15:00:02 <jakfrost> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 15:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 5 15:00:02 2021 UTC. 15:00:02 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:02 <zodbot> The chair is jakfrost. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 15:00:02 <jakfrost> #meetingname magazine 15:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 15:00:02 <jakfrost> #topic Roll call 15:00:02 <jakfrost> #chair glb rlengland theevilskeleton cverna asamalik 15:00:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik cverna glb jakfrost rlengland theevilskeleton 15:00:38 <jakfrost> #topic Agenda 15:00:38 <jakfrost> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-magazine/workflow/ 15:00:38 <jakfrost> #info -- 1/ Last week's stats -- 15:00:38 <jakfrost> #info -- 2/ In progress followup -- 15:00:38 <jakfrost> #info -- 3/ Finished articles to review -- 15:00:39 <glb> .hello 15:00:39 <zodbot> glb: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 15:00:40 <jakfrost> #info -- 4/ Articles to edit -- 15:00:42 <jakfrost> #info -- 5/ Publishing schedule -- 15:00:44 <jakfrost> #info -- 6/ Editor of the Week -- 15:00:46 <jakfrost> #info -- 7/ Open floor -- 15:00:57 <glb> .hello glb 15:00:57 <jakfrost> .hello 15:00:57 <zodbot> glb: glb 'Gregory Lee Bartholomew' <gregory.lee.bartholomew@gmail.com> 15:00:59 <zodbot> jakfrost: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 15:01:12 <jakfrost> .hello2 15:01:13 <zodbot> jakfrost: jakfrost 'Stephen Snow' <s40w5s@gmail.com> 15:01:56 <glb> Hi Stephen. Thanks for running the meeting this week! :-) 15:02:31 <TheEvilSkeleton> glb: hi, do you see my message? 15:02:42 <jakfrost> Hi Greg, you're welcome 15:02:42 <glb> Hi TheEvilSkeleton. Yes. 15:02:51 <jakfrost> #topic 1/ Last week's stats 15:02:52 <TheEvilSkeleton> Okay, good. I thought it wasn't work 15:03:41 <glb> No problem TheEvilSkeleton. Welcome to the meeting. :-) 15:04:15 <TheEvilSkeleton> Thank you :) 15:04:26 <TheEvilSkeleton> Did I actually join? I'm a bit confused with how this works 15:04:31 <jakfrost> #info Week of July 26: 54.5K pageviews -- Not much to say 15:04:52 <TheEvilSkeleton> #agree 15:05:02 <jakfrost> normally at roll call you would answer with .hello or .hello2 15:05:12 <TheEvilSkeleton> .hello 15:05:12 <zodbot> TheEvilSkeleton: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 15:05:36 <jakfrost> if .hello you should include your username such as .hello jakfrost 15:05:48 <glb> TheEvilSkeleton are you asking if you joined the meeting or if you joined the editorial team? 15:05:54 <jakfrost> if .hello2 it uses your FASID 15:06:02 <TheEvilSkeleton> Both 😅 15:06:17 <jakfrost> anyway welcome to the meeting 15:06:36 <glb> I think the rule has basically been that if you keep showing up to the meetings, then you are part of the editorial team. :-) 15:06:39 <TheEvilSkeleton> I have a hard time understanding what is what when it comes to contributing to Fedora 15:06:45 <jakfrost> #topic 2/ In progress followup 15:06:46 <jakfrost> #info Looking at the 'in progress' column, is there something that's been finished? Anything to follow up on with its author? 15:06:46 <jakfrost> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 15:06:49 <TheEvilSkeleton> glb: Ah, I see 15:07:18 <jakfrost> yes @glb is basically correct in that regard, the meetings are open to all who are interested 15:07:37 <TheEvilSkeleton> Just keep in mind that I only have around 20 minutes because I have to take my shower, eat and then start working 15:08:17 <glb> TheEvilSkeleton if you would like to move the meeting time, that can be discussed. 15:08:43 <jakfrost> #285 seems ready for review, is this waiting on the author? 