15:00:07 <jakfrost> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 15:00:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 20 15:00:07 2021 UTC. 15:00:07 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:07 <zodbot> The chair is jakfrost. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 15:00:39 <jakfrost> #meetingname magazine 15:00:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 15:00:53 <gregbartholomew> .hello glb 15:00:55 <zodbot> gregbartholomew: glb 'Gregory Lee Bartholomew' <gregory.lee.bartholomew@gmail.com> 15:01:09 <rlengland[m]1> .hello rlenglnad 15:01:09 <zodbot> rlengland[m]1: Sorry, but you don't exist 15:01:09 <jakfrost> #topic Roll call 15:01:26 <jakfrost> .hello jakfrost 15:01:27 <zodbot> jakfrost: jakfrost 'Stephen Snow' <s40w5s@gmail.com> 15:01:31 <rparimi95> .hello ramyaparimi 15:01:32 <zodbot> rparimi95: ramyaparimi 'Ramya Parimi' <rlp.parimi@gmail.com> 15:01:55 <jakfrost> #chair jakfrost 15:01:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: jakfrost 15:02:24 <jakfrost> #chair ryanlerch cverna asamalik sub_pop gregbartholomew jakfrost misc rwaltr bcotton rlengland 15:02:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik bcotton cverna gregbartholomew jakfrost misc rlengland rwaltr ryanlerch sub_pop 15:02:31 <jakfrost> better, more chairs 15:02:49 <gregbartholomew> What does that do/mean anyway? 15:03:02 <jakfrost> #topic Agenda 15:03:08 <rparimi> .hello ramyaparimi 15:03:09 <zodbot> rparimi: ramyaparimi 'Ramya Parimi' <rlp.parimi@gmail.com> 15:03:22 <jakfrost> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-magazine/workflow/ 15:03:22 <jakfrost> #info -- 1/ Last week's stats -- 15:03:22 <jakfrost> #info -- 2/ In progress followup -- 15:03:22 <jakfrost> #info -- 3/ Finished articles to review -- 15:03:22 <jakfrost> #info -- 4/ Articles to edit -- 15:03:23 <jakfrost> #info -- 5/ Publishing schedule -- 15:03:25 <jakfrost> #info -- 6/ Editor of the Week -- 15:03:27 <jakfrost> #info -- 7/ Open floor -- 15:04:16 <jakfrost> #topic 1/ Last weeks stats 15:04:54 <rparimi> Hi everyone, I have been wanting to contribute to Fedora Magazine since quite a while and I am here finally. Happy to be here, contribute and learn at the same time 15:05:43 <gregbartholomew> Hi rparimi! Welcome to the Magazine. We are in need of more contributors! 15:05:55 <gregbartholomew> #chair rparimi 15:05:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik bcotton cverna gregbartholomew jakfrost misc rlengland rparimi rwaltr ryanlerch sub_pop 15:06:01 <gregbartholomew> :-) 15:06:32 <rparimi> <gregbartholomew "Hi rparimi! Welcome to the Magaz"> Thankyou! Awesome, looking forward to it π 15:07:28 <rlengland> .hello rlengland 15:07:28 <zodbot> rlengland: rlengland 'Richard England' <rlengland@gmail.com> 15:07:56 <jakfrost> #info Week of May 10: 73.2K pageviews -- Lower than previous 15:08:10 <jakfrost> sorry a bit rusty here 15:08:16 <jakfrost> Welcome everyone 15:08:43 <jakfrost> #topic 2/ In progress followup 15:08:43 <jakfrost> #info Looking at the 'in progress' column, is there something that's been finished? Anything to follow up on with its author? 15:08:43 <jakfrost> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 15:09:20 <gregbartholomew> We had a couple of "false starts" earlier this week. 15:09:35 <rparimi> What are glass starts? 15:09:41 <jakfrost> What do we know about #295, #283 is still in progress 15:09:45 <rparimi> Sorry autocorrect. False starts 15:09:56 <jakfrost> schedule/unschedule 15:10:34 <gregbartholomew> Sorry, it is just a phrase that means something tried to "go" but failed. 15:11:18 <gregbartholomew> I should probably try to keep my English more plain. 