16:01:08 <gundalow> #startmeeting Network Working Group 16:01:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 20 16:01:08 2017 UTC. The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'network_working_group' 16:01:20 <bearrito> o/ 16:01:48 <Gelob> hi! 16:02:00 <gundalow> #chairs funzo ganeshrn kedarX Qalthos trishnag bearrito dt-arista mikewiebe stacywsmith Gelob 16:02:01 * Qalthos 🌊🌊 16:02:05 <gundalow> #chair funzo ganeshrn kedarX Qalthos trishnag bearrito dt-arista mikewiebe stacywsmith Gelob 16:02:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: Gelob Qalthos bearrito dt-arista funzo ganeshrn gundalow kedarX mikewiebe stacywsmith trishnag 16:02:09 * ganeshrn waves 16:02:16 * stacywsmith waves 16:02:24 <gundalow> #info Agenda https://github.com/ansible/community/labels/network 16:03:02 <gundalow> #info Agenda cycled as we've release 2.4.0 16:03:07 <Qalthos> gundalow: ooh, fancy 16:03:51 <gundalow> #info WE'VE RELEASED 2.4.0 YAY. 2.4.1 will be in ~month, so please test and report any issue promptly so any issues can be fixed 16:05:11 <gundalow> OK, will quickly go through the non-Proposal items first 16:05:19 * trishnag waves 16:05:22 <mikewiebe> gundalow: quick question first? 16:05:28 <gundalow> mikewiebe: sure 16:05:53 <mikewiebe> gundalow: How do tag fixes that go into devel for 2.4.1? 16:07:14 <gundalow> mikewiebe: milestone:2.4.0 (yes horrible) 16:07:19 <gundalow> #chair ktbyers 16:07:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: Gelob Qalthos bearrito dt-arista funzo ganeshrn gundalow kedarX ktbyers mikewiebe stacywsmith trishnag 16:07:44 <gundalow> #topic ansible/ansible#29143 Integration Tests only: nxos_udld, nxos_udld_interface 16:07:52 <mikewiebe> gundalow: Thanks 16:07:56 <gundalow> #info https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/29143 16:08:21 <gundalow> mikewiebe: is saichint on here? 16:08:25 <gundalow> #chair seansible 16:08:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: Gelob Qalthos bearrito dt-arista funzo ganeshrn gundalow kedarX ktbyers mikewiebe seansible stacywsmith trishnag 16:09:06 <mikewiebe> gundalow: I don't see him. I just took a peek at the PR and Qalthos indicated it fails on the VM. Can you provide details on the failure? 16:09:15 <gundalow> #info PR currently failing against our setup with "feature udld fails with Invalid feature name on our VM. 16:09:26 <Qalthos> Just as it says, invalid feature name 16:09:31 <gundalow> #cahir itdependsnetwork 16:09:40 <gundalow> #chair itdependsnetwork 16:09:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: Gelob Qalthos bearrito dt-arista funzo ganeshrn gundalow itdependsnetwork kedarX ktbyers mikewiebe seansible stacywsmith trishnag 16:09:51 <mikewiebe> Ah... I c. Was it virtual n9k or virtual 7k? 16:10:05 <Qalthos> 7k 16:10:59 <dag1> o/ 16:11:01 <mikewiebe> Qalthos: We may have to skip it on virtual 7k since we have coverage for the physical platform. Likely not supported on virtual, I will follow up with saichint 16:11:22 <gundalow> #chair dag1 16:11:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: Gelob Qalthos bearrito dag1 dt-arista funzo ganeshrn gundalow itdependsnetwork kedarX ktbyers mikewiebe seansible stacywsmith trishnag 16:11:35 <Qalthos> mikewiebe: sounds reasonable 16:12:25 <gundalow> #chair seanx820 16:12:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: Gelob Qalthos bearrito dag1 dt-arista funzo ganeshrn gundalow itdependsnetwork kedarX ktbyers mikewiebe seansible seanx820 stacywsmith trishnag 16:12:57 <gundalow> Anything else on this topic? 16:13:10 <Qalthos> gundalow: I don't think so 16:13:16 <mikewiebe> gundalow: nothing here 16:13:23 <gundalow> #action mikewiebe to follow up with saichint regarding if it's supported on virtual 16:13:26 <gundalow> Thanks 16:13:42 <gundalow> #topic ansible/ansible#30250 Arista EOS module doesn't properly parse vrfs 16:13:48 <gundalow> Gelob: All yours 16:13:58 <gundalow> #info https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/30250 16:14:25 <gundalow> #info Bug report for eos_vrf 16:14:38 <Gelob> Hi all, i wanted to bring some attention to this issue, it would seem that parsing of VRFs names is completely broken. I tested it on 4.16, i saw it was written on 4.15 and I don't think anything has changed since then. 16:14:49 <gundalow> ganeshrn: You around? 16:15:01 <ganeshrn> yup 16:15:20 <gundalow> Are there two issues her 16:15:22 <gundalow> Are there two issues here 16:15:46 <gundalow> The one reported + broken parsing of vrf's containing '-'? 