15:10:27 <glb> It looks like Richard has some questions about it. 15:10:36 <glb> He is out this week and next. 15:10:50 <TheEvilSkeleton> glb: How long does a meeting usually take? 15:11:15 <glb> TheEvilSkeleton 1 hour. 15:12:44 <glb> jakfrost I was just going to let Richard handle #285 one since he jumped in on it already. I think we have enough in the Review column currently that we probably don't need to push the author of #285 at this time. 15:13:10 <jakfrost> Not pushing just checking, haven't been around for awhile 15:13:40 <OnuralpSezer[m]> hello o/ 15:13:46 * OnuralpSezer[m] listening 15:13:49 <jakfrost> #330 if still mine to edit I will get in touch with the author on 15:14:22 <jakfrost> sorry glb I see you are handling that one too 15:14:30 <jakfrost> any status? 15:14:36 <glb> jakfrost yes, #330 seems to be stalled. It would be great if you could get it moving again. 15:14:53 <jakfrost> I'll give it a nidge 15:15:00 <jakfrost> u/i^ 15:15:05 <glb> We couldn't publish it because it had a copyrighted image in the article. 15:15:11 <jakfrost> ah 15:15:23 <jakfrost> okay that should be easily solvable 15:15:53 <jakfrost> you can assign it to me if you like and I promise to follow up later 15:16:05 <glb> Hi OnuralpSezer[m] 15:16:05 <TheEvilSkeleton> glb: Hmm... In that case even moving the meeting time won't be enough because I work from 12:30 EDT to 21:00. It's 11:15 right now 15:16:39 <glb> OnuralpSezer[m] -- I'm going to edit your part 2 later today; hopefully soon. 15:16:45 <TheEvilSkeleton> <jakfrost> "anyway welcome to the meeting..." <- Thank you 15:16:59 <TheEvilSkeleton> .hello theevilskeleton 15:17:00 <zodbot> TheEvilSkeleton: theevilskeleton 'TheEvilSkeleton' <theevilskeleton@riseup.net> 15:17:31 <OnuralpSezer[m]> glb: Thank you, I'm gonna re-check on more before goes live again. also thanks for editing on part-1 and help 15:17:32 <jakfrost> #269 seems pretty complete, but isn't there another name for Powershell now? I mean the open source based one 15:18:04 <TheEvilSkeleton> jakfrost: PowerShell Core I think 15:18:16 <jakfrost> Yes that's it 15:18:21 <glb> OnuralpSezer[m] thanks I should have given you more time to review those edits. I'm sorry about that. 15:18:33 <TheEvilSkeleton> Also yeah, #269 is complete, but it depends on #336 which my friend and I are still working, but don't have a lot of time to work on 15:18:58 <TheEvilSkeleton> The article itself is extremely long and exhausting too because we get into details 15:19:00 <jakfrost> I see ... 15:19:08 <jakfrost> Noted 15:19:45 <jakfrost> #326 has no preview, is it being actively worked on in WP? 15:20:12 <glb> I think he said he was working on in offline. 15:20:27 <OnuralpSezer[m]> glb: That's all fine. We all tried or best to make it through and It was a nice experience and I wanna do more about it. I'm already working next chapter but waiting for "hardware" to arrive :) Hopefully "soon" It will arrive 15:20:27 <jakfrost> okay, we can revisit next week 15:21:25 <glb> That sounds great OnuralpSezer[m]. Your OpenCV articles are a great contribution to Fedora Magazine. 15:22:12 <jakfrost> sure are @glb 15:22:25 <jakfrost> #151 looks pretty complete 15:22:49 <OnuralpSezer[m]> glb: glb++ 15:22:56 <OnuralpSezer[m]> glb++ 15:23:37 <jakfrost> it would appear ready for review to me 15:23:39 <glb> I don't know what the status of #151 is. It looks like Richard asked the author to move the card to review when it is ready. 15:24:28 <TheEvilSkeleton> jakfrost: It looks inactive to me, there's no editor either 15:24:43 <glb> I see. The author said that he needs to add some images at the end. 15:24:48 <jakfrost> Yes, maybe @rlengland could nudge the author 15:25:04 <jakfrost> since he has been handling it along till now 15:25:06 <glb> I think that author has stated being extremely busy elsewhere. 15:25:17 <jakfrost> gotcha, no pressure for sure 15:25:27 <jakfrost> lost greg 15:25:57 <glb> Sorry, I lost my connection for a bit there. 