15:12:09 <rparimi> gregbartholomew: thank you for letting me know π 15:12:15 <jakfrost> #151 #316 and #290 still are the same as last week 15:12:38 <gregbartholomew> #295 was one that almost went out earlier this week. 15:13:13 <jakfrost> How about #269? 15:13:22 <gregbartholomew> If we are desperate for content, we might get away with scheduling that one for late in the upcoming week. 15:13:27 <jakfrost> It looks at a glance ready for rerview 15:13:33 <jakfrost> review/rerview 15:13:48 <gregbartholomew> "that one" = #295 15:14:07 <jakfrost> okay, lets see what shakes out 15:14:17 <bcotton> we've been pretty content-ful lately, so i wouldn't describe us as "desperate" right now :-) 15:14:18 <jakfrost> oops more english slang 15:14:36 <gregbartholomew> #269 is supposed to be part of a series. We don't know how long it will take the authors to complete the series, but I expect that could be a while. 15:15:01 <jakfrost> Can't we do one, then anotherr one, then another one? 15:15:10 <jakfrost> another/anotherr 15:15:30 <gregbartholomew> bcotton, I'm just looking at the "review" column. 15:16:04 <jakfrost> #info Review release schedule 15:16:04 <jakfrost> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-<N>/f-<N>-magazine-tasks.html 15:16:09 <gregbartholomew> jakfrost, bcotton wanted them grouped closer together. You'll have to ask him. 15:16:10 <jakfrost> And we got nothin 15:16:39 <gregbartholomew> I think it was because the first one was just how to install the software. 15:16:48 <jakfrost> I don't mind that idea a bit, it makes sense, just wondering on the authors perspective on release schedule then 15:17:12 <rparimi> <jakfrost "#link https://fedorapeople.org/g"> Says 404 page not found. Is that just for me? 15:17:49 <jakfrost> you are correct! mee too 15:17:50 <bcotton> freenode_rparimi[m]: the `<N>` needs to be replaced with a number 15:17:54 <gregbartholomew> rparimi, no, jakfrost just neglected to fix up the URL. 15:18:44 <jakfrost> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-35/f-35-magazine-tasks.html 15:19:08 <jakfrost> better now? 15:19:16 <rlengland> yes 15:19:23 <jakfrost> nothing till september 15:20:00 <jakfrost> #topic 3/ Finished articles to review 15:20:00 <jakfrost> #info Looking at the 'review' column, let's decide which articles are good to go. Move each either to the 'to edit' (finished) or to the 'in progress' (needs more work) and provide feedback. 15:20:00 <jakfrost> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 15:20:09 <jakfrost> so nothing to review 15:20:57 <rlengland[m]1> Do we have any in the "Spec" column that can be "pinged" ? 15:21:12 <jakfrost> lets see ... 15:22:05 <gregbartholomew> I'm not sure what happened with #279, but I think that one was in the "in progress" column at one point. 15:22:46 <bcotton> yeah. that one probably belongs in `in progress` 15:22:55 <bcotton> coremodule keeps saying he's working on it :-) 15:23:16 <jakfrost> beat me to it, was just going to suggest the move 15:23:50 <rlengland> #258 worth touching base on or has it been too long? 15:24:39 <gregbartholomew> I may have moved that one back because the author wasn't responding to pings. 15:24:47 <rlengland> ok 15:25:50 <gregbartholomew> #212 reminds me that there was supposed to be a grand btrfs series by Chris Murphy at one point. 15:26:20 <gregbartholomew> Maybe we can ping him and see if he is still up to writing some more articles for us? 15:27:08 <rlengland> +1 I'd be personally interested in that :-/ 15:27:08 <gregbartholomew> I've seen a few questions about snapper lately and Chris essentially wrote a small howto for that on Discussion. 