13:00:51 <shaane[m]> #startmeeting neurofedora 13:00:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Sep 27 13:00:51 2021 UTC. 13:00:51 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 13:00:51 <zodbot> The chair is shaane[m]. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 13:00:51 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:51 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'neurofedora' 13:01:14 <shaane[m]> \o/ Hello everyone! 13:01:25 <FranciscoD> o/ 13:01:57 <shaane[m]> #chair omnidapps[m] shaane[m] music achilleas zbyszek_ FranciscoD 13:01:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD achilleas music omnidapps[m] shaane[m] zbyszek_ 13:02:10 <FranciscoD> MeWjOr: here? 13:02:25 <FranciscoD> #chair MeWjOr music_ MorganHough[m] 13:02:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD MeWjOr MorganHough[m] achilleas music music_ omnidapps[m] shaane[m] zbyszek_ 13:02:39 <FranciscoD> MorganHough[m]: o/ 13:03:03 <shaane[m]> #topic Agenda for today 13:03:22 <shaane[m]> #info Static agenda noted here: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/neurofedora/communicating/#_open_meetings 13:03:35 <shaane[m]> #info New introductions and roll call 13:03:40 <MeWjOr> \o 13:03:47 <shaane[m]> o/ 13:04:08 <MeWjOr> .fasinfo major 13:04:12 <zodbot> MeWjOr: User: major, Name: Aniket Pradhan, Email: aniketpradhan1999@gmail.com, Creation: 2019-02-09T11:57:57, IRC Nicks: MeWjOr and major_, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata, Locale: en-US, GPG Key IDs: None, Status: None 13:04:15 <zodbot> MeWjOr: Groups: fedora-contributor, fedorabugs, neuro-sig, packager, qa, wikiedit 13:04:26 <MeWjOr> :D 13:04:34 <shaane[m]> Nice nice 13:04:39 <shaane[m]> .fasinfo shaneallcroft 13:04:42 <zodbot> shaane[m]: User: shaneallcroft, Name: Shane Allcroft, Email: shane@lambdasymbol.com, Creation: 2021-08-05T15:04:56, IRC Nicks: irc:/shaane, Timezone: UTC, Locale: en-US, GPG Key IDs: None, Status: None 13:04:45 <zodbot> shaane[m]: Groups: fedora-contributor, fedorabugs, neuro-sig, packager 13:04:47 <FranciscoD> .fasinfo ankursinha 13:04:48 <zodbot> FranciscoD: User: ankursinha, Name: Ankur Sinha, Email: sanjay.ankur@gmail.com, Creation: 2008-05-28T06:16:53, IRC Nicks: FranciscoD and FranciscoD_ and Ankur^^ and FranciscoD[m], Timezone: Europe/London, Locale: en-GB, GPG Key IDs: E629112D, Status: None 13:04:51 <zodbot> FranciscoD: Groups: fedora-contributor, ask-fedora, fedora-join, fedorabugs, freemedia, gitfedora-tour, gitfpaste, neuro-sig, packager, provenpackager, qa, robotics-sig, scitech, scitech_sig, wikiedit 13:04:56 <music_> .fasinfo music 13:04:57 <zodbot> music_: User: music, Name: Benjamin Beasley, Email: code@musicinmybrain.net, Creation: 2013-01-23T10:40:36, IRC Nicks: musicinmybrain and music_, Timezone: US/Eastern, Locale: en-US, GPG Key IDs: None, Status: None 13:05:00 <zodbot> music_: Groups: fedora-contributor, fedorabugs, neuro-sig, packager 13:06:01 <shaane[m]> #info Tasks from last meeting 13:06:13 <omnidapps[m]> .fasinfo nerdsville 13:06:14 <zodbot> omnidapps[m]: User: nerdsville, Name: Josh Santos, Email: josh@omnidapps.com, Creation: 2014-08-01T06:40:41, IRC Nicks: omnidapps, Timezone: Asia/Bangkok, Locale: en, GPG Key IDs: None, Status: None 13:06:17 <zodbot> omnidapps[m]: Groups: fedora-contributor, fedorabugs, neuro-sig, packager, wikiedit 13:06:29 <FranciscoD> shaane[m]: was going to throw your pyplane review into fedora-review, but just saw that you've forgotten to add the spec/srpm links there :P 13:06:37 <omnidapps[m]> .hello nerdsville 13:06:38 <zodbot> omnidapps[m]: nerdsville 'Josh Santos' <josh@omnidapps.com> 13:07:09 <shaane[m]> Should I add those as attachments directly to the bug? 13:07:29 <FranciscoD> No, just add the links as a comment---the links should be "raw", so