15:26:21 <jakfrost> glb is back 15:26:44 <jakfrost> so my connection is painfully slow today, everytime I take a look at Kanban it bogs 15:27:38 <glb> No worries jakfrost. I like taking it a bit slow anyway. :-) 15:28:05 <jakfrost> #279 is waiting on image I think and Richard was following up with it and bcotton is likely busy over then next few days 15:28:47 <glb> Yeah, that one is stalled as well because the author is busy. 15:30:06 <glb> I kind of wish we had a "stalled" column to move some of them into when they get into that state so that they don't take up too much meeting time. 15:30:15 <jakfrost> #293 looks like it has been assigned but nothing beyond that. It's an interesting and timely topic 15:30:22 <TheEvilSkeleton> Does Fedora Magazine have a system where after a period of inactivity someone can take over an article? 15:31:32 <glb> TheEvilSkeleton not officially 15:31:51 <TheEvilSkeleton> I see 15:32:27 <glb> I would say to do that only if the article has been "in the works" for at least 6 months. 15:32:48 <glb> Also, ping the author on the card and give them one month to reply before taking it. 15:33:34 <jakfrost> so we have a considerable amount of in progress backlog 15:34:01 <TheEvilSkeleton> glb: Okay, that makes sense. Although having a page dedicated to that would make sense 15:34:08 <glb> Yes. I haven't worried about it too much yet since there is also plenty that is ready for review. 15:34:09 <TheEvilSkeleton> > <@glb:libera.chat> Also, ping the author on the card and give them one month to reply before taking it. 15:34:09 <TheEvilSkeleton> * Okay, that makes sense. Although having a page dedicated to that would be better imo 15:34:27 <glb> TheEvilSkeleton -- yes, we should document that at some point. 15:34:40 <jakfrost> I'm EOW so I'm going to go through that list tomorrow and comment and each one. to get some inclination for next meeting on the questionables 15:34:44 <glb> I think Richard was going to take on updating some of the documentation when he gets back. 15:35:06 <glb> jakfrost++ 15:35:11 <jakfrost> Some I think that we should move onto the next topic on the agenda for now 15:35:17 <TheEvilSkeleton> Alright, I have to go now, sorry for not being here for the whole hour. It was nice meeting all of you though :) 15:35:38 <glb> No problem. TheEvilSkeleton. 15:35:46 <jakfrost> #action jakfrost to review and comment on the in progress items on the magazine kanban 15:36:07 <TheEvilSkeleton> glb: I can maybe start documenting it after I get back from work 15:36:16 <jakfrost> theEvilSkeleton++ 15:36:49 <jakfrost> #info Are there any upcoming test days? 15:36:49 <jakfrost> #link https://calendar.fedoraproject.org/QA/ 15:37:16 <jakfrost> nothing on the immediate horizon 15:37:17 <glb> Nope. :-) 15:37:38 <jakfrost> #info Review release schedule 15:37:38 <jakfrost> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-<N>/f-<N>-magazine-tasks.html 15:37:53 <jakfrost> sorry 15:37:55 <glb> Nothing until September. :-) 15:38:04 <jakfrost> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-35/f-35-magazine-tasks.html 15:38:26 <jakfrost> yup 15:38:56 <jakfrost> #topic 3/ Finished articles to review 15:38:56 <jakfrost> #info Looking at the 'review' column, let's decide which articles are good to go. Move each either to the 'to edit' (finished) or to the 'in progress' (needs more work) and provide feedback. 15:38:56 <jakfrost> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 15:41:37 <jakfrost> #341 looks interesting. I've never used below 15:41:55 <glb> me neither. 15:42:07 <jakfrost> looks useful 15:42:37 <jakfrost> you think it's ready for editing? 