15:01:19 <langdon> #startmeeting Modularity Team Meeting 15:01:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Dec 5 15:01:19 2019 UTC. 15:01:19 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:01:19 <zodbot> The chair is langdon. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'modularity_team_meeting' 15:01:27 <langdon> #meetingname modularity 15:01:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'modularity' 15:01:43 <contyk> hey 15:01:51 <Son_Goku> aloha! 15:02:06 <langdon> I am not sure how much it breaks mote if i change the meeting name etc 15:02:15 <Son_Goku> it shouldn't? 15:02:19 <langdon> so ill just leave it.. and ignore that it is weird 15:02:56 <langdon> Son_Goku: on the drop down for https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/ it very easily ends up with multiple things .. and i am not sure of the logic 15:03:07 <Son_Goku> erk 15:03:20 <langdon> like try typing "mod" and you see you get two.. but they are the "same" 15:03:37 <langdon> .hello2 15:03:38 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@redhat.com> 15:03:42 <langdon> #topic roll call 15:03:58 <contyk> .hello psabata 15:03:59 <Son_Goku> .hello ngompa 15:03:59 <zodbot> contyk: psabata 'Petr Šabata' <psabata@redhat.com> 15:04:00 <langdon> #chair Son_Goku contyk ignatenkobrain 15:04:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: Son_Goku contyk ignatenkobrain langdon 15:04:02 <zodbot> Son_Goku: ngompa 'Neal Gompa' <ngompa13@gmail.com> 15:04:05 <langdon> ignatenkobrain: you around? 15:05:50 <ignatenkobrain_> .hello ignatenkobrain 15:05:51 <zodbot> ignatenkobrain_: ignatenkobrain 'Igor Gnatenko' <i.gnatenko.brain@gmail.com> 15:05:56 <langdon> i know sgallagh is afk 15:06:02 <langdon> hey igor 15:06:07 <sct> .hello 15:06:07 <zodbot> sct: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 15:06:15 <langdon> #chair sct 15:06:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: Son_Goku contyk ignatenkobrain langdon sct 15:06:19 <Son_Goku> sct if your nick and fas id are the same, use .hello2 15:06:21 <langdon> hi sct 15:06:25 <sct> .hello2 15:06:27 <zodbot> sct: sct 'Stephen Tweedie' <sct@redhat.com> 15:06:35 <Son_Goku> oh hi new person :D 15:06:48 <langdon> Son_Goku: new person? 15:06:56 <Son_Goku> langdon, never met/talked to sct before 15:07:09 <langdon> ohh .. weird.. ok :) 15:07:10 <ignatenkobrain_> I think he was hiding pretty well inside RH :) 15:07:11 <contyk> he's a newbie 15:07:14 <langdon> ha 15:07:26 <langdon> some filesystem guy ;) 15:07:32 <sct> Hah 15:07:37 <sct> Hi all :) 15:07:52 <langdon> ok.. so .. switching topic 15:07:59 <langdon> #topic agenda 15:08:31 <langdon> #info this meeting is to discuss a proposal called "RFC: Modularity Simplified" @ https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/3EP3LXGGZABBCAHF5EPZCVEL4FQ23GS3/#VIX7R6QA6EH4DHHEPGMFEQ5MQ5FF7TBE 15:08:45 <langdon> #topic RFC: Modularity Simplified 15:08:51 <langdon> ok.. so let's get started.. 15:09:27 <langdon> unfortunately gallagher couldn't be here and i know he had some thoughts.. but I had already sent all the invites before i knew 15:09:46 <langdon> contyk: do you want to start? ignatenkobrain_ do you? 15:09:56 <ignatenkobrain_> I don't know what to start from :) 15:10:06 <contyk> well, I've just read the whole thread 15:10:15 <contyk> as ignatenkobrain_ says in the original email, this is not new 15:11:13 <contyk> not sure where to start either :) 15:11:18 <sct> Agreed 15:11:30 <contyk> it's another approach of doing things; I don't think it addresses some of the use cases we have 15:11:34 <langdon> well.. my big thing here is .. it is implied that this is "easy" and "well know".. which .. a) if it is, why wasn't it regularly done before b) there are a lot of places where it says "if we just develop this software" 15:11:47 <contyk> I don't find it specifically simpler either 15:11:50 <sct> And I think "Modularity 15:11:51 <sct> suffers greatly from trying to encode everything into one document. 15:11:51 <sct> This greatly raises the complexity of the task and makes it hard to consider alternative proposals for various parts" is really telling 15:11:56 <langdon> sorry s/"well know"/"well known" 15:12:20 <langdon> sct: can you elaborate (or are you typing?) 