16:05:51 <threebean> #startmeeting Messaging_SIG 16:05:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 27 16:05:51 2012 UTC. The chair is threebean. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:05:51 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:05:59 <threebean> there we go. :) 16:06:05 <tflink> threebean: you may want to do meetingname as well 16:06:19 <threebean> #meetingname Messaging_SIG 16:06:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'messaging_sig' 16:06:35 <threebean> #chair tflink 16:06:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: tflink threebean 16:06:37 <j_dulaney> And roll call 16:06:40 <threebean> #topic roll call 16:06:49 * tflink is present 16:07:01 <threebean> Who all's in here for the Messaging SIG meeting? (perhaps obviously ;p) 16:07:04 * threebean is present 16:07:09 * j_dulaney waves 16:08:05 <threebean> allright, that's it for today. :) 16:08:09 * ianweller waves hi 16:08:17 <threebean> #topic forming an agenda 16:08:20 <abadger1999> hola 16:08:59 <threebean> I was hoping today to talk about 1) open questsions on design and plans 2) sending messages from existing services and 3) other projects depending on the message bus 16:09:06 <threebean> would anyone like to add anything? 16:09:18 <pingou> hoi 16:09:40 <tflink> the only other thing I'm curious about is any projected timeframes 16:10:09 <tflink> ie weeks, months, years - to get a better idea of when we'll be able to use the system 16:10:12 <threebean> tflink: let's take it up in #1. 16:10:18 * nirik is lurking. 16:10:19 <tflink> works for me 16:10:26 <threebean> any others? 16:11:04 <threebean> #topic open questions on design and plans 16:12:23 <threebean> tflink: So on projected times, I feel confident we can have the sending of messages from the majority of services done (long) before the calendar year is out 16:13:29 <threebean> tflink: the python library is in a usable state for sending messages, it's just a question now of tracking down all the places where emitting messages makes sense and putting them there. 16:13:44 <tflink> threebean: cool, I assume that there is going to be some work in a staging-ish env before rollout to production systems? 16:13:54 <threebean> Oh, yes. :) 16:14:24 <threebean> Last meeting we asked which services we should prioritize, but didn't come to any definite conclusions. Tagger is done, but hasn't been pushed to staging yet. 16:15:29 <ianweller> i have a list of ones we should prioritize :) 16:15:59 <threebean> ianweller: :) from statistics++? 16:16:02 <ianweller> yeh 16:16:07 <ianweller> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Ianweller/statistics_plus_plus#Requirements_for_release 16:16:11 <ianweller> it's up for debate of course 16:16:20 * j_dulaney looks 16:16:58 <threebean> ianweller: I was going to take on pkgdb next, but I'll switch course. I don't have a real preference for the order we take it up. 16:17:05 <j_dulaney> Add to that Kojhi and AutoQA 16:17:08 <ianweller> the reason i'm looking at those five is because they're all very different from each other 16:17:31 <ianweller> j_dulaney: sounds good, /me does so 16:18:28 <abadger1999> ianweller: No git commits? 16:18:32 <abadger1999> ;-) 16:18:36 <ianweller> shit 16:18:37 <ianweller> good idea 16:18:45 <threebean> any other questions? this is bleeding (understandably) into the second topic. 16:19:36 <threebean> #topic Sending messages from existing services 16:19:53 * tflink is slow but ... 16:20:09 <threebean> tflink: go for it 16:20:19 <tflink> are there any expectations on when existing services/projects are using the messaging system? 16:20:55 * tflink is specifically wondering if there are expectations for AutoQA to start using messaging at a certain point in time 16:21:07 <tflink> or is that more up to the individual projects? 16:22:00 <threebean> I don't have a timeline for it, but I think we first need 1) the existing services to be emitting messages and 2) the bus needs to be demonstrated as reliable. 