16:16:25 <privateip> looks like the output from the command changed 16:16:30 <privateip> from 4.15 to 4.16 16:16:32 <privateip> *sigh* 16:16:36 <Gelob> I was wondering that, but i couldnt verify 16:16:46 <gundalow> dt-arista: Hi 16:16:49 <privateip> definitely a bug 16:17:43 <Gelob> @privateip I was wondering if it has be asked of arista why show vrf | json isn't supported? I think it would make a lot of things easier and I can bring it up a as a FR with our rep and push on it. 16:18:04 <privateip> yep that would be very helpful 16:18:17 <dt-arista> yeah it would be helpful 16:18:20 <privateip> in the meantime we can build a check into the module to work around this issue 16:18:33 <dt-arista> arista does have an RFE opened for this 16:19:57 <Gelob> awesome, if you can send me the RFE # (pm works) I can send off an email 16:20:05 <dt-arista> will do 16:20:34 <Gelob> I also was wondering why is the parsing code different in the eapi code and the vrf code? could that be made the same at some point? 16:20:36 <privateip> i updated the issue with the same comment 16:21:43 <privateip> sorry not following 16:22:50 <Gelob> in eos_vrf.py line 176 there is a whole bunch of code to convert the show vrf to json. https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/340f52ae9646f605310345f875df7985ee978019/lib/ansible/modules/network/eos/eos_vrf.py#L176 16:23:11 <privateip> ah 16:23:12 <Gelob> in eos_api line 210 the validate_vrf code uses a regex to find the configured_vrf names. https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/d8b1cb9a634d0e828a7be39d4019a6215410e643/lib/ansible/modules/network/eos/eos_eapi.py#L210 16:23:14 <ganeshrn> Gelob: if i understand it correctly eos_vrf is parsing the output of `show vrf` correctly on the eos version that you have? 16:23:34 <Gelob> @ganeshrn, it is *not* 16:24:06 <ganeshrn> ok 16:25:09 <Gelob> @privateip, i understand validate_vrf needs less info but that means depending on what your doing in your playbook, that information gets parsed out two different ways, two different pieces of code to maintain. follow? 16:25:29 <privateip> Gelob: yes that is one of the big efforts in 2.5 is to clean up some of the technical debt we have accumulated 16:25:46 <privateip> modules developed at different times by difference engs 16:26:15 <privateip> we are going to implement a more consistent pattern across all modules 16:27:20 <Gelob> ok cool, i figured that and just wanted to make sure that comment in the bug didn't get missed. I agree about in the meantime building in a version check to work around it. I can test whenever thats ready. 16:27:28 <Gelob> thats all i have. thanks! 16:27:35 <st8less> Will there be any documentation provided as that is in-process so 3rd-party dev's will be able to attempt to say within best practices? 16:28:17 <privateip> st8less: yes 16:28:40 <privateip> i hope to have information up soon 16:28:50 <st8less> Cool, thanks! 16:28:58 <flatterlight> thanks 16:29:29 <gundalow> Anything else on that one? 16:29:40 <gundalow> #chair flatterlight 16:29:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: Gelob Qalthos bearrito dag1 dt-arista flatterlight funzo ganeshrn gundalow itdependsnetwork kedarX ktbyers mikewiebe seansible seanx820 stacywsmith trishnag 16:30:38 <Gelob> not from me 16:31:13 <gundalow> #topic ansible/ansible#30577 This module allows users to manage partitions on a BIG-IP 16:31:19 <gundalow> #action gundalow to review 16:31:29 <gundalow> #topic Declarative Intent 16:31:34 <gundalow> .-------------------------- 16:31:37 <gundalow> So 16:31:44 * seanx820 rubs hands together 16:31:52 <gundalow> #info https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/70 16:32:04 <gundalow> #Info Thanks everyone that's already added comments 16:33:08 <gundalow> So from reading it sounds like everyone has agreed this is a useful feature, just not decided if it should be implemented in module or as a collection of tasks/roles 16:33:44 <gundalow> How would people like to progress? 16:35:13 <gundalow> Should we collect pros + cons for in-module vs roles based? 16:35:51 <gundalow> Or I could just pick what I want to do and we can implement that :) 16:36:12 * gundalow looks at the tumbleweed 16:36:24 * gundalow pokesGelob Qalthos bearrito dag1 dt-arista flatterlight funzo ganeshrn gundalow itdependsnetwork kedarX ktbyers mikewiebe seansible seanx820 stacywsmith trishnag 16:36:26 <kedarX> +1 for modules and good to collect pros and cons too 16:36:56 <flatterlight> if we do it in the module it is the same for all types 16:37:11 <stacywsmith> I tend to prefer the tasks/roles approach. 