15:12:32 <sct> Some of the complexity is perceived, rather than real, 15:12:34 <sct> because 15:12:49 <sct> a) it's change to *very* well established rules which people have come to expect 15:13:25 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, a) because we don't have guidelines adopted for this things and side-tags on demand were implemented with rawhide gating and because some of our tooling is not fully implemented because no one thought the idea entirely b) well, there is no need for a new software, but rather about some changes and patches in *existing* software 15:13:45 <sct> b) there are many related issues: some (like ||el install) are not changed by modularity at all, and we can still use SCLs or compat-libs; but it makes it hard to see what modularity is and what it is not, from an outsider PoV 15:14:16 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: b) most of modularity is "no new software".. basically just MBS.. which really is just a scheduler 15:14:39 <sct> and c) our documentation and tooling lags on detecting violations of some modularity assumptions, so we get exposed to issues that should not be that complex. 15:15:08 <langdon> to sct's b) i would point out the hatred many people have for the naming of rpms in the SCL world.. and it really should be worse to encode even more information in the names 15:15:26 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, well, most of modularity is MBS which still does not work reliably (which is actually new software) and also it required hell lot of changes in DNF and after few years it still does not work correctly. And it is really hard to define behavior since everyone has different opinions and ideas. 15:15:35 <sct> There's a second part of c) which is that some of the tooling isn't quite there yet and it means we get to deal with complexity that ought to be better handled (I'm thinking particularly about rolling updates to the latest module default stream for rawhide) 15:16:03 <ignatenkobrain_> contyk, can you elaborate more to "I don't think it addresses some of the use cases we have" ? 15:16:36 <sct> langdon: Agreed; yet it's not always clear to people that modularity doesn't actually make that situation better in all cases. If you need ||el install, you still need SCLs or something related. 15:16:41 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, yes, because SCLs are not done in the proper way and it is ton of manual work (incl. dist-git repos and changing names everywhere) 15:17:21 <contyk> ignatenkobrain_: the first two that came to my mind when reading the thread were 1) stream expansion (basically anything that uses multiple levels of modules in a stack, not the platform), and 2) overriding base, non-modular packages with older versions provided by these modules 15:18:43 <langdon> and, to combine some points, "discoverability" was/is a big requirement which scls and other kinds of name mangling really drop the ball on.. how do you know where to find this particular combination of things when it is just encoded (partially/cryptically) in the rpm name 15:18:55 <ignatenkobrain_> contyk, 1) yes, I explicitly pointed this out as "do we really need this?" 2) if you create package with different name, and add conflicts + suggests into the fedora-release (or any alternative), then it will behave exactly as you want it. 15:19:13 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, can we switch to more specific examples? 15:19:28 <ignatenkobrain_> like a how "python37-foo" is not discoverable 15:19:37 <ignatenkobrain_> or "libgit2_0.28" 15:20:22 <contyk> ignatenkobrain_: re:1, I think we do; providing multiple versions of language stacks, for instance, was something we definitely wanted, at least in RHEL; and you still need the apps built on top of it to work with your selection 15:20:41 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: well.. a) i think the problem is that if you think of specific examples, you can often find a solution but, the general case is still lost; b) there are a bunch of examples in scls where "maria" has drivers for various versions of php, but which ones? 15:20:47 <contyk> Perl is mentioned and it's a great example as it doesn't support parallel installation and is not binary compatible 15:21:06 <langdon> contyk: i want mult versions of lang stacks in fedora too 15:21:27 <contyk> langdon: me too, but someone needs to maintain them :) 15:21:33 <Son_Goku> contyk, PHP is also a good example of this 15:21:33 <langdon> ha 15:21:47 <Son_Goku> it's even better than Perl, since it doesn't even have versioned paths for PHP extensions 15:22:06 <contyk> Son_Goku++ 15:22:14 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, a) sure, but you need to start by taking explicit items and then make solution more generic b) so why can't it be made php55-mariadb10? 15:22:24 <Son_Goku> and also is the literal bane of my existence at work :( 15:22:30 <langdon> re: php) and different, incompatible "drivers" for web server versions/types, databases, etc 15:22:49 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: which web server does it support? 