16:22:01 * j_dulaney wonders if we should state that it needs to be done by a certain point 16:23:47 <threebean> j_dulaney: that would be good, so the project doesn't wander off into a bog. 16:24:32 <ianweller> i have some milestones i'm working on in the statistics++ spec as well 16:24:37 <threebean> the statistics++ states 6 months to be operational. That will depends on the rest of the bus functioning. Does that sound good? 16:25:31 <j_dulaney> +1 16:26:06 * tflink isn't pushing for faster, just trying to understand 16:26:24 <ianweller> i feel like we can get it done in less than 6 months, but that's a good date to have 16:26:30 <ianweller> if it takes longer, it's time to start reviewing stuff :P 16:26:36 <threebean> :) 16:27:42 <threebean> j_dulaney: I'll write that into the fedmsg doc. 16:27:58 <j_dulaney> Roger 16:28:38 <threebean> ianweller: by next week, I'll try to have progress we can show off on one of the services from the statistics++ list, too. 16:28:46 <ianweller> threebean: :D 16:29:10 <threebean> #topic Other projects 16:29:41 <threebean> All I wanted do here was plug ianweller's statistics++ and busmon - http://github.com/ralphbean/busmon 16:30:03 <ianweller> fwiw, i'm writing out the spec because it's an assignment for my technical writing course :P 16:30:08 <ianweller> but it's been a good thing so far 16:30:18 <ianweller> get most of the planning done before i start coding is something i need to do anyway 16:30:26 <threebean> ianweller: agreed, it's helped anchor me already. 16:30:38 <j_dulaney> Something to poke into all this 16:30:51 <j_dulaney> How about an API to make testing easier? 16:31:18 <threebean> j_dulaney: How do you mean? 16:31:34 <j_dulaney> Ie, include the facility to tell listening services to put results in a test db rather than a production db 16:31:39 <j_dulaney> If that makes sense 16:32:36 <threebean> j_dulaney: Trying to restate -- Include an API to make testing of services that use the bus easier. 16:32:50 <threebean> Like writing fake-bus stubs/mocks? 16:32:57 <j_dulaney> Not exactly 16:33:54 <j_dulaney> Say you manually poke a message onto the bus that includes a piece of info telling the listening service to direct its output to where you want it 16:34:33 <j_dulaney> Normal messages would have a null in that field in the message and so the listening service would act as per normal 16:34:42 <j_dulaney> Really, it's a message format thing 16:35:08 <threebean> Adding a 'this-is-a-test' field? 16:35:18 <j_dulaney> Indeed 16:35:30 <threebean> j_dulaney: cool. so i understand more, can you explain a use case? 16:35:35 <tflink> threebean: common stubs/mocks might be a good idea so that we're not all writing them - i doubt that it needs to be a requirement but something for all of us to keep in mind 16:35:53 <j_dulaney> That's true, too 16:36:13 <j_dulaney> threebean: I'm thinking, for instance, say for AutoQA 16:36:26 <j_dulaney> We want to test a new version 16:37:23 <j_dulaney> We manually (or batch) inject messages on the bus that should cause AutoQA to do specific things as a test 16:38:15 <tflink> j_dulaney: wouldn't that be better done with an isolated "test instance" (for lack of a better term coming to mind ATM)? 16:38:31 <j_dulaney> We include in the messages instructions to AutoQA to dump the results in a special DB OR output back to the message bus messages that are clearly marked as test, to be ignored by production DBs 16:38:58 <threebean> Hmm. 16:39:04 <tflink> j_dulaney: I'd rather keep new AutoQA versions off production until they're ready, personally 16:39:19 <abadger1999> Rather than instructions, I think I'd rather mark the messages as being of a "testing" type 16:39:25 <threebean> Would it make more sense to alter the topic namespace to correspond with FI's different environments? production, staging? 16:39:36 <abadger1999> the application would choose how to treat those differently 16:39:36 <j_dulaney> tflink: I'm thinking that there could be a way to use this so that staging is tied into the bus and its results are ignored. That way, full work load without the potential for bad results 16:40:00 <j_dulaney> threebean: Indeed 16:40:05 <abadger1999> We'd probably also want the API to automatically filter out testing type messages by default. 16:40:12 <j_dulaney> +1 16:40:28 <abadger1999> but I'm not sure if, at that level, we're dealing with a fedmsg API or raw zmq API. 16:40:32 <threebean> messages from tagger right now are emitted on the 'org.fedoraproject.tagger.*', this could instead be 'org.fedoraproject.production.tagger.*' and 'org.fedoraproject.staging.tagger.*' 16:40:50 <j_dulaney> I was using AutoQA as an example, anything we have staging would apply 16:40:58 <threebean> agreed. 16:41:30 <abadger1999> If staging hits production's message bus... 16:41:33 <abadger1999> might not be good. 16:41:48 <threebean> abadger1999: fedmsg already does some guessing for you; it guesses it's calling module's name (in the above case, "tagger"). 16:41:48 <abadger1999> Things like Fedora release freezes affect production but not staging 16:42:04 <j_dulaney> Hmm 16:42:19 <abadger1999> If we become tied to the message bus in production, things in staging that affect it would probably also need to be frozen during release. 16:42:22 <threebean> we could enhance that to 'guess' the production/staging environment name for you (or extract it from a config file). 