17:40:27 <jsmith> #startmeeting mindshare 17:40:27 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 16 17:40:27 2019 UTC. 17:40:27 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 17:40:27 <zodbot> The chair is jsmith. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:40:27 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:40:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'mindshare' 17:40:42 <jsmith> #topic Meeting startup/roll call 17:40:51 * jsmith is here 17:40:56 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> x3mboy here 17:42:31 * bt0 is here 17:42:44 * sumantro is here 17:42:59 <jsmith> #chair jsmith sumantrom robyduck nb x3mboy bt0dotninja mleonova bex bexelbie bt0 17:42:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: bex bexelbie bt0 bt0dotninja jsmith mleonova nb robyduck sumantrom x3mboy 17:43:42 <jsmith> Looks like we have a quorum, with bexelbie running a few minutes late. 17:43:51 <jsmith> Let's go ahead and get started 17:44:01 <jsmith> #topic Agenda 17:44:20 <jsmith> Proposed agenda: Tickets 81 and 82, plus release party guidelines draft from Sumantro 17:44:25 <jsmith> Any other topics for the agenda? 17:44:44 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> /me is lurking another meeting is running long - sorry 17:45:11 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/75 17:45:35 <jsmith> OK, I'll add ticket 75 to the end of the agenda. 17:45:52 <jsmith> Proposed agenda: Ticket 81, ticket 82, release party guidelines draft from Sumantro, ticket 75 17:46:02 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Agreed 17:46:19 <sumantro> jsmith, roger that 17:46:19 <jsmith> OK, let's get to the the items 17:46:21 <bt0> +1 17:46:29 <jsmith> #topic Mindshare ticket 81 17:46:46 <jsmith> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/81 17:47:04 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> I think we had prescence at OSCAL before 17:47:11 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> So I'm totally +1 to support this 17:47:28 <jsmith> Assuming for a minute that budget isn't an issue, I'm in support as well. 17:47:40 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> I can contact marianab and ask her for answer quickly on this to try to make it fit into the fiscal year 17:48:00 <jsmith> Looking at the prospectus, I think the Bronze level is probably the most appropriate, although I'm open to other ideas 17:48:10 <jsmith> x3mboy: Please do :-) 17:48:27 <jsmith> Other thoughts, concerns, etc.? 17:48:33 <bt0> +1 17:48:36 <bt0> i support it 17:48:51 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Bronze as well looks great to me 17:48:51 <jsmith> Not sure we have enough info for a formal vote yet -- but it looks like those present are generally in favor, pending more details... 17:48:59 <bt0> yep Bronze 17:49:05 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Sure, more details needed 17:49:12 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Action me to ping marianab 17:49:14 <tg-fedmindshare> <sumantro93> more details needed. 17:49:30 <bt0> sounds reasonable , we need more details 17:49:33 <jsmith> #action x3mboy to ping marianab for more details. 17:49:44 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> /me already did it but to keep it in the records 17:50:16 <jsmith> #agreed Mindshare is generally in favor of sponsoring at the bronze level, if we can have it hit this fiscal year's budget. Awaiting more details from marianab before making a formal vote. 17:50:29 <jsmith> Anything else on this topic? 17:50:37 <bt0> not from me 17:50:42 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Not from me 17:50:54 <jsmith> #topic Mindshare ticket 82 17:51:11 <jsmith> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/82 17:51:31 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> It still miss a cost to have a total 17:52:02 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> But until now the request is to $1955 USD 17:52:23 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> I think it's a little high, but not sure if it's ok for this kind of events 17:54:10 <jsmith> My concern is it's always the same... same three people, same setup... 