15:22:56 <Son_Goku> ignatenkobrain_, the amount of patching that's required to make that work makes it infeasible and not scalable 15:23:04 <langdon> php55-nginxX-mariadb10 15:23:22 <ignatenkobrain_> contyk, so we have multiple python interpreters. there is nothing which would prohibit us building all python modules against all of them generating prefix with py version automatically. fr example openSUSE does that 15:23:28 <langdon> php55-nginxX-fastcgiKK-mariadb10 15:23:33 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, why do you need nginx and fastcgi in there? 15:23:52 <langdon> because it can (sometimes) conflict with the apache drivers 15:23:54 <ignatenkobrain_> Son_Goku, I'm not experienced with mariadb and the php modules, so I can't really say anything about that. so I am just guessing 15:24:08 <Son_Goku> php modules and mariadb drivers are now kind of annoying 15:24:17 <Son_Goku> because mariadb versions are protocol incompatible now 15:24:20 <langdon> but the point is. it doesn't matter.. you will need to encode a BUNCH of stuff in a field it doesn't belong in 15:24:51 <contyk> ignatenkobrain_: yes, in theory you could invent new macros and add more magic to achieve that 15:24:54 <ignatenkobrain_> how many of such cases exist in this reality? 15:25:06 <Son_Goku> not too many, but enough to be problematic 15:25:15 <langdon> all of the scls have this problem.. (or almost all) 15:25:36 <Son_Goku> PHP, Perl, C/C++, D, and Go are all like this 15:25:46 <Son_Goku> those are just the ones off the top of my head 15:26:21 <Son_Goku> Ruby, Python, Java (and JVM-hosted languages like Kotlin, Scala, etc.) are usually fine 15:26:33 <langdon> the point is that the "ecosystem" needs a way to be "encoded" .. and mangling the name field seems like a bad thing to continue doing 15:26:33 <Son_Goku> they use fully versioned paths throughout the stack by default 15:26:49 <ignatenkobrain_> yeah, but you don't need multiple versions of glibc, while with compiler you can provide multiple versions of gcc which would conflict with each other, but that is not a proble 15:27:07 <langdon> Son_Goku: well.. python has its own problems because it is used so much by linux 15:27:22 <contyk> so the current implementation tries to solve this in a generic way without the need of name mangling and touching spec files as much as possible 15:27:24 <Son_Goku> langdon, yes, but the problem there is so trivially solvable that I don't bother with it 15:27:35 <contyk> the proposal does the exact opposite 15:27:45 <contyk> I know I'm biased but it doesn't feel simpler to me 15:27:57 <langdon> and it is mostly manual work for very experienced people.. 15:28:23 <Son_Goku> my major complaint about modularity as it currently stands is that the two level dependency resolution is hacky and brittle 15:29:01 <langdon> i have MANY complaints.. but they are mostly about tooling not being in place / being used to automate 95% of the work 15:29:03 <Son_Goku> and I think I'm more irritated by the fact that it's a feature that's supposed to work and it doesn't than if we didn't have it at all and modules just behaved like subrepos 15:29:11 <contyk> I feel all the complaints boil down to two things: 1) dnf's handling of the content is suboptimal, and 2) the infra tools and processes are unreliable 15:29:22 <langdon> contyk++ 15:29:22 <zodbot> langdon: Karma for psabata changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:29:30 <Conan_Kudo> contyk++ 15:29:30 <zodbot> Conan_Kudo: Karma for psabata changed to 2 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:29:43 <sct> contyk: I'm not 100% sure about that 15:29:56 <sct> contyk: there may be deeper issues w/ rolling updates, context fragility etc 15:29:58 <sct> but 15:29:59 <Son_Goku> contyk, the other thing is that it's *really* hard to reason what is supposed to happen 15:30:20 <Son_Goku> I have a hard time figuring out what's supposed to happen with a given combination of content sometimes 15:30:25 <contyk> sct: there is still some design work ahead, yes; the rolling updates are an example 15:30:48 <Son_Goku> and heck, when I heard langdon's talk at DevConf, I'm pretty sure I discovered two more behavioral bugs as he described the behavior of it, one of which only applies in RHEL 15:30:50 * langdon is still not allowed to say "i told you so" about having "recommended upgrade path", right? ;) 15:31:06 <sct> it's really hard to figure out if any deeper concerns are really significant or not, precisely because of those content handling and tool/process issues. 