that something like wget can download the files 13:07:48 <shaane[m]> ahhh okay perfect thats pretty straightforward 13:07:50 <FranciscoD> did you manage to get fedorapeople etc. working, otherwise we can look into that after the meeting etc 13:08:55 <shaane[m]> As of an hour ago i was still getting 500 errors, its weird tho cause I'm not getting it after I enter my login, just clicking the 'login' button takes me directly to a 500 error 13:09:09 <FranciscoD> OK, let's debug that after the meeting 13:09:22 <shaane[m]> :+1: sounds good 13:09:27 <FranciscoD> got the spec/srpm link? If you give it to me here, I'll update the review and chuck it through fedora-review in the meatime 13:09:31 <FranciscoD> s/meatime/meantime/ 13:09:38 * FranciscoD is having typing issues today 13:10:05 <shaane[m]> yeah I can get that just one sec 13:11:07 <shaane[m]> spec: 13:11:08 <shaane[m]> https://paste.centos.org/view/raw/c0352967 13:11:42 <FranciscoD> ah, hrm, we need it in a "permanent" place until it's approved, the paste will disappear in a week :/ 13:11:46 <FranciscoD> let's do it after the meeting 13:12:07 <shaane[m]> Okay yeah good point sounds good 13:12:31 <shaane[m]> Whoops I still have to add more #info and then progress the topic 13:12:33 <shaane[m]> sec 13:12:39 <shaane[m]> #info Open Pagure tickets 13:12:44 <FranciscoD> yeh, sorry XD 13:12:49 <shaane[m]> #info Package health check 13:12:52 * FranciscoD was hoping to run the review in parallel :P 13:12:53 <shaane[m]> #info Open package reviews check 13:13:00 <shaane[m]> #info CompNeuro lab compose a status check for F34/F35 13:13:05 <shaane[m]> #info Neuroscience query of the week 13:13:11 <shaane[m]> #info Next meeting day, and chair 13:13:17 <shaane[m]> #info Open floor 13:13:22 <shaane[m]> #topic New introductions and roll call 13:13:36 <FranciscoD> o/ 13:13:46 <FranciscoD> everyone tends to do it before the topic starts XD 13:14:29 <shaane[m]> okay what about a new one: /o/ their arms are both going to the right 13:14:41 <FranciscoD> #info shaane[m] MeWjOr omnidapps[m] FranciscoD are here at the mo 13:14:55 <FranciscoD> shaane[m]: there, roll call done, let's proceed to the next topic :) 13:15:02 <MeWjOr> ^.^ 13:15:04 <FranciscoD> others can join in as they come 13:15:18 <shaane[m]> #topic Tasks from last meeting 13:15:23 <shaane[m]> Perfect 13:16:17 <shaane[m]> Okay we already talked a little about 401, but hopefully will have that on its way to being closed shortly after this meeting, sorry for all the delays with that issue will make sure to have future ones be more expedient : ) 13:17:42 <shaane[m]> #info Logs from last meeting can be seen here: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/neurofedora/neurofedora.2021-09-13-13.00.log.html 13:17:47 <FranciscoD> +1 13:18:23 <FranciscoD> shaane[m]: if you look at the minutes, you'll see the action items in a list at the bottom: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/neurofedora/neurofedora.2021-09-13-13.00.html 13:18:34 <FranciscoD> saves you from having to search the full logs for `#action` etc :) 13:19:04 <shaane[m]> whoa yeah thats nice 13:19:11 <shaane[m]> ty ty 13:20:20 <omnidapps[m]> I totally dropped the ball on planet migration for fedora infra, please reassign to me 13:22:09 <FranciscoD> omnidapps[m]: you can reassign it to yourself :) 13:22:10 <shaane[m]> Okay will do sorry how do i do that lol 13:22:23 <FranciscoD> shaane[m]: so we go through each action item one by one 13:22:25 <FranciscoD> like this: 13:22:30 <FranciscoD> FranciscoD add retrospective blog post for today's meeting 13:22:39 <FranciscoD> and then, I'll say whether I completed it or not 13:22:39 <omnidapps[m]> #action omnidapps follow up with fedora infra on planet migration 13:22:41 <FranciscoD> (I did) 13:22:44 <FranciscoD> so then you go: 