16:37:50 <flatterlight> in a task/role it's up to the one who writes them... 16:37:56 <seanx820> i am trying to understand what the main complaint was, b/c unfortunately it just looks like semantics and I don't want to be that guy 16:38:03 <bearrito> +1 for pro/con list to have a reference-able list 16:38:12 <seanx820> +1 for pro/con list as well 16:38:26 <gundalow> Ok, multiplayer notepad time https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-proposal-70 16:39:40 <gundalow> So if everyone can take a few minutes to add there thoughts to the lists starting on line 8 that would be great, then we can go through them here 16:41:16 <mikewiebe> gundalow: I need to actually read the proposal and original PR that you put out before providing feedback. I will hold off on providing thoughts until then. 16:41:51 <gundalow> mikewiebe: Sure, feel free to pass it around the rest of your team, would be good to get more eyes on this 16:41:54 <seanx820> i am trying to understand why people disagree with bcoca on issue 70 16:42:35 <bcoca> s/issue.*/anything/ 16:42:48 <seanx820> haha 16:42:53 <seanx820> i think i found the comment i was looking for 16:43:02 <seanx820> https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/70#issuecomment-330801396 16:44:40 <seanx820> is dagwieers here 16:44:48 <gundalow> I've added `Questions` section under the two proposals as well 16:44:54 <gundalow> dag1: You around? 16:47:42 <gundalow> Thanks to people that have started adding comments in. I'm sure the rest of you have thoughts 16:47:45 <privateip> @gundalow: can we set a date to have this resolved by? 16:47:59 <privateip> we could go back and forth for a very long time on this 16:48:03 <gundalow> privateip: Agreed 16:48:07 <seanx820> yes^ and the issue submitter is not present 16:48:09 <gundalow> Well, I'm not here next week 16:48:14 * seanx820 gasp 16:48:29 <privateip> two weeks then? 16:48:37 <privateip> that should give folks ample time to read and weigh in 16:48:38 <gundalow> Sound good 16:49:32 <bearrito> 👍 16:49:33 <stacywsmith> We now have two places for feedback. The proposal and the Etherpad. Can we at least add a link to the EhterPad in the proposal? 16:51:46 <seanx820> i feel like... (i might comment in more detail in the issue) there is misunderstanding of what DI even is... my understanding of it being "i don't care how you do it, this is my end state" but it almost feels the want/need like we are using it a state checker, a way to validate not just if the command ran, and was accepted by the host node, but what it did with the command... which could be cool i just don't 16:51:46 <seanx820> now if its the same problem (and it seems like many people are coming to the same conclusion in the github issue). I really am trying to refrain from commenting since i need to absorb this more 16:51:50 <gundalow> stacywsmith: good ,point, I'll link it from the top *and* a comment 16:51:58 <stacywsmith> thanks 16:53:10 <dag1> I am here somewhat, but leaving mostly :-/ 16:53:37 <gundalow> dag1: We are collecting pros/cons in https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-proposal-70 16:53:49 <gundalow> deadline for getting this agreed is 2 weeks from now 16:54:23 <dag1> Yeah, I generally dislike etherpad because there's no stream of thought, people just send blobs 16:54:36 <dag1> where would I go to point out the problem with each 16:55:10 <dag1> I see that a wait_for solution is put on Etherpad, and we aren't even discussing that 16:55:48 <gundalow> dag1: I'm open to suggestion on how to move this forward 16:56:20 <dag1> we could add it to the discussion, but bcoca already said we have to limit to a single feature (which is impossible if you are redesigning something) 16:56:41 <gundalow> What does "limit to a single feature" in this context mean? 16:57:08 <dag1> the main problem is, as soon as you bring something forward, people start discussing that specific thing and no longer think out of the box 16:57:09 <gundalow> Also, I'm not aware of any hard limits/things being off the cards at this stage 16:58:19 <dag1> I was referring to this: https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/70#issuecomment-330865977 16:58:40 <dag1> the thing is, I may not have a clear understanding of what people in the networking space need as well 16:59:08 <dag1> I was only looking at the DI needs and looking for a solution to that (with some use-cases I have) 16:59:24 <dag1> but if we look at validate or wait_for, maybe something better is possible that includes it too 17:00:04 <dag1> then it's no longer related to DI, or Agreggates, but that's fine, if we introduce new concepts it's better to have a holistic view 17:00:20 <dag1> and the out-of-the-box thinking does bring up things like: https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/74 17:00:48 <dag1> the irony here is that during AnsibleFest SF I was always stating: We can do the same with roles already 17:01:07 <bcoca> dag1: not what i meant, but we started discussing one feature and you kept adding other features on top 17:01:08 <gundalow> As a network engineer running a Playbook , how can I ensure that at the end of a Playbook run my network is configured correctly. Given that my network contains things that Ansible can not configure, such as ensuing that a physical cable is plugged in and links to switches and that link is UP. 17:01:08 <dag1> and now that I see what could be possible, it's bcoca who's saying: We can do the same with roles already :-) 17:01:14 <bcoca> which were not directly related 17:01:15 <dag1> bcoca: not true 17:01:25 <dag1> bcoca: look at the original example, and what comes next 17:01:56 <dag1> bcoca: I bring up an improvement of my first design to counter a new proposal of yourx 17:04:05 <dag1> gundalow: that's my position as well 17:04:52 <gundalow> dag1: sorry, you agreeing with my problem statement (As a network engineer...)? 17:05:26 <dag1> gundalow: yes 17:05:30 <gundalow> cool 17:05:42 <dag1> gundalow: so not wait_for or validate (which are other things) 17:05:50 <dag1> validate might be something similar though 17:06:19 <gundalow> dag1: Why do you believe wait_for and validate don't meet the above problem statement 17:06:21 <dag1> I guess it would be easier to have a discussion with the same people who were present in that meeting, since there was already a general consensus 17:07:31 <dag1> well, if this goes nowhere, at least we'll have: https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/74 :-) 17:08:56 <gundalow> OK, 17:08:57 <gundalow> so how about 17:09:01 <gundalow> Milestone 1: List all proposals 17:09:04 <gundalow> Milestone 2: List pros + cons for all proposals 17:09:09 <gundalow> Milestone 3: advisory vote from community 17:09:10 <gundalow> ODNE 17:09:12 <gundalow> DONE 17:09:35 <dag1> that would not have brought us to the current ideas IMO 17:09:46 <gundalow> Where Milestone 3 is 4th October (two weeks from today) 17:09:57 <dag1> 1. there's no consensus over the problem we're fixing (which is fine) 17:10:53 <dag1> 2. I need to run, had to be somewhere at 19h :-( 17:11:35 <gundalow> OK 17:11:43 <dag1> not sure if a deadline is a good idea 17:12:01 <dag1> being able to go back and forward over ideas is required at this point 17:12:20 <gundalow> I agree to be able to go back and forth 17:12:47 <gundalow> I think a deadline is needed otherwise this will not reach a conclusion 17:12:48 <dag1> if we want to introduce a new concept or design a new way of working (which DI and Aggregates is) 17:13:07 <dag1> we need as many people voicing their ideas and examples 17:13:30 <gundalow> hum, mabe Milestone 1&2 shouldn't actually be milestones, instead things that can happen upuntil 2 weeks today 17:13:56 <dag1> maybe, sometimes let this sink in, and allow people to grasp new experiences with an idea in the back of their heads creates new insights 17:14:31 <dag1> I am sure that if we would revisit in a few months, more people may have great improvements covering this too 17:14:48 <dag1> but the current discussion is probably not helpful 17:15:11 <gundalow> In a few months = too late to do stuff for 2.5 17:15:28 <dag1> true 17:15:47 <dag1> anyway, I need to run 17:15:51 <gundalow> nod 17:15:53 <gundalow> thanks for your time 17:16:24 <gundalow> What do other people think? 17:18:42 * bearrito needs to review the comments before commenting 17:18:45 <stacywsmith> I'll write up some thoughts and add to the proposal, but in general I tend to agree that there's no consensus on the problem(s) we're fixing. There are multiple interacting issues being discussed. 