15:27:42 <gregbartholomew> Maybe we could get him to essentially copy-and-paste that into a Magazine article? 15:29:22 <jakfrost> #211, #99, #215 all have not been active as of late 15:30:33 <jakfrost> The latex series is still outstanding some instalments, does anyone know the authors intention on finishing? 15:31:00 <gregbartholomew> I don't know. That might be a good one to ping. 15:31:45 <jakfrost> Also #133 and #23 are two good topics in need of more coverage 15:32:12 <jakfrost> the python CI article would be good too 15:33:50 <jakfrost> #145 looks to be in progress with recent activity 15:34:13 <jakfrost> think I'll move it to the IP column, any objections? 15:34:44 <gregbartholomew> I remember that one. I think the author works for Red Hat and just got busy with other things. 15:34:57 <jakfrost> yes, it was posted to today 15:35:48 <gregbartholomew> Definitely move it to in progress then. :-) 15:36:48 <jakfrost> Okay, we can cruise the in spec column later an move anything needing moving 15:36:53 <jakfrost> #topic 4/ Articles to edit 15:36:53 <jakfrost> #info Looking at the 'to edit' column, assign an editor and a cover image creator. 15:36:53 <jakfrost> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 15:37:11 <jakfrost> currently only #317 is in editing by bcotton 15:37:43 <gregbartholomew> I think it is already scheduled for this week. 15:37:57 <bcotton> yeah, it's scheduled for tomorrow 15:38:15 <jakfrost> oops, so it is, well nothing to edit then... 15:38:44 <rlengland> (go away for a week and there's nothing to do :-) ) 15:39:07 <jakfrost> no kidding?!? 15:39:35 <jakfrost> Well, the scheduling is pretty easy then 15:40:18 <gregbartholomew> Maybe #317 should be moved to Monday to spread things out a bit if we have nothing for next week? 15:40:45 <jakfrost> We have tonnes of content in the in spec column, If it's already scheduled, let it go I say 15:41:00 <jakfrost> sorry two thoughts in one sentence there 15:41:33 <jakfrost> I will get at the please write for us article this week, I have available time for it 15:42:37 <jakfrost> I don't see the point to propose and publish a schedule that has nothing scheduled, I move we go to selecting EOW 15:43:13 <gregbartholomew> I'd also be tempted to put #295 down for Friday of next week since they almost had me run it earlier this week. I think they must be very close to having it ready. 15:43:41 <jakfrost> Sure, if your confident 15:44:03 <jakfrost> #topic 5/ Publishing schedule 15:44:03 <jakfrost> #info Looking at the 'queued' and 'to edit' columns, decide the publishing schedule for the next week period. 15:44:03 <jakfrost> #info If there is not enough content, we might also need to look at the 'in progress' or even the 'article spec' columns come up with additional content. 15:44:03 <jakfrost> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 15:44:22 <gregbartholomew> I think setting a due date on the card might also ping/encourage them to work on getting it ready. :-) 15:45:42 <rlengland> Dont forget #269 15:45:52 <rlengland> Might it be ready this coming week? 15:46:20 <rlengland> That's the powershell article 15:46:44 <rlengland> or are we still waiting for commitment on more of the series 15:47:18 <gregbartholomew> #269 is ready (even edited), but its sequel isn't. 15:47:33 <rlengland> very well. Thank you. 15:48:19 <jakfrost> So #295 for Friday? 15:48:21 <gregbartholomew> bcotton didn't want to run just an article on how to install something without a followup on how to use it and what can be done with it. 15:48:29 <gregbartholomew> Yes. 15:48:41 <gregbartholomew> Yes to #295 on Friday. 