13:22:47 <FranciscoD> #info FranciscoD add retrospective blog post for today's meeting: DONE 13:23:05 <FranciscoD> if I hadn't done it, you'd do an info with "WIP" or "PENDING" 13:23:15 <omnidapps[m]> Oh, oops 13:23:16 <FranciscoD> and then reassign it to me using the action command like omnidapps[m] just did 13:23:24 <shaane[m]> Ahh okay those tags make more sense now i think i'm following 13:23:41 <FranciscoD> omnidapps[m]: no worries, it's just an organised way of doing things, but not strict rules ;) 13:23:42 <shaane[m]> omnidapps[m] update configupdater: rhbz 1994442 13:23:54 <FranciscoD> I think that ones complete 13:24:05 <omnidapps[m]> That one is done and deployed to rawhide 13:24:11 <shaane[m]> Yo naise 13:24:19 <FranciscoD> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-configupdater/c/ac2b30e85b7f0d2654de3f4fdfeaa6c5ebb73ef0?branch=rawhide 13:24:26 <omnidapps[m]> Deployed also to 34 I think… 33 had issues iirc 13:24:32 <shaane[m]> #info omnidapps[m] update configupdater: rhbz 1994442: DONE 13:24:51 <FranciscoD> omnidapps[m]: I think we did 36 and 35, and won't do 34 because lots of deps also need updating 13:25:05 <omnidapps[m]> Ah right that was it 13:25:14 <shaane[m]> MeWjOr update mne-bids: rhbz 1982826 13:25:21 <FranciscoD> .bug 1982826 13:25:23 <zodbot> FranciscoD: 1982826 – python-mne-bids-0.8 is available - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1982826 13:25:45 <MeWjOr> its still WIP... Working with the upstream on its dependency right now 13:26:01 <FranciscoD> MeWjOr: ugh, more new packages needed for the update? 13:26:18 <MeWjOr> just one lol... it had issues with big-endian arches 13:26:21 <MeWjOr> archs* 13:26:23 <FranciscoD> *sigh* 13:26:25 <shaane[m]> #info MeWjOr update mne-bids: rhbz 1982826: WIP 13:26:45 <FranciscoD> that's mostly because upstreams use travis/GitHub actions where you don't get s390x and powerpc etc to test with 13:26:54 <FranciscoD> we're seeing quite a few of these issues :/ 13:26:56 <MeWjOr> It's almost done as well... The PR should be merged today itself 13:27:04 <FranciscoD> awesome 13:27:05 <MeWjOr> https://github.com/bids-standard/pybv/pull/80 13:27:34 <FranciscoD> awesome++ 13:27:34 <zodbot> FranciscoD: Karma for awesome changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 13:27:45 <MeWjOr> FranciscoD, yep, had to replicate the job by setting up travis on a fork... turned out a fun adventure 13:28:03 <omnidapps[m]> Who is irc handle awesome? 13:28:10 <FranciscoD> MeWjOr: don't forget to note that upstream contribution in our ticket here: https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issue/461 13:28:15 <FranciscoD> omnidapps[m]: oh LOL 13:28:17 <MeWjOr> they just got lucky XD 13:28:25 <MeWjOr> Sure, FranciscoD 13:28:33 <FranciscoD> #action MeWjOr add PR info to our tracker ticket: https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issue/461 13:29:11 <shaane[m]> FranciscoD fix and update arbor 13:29:17 <FranciscoD> donezo 13:29:28 <shaane[m]> Nice nice nice 13:29:34 <FranciscoD> took me all day, the arch builds take forever, but all done now 13:29:35 <shaane[m]> #info FranciscoD fix and update arbor: DONE 13:29:45 <shaane[m]> +1 13:30:02 <shaane[m]> FranciscoD fix ITK 13:30:02 <FranciscoD> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/?packages=arbor -> in testing now 13:30:10 <FranciscoD> still WIP I'm afraid 13:30:16 <shaane[m]> #info FranciscoD fix ITK : WIP 13:30:17 <FranciscoD> that's the next mammoth on my list to slay 13:30:31 <shaane[m]> What is ITK? 13:30:32 <FranciscoD> next massive tree to chop? 13:30:42 <shaane[m]> Beeg tree 13:30:53 <FranciscoD> https://itk.org/ 13:31:05 <FranciscoD> "ITK is an open-source, cross-platform library that provides developers with an extensive suite of software tools for image analysis. Developed through extreme programming methodologies, ITK builds on a proven, spatially-oriented architecture for processing, segmentation, and registration of scientific images in two, three, or more dimensions." 