17:54:28 <jsmith> I'd like to think about "What can we do differently this year?" 17:54:37 <jsmith> We may not have time to figure that out though... 17:54:40 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Well, let's just ask about it 17:54:47 <jsmith> Seems reasonable... 17:56:15 <jsmith> I'm not seeing an event report on the wiki for last year, but the one from two years ago is a bit sparse. 17:56:48 <jsmith> Their justification for Fedora being there was "enthusiasm"... which is great, but that can be expensive to spend a couple of thousand dollars on enthusiasm. 17:57:02 <bt0> i see, maybe with an extended explanation about the activities (work plan) we can take a best decision about this ticket 17:57:34 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Agreed with bt0 17:57:35 <sumantro> jsmith, https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-at-scale-16x-2018-event-report-pasadena-california/ -->report 17:58:09 * sumantro concurs with bt0 17:58:11 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> I put a question in the ticket - I think mariana can answer that 17:58:17 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> sorry missed the change in topics 17:58:30 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> We need a more detailed plan with activities and gials 17:58:32 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> +1 to asking for explanation 17:58:35 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> goals* 18:00:05 <jsmith> OK, does anyone want to volunteer to update the ticket and ask for updated goals, activities, etc.? 18:00:17 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> I will 18:00:35 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> Thank you @x3mboy 18:00:36 <bt0> ok cool 18:01:02 <jsmith> #action x3mboy to update the ticket, asking for more detail on goals, proposed activities, etc. with a focus on "How can we do things better this year?" 18:01:16 <jsmith> #agreed Wait for more feedback on the ticket 18:01:37 <jsmith> #topic release party guidelines draft from Sumantro 18:01:48 <jsmith> #link https://docs.google.com/document/d/129D8nHPwe48mt4_MOsXE7RLSL1hvUY1Anrbx-3mYzrA/edit?ts=5c35d360# 18:02:00 <jsmith> sumantro: Want to bring us up to speed, please? 18:03:05 <sumantro> jsmith, yep, so we needed a guideline which will enable folks to get started with hosting release parties in a more hassle free manner. 18:03:37 <sumantro> targeted as advocates and any contributor who would like to host a release party event 18:03:50 * nb heere 18:04:07 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> nb Hi! 18:04:10 <nb> +1 bronze for OSCAL 18:04:23 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> sumantro, I need access to the document to my gmail account eduardlucena 18:04:25 <sumantro> this document outline what can they do in RPs, how can they make it more open for all 18:04:26 <jsmith> OK... Seems I don't have access to the Google Doc, but I've requested permissions to see it. 18:04:37 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> I've already requested the permissions 18:04:45 <jsmith> sumantro: Sounds good -- I look forward to reading it. 18:05:04 <nb> does scale require a pass? I thought it was free to attend 18:05:36 <nb> bexelbie, what is the budget situation? 18:05:43 <sumantro> All access granted :D 18:05:47 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> We have money 18:05:50 <nb> from the site, it looked like we have quite a bit of money left 18:05:56 * nb has a topic when we get to open floor 18:06:05 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> Budget site is mostly up to date 18:06:37 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> I have some spending to do and log for reimbursements and this team hasn’t made all their budget entries. But we have money 18:07:27 <nb> bexelbie, so it would be a good idea to pay stuff this FY if we can? instead of waiting until next year? 18:07:36 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> Yes 18:07:37 * nb would like to discuss SELF which is in June 18:07:49 <nb> last year Jeremy was nice and gave us a free sponsorship ($500 value) 18:07:52 