15:31:21 <langdon> sct: yeah.. this is the huge issue 15:31:34 <langdon> it is still very hard to tell if it is a "design flaw" or a "bug" 15:31:47 <langdon> where "bug" can also mean "just not implemented yet" 15:31:54 <sct> So for every alternative proposal, my first reaction is instantly to ask "do we really need to throw out what we have, or do we just need to *improve* it?" 15:31:56 <Son_Goku> langdon, I hesitated to say design flaw for one of them, because I'm not sure whether it was intended that way or not 15:32:03 <langdon> thats what I am trying to capture with a new status report thingie 15:32:23 <langdon> Son_Goku: right... 15:32:51 <Son_Goku> langdon, for example, the hotfix flag could actually make it so you transition from older modular locked package to non-modular newer package instead of a hotfix package 15:33:13 <Son_Goku> which is completely unexpected behavior, I think? but is probably by design, based on what I've read 15:33:14 <ignatenkobrain_> sct, I think for very limited amount of use-cases we can have what we have, but the alternate proposal would solve much more of the problems people have today. 15:33:30 <sct> Son_Goku: That's by design. "hotfix" is just the name to reflect a common intended use case 15:33:42 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: but you gloss over the problems you would introduce 15:34:06 <Son_Goku> sct, then that means if you have e.g. bash-5.0 and modular bash 4.4, and you introduce hotfix pkg bash-4.4+hotfix1, you go to bash 5.0 again 15:34:10 <sct> but what it is supposed to do is exactly that, flag it as "update to this content (subject to NEVRA) whether you expect these packages to be in a module or not." 15:34:19 <Son_Goku> (I used bash because that was langdon's example at devconf ;) ) 15:34:19 <langdon> at its simplest, where do you get all the people to do all the work? i am not sure there are more than 10 people total who can do what you describe.. and they are all busy 15:34:22 <sct> Son_Goku: That's why it's a per-repo flag --- 15:34:31 <Son_Goku> sct, but that's not how dnf treats it 15:34:37 <Son_Goku> that's not how anything treats it 15:34:47 <Son_Goku> it's an unmask property for an name map 15:34:53 <sct> Son_Goku: if you have a bash-4.4 hotfix, stick it in a repo with the hotfix flag, but do *not* set hotfix on the repos containing the main bash.5.0 15:35:05 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, no, because you are not changing everything cardinally. you improve things which were working for years. 15:35:37 <sct> Son_Goku: That's exactly how dnf treats it. It disables the module filtering that would otherwise mask out the non-modular content, but otherwise leaves it up to NEVRA to determine the latest version. 15:35:42 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: how is it an "improvement"? it just is becoming more manual and more opaque... yeah you can do more but it is so much harder.. 15:35:54 <Son_Goku> sct, right, but dnf has no vendor locking enabled, so it factors from all sources 15:36:10 <sct> Son_Goku: Right... I'm not sure what the issue is? 15:36:23 <Son_Goku> sct, it's just a really weird case that can cause issues with hotfix packages 15:36:36 <sct> Son_Goku: We don't release hotfix package in mainline repos 15:36:37 <Son_Goku> in practice, I don't think RH would be dumb enough to issue hotfixes in these scenarios 15:36:44 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, generating modulemd.yaml with 300+ packages in it is not manual and not opaque? 15:37:08 <sct> Son_Goku: Fedora doesn't, 3rd party repos don't... hotfixes are by definition exceptions, which are distributed in an exceptional manner, 15:37:28 <Son_Goku> sct, it's a problem when hotfixes are imported into Pulp or Spacewalk 15:37:32 <sct> so we can set an appropriate flag on the exceptional repos that get set up to carry them. 15:37:53 <Son_Goku> RH Satellite or SUSE Manager (if you want the commercial names) 15:38:00 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: considering it can be completely generated, automatically, most of the time, yeah.. i don't think so.. and the modulemd actual does a very good job of explaining what you are trying acocomplish vs a spec file.. especially as the spec file will be for some special metapackage that the end user has to find first 15:38:02 <sct> Son_Goku: Now, *that* is definitely true. If you flatten the content into a single repo, you become responsible for making sure that the updates work right in that context 15:38:21 <sct> Son_Goku: but to me this veers into what we were talking about before about tooling shortcomings --- 15:38:33 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, the problem is: we have always had a lot of manual things. now we have added yet another complexity level and did not add any automation / simplification into any of these layers. 