15:42:41 <glb> yeah. 15:42:59 <jakfrost> okay I agree let's move it 15:43:27 <jakfrost> done 15:43:28 <glb> I think it is ready. But I'd like to sort the review column so that people who've had their article ready for the longest go first. 15:43:46 <jakfrost> okay, that's fair get me up to speed 15:43:57 <jakfrost> who's is the stalest 15:44:07 <glb> Unfortunately, I don't have an easy way of doing that right now. :-( 15:44:16 <glb> I don't know. 15:44:24 <jakfrost> minutes of previous meetings 15:44:36 <jakfrost> is there a taiga history on the kanban tracking moves 15:44:44 <glb> yes. 15:44:52 <jakfrost> to both? 15:45:01 <glb> There is an "activity" tab in the comments section of the cards. 15:45:13 <glb> It sometimes shows when the card was moved to review. 15:45:50 <glb> #334 was ready 27th of July 15:46:16 <jakfrost> so if it should be first to edit let's move it if ready 15:46:48 <jakfrost> #341 doesn't show any history of when it moved into review 15:46:48 <glb> not all of them show when they were moved. I don't know why. 15:48:04 <glb> I wonder if it only records the move when the author moves the card? 15:48:50 <glb> #353 was ready 28th of July 15:49:16 <jakfrost> maybe on the author moving yeah 15:49:32 <jakfrost> seems unreliable for a method of tracking shelf life 15:50:00 <glb> Or we need to tell the editors not to move the cards. 15:50:10 <jakfrost> so let's move both those to edit column, for that matter any we feel are ready should go there 15:50:16 <glb> Not from in progress to review anyway. 15:50:23 <jakfrost> true we could change that in the docs to 15:50:47 <jakfrost> only let the post author to move to ready for review 15:51:15 <glb> I thought they go into the edit column after an editor and a time for publication was assigned to them. 15:51:44 <glb> Technically, I think that is the way the documentation already states that it should be done. 15:52:56 <glb> ^ the post author is supposed to be the one who marks the article as ready for review. 15:53:04 <jakfrost> I understood this meeting was where we move them and when we get to the agenda point to assign an editor we do thta step 15:53:19 <jakfrost> that/thta 15:53:37 <glb> Yeah, on second though, I guess you are right. 15:54:02 <glb> My mistake. 15:54:36 <jakfrost> sequentially speaking, but understandable since the doc's don't specifically layout an order of operations 15:55:17 <glb> I'm still trying to figure out how to preserve the order. 15:56:07 <glb> I would feel bad if someone who had their article ready a month ago was bumped by someone who just recently finished their article. 15:56:22 <jakfrost> yeah, it is sort of a bad pitfall 15:56:34 <jakfrost> you could lose contributions as a result 15:57:01 <glb> Yeah, someone might think that their article was appreciated. 15:57:03 <jakfrost> sop I moved #353, that gives us 4, do we want to move one more for a full week next week? 15:57:12 <jakfrost> so/sop^ 15:57:14 <glb> I guess as a fallback, we could just go by the card numbers. 15:58:03 <jakfrost> except the number is assigned when the proposal is accepted and that in practice is split pretty evenly between promptly worked on and languishing 15:58:45 <jakfrost> technically, we should write another podman script to extract the info from our logs. 15:58:45 <glb> Yeah. I'll have to figure out how to get a reliable date someday. 15:59:03 <jakfrost> like the schedule one 15:59:12 <glb> Yes, the info might be available in the REST API. 15:59:29 <jakfrost> likely is available via that 16:00:15 <glb> I'll look into it at some point. But my plate is sorta full at the moment. 16:00:57 <glb> TIme's up. :-) 16:01:07 <jakfrost> I moved #340 to edit since @rlengland is already assigned as editor 16:01:38 <glb> I guess he "volunteered" then. :-) 16:02:05 <jakfrost> So we can work through the editing list now and try to coordinate via discourse I gues 16:02:11 <jakfrost> #endmeeting