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> But we should we be responsible 18:08:04 <nb> we want to pay him this year. He has mentioned that it would be perfectly fine to pay it before the end of the year 18:08:13 * nb has not filed a ticket yet, but expects our approach to be similar to https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/194 18:08:17 <nb> which was last year's 18:08:19 <jsmith> nb: Please, let's try to stick to one topic at a time... we're now mingling three different things here 18:08:20 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> Scale ticket is in need of explanation / expansion. Imho 18:08:22 <nb> oh sorry 18:08:26 <nb> jsmith, /me waits 18:08:55 <jsmith> Let's focus on sumantro's release party document, then worry about ticket 75, then come back to anything else. 18:09:06 <jsmith> Otherwise, we're just talking over each other 18:09:10 <nb> jsmith, ok, sorry 18:09:15 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> Yes. Sorry. 18:09:24 <jsmith> I'm reading through Sumantro's write-up now 18:09:44 <nb> sumantro, i need access 18:09:46 <nb> i sent you a request 18:09:48 <nb> nick@bebout.net 18:10:18 <jsmith> sumantro: I think the write-up looks great... I don't have any corrections or suggestions. 18:10:26 <jsmith> I'm +1 to publishing it as-is. 18:10:26 <bt0> +1 for the draft, looks fine for me 18:10:54 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> Did you see my edit suggestions? 18:12:04 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> /me can’t check the doc easily at this moment. 18:12:46 <sumantro> bexelbie++ 18:13:15 <sumantro> bexelbie, helped a the doc with a lot of re-formatting. 18:13:53 <bt0> looks great 18:14:02 <sumantro> nb, shared 18:14:06 <sumantro> did you get? 18:14:20 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Looks pretty great 18:14:32 <nb> yes 18:14:41 <sumantro> jsmith, bt0 x3mboy thanks for all the reviews :) 18:15:01 <nb> looks fine 18:15:12 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> It looks like a great expansion of what we said before 18:15:25 <jsmith> Agreed :-) 18:15:28 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Honestly I'm amazed about the wording 18:18:54 <jsmith> OK, anything else on this topic? 18:19:19 <bt0> not from me, a +1 18:19:35 <jsmith> I'm still +1 18:20:06 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> I suspect I’m +1 and I’m willing to risk filing a PR :) 18:20:35 <tg-fedmindshare> <sumantro93> PR it is :) 18:20:49 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> +1 18:20:49 <jsmith> Sounds good.. 18:21:00 <jsmith> #agreed Document is ready to publish 18:21:00 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> To be clear I meant against your PR adding this :) 18:21:27 <jsmith> #topic Mindshare ticket 75 18:21:34 <tg-fedmindshare> <sumantro93> yes got it :) 18:21:36 <jsmith> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/75 18:21:55 <jsmith> Not sure there's much we can do here -- it appears it's too late for the sponsorship itself. 18:22:03 <jsmith> What did you have in mind, x3mboy? 18:22:47 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> I'm so incline to +1 to any in APAC, and this sounds kind of awesome about working with students 18:22:54 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> But yeah, I missed the timing 18:23:43 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> It's in 10 days 18:23:52 <jsmith> Probably too late to send swag, stickers, etc. 18:24:01 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Sad 18:24:06 <bt0> very sad 18:25:42 * nb agrees is sad 18:26:05 <tg-fedmindshare> <sumantro93> me too :( 18:26:24 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> This looks really interesting 18:26:37 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Maybe we should mark it to sponsor it next year? 18:26:38 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> Why didn’t you all speak up a month ago? 18:26:50 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Our fault totally 18:27:31 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> Let’s not create a list of pre sponsor events. I like the potential here but there is no explanation or commitment for next year. 18:27:48 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> Scale and oscal are the same at the moment. 