#fedora-neuro: NeuroFedora - 2021-06-12

Meeting started by Haf[m] at 13:01:20 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Agenda for today (Haf[m], 13:06:49)
    1. New introductions and roll call (Haf[m], 13:07:57)
    2. Tasks from last meeting (Haf[m], 13:10:22)
    3. Open Pagure Tickets (Haf[m], 13:11:11)
    4. Package health check. (Haf[m], 13:11:36)
    5. Open package reviews check. (Haf[m], 13:11:53)
    6. CompNeuro lab compose status check for Fedora 35/36. (Haf[m], 13:13:16)
    7. Neuroscience query of the week (Haf[m], 13:13:45)
    8. Next meeting day, and chair. (Haf[m], 13:13:46)
    9. Open floor: anything that is not on the agenda (Haf[m], 13:13:46)

  2. New introductions and roll call (Haf[m], 13:13:58)
    1. Hafsat Ajia-Egbeyemi (haf): , UTC+1 (Nigeria); NeuroFedora and Fedora (Haf[m], 13:15:37)
    2. Ankur Sinha (ankursinha), UTC (London), NeuroFedora and lots of other Fedora bits here and there :) (FranciscoD|matri, 13:16:10)
    3. Vanessa Christopher (vanessa_kris): , UTC+1 (Cameroon); NeuroFedora and Fedora (vanessa_kris[m], 13:16:44)

  3. Tasks from last meeting (Haf[m], 13:18:03)
    1. Adeleye Opeyemi (hardeborlaa) UTC+1 (Nigeria); NeuroFedora and Fedora (hardeborlaa[m], 13:18:05)
    2. Josh Santos (nerdsville): , UTC+7 (Asia/Bangkok); NeuroFedora and Fedora (omnidapps[m], 13:18:33)
    3. https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/neurofedora/neurofedora.2021-11-22-13.00.html (Haf[m], 13:20:08)
    4. omnidapps[m] follow up on pagure issue 456; package ggobi (Haf[m], 13:21:56)
    5. https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10383 (FranciscoD_, 13:22:50)
    6. omnidapps[m] follow up on pagure issue 456; package ggobi (Haf[m], 13:25:04)
    7. omnidapps[m] follow up on pagure issue 456; WIP (Haf[m], 13:26:43)
    8. omnidapps[m] follow up on package ggobi (Haf[m], 13:28:19)
    9. omnidapps[m] file ticket on the main infra tracker for fedoraplanet theme (Haf[m], 13:31:31)
    10. omnidapps[m] file ticket on the main infra tracker for fedoraplanet theme Done (Haf[m], 13:35:22)

  4. Open Pagure Tickets (Haf[m], 13:36:09)
    1. https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issues?status=Open&tags=S%3A+Next+meeting (Haf[m], 13:37:51)
    2. Package health check. (Haf[m], 13:39:10)
    3. No Pagure Tickets to discuss (Haf[m], 13:39:39)
    4. Package health check. (Haf[m], 13:40:02)

  5. Package health check (Haf[m], 13:41:29)
  6. Package health check (Haf[m], 13:43:24)
    1. Our packages are here on our dashboard: https://packager-dashboard.fedoraproject.org/user/neuro-sig (FranciscoD_, 13:45:58)

  7. Open package reviews check. (Haf[m], 13:46:43)
  8. Open package reviews check (Haf[m], 13:49:47)
    1. Our package review tracker is here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=fedora-neuro (FranciscoD_, 13:51:17)

  9. CompNeuro lab compose status check for Fedora 35/36. (Haf[m], 13:52:47)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2018705 (FranciscoD_, 13:54:18)
    2. ACTION: Haf hardeborlaa vanessa_kris practice reviewing on #2018705 (python-mapbox-earcut) for music (FranciscoD_, 13:54:58)
    3. ACTION: Haf hardeborlaa vanessa_kris practice reviewing on #2016779 also (python-cyipopt) (FranciscoD_, 13:56:48)
    4. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2026389 (FranciscoD_, 13:58:44)
    5. ACTION: Haf hardeborlaa vanessa_kris practice reviewing #2026389 also (FranciscoD_, 13:59:04)

  10. CompNeuro lab compose status check for Fedora 35/36. (Haf[m], 14:00:12)
    1. Task is here on Koji: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=30691 (FranciscoD_, 14:01:08)
    2. F36 compose for comp neuro image is successfully running (FranciscoD_, 14:02:03)

  11. Neuroscience query of the week (Haf[m], 14:03:16)
    1. https://www.incf.org/blog/incf-endorses-five-recommendations-fair-software-best-practice (FranciscoD_, 14:05:21)
    2. https://neuroblog.fedoraproject.org/planet-neuroscientists/ (FranciscoD_, 14:07:06)
    3. https://neuroblog.fedoraproject.org/planet-neuroscience/ (FranciscoD_, 14:07:12)
    4. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-23784-8 (FranciscoD_, 14:09:33)

  12. Next meeting day, and chair. (Haf[m], 14:10:25)
    1. AGREED: Next meeting on Jan 10th, 2022 at 1300 UTC (same time) (FranciscoD_, 14:15:58)
    2. ACTION: FranciscoD_ to chair the next meeting (Haf[m], 14:19:00)

Meeting ended at 14:20:39 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. Haf hardeborlaa vanessa_kris practice reviewing on #2018705 (python-mapbox-earcut) for music
  2. Haf hardeborlaa vanessa_kris practice reviewing on #2016779 also (python-cyipopt)
  3. Haf hardeborlaa vanessa_kris practice reviewing #2026389 also
  4. FranciscoD_ to chair the next meeting

Action items, by person

  1. FranciscoD
    1. FranciscoD_ to chair the next meeting
  2. FranciscoD_
    1. FranciscoD_ to chair the next meeting
  3. hardeborlaa
    1. Haf hardeborlaa vanessa_kris practice reviewing on #2018705 (python-mapbox-earcut) for music
    2. Haf hardeborlaa vanessa_kris practice reviewing on #2016779 also (python-cyipopt)
    3. Haf hardeborlaa vanessa_kris practice reviewing #2026389 also
  4. music
    1. Haf hardeborlaa vanessa_kris practice reviewing on #2018705 (python-mapbox-earcut) for music
  5. vanessa_kris
    1. Haf hardeborlaa vanessa_kris practice reviewing on #2018705 (python-mapbox-earcut) for music
    2. Haf hardeborlaa vanessa_kris practice reviewing on #2016779 also (python-cyipopt)
    3. Haf hardeborlaa vanessa_kris practice reviewing #2026389 also

People present (lines said)

  1. FranciscoD_ (83)
  2. Haf[m] (71)
  3. zodbot (10)
  4. omnidapps[m] (8)
  5. FranciscoD (7)
  6. hardeborlaa[m] (7)
  7. FranciscoD|matri (4)
  8. shaane[m] (4)
  9. vanessa_kris[m] (3)
  10. MeWjOr (0)
  11. hardeborlaa (0)
  12. khansa (0)
  13. naeem (0)
  14. music (0)
  15. nuzhatmila (0)
  16. oluyosola (0)
  17. vanessa_kris (0)
  18. shaane (0)
  19. Abee (0)

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