17:19:06 <gundalow> #topic DI: Defining the problem 17:19:36 <gundalow> Ok, my idea is 17:19:36 <gundalow> As a network engineer running a Playbook , how can I ensure that at the end of a Playbook run my network is configured correctly. Given that my network contains things that Ansible can not configure, such as ensuing that a physical cable is plugged in and links to switches and that link is UP. 17:19:53 <gundalow> What do other people think the problem is (should be) 17:20:39 <gundalow> Good to call out if people don't think we have a common problem statement 17:20:46 <stacywsmith> there hasn't been a good definition/separation between configuration, configuration state, and operational state. 17:21:03 <bcoca> for things ansible configures, the modules themselves should verify .. for things it does not, gather_fact + assert/fail seem the easiest way to solve 17:21:26 <stacywsmith> if the physical cable isn't plugged in correctly, that's not a network device specific problem. 17:21:49 <gundalow> stacywsmith: How do you mean? 17:22:00 <flatterlight> An unified "interface" for f.e. interface configuration would be a good idea, so any vendor/device could use it. The "module" should check if the requested characteristics can be met. 17:22:07 <stacywsmith> the same issue applies to systems/servers. Just because I "declared" that my web server should be running doesn't make it actually reachable (operational state). 17:22:29 <stacywsmith> there is state that is controlled by configuration. 17:22:45 <stacywsmith> and there is state that is (at least partially) controlled by external factors. 17:23:01 <flatterlight> After execution it should report the current state of the f.e. interface. 17:23:44 <stacywsmith> some aspects of the interface state are controlled by external factors. (cabling, negotiation of the other end of the link, etc.) 17:24:27 <stacywsmith> IF you check this "external" state in the same module that configures the interface, then what's the correct action when some of this external state doesn't match your intention? 17:24:44 <flatterlight> but we can report this back 17:24:47 <gundalow> oh, "external factors" is a good term 17:25:10 <stacywsmith> rolling back the configuration change might be the right choice in some cases and might not be the right choice in others. 17:25:24 <flatterlight> .. from what the device gives us 17:25:24 <gundalow> #info correct action - rollback? 17:25:59 <stacywsmith> yes. the state could be reported back. Beware however that this state could change due to actions other than configuration of the local device. 17:26:15 <flatterlight> "rollback if fail" ->additional option? 17:27:42 <gundalow> Do we need to offer Playbook designers flexability if Ansible detects a cable isn't plugged in 17:27:49 <gundalow> a) Ability to roll back 17:27:52 <gundalow> b) Just fail 17:27:53 <gundalow> etc 17:28:16 <flatterlight> c) ignore 17:28:28 <flatterlight> .. interface state 17:29:30 <gundalow> ignore - don't list DI options, or use ignore_errors: yes (eww) 17:31:55 <stacywsmith> As long as a module (doesn't have to be the same module that configures) provides a way of gathering state, the current playbook syntax provides all of these abilities and allows the playbook writer to choose the appropriate course for their situation. 17:33:02 <stacywsmith> So it seems one of the things being discussed is if that's currently too cumbersome and needs to be simplified within a module. 17:36:45 <kedarX> Failures identification & categorization (can be ignored or not); e.g. if cable isn't plugged, rolling back or ignoring will do no good 17:49:55 <gundalow> #chair 17:49:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: Gelob Qalthos bearrito dag1 dt-arista flatterlight funzo ganeshrn gundalow itdependsnetwork kedarX ktbyers mikewiebe seansible seanx820 stacywsmith trishnag 17:50:30 <gundalow> If everyone could please add details of what they the problem is we are trying to solve as a comemnt on https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/70 that would help a lot 17:53:16 <flatterlight> the procedure with DI (Playbook in execution) 1. ansible "reads" should state from the playbook, 2. ansible gets the current state from the device, 3. ansible checks if should state is applyable (f.e. wrong interfacespeed, link down,... ), 4. depending on the playbook the single configuration node(s) would be applyed, or the error would be given to the user 17:54:30 <gundalow> Closing meeting in a couple of minutes, though you are all welcome to stay :) 17:55:23 <bearrito> gundalow: can you let me know what you need from either me or caphrim007 for https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/30391 17:59:40 <gundalow> bearrito: Ensure caphrim007 is happy and it's tested 17:59:43 <gundalow> #endmeeting