15:38:35 <sct> I completely agree we need better tooling for maintaining local custom repos with modular content 15:38:45 <Son_Goku> sct, yeah, there's some really odd consequences for this stuff 15:39:09 <sct> Son_Goku: and hotfixes are just a part of that issue; we don't really support custom repos of redistributed module RPMs _at all_, never mind the interactions with hotfixes. 15:39:11 <Son_Goku> I've been bitten by most of them now since I am trying to build stuff without a Koji (since my workplace uses OBS instead) 15:39:12 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: well.. we meant too :) but the tooling isn't doing its thing correctly/at all/etc because the work isnt done 15:39:20 <sct> So I think that's just a special case of a wider need for tooling improvements. 15:39:20 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, worse, we have made it so overcomplicated that nobody understands what it is and how it is supposed to behave. 15:39:44 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: well.. that is a broad, somewhat untrue statement 15:39:44 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, sure, but it has been *years* and even basic stuff does not work :) 15:40:08 <Son_Goku> langdon, I think the biggest souring point is that we *really* don't have a way to deal with modules disappearing 15:40:10 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: rpm took a bit of time as well... 15:40:25 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: but it is fair 15:40:27 <Son_Goku> and we don't have *anything* for dealing with modular<->non-modular transitions 15:40:31 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, show me person who can describe what tooling is supposed to do in all cases (compose, dnf, MBS+koji), how upgrades would work, siwtching and so on 15:40:42 <langdon> we have not had anywhere near the resources we expected to have to point at the problem 15:40:48 <ignatenkobrain_> there is simply no document / person describing all possible behaviors 15:40:55 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: me? contyk? sct? sgallagh? 15:41:13 <ignatenkobrain_> I am pretty sure there are tens (or hundreds) of them, but either they are not public or not complete 15:41:20 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: it is too complex for 1 document.. have you actually read all of the docs on the modularity docs site 15:41:26 <sct> Several of us have the mental map, but I totally agree it's not easy to navigate 15:41:26 <langdon> ? 15:41:27 <sct> but 15:41:34 <sct> I don't think modularity is necessarily that complex 15:41:40 <sct> I think *the problem space* is complex 15:41:55 <contyk> +1 15:41:58 <sct> and it is easy to get confused trying to map out all the issues that modularity addresses, vs. the ones that it does not, and how it all fits 15:42:00 <langdon> sct: +1 15:42:00 <sct> together. 15:42:14 <langdon> and how we rely on existing solutions so much 15:42:20 <sct> And rpm is *really* not straightforward either if you look at some of the corner cases we have encountered over the years 15:42:33 <Son_Goku> well, modularity-the-system is at the core subrepos with dependency information and built-in priorities 15:42:40 <sct> but you don't need to know every possible corner case to have a solid understanding of the simple principles at work. 15:42:42 <langdon> e.g. modularity doesn't solve compat libs.. but people think it does.. and so they get stuck trying to figure out how it does compat libs 15:43:03 <sct> langdon: *exactly.* It's mapping out the various interacting issues and technologies which gets complex. 15:43:05 <langdon> sct: nor is dnf/yum.. with lots of straight up *magic* 15:43:11 <Son_Goku> langdon, well, that was largely caused by people thinking we can do weird things like stuff desktop environments as modules 15:43:12 <contyk> Son_Goku: + the build side of things 15:43:16 <sct> Yep. 15:44:02 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, sure. though it is not written anywhere what problems it is supposed to solve :) 15:44:08 <Son_Goku> contyk, langdon: I don't think the modulemd document is all that bad as a module input control 15:44:11 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: have you read the docs? 15:44:18 <ignatenkobrain_> sure? 15:44:19 <langdon> i think they