18:27:54 <tg-fedmindshare> <sumantro93> true 18:28:02 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> True 18:28:15 <tg-fedmindshare> <bexelbie> If we just want to buy marketing. Let’s make sure this is what we want 18:28:16 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Sorry, I just love the idea, but you are right about it 18:30:20 <jsmith> bexelbie: I totally agree... let's make sure we get tangible results for the money we spend 18:30:32 <jsmith> Anything else on this topic? 18:30:43 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Not from me 18:30:51 <bt0> not from me 18:31:16 <jsmith> #topic Open Floor 18:31:22 <jsmith> nb: You had something for the open floor? 18:31:24 <nb> https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/83 18:31:26 <nb> I just filed a ticket 18:31:55 <nb> SELF 2019 is coming up in June. This is a great event and we reach a lot of people. This year, Matthew Miller is planning on coming 18:32:16 <nb> Last year the organizer gave us a free bronze sponsorship because we didn't htink we could get the budget for it and he wants us to be there 18:32:27 <nb> this year, we would like to support the conference and pay him 18:32:27 <jsmith> Any reason this can't wait a week for a more complete write-up? 18:32:39 <nb> jsmith, not sure about budget deadlines, etc 18:32:52 * nb thought this would be a good use of left over budget from this year 18:32:57 <nb> since we could pre-pay it 18:33:02 <bexelbie> Deadlines are ~7 feb to give me time for most things. 18:33:04 <jsmith> I think it's probably a reasonable request, I just hate to make a decision on a conference without having the full write-up 18:33:14 <jsmith> I don't want to set a precedent... 18:33:14 * bexelbie got to irc 18:33:16 <nb> jsmith, writeup will be basically very similar to last year 18:33:23 <nb> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/194 18:33:49 <bexelbie> I’d like time to reread that write up before voting and see if it is updated to reflect changes in the project. 18:33:59 <bexelbie> But I’m not negative on the event. 18:34:09 <jsmith> Yeah, me too... 18:34:13 <bexelbie> I’d also like to know if we are using Matthews presence 18:34:19 <bexelbie> That could be huge for us 18:34:25 <jsmith> I'm assuming this cane wait a week from a budget perspective, right bexelbie? 18:34:25 <nb> bexelbie, he mentioned submitting a talk 18:34:55 <bexelbie> Makes me wonder if we could get him a keynote 18:35:01 <bexelbie> If that is appropriate 18:35:19 <nb> bexelbie, possibly 18:35:26 * nb thinks Jeremy might be receptive to that idea 18:35:55 <bexelbie> Can we find out. That may change our sponsorship goals 18:36:24 <nb> bexelbie, I can talk to him 18:36:50 * nb wonders what Matthew would like to talk about 18:36:56 <bexelbie> Cool. Loop in Matthew too make sure he onboard still 18:37:57 <nb> bexelbie, I will talk to Jeremy. All I can probably find out is "that topic sounds like it might be good" or something. I know Jeremy has said before in their IRC channel that sponsorship doesn't automatically equal speaking slots/keynotes, etc 18:38:06 <nb> and I'll follow up with Matthew 18:38:37 <nb> So I need to revise/update the proposal from last year and then we can talk about it next week? bexelbie will that give you enough time to pay them, assuming we approve it next week? 18:39:09 <bt0> sounds reasonable, is this event right? https://www.southeastlinuxfest.org/ 18:39:20 <nb> bt0, yes 18:39:21 <bt0> i don't see some deadlines if it is 18:39:36 <nb> bt0, deadline is just because I was going to try to get us to be able to use this fiscal year's budget 18:39:43 <nb> since we have money left 18:39:54 <bexelbie> I like pre-paying this 18:39:56 <nb> Jeremy will gladly take our money whenever we want to give it to him :) 18:40:16 <bt0> ok, i understand 18:41:01 <nb> next week is just 1/23, so that should give bexelbie enough time 18:41:06 <nb> i'll work on the proposal 18:41:31 <nb> #action nb to update proposal for Southeast LinuxFest and we will hopefully vote on the sponsorship portion of that next week 18:41:39 <bexelbie> It’ll be easier if he takes a credit card or PayPal :) 18:41:46 <nb> bexelbie, he takes PayPal 18:42:03 * nb may not have the travel budget by next week, is that ok? 18:42:14 <nb> I have an idea 18:42:31 <nb> i.e. can we vote on sponsorship separate than travel? or do I need to have it both by next week's meeting? 