16:00:02 <glb> #startmeeting magazine 16:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Dec 9 16:00:02 2021 UTC. 16:00:02 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:00:02 <zodbot> The chair is glb. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 16:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 16:00:02 <glb> #meetingname magazine 16:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 16:00:02 <glb> #topic roll call 16:00:02 <glb> #chair zinebot glb rlengland theevilskeleton 16:00:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: glb rlengland theevilskeleton zinebot 16:00:12 <glb> 🔹 next topic 16:00:13 <glb> #topic agenda... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/a8cf2992ea5d0e8d2a41d5021995248fed6e5306) 16:00:21 <glb> .hello glb 16:00:21 <zodbot> glb: glb 'Gregory Bartholomew' <gregory.lee.bartholomew@gmail.com> 16:00:46 <RichardEngland[m> .hello rlengland 16:00:49 <zodbot> RichardEngland[m: rlengland 'Richard England' <rlengland@gmail.com> 16:01:02 <glb> o/ Richard 16:01:15 <RichardEngland[m> o/ 16:01:18 <glb> 🔹 next topic 16:01:18 <glb> #topic 1/ last week's stats 16:01:28 <glb> #info Week of Nov 29: 66.6K pageviews -- up slightly from the previous week 16:01:34 <glb> 🔹 next topic 16:01:37 <glb> #topic 2/ articles in progress... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/b60fc3e5ef54809947cb9b54bd4b50b9f51b0316) 16:02:18 <glb> I'm getting my zinebot helper more and more tied into Pagure. 16:02:31 <RichardEngland[m> Whoa that was good! 16:02:37 <glb> I have to say, the Pagure API is great! 16:03:07 <glb> But we need to remember that we still have a few cards in Taiga too. 🙂 16:03:15 <RichardEngland[m> ...for a while 16:03:24 <RichardEngland[m> no movement there. 16:03:33 <bytehackr> \o 16:04:25 <glb> So do you think we need to go through these cards now or would you rather do that asynchronously latter and leave more time for the open floor? 16:04:48 <RichardEngland[m> I pinged everyone 16:04:57 <glb> o/ bytehackr 16:04:59 <RichardEngland[m> no response when I checked this morning 16:05:35 <glb> Sounds like you've already done the lion's share of the work then. 🙂 16:05:41 <glb> rlengland++ 16:06:07 <glb> 🔹 next topic 16:06:07 <glb> #info Are there any upcoming test days? 16:06:07 <glb> #link https://calendar.fedoraproject.org/QA/ 16:06:15 <glb> 🔹 show testdays 16:06:16 <glb> no test days found between 2021-12-05 and 2021-12-26 16:06:32 <glb> 😮💨 16:06:53 <glb> I was hoping we might get some content there. 🙂 16:07:00 <glb> 🔹 next topic 16:07:01 <glb> #info Check the release schedule. 16:07:01 <glb> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-36/f-36-magazine-tasks.html 16:07:01 <RichardEngland[m> so was I 16:07:18 <glb> 🔹 show schedule 16:07:19 <glb> Tue 08 Mar 2022: Prepare Beta release announcement... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/68f9335095b9580f78be17d398a44e700e5a449a) 16:07:20 <copperi[m]> holiday season 16:07:57 <RichardEngland[m> ...and end of term and end of year... 16:08:07 <glb> copperi: Yeah. Hopefully people who read the Magazine understand that. 16:08:49 <glb> At the same time though, it might be a good time to attract readers because people have more free time to read the articles. 16:09:19 <glb> I'd be great if we could publish some exiting new news or FOSS at this time. 16:09:29 <glb> Oh well. 16:09:35 <glb> 🔹 next topic 16:09:38 <glb> #topic 3/ articles to review 16:09:38 <glb> #info Looking at the 'review' column, let's decide which articles are good to go. Move each either to the 'to-edit' (finished) column or to the 'in-progress' (needs more work) column and provide feedback. 16:09:38 <glb> #link board: https://pagure.io/fedora-magazine-newsroom/boards/articles 16:09:38 <glb> no cards found in the 'review' column 16:10:16 <RichardEngland[m> Same for Taiga 16:10:35 <glb> Thanks for checking RIchard! 🙂 16:11:07 <glb> Also, you deserve a promotion for all the work you've been doing moving content from Taiga to Pagure. 16:11:17 <RichardEngland[m> Toldja I was ready 🙂 16:11:35 <RichardEngland[m> Double my salary 16:11:42 <glb> And you've even been updating the Docs! 16:12:16 <glb> @mattdm: tripple rlengland's his salary! 🙂 16:12:17 <RichardEngland[m> Once I figured out how to do git (again) 16:12:34 <RichardEngland[m> ..with your help 16:12:40 <glb> s/his// 16:13:13 <glb> Nah, you don't need me. You'll be running this place before long. 