do a very nice job of that 15:44:48 <contyk> re docs: we recently reviewed those parts and figured all of that is covered 15:44:57 <Son_Goku> the stuff on https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/modularity/ is a lot more fleshed out than it was four months ago 15:45:08 <langdon> yeah.. everytime we get a q we go look at the docs and we see the answer 15:45:21 <langdon> even though we forgot it was there 1/2 the time 15:45:44 <Son_Goku> I think it's disingenuous to say containers are a useful solution to have parallel installable modules 15:45:52 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: for problems being solved: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/modularity/faq/ 15:46:01 <Son_Goku> it's totally possible to have parallel installable modules, you just have to have RPMs that are parallel installable 15:46:08 <zbyszek> langdon: I don't think so. If you consider that modularity is not useful for libraries, and only for leaf applications, the docs at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/modularity/ are at least very misleading. 15:46:18 <langdon> Son_Goku: i kind of agree.. but, its also kind of.. don't bite off the whole world 15:46:36 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, so I can put libgit2 back to a module? 15:46:39 <langdon> zbyszek: but you think that.. the modularity team doesn't nec. think that? 15:46:45 <Son_Goku> langdon, sure, but I think you shouldn't be mentioning containers as a parallel installability solution... 15:46:55 <langdon> Son_Goku: why? it works 15:47:00 <contyk> Son_Goku: but enabling parallel installation makes the problem even harder (build, runtime, test, all that) 15:47:09 <langdon> it may not cover every use case but it does work 15:47:10 <zbyszek> Let me rephrase that: the docs *imply* much more than is currently possible. 15:47:13 <sct> Son_Goku: Sort-of... we can ||-install modules, but we cannot ||-el install multiple *streams* of a single module. 15:47:15 <contyk> Son_Goku: that was one of the reasons we decided not to pursue that 15:47:30 <ignatenkobrain_> sct, what is || btw? 15:47:34 <sct> Sorry 15:47:35 <sct> old habit 15:47:38 <sct> parellel 15:47:58 <Son_Goku> sct, hah, that just kept making me think of OR-install, and I had no idea what you were talking about :) 15:48:15 <Son_Goku> contyk, I know, but it's possible to do so, as the python modules show, but it's confusing because it doesn't answer how to make parallel installable modules 15:48:21 * langdon wants to see the symbol for perpendicular! 15:48:37 <Son_Goku> langdon ⊥installable :P 15:48:38 <sct> |_ ? 15:48:47 <langdon> Son_Goku: we didn't want to open that can of worms until more of the pain points were resolved 15:48:51 <langdon> and lol 15:49:23 <Son_Goku> langdon, that's fair, but it's annoying because Fedora has not that many containers mapped to modules 15:49:37 <Son_Goku> you describe solutions you don't actually *have* 15:49:54 <Son_Goku> in the RHEL case, you have them, because all those modules *do* have containers for the whole OpenShift-y thing 15:49:56 <langdon> Son_Goku: yeah.. like so many things .. that work got stalled.. it was nicely getting generated in a nice prototype.. that just got abandoned 15:50:17 * Son_Goku still wants containers to get auto-rebuilt when repos change 15:50:30 <contyk> freshmaker :) 15:50:32 <langdon> Son_Goku: +1 .. but i would like all the output artifacts 15:50:42 <Son_Goku> langdon, yeah, I've stopped hoping for that :( 15:50:45 <langdon> contyk: its like we thought of a lot of these problems 15:50:53 <Son_Goku> I've been harping on that idea for almost four years now 15:51:04 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, you are implying you have generic solution, but then we end up in a situation that you actually can't use modules for some of the things. so it is not generic anymore and does not really solve the problem (for those people who wanted to take an advantage of the technology) 15:51:10 <langdon> so.. one more thing Son_Goku.. i was really "hurt" by "Fortunately, there *are* some links among the distributions on the community side. But the modularity project started from within Red Hat, and I suspect there wasn't any talking to SUSE in the early stages of the development. There wasn't much community solicitation to Fedora in the beginning either, as we know..." 15:51:11 <Son_Goku> nobody cares... and my prototypes seem to generate no interest 15:51:16 <langdon> what made you say that? 15:51:42 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: why do you say that? we do have a generic solution.. unless i am missing your point? 