16:32:10 <riecatnor> #startmeeting Mindshare 16:32:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 14 16:32:10 2021 UTC. 16:32:10 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:32:10 <zodbot> The chair is riecatnor. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:32:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:32:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'mindshare' 16:32:10 <riecatnor> #meetingname Mindshare 16:32:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'mindshare' 16:32:10 <riecatnor> #chair bt0dotninja codeblock tyll nb pbokoc riecatnor @tatica siddharthvipul mizmo 16:32:11 <riecatnor> #info About Mindshare: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/mindshare/ 16:32:11 <riecatnor> #topic Hello 16:32:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: @tatica bt0dotninja codeblock mizmo nb pbokoc riecatnor siddharthvipul tyll 16:32:16 <riecatnor> bad copypasta! 16:32:20 <riecatnor> :D hi folks 16:32:24 <riecatnor> .hello riecatnor 16:32:25 <zodbot> riecatnor: riecatnor 'Marie Nordin' <mnordin@redhat.com> 16:32:27 <bt0> .hello bt0dotninja 16:32:29 <zodbot> bt0: bt0dotninja 'Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez' <hotgalan@gmail.com> 16:32:32 <bt0> Hi Marie :) 16:32:43 <riecatnor> Hello, Alberto! How are you today? 16:33:04 <bt0> I'm good :) 16:34:22 <mizmo> o/ 16:34:49 <riecatnor> heya mizmo 16:34:53 <nb> hi 16:34:59 <riecatnor> hullo nb! 16:35:39 <riecatnor> #topic announcements and information 16:35:45 <riecatnor> anyone have announcements? 16:36:20 <riecatnor> #info Register for the upcoming Fedora Linux 34 Release Party, April 30th & May 1st 16:36:22 <riecatnor> #link https://hopin.com/events/fedora-linux-34-release-party 16:36:49 <riecatnor> I think that is all I have for today :) 16:36:51 <nb> riecatnor do you need me to help build the schedule? 16:36:56 <riecatnor> #topic tickets 16:37:35 <riecatnor> nb, I haven't gotten all the availability back yet. i was planning to put it together end of this week, then I need to confirm with speakers. At that point, it would be great if you could move the sessions into hopin 16:37:38 <riecatnor> I will be sure to keep you updated 16:37:57 <riecatnor> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/262 16:38:09 <nb> riecatnor sure! 16:38:38 <riecatnor> bt0, the changes look good 16:38:55 <bt0> :) 16:39:07 <riecatnor> some of the comments seem resolved, others not 16:39:22 <riecatnor> for example, in the event of two nominees 16:39:30 <bt0> the others need some discussion 16:40:14 <riecatnor> ok, so, about this part 16:40:15 <riecatnor> In the event that more than two nominees are both interested in the representative role, Mindshare will coordinate with the Fedora Program Manager to run an election. 16:40:50 <riecatnor> I think we can say "In the unlikely event that more than two nominees are interested in the representative role, we will allow for additional time to discuss and come to a resolution as a Committee.: 16:40:59 <osezer> .hello thunderbirdtr 16:41:00 <zodbot> osezer: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com> 16:41:03 <riecatnor> hiya osezer 16:41:06 <bt0> yeah, the comments says this is very complicated and maybe a simple voting is better 16:41:23 <riecatnor> I am going to change it, one sec 16:41:25 <bt0> I like that too 16:41:28 <bt0> +1 16:42:28 <riecatnor> changing too "an additional week" 16:43:08 <computerkid> .hello computerkid 16:43:08 <zodbot> computerkid: computerkid 'Grayson Penland' <gpenland06@gmail.com> 16:43:33 <bt0> hi computerkid++ :) 16:43:33 <zodbot> bt0: Karma for computerkid changed to 9 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:44:27 <riecatnor> under duration of service: 16:44:28 <riecatnor> In the event that one of the three involved parties wishes to make a change in representative, sufficient reason should be given, and then a new representative will be chosen by Mindshare. 