16:42:25 <abadger1999> Which would get in the way 16:42:35 <j_dulaney> At the least, it would be good to have staging listen on the main bus 16:42:51 <j_dulaney> That way, you have testing with full, real world data 16:43:08 <abadger1999> j_dulaney: Might be good -- might also be bad 16:43:19 <abadger1999> if that's configurable, it might work out. 16:43:29 <abadger1999> (The bad is -- we don't have resources for a full staging env 16:43:30 <threebean> j_dulaney: *could* have. I think we should isolate them by default. The user should have to work hard to listen to the production bus from staging. 16:44:11 <abadger1999> So, for instance, a message from production koji that stg bodhi sees, might end up with stg bodhi needing to touch a stg koji server... which we wouldn't have) 16:44:32 <abadger1999> Also -- stg is potentially less secure than production. 16:44:54 <j_dulaney> If we can do it right, and isolate the correct bits, then it should be fine 16:45:08 <j_dulaney> Sorry, Internet blinked out 16:45:12 <abadger1999> so having stg listen on the production message bus could have ramifications as we move towards a future where some more sensitive data is on the bus. 16:45:34 <threebean> abadger1999: is there any firewalling between production and stg? 16:46:08 <j_dulaney> abadger1999: how difficult would it be to have staging ignore sensitive stuff? 16:46:12 <abadger1999> threebean: I think that right now we firewall stg so that it can't talk to production at all (except for commmunity++ which was a frankenstein) 16:46:58 <abadger1999> j_dulaney: That road is "special case code to handle multiple environments" -- just feels like we're trying to solve it at the wrong level then. 16:47:05 <j_dulaney> Anyway, I'm trying to think of ways were we could use this to achieve better testing 16:47:22 <j_dulaney> abadger1999: True 16:47:32 <abadger1999> Might be better to think about ways we could record and replay messages in a different environment. 16:48:03 <abadger1999> Seems... potentially resource intense, though. 16:48:22 <threebean> that would be quite nice. 16:48:28 <j_dulaney> That's why I was thinking that the thing would be to listen to the main bus 16:48:48 <abadger1999> <nod> 16:49:08 <j_dulaney> The idea being to hit staging with a full production incoming load without the expense of trying to simulate that load 16:50:12 <threebean> We're coming up on the hour-mark. Are there any other topics that need to be taken up before we close? 16:51:41 <threebean> abadger1999: I'll add the FI environment as a mandatory field for topics in fedmsg. 16:52:10 <tflink> threebean: FI? 16:52:18 <threebean> tflink: Fedora Infra 16:52:33 <abadger1999> threebean: okay -- If we continue to firewall production from stg, we could just leave that out. 16:52:37 <tflink> ok, that's what I suspected but wanted to be sure 16:52:39 <threebean> The firewall between environments provides much more real protection, yes.. 16:52:54 <threebean> abadger1999: mostly for readability. 16:53:00 <threebean> so we can look at messages and know where they're coming from. 16:53:06 <abadger1999> threebean: I'm just thinking that stg and production talking to each other is likely a bad system architecture. 16:53:38 <j_dulaney> abadger1999: What's wrong with staging listening to production? 16:53:41 <abadger1999> k 16:53:47 <threebean> abadger1999: I agree. The topic adjustment would provide only an extra superficial separation. 16:54:20 * nirik was doing other things, but I don't think we want stg having any connection to prod. 16:54:38 <abadger1999> j_dulaney: the things I mentioned about stg being less secure by design and then being able to access data in the production bus. 16:55:02 <j_dulaney> True 16:55:10 <abadger1999> j_dulaney: and stg not being a complete replica in terms of provided services from production 16:55:36 <threebean> j_dulaney: for testing, a more controllable record-and-replay approach is possible as a work around. 16:55:48 <j_dulaney> Indeed 16:56:15 <j_dulaney> Anyway, 16:56:20 <threebean> :) 16:56:21 <j_dulaney> 'twas and Idea I had 16:56:29 <j_dulaney> Thought I'd through it out 16:56:57 <threebean> j_dulaney: no, it's cool stuff. 16:57:14 <threebean> I'd hadn't thought yet at all about how we would test services making use of the bus. 16:57:31 * j_dulaney will think on this some more 16:57:47 <threebean> j_dulaney: please, and don't hesitate to contact me outside of meetings. #fedora-apps is usually best. 16:58:04 <threebean> Any other last things before we close the meeting up? 16:58:35 <threebean> That's a wrap. Thanks everyone! 16:58:37 <j_dulaney> threebean: rgr 16:58:43 <threebean> #endmeeting