15:51:58 <Son_Goku> langdon, years of attempts to try to get involved in Factory 2.0 / Modularity, trying to do improvements in releng, trying to get help understanding modularity in the early efforts... 15:52:09 <langdon> Son_Goku: we talked to suse folks and we have been talking in fedora for *literal* years 15:52:10 <Son_Goku> I was rebuffed so many times 15:52:32 <langdon> Son_Goku: sorry.. my "what made you say that?" was to my prior 15:52:52 <Son_Goku> langdon, when I talked to the suse folks (OBS team, rpm team, sys management team), they were taken completely by surprise by the modularity stuff we were doing 15:52:58 <Son_Goku> that is why I suspected nobody talked to them 15:53:11 <langdon> Son_Goku: always a question of "who" :) 15:53:15 <langdon> and it was years ago 15:53:19 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, except that I was pushed back with libgit2 thing, the conflicting modules are a problem and the tooling behavior is not defined. 15:53:26 <langdon> so.. probably some different people as well 15:54:07 <Son_Goku> langdon, I can give you names offline, if you want to know 15:54:08 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: i think that particular issue was the massive arch change to not do a platform module.. we missed some corner cases 15:54:24 <langdon> Son_Goku: we should probbably have those conversations, yes 15:54:32 <Son_Goku> langdon, I think we need a way to support orphan modules 15:54:46 <langdon> so.. we don't do libs anywhere near as well as we are "supposed" to 15:54:55 <Son_Goku> tying modules to the platform at runtime causes far too many problems for upgrades 15:55:13 <langdon> Son_Goku: orphan = they have gone out of support for whatever reason? 15:55:14 <contyk> that libgit2 thing should be possible once we have the rolling updates and stream migration in place 15:55:25 <contyk> meaning the generic solution still works, just not right now 15:55:32 <Son_Goku> langdon, sure, or distro upgrade where module no longer exists 15:55:34 <langdon> i think this is in rpkg already but isn't plumbed through to fedpkg 15:55:51 <langdon> Son_Goku: ohh... two diff things.. sorry 15:55:58 <Son_Goku> yeah, no prob 15:56:17 <langdon> yes.. "upgrades" need to get finished.. in lots of ways.. 15:56:26 <Son_Goku> in The Big Thread on Modularity(TM), I described in detail the upgrade and orphan/obsoletes cases that are missing 15:57:28 <langdon> let me ask this... how can we communicate this stuff better? 15:58:28 <langdon> i honestly still think the vast majority of the problem is the feeling that people think we "missed stuff" or that are reqs are bad or whateever.. but rarely do we discover actual problems that aren't in the pipeline already 15:58:49 <langdon> s/that are reqs / that our reqs 15:59:05 <Son_Goku> langdon, so you guys are doing a better job, but I think in terms of communication, it would really help if we got some tutorials, walkthroughs, etc. on build and user side workflows 15:59:24 <langdon> i do not understand why my fingers swap "our" and "are" all the time 15:59:42 <Son_Goku> the RH Summit lab helped out my colleagues quite a bit in understanding the RHEL modules stuff, so something like that for Fedora too 15:59:51 <langdon> Son_Goku: the one i did? 15:59:53 <Son_Goku> yes 15:59:59 <langdon> well.. with lots of help ;) 16:00:15 <langdon> we do have a fedora-classroom asamalik did 16:00:17 <Son_Goku> the one I intentionally didn't go to because you were afraid I'd heckle you :) 16:00:28 <langdon> hahahahha 16:00:39 * tachoknight_ raises his hand to address communicating the stuff better (i can discuss later if now is not the right time) 16:00:45 <langdon> ignatenkobrain_: what do you think? do you really think we can't just keep improving this? 16:01:15 <langdon> tachoknight_: now is fine with me (or in #fedora-modularity if you like) 16:01:27 <Son_Goku> langdon, the other thing that I think hurt you guys more than anything else was that Java thing 16:01:31 <Son_Goku> nobody was ready for that 16:01:33 <tachoknight_> okay, i'll bring it up there 16:01:39 <Son_Goku> and that really hurt the perception of modularity 16:01:40 <zbyszek> langdon: I think it is fine to keep working on this, but in a way that does not break normal packaging 16:01:55 <langdon> Son_Goku: yeah.. the missing "modules in the build root" problem was a *monster* 16:02:22 <Son_Goku> langdon, I'm still not sure whether Ursa Prime is actually the right solution for this, because I don't think we have a solution for buildroot overrides in the modular for non-modular build thing 16:02:24 <zbyszek> I.e. things must remain optional as long as they are in preview mode, not the other way around. 