13:31:14 <FranciscoD> used by quite a few tools 13:31:19 <MeWjOr> ITK :D 13:31:27 <FranciscoD> but yeh, their software dev style is quite extreme IIRC 13:31:34 <FranciscoD> or is that dcmtk? 13:31:48 <FranciscoD> no backward compatibility---no soname versioning 13:31:59 <shaane[m]> Oh wow itk seems really neat, image-processing / computer vision is boss 13:32:06 <FranciscoD> folks just use snapshots as git submodules etc 13:32:14 * FranciscoD hates submodule usage on github 13:32:20 <shaane[m]> lol 13:32:22 <shaane[m]> relatable 13:32:42 <shaane[m]> omnidapps - reach out to fedora infra about migrating fedora main pluto as well 13:33:17 <FranciscoD> WIP, already reassigned 13:33:28 <omnidapps[m]> Yea WIP 13:33:28 <shaane[m]> Oh shoot thats right my bad 13:33:41 <omnidapps[m]> Let’s add an info about it though :) 13:33:42 <shaane[m]> #info omnidapps - reach out to fedora infra about migrating fedora main pluto as well: WIP 13:33:47 <shaane[m]> yes : ) 13:33:47 <omnidapps[m]> Nvm lol nice 13:33:49 <omnidapps[m]> :-) 13:33:56 <shaane[m]> \o 13:33:59 <shaane[m]> sorry sorr 13:34:06 <MeWjOr> but submodules are nice.. simplifies the process of reuploading the snapshots again and again :'( 13:34:12 <shaane[m]> oops paste from wrong window 13:34:21 <shaane[m]> FranciscoD send out logs etc. 13:34:22 <shaane[m]> there we go 13:34:28 <shaane[m]> xclip failed me 13:34:35 <FranciscoD> done 13:34:40 <shaane[m]> Nice nice 13:34:51 <shaane[m]> #info FranciscoD send out logs etc. 13:35:03 <shaane[m]> #info FranciscoD send out logs etc.: DONE 13:35:08 <FranciscoD> #action shaane[m] send out logs 13:35:10 <FranciscoD> (for today :P) 13:35:50 <FranciscoD> MeWjOr: they're useful, bit I'd rather people use released versions as the submodule---people using random git commits is where the issues start 13:36:16 <shaane[m]> : ) heck yeah excited to be logmeister 13:36:29 <shaane[m]> Should i change the topic now? since we've gone over all actions from last meeting? 13:36:44 <MeWjOr> +1 13:38:01 <shaane[m]> #topic Open Pagure tickets 13:38:20 <FranciscoD> nothing here, I don't think 13:38:36 <shaane[m]> #topic Package health check 13:38:51 <shaane[m]> how healthy are these packages lookin 13:39:12 <FranciscoD> #info Neuro-sig packager dashboard: https://packager-dashboard.fedoraproject.org/user/neuro-sig 13:39:46 <FranciscoD> very few ftbfs bugs, so that's good 13:40:01 <FranciscoD> lots koschei reports, but not bugs yet, so they're all installable: which is fine 13:40:18 <FranciscoD> loadsa updates there, so please feel free to take them up and open PRs folks :) 13:40:47 <FranciscoD> most should be simple spec bumps etc 13:40:54 <shaane[m]> Nice, this is a cool dashboard 13:41:08 <omnidapps[m]> Wow my matrix client totally lagged out 13:41:15 <omnidapps[m]> I was sitting waiting for the next message 13:41:58 <FranciscoD> uh, the web client? 13:42:05 <omnidapps[m]> Element 13:42:12 <FranciscoD> hrm, :/ 13:42:42 <FranciscoD> MeWjOr: anything in the package list you think needs urgent attention? 13:43:13 <FranciscoD> (music_ has been working on fixes and updates too) 13:43:48 <MeWjOr> not really... I'll get to fixes/updates as soon as I get done with bids 13:44:55 <shaane[m]> #topic CompNeuro lab compose a status check for F34/F35 13:45:11 <shaane[m]> Is this topic still germane? 13:45:29 <shaane[m]> What does composing a status check mean / entail? 