16:44:35 <riecatnor> what is "sufficient reason" 16:44:55 <nb> what is three involved parties? 16:45:07 <nb> and if that includes the representative, I don't think they should have to provide a reason to resign 16:45:20 <bt0> nb Mindshare, Counsil and the representative 16:45:29 <riecatnor> yes, rep should not have to give a reason 16:45:35 <bt0> nb, right 16:46:13 <riecatnor> I am going to write something up, one sec 16:46:26 <bt0> cool 16:48:57 <riecatnor> In the event that the representative to Mindshare needs to step down, they should make the Committee aware and the process to choose a new rep will begin. In the event that the Mindshare Committee or the Council wish to make a change in representative, a thorough explanation of why will be required, and each situation handled on a case by case basis. 16:49:11 <riecatnor> how's that? 16:50:48 <bt0> better 16:50:50 <bt0> +1 16:51:28 <riecatnor> ok, changing it 16:51:34 <nb> +1 16:51:55 <riecatnor> I don't like how hackmd is deleting the comments when I delete the text 16:51:59 <riecatnor> does it save a history of them? 16:52:29 <nb> riecatnor only thing i can think of is: who is the final decision on if the reason why is good enough 16:53:00 <riecatnor> hmmm, i guess the opposing body (so if its mindshare, council gives the yay or nay? and vice versa? 16:54:13 <nb> I am fine with that 16:54:31 <riecatnor> "In the event that the Council wants to change the rep, Mindshare Committee will review and make a final decision, and vice versa. " 16:54:53 <nb> riecatnor I would also be ok with "The council or the mindshare commitee can change the rep if they deem necessary, however, a reason must be given" 16:55:04 <riecatnor> I see Ususal nomination period for other elections is two weeks: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/program_management/elections/#_nominations_for_elected_positions and is already very short considering that people might be on vacation. 16:55:20 <riecatnor> this is the next note, our nomination period is a week, I am fine to extend to two 16:55:46 <nb> I think I would prefer 2 16:55:59 <riecatnor> i see bt0 also agreed in the comment, I am changing it 16:58:18 <riecatnor> ok, those look like all the notes 16:59:02 <riecatnor> I can leave a note on the ticket, but I think that's ready to go now? 16:59:36 <riecatnor> are we ready to push? 17:00:37 <bt0> yes 17:01:01 <riecatnor> since we are on the topic 17:01:02 <riecatnor> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/257 17:01:21 <riecatnor> this has now been open for two weeks, with one nominee 17:01:44 <riecatnor> I have an implied +1 as I nominated ;) 17:01:52 <riecatnor> siddharthvipul also provided +1 17:02:14 <nb> +1 17:02:28 <riecatnor> any -1's? 17:02:40 <osezer> +1 17:03:43 <bt0> :) 17:04:47 <riecatnor> seems like we have a new rep :) 17:05:44 <riecatnor> I can close this ticket, yea? we will open new ones to deal with website updates, or do we want to handle those here as well 17:06:12 <riecatnor> (or maybe they are more simple PR's and we don't need a ticket at all) 17:06:25 <bt0> +1 for PR 17:06:43 <osezer> PR +1 17:07:04 <riecatnor> ok that is set 17:07:38 <riecatnor> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/111 17:07:50 <riecatnor> ok so here, I think this is on me to make sense of, and look at what we can spend :) 17:08:07 <riecatnor> coasters are a rad idea! 17:08:27 <riecatnor> 6 piece coaster set, 4 freedoms, new logo, old logo 17:08:28 <nb> those coasters were nice 17:08:36 <nb> riecatnor whatever happened to the budget site? 17:08:48 <riecatnor> nb, bex was manually updating it because it never really worked 17:08:53 <nb> oh 17:09:08 <nb> it was nice to be able to see how much budget we had left 17:09:11 <riecatnor> I have a budget report template, but I have to admit i did not do one for 2020. I am happy to say that we spent almost the entirety of our budget :D 17:09:58 <riecatnor> I can tell approx where we are at right now, but its more a matter of what *else* do we need to spend money on this year 17:10:06 <nb> yeah 17:10:07 <riecatnor> to see how much we can drop on swa 17:10:09 <riecatnor> swag* 17:10:39 <bt0> right 17:10:58 <riecatnor> I assigned it to myself, and I am adding it to my to do list to organize the new logo swag project 17:11:41 <riecatnor> (it was still assigned to bex :P ) 17:12:01 <riecatnor> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/135 17:12:27 <riecatnor> I am +1 to close this 17:12:49 <bt0> +1 too 17:13:17 <riecatnor> but I am curious if folks have comments on the updated design, if so, please add them here: 17:13:18 <riecatnor> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/360 17:14:11 <riecatnor> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/197 17:14:26 <osezer> <riecatnor "#link https://pagure.io/Fedora-C"> Tree of Fedora :) 17:14:53 <bt0> I like the new design. 17:17:19 <riecatnor> thanks bt0 :) 17:17:31 <riecatnor> ok for 197, wow thats a big one. Not sure we have the time to fully address that rn 17:18:01 <riecatnor> but, i do think its interesting that community things seem to still happen without something like this. 17:18:22 <riecatnor> Like, new CoC is going through policy change process. and the revamps just happened and then turned to objectives 17:19:09 <riecatnor> I guess I would like a concrete example of what a "community change" is.. maybe this ticket really wants to have a promotion process to run community things through for better visibility, which I am all about 17:20:13 <riecatnor> any thoughts on 197? 17:20:44 <bt0> not from me 17:21:44 <riecatnor> yeah, I think we did enough today :P 17:21:47 <riecatnor> #topic open floor 17:23:16 <bt0> I have some time now, I can help making the PR for the Council Mindshare Rep docs 17:25:10 <riecatnor> cool, thanks bt0 :) 17:25:35 <riecatnor> I am working on the release party, behind the scenes stuff to get work adventure set up 17:25:46 <riecatnor> arranging speakers etc :) 17:26:19 <riecatnor> Also started reaching out to sponsors for Nest, if anyone has an organization in mind, feel free to send me an email or message 17:26:24 <bt0> Awesome 17:27:14 <riecatnor> Element onboarding is also still moving, albeit a snail pace 17:27:47 <osezer> riecatnor: I heard that payment done but rest will be handle by matrix right * 17:27:49 <osezer> * riecatnor: I heard that payment done but rest will be handle by matrix right ? 17:28:08 <osezer> migration and stuff** 17:28:16 <riecatnor> osezer, I dont know where you heard that :P 17:28:30 <riecatnor> you are sort of right 17:28:36 <osezer> riecatnor: 👼 :)) 17:29:10 <riecatnor> it's complex to get it all set up. But bringing element on as a vendor to red hat was a good thing for them.. it helped them improve their process and what to expect with larger corporations 17:29:20 <riecatnor> oh this 17:29:22 <riecatnor> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/145#comment-726938 17:29:37 <riecatnor> there is a new draft of the CoC being reviewed by the Fedora Council 17:29:45 <riecatnor> commentary is happening here 17:29:47 <riecatnor> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/policy-proposal-new-code-of-conduct/28822/32 17:30:16 <bt0> I read it, more comprehensive than the current one 17:30:31 <riecatnor> cool :) 17:30:47 <riecatnor> if folks can comment or interact on the discussion page, would be great! 17:31:02 <riecatnor> ok that's all my friends 17:31:11 <riecatnor> hope everyone is having a good week :D 17:31:15 <riecatnor> thanks for being here! 17:31:17 <bt0> thanks Marie :) 17:31:20 <riecatnor> #endmeeting