16:02:38 <contyk> Son_Goku: we do 16:03:14 <ignatenkobrain_> langdon, personally I want to see a) commitment from DNF team on resolving modularity issues (and also some future plan how to integrate with libsolv), b) explicit design document which describes how dependency solving should work on upgrades, switching streams and all possible situations and tooling behavior c) commitment from people who work on MBS/Koji to implement features (I am not sure if my 1+ yr old buildonly and buildafter 16:03:15 <ignatenkobrain_> features were implemented in MBS 16:03:15 <langdon> on that problem.. we have, more than once, suffered that team-a is doing A and team-b is doing B and B lands and A gets delayed/blocked/etc .. and B breaks.. but we (modularity team) can't always stop B 16:03:16 <contyk> Son_Goku: the koji repo preserves the modular metadata and has its own generated defaults, so dnf just handles that 16:04:01 <Son_Goku> contyk, yeah, but external repos are composed by bodhi 16:04:17 <Son_Goku> buildroot overrides typically work through koji tag manipulation 16:04:26 <langdon> contyk: we have ignatenkobrain_'s "b" somewhere, right? or is it not done yet? 16:04:56 <contyk> Son_Goku: ah, right; that's not yet done at all 16:05:07 <contyk> langdon: no, that's still an open thing 16:05:47 <contyk> I'll have to drop 16:06:08 <langdon> yeah.. ok.. we are over time.. i was trying to figure out how to "close the meeting" ... 16:06:40 <langdon> maybe i #info zbyszek's ignatenkobrain_'s and Son_Goku's final (ish) items? 16:06:42 <Son_Goku> langdon, found the message about upgrades and obsoletes: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/VNAXNXBEQWGQQ3TQVOKO3QNMBW4GPVYY/ 16:07:08 <langdon> ohh yeah 16:07:46 <langdon> i was gonna do the #info without attribution though.. just like "these are the things we think should be done" 16:08:26 <langdon> #info we should keep working on modularity but we need to be more diligent about not breaking existing/normal packaging 16:08:46 <Son_Goku> I think that, along with some of the improvements to the build-side tooling to make modulemds less awful to maintain (like what I was talking about at Tuesday's meeting), would go a _very_ long way to make this a much nicer experience 16:08:55 <sct> langdon: Thanks for wrapping up --- I need to drop now 16:09:05 <Son_Goku> langdon, I'm also increasingly coming to the mind that we should just not have BR-only content in Fedora 16:09:06 <langdon> thanks sct! 16:09:09 <langdon> thanks all! 16:09:16 * langdon still typing infos 16:09:35 <langdon> Son_Goku: i think that is a policy thing thugh not a tech thing 16:09:45 <langdon> then we can switch it when we decided the other way 16:09:55 <langdon> or back and forth 16:10:11 <Son_Goku> we need to have that laid down as a ground rule for modules going forward 16:10:14 <langdon> i also think the "everything ref repo" would help aleviate (sp?) that 16:10:18 <Son_Goku> maybe 16:10:26 <Son_Goku> depends on how usable it is for people to rebuild content 16:10:36 <Son_Goku> similar arguments are happening in CentOS-land too 16:11:10 <langdon> please make comments here: https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/166 16:11:46 <Son_Goku> sure 16:12:19 <langdon> #info if the modularity bits are optional, they should be actually optional 16:12:21 <langdon> #info if they are not production ready, they should be optional 16:12:40 <langdon> #info commitment from DNF team on resolving modularity issues (and also some future plan how to integrate with libsolv) 16:12:51 <langdon> #info explicit design document which describes how dependency solving should work on upgrades, switching streams and all possible situations and tooling behavior 16:13:09 <langdon> #info commitment from people who work on MBS/Koji to implement features (I am not sure if my 1+ yr old buildonly and buildafter 16:13:16 <langdon> #undo 16:13:16 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by langdon at 16:13:09 : commitment from people who work on MBS/Koji to implement features (I am not sure if my 1+ yr old buildonly and buildafter 16:13:24 <langdon> #info commitment from people who work on MBS/Koji to implement features 16:14:07 <langdon> #info upgrades and obsoletes need better documentation and implementation 16:15:13 <langdon> #info past ~6 infos are meant to try to indicate some consensus on the group's desire for changes in modularity 16:15:33 <langdon> ok.. i am gonna end meeting now.. hopefully that captures what we wanted captured.. 16:15:37 <langdon> #endmeeting