13:45:54 <MeWjOr> basically checking if the image composes are going well 13:46:15 <shaane[m]> Okay that seems pretty straightforward nice 13:47:02 <FranciscoD> +1 13:47:11 <MeWjOr> #info CompNeuro ISO compose task on Koji: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=30691 13:47:14 <FranciscoD> so, each new release we get a new image compose 13:47:24 <FranciscoD> at the moment, until f35 is released, that's the image that's being generated 13:47:41 <FranciscoD> once f35 releases, this image will be frozen and put on the labs website for everyone to use 13:47:54 <FranciscoD> and we'll go forward and later branch to f36 from rawhide and so on 13:48:17 <FranciscoD> (if a compose fails, some package somewhere is broken) 13:48:34 <FranciscoD> from MeWjOr 's link, both rawhide and F35 look fine 13:48:45 * FranciscoD needs to check if arbor is included in our comp-neuro image or not 13:48:51 <shaane[m]> Okay that makes sense neato 13:48:55 <FranciscoD> it's quite mature now, should be added if not 13:49:07 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD add arbor to comp-neuro image if it isn't included 13:49:23 <FranciscoD> it'll be from f36 though, no more changes to f35 this late in the release cycle 13:50:06 <FranciscoD> #info Rawhide + f35 compose is OK 13:50:13 <FranciscoD> shaane[m]: that's all there is in this topic :) 13:50:29 <shaane[m]> Okay sweet next topic coming right up 13:50:40 <shaane[m]> #topic Neuroscience query of the week 13:51:08 <FranciscoD> there were a few that I added as a comment: https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issue/318#comment-752844 13:51:52 <FranciscoD> is anyone else able to access https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fncir.2021.732315/full ? 13:51:58 <FranciscoD> I get "website under maintenance" :/ 13:52:35 <FranciscoD> now I get 503 13:52:37 <FranciscoD> *sigh* 13:52:41 <shaane[m]> Yeah same : ( 13:52:43 <shaane[m]> rip 13:52:44 <FranciscoD> anyway, that's a good one---lots of historical notes etc 13:53:04 <shaane[m]> The titles sound cool, I'll ahve to check back up with those later in the day 13:53:09 <FranciscoD> Alex is now an Emeritus prof here at UCL. Was around for lots of big things, very well known in Pharmacology etc. 13:53:41 <FranciscoD> the cerebellum one is very short, but lots of links to other papers that sort of give an idea of the state of our knowledge about the area 13:53:57 <FranciscoD> (also frontiers, so may not work ) 13:54:55 <FranciscoD> haven't looked at the journals this week yet, may find some new stuff when I do :P 13:55:35 <shaane[m]> Is Alex an author of the circuits and synapses one? Very cool : ) 13:56:24 <FranciscoD> Yeh, the opinion piece 13:58:05 <shaane[m]> Nice nice nice 13:59:17 <omnidapps[m]> shaane++ - amazing job as meeting coordinator, and now being logmeister for today ^.^ 13:59:26 <MeWjOr> ^.^ 13:59:30 <MeWjOr> shaane++ 13:59:43 <omnidapps[m]> What’s your fas handle? 13:59:48 <shaane[m]> Haha tysm : ))) 13:59:52 <shaane[m]> handle is shaneallcroft 13:59:58 <omnidapps[m]> shaneallcroft++ 14:00:06 <MeWjOr> shaneallcroft++ 14:00:07 <zodbot> MeWjOr: Karma for shaneallcroft changed to 2 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:00:11 <MeWjOr> :D 14:00:23 <shaane[m]> Yo thank you : ) 14:00:26 <FranciscoD> shaane[m]: I think we can skip open floor and end the meeting 14:00:28 <omnidapps[m]> Oh right I’ll have to give you karma on IRC 14:00:33 <FranciscoD> and continue chatting after words 14:00:44 <FranciscoD> it's just good to start and stop the meeting on time 14:00:54 <shaane[m]> Okay does same time 2 weeks from now work for everyone? 14:01:00 <shaane[m]> I'm itching to use that #agreed tag 14:01:05 <MeWjOr> lol yes 14:01:11 <FranciscoD> +1 14:01:14 <omnidapps> shaneallcroft++ 14:01:21 <zodbot> omnidapps: Karma for shaneallcroft changed to 3 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:01:34 <shaane[m]> #agreed Next meeting in 2 weeks at 1300 UTC on Monday 11 October 14:01:51 <shaane[m]> #endmeeting