18:42:45 <bexelbie> We can’t easily prepay that so please estimate. That should work 18:43:00 <nb> yeah, i can estimate 18:43:01 <nb> sounds good 18:43:04 <bexelbie> I suggest we use estimates and let you tighten them as we get closer. 18:43:11 <nb> I closed my ticket for DevConf hotel 18:43:15 <bexelbie> That way we can allocate the money in our next budget. 18:43:17 <nb> since badges FAD is cancelled/postponed 18:43:26 <bexelbie> Ok 18:43:52 * nb has nothing else 18:44:02 <jsmith> Anything else for the open floor? 18:44:17 <tg-fedmindshare> <sumantro93> I have nothing else to add as well 18:44:20 <bt0> not 18:44:29 * bexelbie is cool 18:44:37 <bexelbie> Thank you all for running this 18:45:35 <nb> just a few last-second words 18:45:51 <jsmith> bexelbie: Happy to help run it... 18:45:56 <nb> when we look at NA events we have to keep in mind that NA is a little different with travel costs 18:46:04 <nb> since plane tickets are more expensive it seems like 18:46:08 <nb> and we don't have a good train system 18:46:18 <nb> and we need more ambassadors in various areas. 18:46:40 * nb tries to get work to pay for most of the events I go to 18:46:51 <bexelbie> Agreed. It’d be nice to NA strategy include growing more ambassadors. 18:47:00 <nb> yeah 18:47:21 <bexelbie> Even if that meant skipping the big events to focus on where we have people or establish a single stake 18:47:40 <nb> SELF and SCALE are not too bad because they have people that drive to them 18:47:50 <bexelbie> We have those $100 events soon to be $150. I don’t think NA ever uses them 18:47:51 <nb> and OLF 18:48:07 <nb> bexelbie, yeah, I'd like to try to get a release party near me 18:48:12 * nb need to try to plan that for F30 18:48:25 <jsmith> Personally, I'd rather seem more Release Parties and smaller events. 18:48:27 <bexelbie> We should unblock that because that builds our base 18:48:48 <bexelbie> Gets us advocates and passion 18:48:55 <bexelbie> Opens new doors 18:48:58 <jsmith> While I've attending both OLF and SELF and events like that, I'm just not sure how effective they've been, especially over the past few years 18:49:02 <bexelbie> +1 jsmith 18:49:34 <jsmith> When events like that were new and exciting, it seemed to make a difference... Nowdays, not so much... at least from my perspective. 18:50:31 <nb> I wonder 18:50:48 <nb> we have a local IT group that meets at lunch every month 18:51:01 * nb wonders if I could use that as a $150 event and buy lunch for them and talk about Fedora 18:51:21 <nb> usually ~10-20 people, I think it's <$10 per person for meal 18:51:42 <bexelbie> yes 18:51:44 <bexelbie> pending some details 18:51:46 <bexelbie> but yes 18:51:48 <bexelbie> was about to say - what can we accomplish if we buy them lunch 18:51:54 <bexelbie> IT professionals - developers - etc. these folks do exciting stuff and are great on booths in many cases 18:52:09 <bexelbie> imho 18:52:16 <nb> yeah 18:53:10 <bexelbie> frankly, depending on where they work and who they run into, they're the kind of people I want wearing a Fedora shirt (/me is assuming they are university sysadmins - see by students) 18:53:23 <bexelbie> s/see/seen/ 18:53:31 <bexelbie> that can influence a project group 18:53:39 <bexelbie> it's a long shot from one lunch 18:53:41 <bexelbie> but we build on it 18:54:00 <bexelbie> maybe we get them to get a topic, and we have a lecture one night at the uni because of this relationship 18:54:16 * bexelbie is ideating obviously 18:54:21 <bexelbie> no pressure :) 18:54:25 * nb likes 18:58:17 <bexelbie> other topics? 18:58:28 <bexelbie> I suspect we need to wrap it up as we are over time 18:58:55 <jsmith> Yeah, let's wrap it up. 18:58:59 <tg-fedmindshare> <bt0dotninja> Not from me 18:59:03 <jsmith> Lighting the countdown fuse.... 18:59:10 <jsmith> ... 3 18:59:21 <jsmith> ... 2 18:59:38 <jsmith> ... 1 18:59:46 <jsmith> ... boom! 18:59:48 <jsmith> #endmeeting