15:49:09 <bcotton> yeah, ot 15:49:12 <bcotton> gr 15:49:13 <bcotton> ot 15:49:16 <bcotton> SJAKFDJASGDASWJGAS 15:49:19 * bcotton sighs 15:49:26 <rlengland> more coffee 15:49:42 <gregbartholomew> that or less wisky 15:49:43 <bcotton> it's generally better to have series articles done so they can run somewhat close together 15:50:11 <jakfrost> Sorry for the delaysd here, Taiga seems to be excessively slow for me today 15:50:12 <bcotton> it's not a hard and fast rule, but running them a week or two apart beats 6 months 15:50:24 <rlengland> certainly 15:50:45 <bcotton> i also haven't looked at it since we had that conversation, so maybe it can stand on its own? 15:50:45 <jakfrost> I agree on that for sure 15:50:46 * bcotton shrugs 15:51:33 <rlengland> there were communications issues on Taigo so is that clear to the author 15:51:35 <rlengland> ? 15:51:49 <rlengland> Taiga (same sigh) 15:52:34 <rlengland> Not trying to beat this one to death, I'm just not completely caught up. 15:52:35 <jakfrost> is anyone else able to set its due date 15:52:44 <gregbartholomew> The author of #269 definitely knows that we are waiting on the next post in the series. He informed me. :-) 15:52:56 <rlengland> great. Thank you. 15:52:58 <jakfrost> #295 15:53:36 <jakfrost> got it! 15:54:52 <rparimi> I have a question during open floor! 15:55:15 <jakfrost> #proposed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri 21 May 2021: #317 Joining Fedora Linux to an Active Directory or FreeIPA Domain (image: bcotton, edit: bcotton) -- Fri 28 May 2021: #295 The Fedora Podcast is back (image: DONE, edit: DONE) 15:55:36 <rlengland> +1 15:55:44 <gregbartholomew> Isn't #283 supposed to be in there somewhere? 15:55:52 <jakfrost> ha ha 15:56:17 <jakfrost> #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri 21 May 2021: #317 Joining Fedora Linux to an Active Directory or FreeIPA Domain (image: bcotton, edit: bcotton) -- Fri 28 May 2021: #295 The Fedora Podcast is back (image: DONE, edit: DONE) 15:56:38 <jakfrost> #topic 6/ Editor of the Week 15:56:55 <jakfrost> Okay so any volunteers? 15:57:23 <gregbartholomew> I guess. 15:57:40 <jakfrost> I can do it again if needed, don't mind 15:57:51 <gregbartholomew> +1 :-) 15:57:56 <jakfrost> then you can take it next time glb 15:58:06 <gregbartholomew> OK :-) 15:58:10 <jakfrost> ;-) 15:58:30 <gregbartholomew> rparimi, what was your question? 15:58:40 <jakfrost> #info jakfrost will be Editor of the Week next week 15:58:46 <rparimi> So how can I get started? 15:59:05 <jakfrost> #topic 7/ Open floor 15:59:14 <gregbartholomew> With what? Writing or Editing? 15:59:29 <rparimi> Editing for now and will soon get to writing as well 15:59:40 <jakfrost> Writing is a great starting place to hone editing skills 15:59:40 <rparimi> But for now I want to focus on editing 16:00:02 <gregbartholomew> Well, you can try editing #283 for jakfrost and see how that goes? 16:00:08 <rparimi> I would love to write, but atm Iβm afraid I donβt have deep knowledge on the topics 16:00:21 <jakfrost> sure, after I write it 16:00:29 <jakfrost> research 16:00:33 <rparimi> <gregbartholomew "Well, you can try editing #283 f"> That sounds good to me π 16:01:01 <jakfrost> rlengland: on the discussion area you had a question about editing wordy articles. 16:01:07 <jakfrost> Did you resolve that? 16:01:11 <gregbartholomew> jakfrost, I suggest leaving some common things "undone" (the "more" tag, etc.) and see if rparimi can figure it all out. 16:01:28 <jakfrost> what, a teaching article? 16:01:46 <rlengland> Yes. I believe so 16:01:56 <jakfrost> cool, just wondering 16:02:17 <jakfrost> well I am calling it we are overtime 16:02:17 <gregbartholomew> On your #283, just to give rparimi some good practice at typical editing tasks. 16:02:30 <jakfrost> #endmeeting