (needs more work) and provide feedback. 13:13:02 <jakfrost> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 13:13:34 <jakfrost> Just one #186 adding a drive to LVM 13:13:52 <stickster> It's something! 13:14:23 <jakfrost> better than nothing! 13:14:37 <jakfrost> It looks like it could go to edit. 13:14:51 <jakfrost> I think it was a topic on the magazine channel 13:16:17 <jakfrost> #topic 4/ Articles to edit 13:16:17 <jakfrost> #info Looking at the 'to edit' column, assign an editor and a cover image creator. 13:16:17 <jakfrost> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 13:16:33 * stickster would be happy to take an article to edit this weekend 13:16:48 <jakfrost> So we have the one article to edit, and stickster wins! 13:16:59 <stickster> also image 13:17:22 <jakfrost> #action stickster to edit and image article #186 adding a drive to LVM 13:17:33 <stickster> perfectamundo 13:17:56 <stickster> I'll have this ready to go out Monday. It would be awesome if something came in that could go earlier, but it is what it is 13:18:49 <gregbartholomew> So if say the astronomy author were to move their card to review before Friday morning, should someone edit and publish it? 13:19:30 <jakfrost> If that was enough time I guess that is okay 13:19:51 <jakfrost> else If it was close, say next wednesday 13:20:24 <jakfrost> I don't think we should hang back as editors, and it can be discussed on discourse 13:20:41 <jakfrost> are you volunteering? 13:20:56 <jakfrost> stickster++ 13:21:05 <gregbartholomew> More wondering what the policy is on that than volunteering. :) 13:21:08 <bcotton> if it were ready by, say 3pm eastern tomorrow, i could have it ready to publish monday morning (assuming it doesn't need additional edits) 13:21:20 <bcotton> s/monday/friday/ 13:21:32 <bcotton> but in general, there's no need to rush it 13:21:37 <gregbartholomew> bcotton ++ 13:21:42 <bcotton> if we don't have anything this week, we don't have anything this week 13:21:49 <jakfrost> sure, are you volunteering bcotton? 13:21:58 <jakfrost> we can track it this week 13:22:06 <bcotton> sure, sign me up 13:22:15 <bcotton> and whenver it's ready, i'll get to work on it 13:22:31 <jakfrost> okay, can I leave dates as pending? 13:23:03 <bcotton> yeah, no point in putting a date on it now 13:27:33 <stickster> Things got really quiet :-) 13:27:46 <stickster> Meanwhile I sent out socials for the article published today on Vagrant 13:27:52 <bcotton> Ben Cotton: roomkiller 13:27:56 <stickster> lol 13:28:15 <stickster> cverna++ for getting the vagrant article out! 13:28:15 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for cverna changed to 3 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 13:28:25 <jakfrost> sorry just trying to get the schedule going 13:28:31 <gregbartholomew> I think it was jakfrost replying with "Are you volunteering" to anyone who piped up. :), 13:29:25 <jakfrost> #proposed #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Mon 07 Dec 2020: #186 Add a drive to LVM (image: @pfrields, edit: @pfrields) -- Wed 09 Dec 2020: #253 Using Fedora Astronomy Lab (image: bcotton, edit: bcotton) 13:29:32 <bcotton> :-) 13:29:38 <bcotton> +1 13:29:42 <gregbartholomew> +1 13:29:44 <cverna> looks good 13:29:57 <jakfrost> #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Mon 07 Dec 2020: #186 Add a drive to LVM (image: @pfrields, edit: @pfrields) -- Wed 09 Dec 2020: #253 Using Fedora Astronomy Lab (image: bcotton, edit: bcotton) 13:30:16 <jakfrost> #topic 6/ Editor of the Week 13:30:40 <jakfrost> #info cverna will be Editor of the Week next week 13:30:46 <cverna> \o/ 13:30:52 <jakfrost> still okay with that cverna? 13:31:05 <stickster> woop woop 13:31:06 <cverna> yeah :) 13:31:16 <jakfrost> #topic 7/ Open floor 13:31:27 <jakfrost> anything to discuss? 13:31:52 <gregbartholomew> I don't have anything. 13:32:07 <jakfrost> me neither 13:32:28 <bcotton> and my...nacks? 13:32:38 <gregbartholomew> Well, maybe, someone said something about a year-end article on discussion. 13:32:56 <jakfrost> nacks? 13:33:10 <jakfrost> yes year end topics 13:33:51 <gregbartholomew> And before you ask ... no, I'm not volunteering. :), 13:34:16 <cverna> lol :) 13:34:21 <jakfrost> with that, I will thank all for joining, it was an interesting meeting 13:34:28 <cverna> there was not much discussion in https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/end-of-year-content-best-of-2020/24949 13:34:42 <jakfrost> I'm looking for volunteers 13:34:52 <jakfrost> #endmeeting