🙂 16:13:23 <RichardEngland[m> ...don't even go there. 16:13:26 <glb> 🔹 next topic 16:13:29 <glb> #topic 4/ articles to edit 16:13:29 <glb> #info Looking at the 'to-edit' column, assign an editor and a cover image creator. 16:13:29 <glb> #link board: https://pagure.io/fedora-magazine-newsroom/boards/articles 16:13:29 <glb> 058: Interview with Georges Basile Stavracas about OBS Studio on Linux https://pagure.io/fedora-magazine-newsroom/issue/58 (to-edit) 16:13:41 <RichardEngland[m> We need to recruit some extra hands, ... and writers 16:14:08 <RichardEngland[m> 058 is scheduled in WP 16:14:45 <RichardEngland[m> Should we be moving them to that column when that happens? 16:15:25 <glb> How did captain Kirk put it -- "Officer thinking lieutenant"? 16:15:42 <glb> I'm not sure how all the ranks go. 16:16:21 <RichardEngland[m> (maybe ensign) 16:16:24 <glb> Yes, move the cards to the scheduled column as soon as you hit the "schedule" button in WordPress. 16:17:15 <RichardEngland[m> 👍️. 16:17:44 <glb> 🔹 next topic 16:17:45 <glb> #topic 5/ publishing schedule 16:17:45 <glb> #info Looking at the 'to-edit' column, decide the publishing schedule for the upcomming week. 16:17:45 <glb> #info If there is not enough content, we might also need to look at the 'in-progress' or even the 'ideas' columns come up with additional content. 16:17:45 <glb> #link board: https://pagure.io/fedora-magazine-newsroom/boards/articles 16:17:58 <glb> So, what are we going to do? 16:18:19 <RichardEngland[m> pass back to the keeper and start a new attack 16:18:52 <RichardEngland[m> Is there a process for finding the most viewed articles? 16:19:07 <RichardEngland[m> ...to rerun or perhap just list? 16:19:22 <glb> I know it's been done before. But I've never done it. 16:19:43 <RichardEngland[m> Manually it could be a bear to sort through 16:20:53 <glb> So I guess at least one of us should look up some of those old "Top N posts in Fedora Magazine this year" (or however the title goes) articles and try to replicate a few of them for the upcoming week. 16:21:09 <RichardEngland[m> Would it be worth it to do a short article indicating the move to Pagure? 16:21:30 <RichardEngland[m> ...all of three paragraphs? 16:21:32 <glb> I think there are views in WordPress's Jetpack plugin that will show hitcounts for the whole year. 16:21:46 <glb> Sure! 16:22:19 <glb> Also seem like a good place to mention that we are always looking for more writers and editors. 🙂 16:22:31 <glb> Are you up to writing that for the coming week? 16:22:44 <glb> s/seem/seems/ 16:23:17 <RichardEngland[m> ...I can give it a try. How technical do we want to get? 16:24:14 <glb> Whatever. It doesn't matter to me. I'm guessing our target audience would like things somewhat technical. 16:24:47 <RichardEngland[m> feed me any ideas you come up with and I'll see if I can do it justice. 16:25:18 <glb> I'm guess it would be a sort of "Behind the scenes at Fedora Magazine ..." article. 16:25:31 <glb> s/guess/guessing/ 16:26:05 <RichardEngland[m> 👍️. 16:26:22 <glb> OK Then. 16:26:52 <glb> #action rlengland to whip up a "Behind the scenes at Fedora Magazine" article for next week. 16:27:47 <RichardEngland[m> FWIW: https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/admin.php?page=stats&view=postviews&summarize&numdays=365 16:29:59 <glb> #proposed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: next week 007: Behind the scenes at Fedora Magazine (editor: rlengland) sometime next week | next week 000: Top posts for 2021 (editor: glb) 16:31:05 <glb> #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: next week: 007 Behind the scenes at Fedora Magazine (editor: rlengland) sometime next week | next week: 000 Top posts for 2021 (editor: glb) 16:31:20 <glb> 🔹 next topic 16:31:20 <glb> #topic 6/ editor of the week 16:31:31 <glb> 🔹 king glb 16:31:32 <glb> #info glb will be editor of the week next week🔸 16:31:54 <glb> 'enery the 8th I am I am 😛 16:32:10 <glb> 🔹 next topic 16:32:10 <glb> #topic 7/ open floor 16:32:28 <RichardEngland[m> ...that showed your age or your interest in old pop music 16:32:56 <RichardEngland[m> Transitioning cards to Pagure is close to done.... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/a1e5cfc7e7165ebe68bd700d1fcd484a070bfdd5) 16:33:38 <RichardEngland[m> (end wall of text) 16:34:09 <glb> It all looks good to me. 16:34:43 <RichardEngland[m> I'm going to move the single "Article Spec" over today but I'm wondering , given it's age, if it isn't just stalled 16:35:20 <glb> I'm guessing it is stalled. 16:35:45 <glb> I think the author is quite busy with lots of projects throughout Fedora. 16:35:53 <RichardEngland[m> Got any feelings on when the other's should move? 16:36:26 <RichardEngland[m> none of them have responded to my pings 16:36:31 <glb> After another year in stalled, move it back to ideas so someone else can (potentially) take the topic. 16:37:06 <glb> As for the other stuff, maybe it should go straight to stalled on Pagure as well. 16:37:47 <glb> The only difference between stalled and 'in-progress' is whether we want to have to go through them during the meetings. 16:38:15 <glb> If the author's have been unresponsive for a while, we shouldn't tie up meeting time reviewing them each week. 16:38:40 <RichardEngland[m> They but two are all relatively young so I was just going to move them to the corresponding columns then wait for next week 16:39:09 <glb> The 'stalled' status also starts a one-year countdown timer after which they get moved back to ideas. 16:39:34 <glb> Waiting for next week is fine too. 16:40:38 <glb> I think how aggressive we want to be at moving things from in-progress to stalled is partly determined by the length of the in-progress column. 16:40:56 <glb> When in-progress gets too long, we need to do some weeding. 16:41:07 <RichardEngland[m> We can shift them if it looks like I make a bad call. 16:41:08 <RichardEngland[m> Can the writers assign them selves to a card or is that an admin function? 16:41:32 <glb> I think the writers can assign themselves. 16:42:23 <glb> Is everything going OK with the documentation updates? 16:42:59 <RichardEngland[m> At this point yes. I've yet to test the preview operation but I'll get to that today or tomorrow. 16:43:50 <RichardEngland[m> I think I'm going to start moving the In Progress over to Pagure today 16:44:14 <glb> The preview function is important. We don't want to accidentally corrupt the live site. 🙂 16:44:35 <RichardEngland[m> Agreed. 16:45:27 <glb> So I think step 6 (publish) should be removed from the documentation. 16:46:01 <glb> It was the archived column on Taiga, but "scheduled" is now working as the closed/archived status on Pagure. 16:46:33 <glb> Too many column in Pagure makes the cards narrower and harder to read. 16:46:39 <RichardEngland[m> okay. I wondered about that but was focused on changing to Pagure 16:47:07 <RichardEngland[m> so process is TO-EDIT --> SCHEDULED 16:48:05 <glb> Yep. Basically WordPress takes it from there automatically. So I don't think we need another documented state. 16:48:18 <glb> Unless you see a reason for it? 16:48:29 <RichardEngland[m> Not really. 16:48:45 <RichardEngland[m> I've also been removing references to alternatives to using WP 16:49:34 <glb> I'm not sure what that is. But I'll go along with whatever you think is best. 16:50:33 <RichardEngland[m> We have to publish in WP so regardless of where they doing the initial writing it has to go there. 16:50:48 <RichardEngland[m> I wrote my article in Vim then moved it 16:51:18 <glb> Yeah, I don't think we should be documenting vim in the magazine documentation. 🙂 16:51:46 <RichardEngland[m> ...I wouldn't propose it, nor would I propose EMACS 16:52:25 <glb> Well, it sounds (and looks) like you have things well under control. 16:52:43 <RichardEngland[m> The way it was phrased it sounded like there was a WP alternative 16:52:51 <glb> So do you want me to update the workflow image on the documentation site? 16:52:52 <RichardEngland[m> Didn't want to lead anyone on. 16:53:16 <RichardEngland[m> Yes update the image would be good 16:53:24 <glb> OK. 16:53:45 <glb> #action: glb to update workflow image on mag docs 16:54:57 <glb> Be warned that if I start making changes, you will (might) start getting merge conflicts with your changes unless you remember to resync your local repo with the upstream master. 16:55:15 <RichardEngland[m> I've been resyncing like a fool 16:55:28 <glb> 👍️ 16:55:47 <glb> Anything else? 16:56:01 <RichardEngland[m> Nope. Time to go move some cards 🙂 16:56:15 <glb> Sounds great! 16:56:25 <RichardEngland[m> Have a good week. 16:56:31 <glb> You too! 16:56:35 <glb> #endmeeting