#fedora-neuro: NeuroFedora - 2020-09-21

Meeting started by FranciscoD at 13:06:14 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Agenda (FranciscoD, 13:07:05)
    1. New introductions and roll call (FranciscoD, 13:07:12)
    2. Tasks from last week's meeting (FranciscoD, 13:07:19)
    3. Open Pagure tickets (FranciscoD, 13:07:24)
    4. Open bugs (FranciscoD, 13:07:28)
    5. CompNeuro lab compose check (FranciscoD, 13:07:34)
    6. Neuroscience query of the week (FranciscoD, 13:07:41)
    7. Next meeting date/time/chair (FranciscoD, 13:07:47)
    8. Open floor (FranciscoD, 13:07:51)

  2. New introductions and roll call (FranciscoD, 13:08:26)
    1. Please go: Name, FAS, Fedora activity, etc etc etc (FranciscoD, 13:08:38)
    2. Ankur Sinha (FranciscoD), ankursinha, (UTC +1), NeuroFedora, packaging, lots of other random Fedora related tasks (FranciscoD, 13:09:10)
    3. Aniket Pradhan (MeWjOr), major (+5:30), packaging? (MeWjOr, 13:10:41)
    4. Purusharth Saxena, purusharths, UTC+5:30 did a little bit of packaging? (purusharths, 13:10:57)

  3. Tasks from last meeting (FranciscoD, 13:15:07)
    1. Logs from last meeting: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/neurofedora/neurofedora.2020-09-07-13.07.html (FranciscoD, 13:15:17)
    2. FranciscoD ping https://pagure.io/fedora-websites/issue/1013 for updates: DONE: still waiting on reply so will need to ping/poke more (FranciscoD, 13:15:43)
    3. ACTION: FranciscoD ping https://pagure.io/fedora-websites/issue/1013 for updates again (FranciscoD, 13:15:58)
    4. MeWjOr file a tracker ticket for FOSDEM: DONE https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issue/392 (FranciscoD, 13:16:24)
    5. FranciscoD fix libneurosim: PENDING: needs some more work (FranciscoD, 13:17:00)
    6. ACTION: FranciscoD fix libneurosim: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1864029 (FranciscoD, 13:17:06)

  4. Open Pagure tickets (FranciscoD, 13:17:57)
    1. Tagged "next meeting": https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issues?status=Open&tags=S%3A+Next+meeting (FranciscoD, 13:18:05)
    2. https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issue/393 : Why are we maintaining PEGTL? (FranciscoD, 13:19:38)
    3. ACTION: query -devel list for PEGTL ownership, orphan if no interest (FranciscoD, 13:23:25)
    4. https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issue/318 : NeuroFedora reading/listening list (FranciscoD, 13:23:57)

  5. Open NeuroFedora bugs: https://tinyurl.com/neurofedora-bugs (FranciscoD, 13:25:29)
    1. List of NeuroFedora bugs: https://tinyurl.com/neurofedora-bugs (FranciscoD, 13:25:37)
    2. if you login to RHBZ, you can also add it to your "links" by going to preferences > saved searches (FranciscoD, 13:26:35)
    3. FTBFS: vrpn: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1865613 (FranciscoD, 13:28:09)
    4. FTBFS: neurord: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1864190 (FranciscoD, 13:28:20)
    5. vrpn: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/vrpn (FranciscoD, 13:29:38)
    6. ACTION: FranciscoD ping primary vrpn maintainer, and remove neuro-sig from package (FranciscoD, 13:35:17)

  6. CompNeuro lab compose status check for F33/F34 (FranciscoD, 13:36:45)
    1. https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/search?match=glob&type=build&terms=*Comp_Neuro* (FranciscoD, 13:42:19)
    2. Latest rawhide image: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=1613727 2020-09-21, so looks OK (FranciscoD, 13:42:57)
    3. Latest F33 image: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=1613550 2020-09-20, so also looks OK (FranciscoD, 13:43:18)
    4. Both F33 and F34 comp-neuro images are building fine (FranciscoD, 13:43:39)
    5. URL for images: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/search?match=glob&type=build&terms=*Comp_Neuro* (FranciscoD, 13:43:51)

  7. Neuroscience query of the week (FranciscoD, 13:44:05)
    1. https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=30691 should also work (gicmo, 13:44:20)
    2. Better link for Comp-Neuro builds: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=30691 (FranciscoD, 13:45:14)
    3. Image compose task is "livemedia" on koji (FranciscoD, 13:46:03)

  8. Next meeting time and date, chair (FranciscoD, 13:46:42)
    1. purusharths chair next meeting, same time in two weeks (FranciscoD, 13:47:56)
    2. ACTION: FranciscoD send out logs (FranciscoD, 13:48:31)

  9. Open floor (FranciscoD, 13:48:52)
    1. NWB user days is going on: https://neurodatawithoutborders.github.io/nwb_hackathons/HCK09_2020_Remote/ (FranciscoD, 13:49:57)
    2. OCNS Infra/tools/software SIG is taking off: https://neurostars.org/t/ocns-infrastructure-software-tools-sig-meet-and-greet-initial-discussions/15560 (FranciscoD, 13:50:55)
    3. https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issues?status=Open&tags=T%3A+Software (FranciscoD, 13:51:53)

Meeting ended at 13:55:56 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. FranciscoD ping https://pagure.io/fedora-websites/issue/1013 for updates again
  2. FranciscoD fix libneurosim: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1864029
  3. query -devel list for PEGTL ownership, orphan if no interest
  4. FranciscoD ping primary vrpn maintainer, and remove neuro-sig from package
  5. FranciscoD send out logs

Action items, by person

  1. FranciscoD
    1. FranciscoD ping https://pagure.io/fedora-websites/issue/1013 for updates again
    2. FranciscoD fix libneurosim: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1864029
    3. FranciscoD ping primary vrpn maintainer, and remove neuro-sig from package
    4. FranciscoD send out logs

People present (lines said)

  1. FranciscoD (154)
  2. gicmo (24)
  3. MeWjOr (22)
  4. zodbot (15)
  5. purusharths (12)
  6. tg-fedneuro1 (5)
  7. bt0 (4)
  8. fm-neuro (1)
  9. zbyszek (0)

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