#fedora-neuro: NeuroFedora - 2022-01-31

Meeting started by FranciscoD_ at 13:01:11 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Agenda (FranciscoD_, 13:02:42)
    1. Agenda is at: https://neuroblog.fedoraproject.org/2022/01/31/next-open-neurofedora-meeting-31-january-1300-utc.html (FranciscoD_, 13:03:00)

  2. New introductions and roll call (FranciscoD_, 13:03:34)
    1. ankursinha (FranciscoD); UTC (London); Fedora packagers, NeuroFedora, Fedora Join etc. (FranciscoD_, 13:04:14)
    2. Vanessa Christopher (vanessa_kris) UTC +1 (Cameroon) NeuroFedora, Join Fedora. (vanessa_kris[m], 13:04:57)
    3. omnidapps (nerdsville); UTC+7:00 (Asia/Bangkok); Fedora packagers, NeuroFedora, development, DevOps, etc. (omnidapps[m], 13:05:09)
    4. Shane Allcroft (shaneallcroft) UTC-5 (New york) Fedora packagers, Neurofedora, development (shaane[m], 13:06:08)

  3. Tasks from last meeting (FranciscoD_, 13:10:15)
    1. Last meeting logs: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/neurofedora/neurofedora.2022-01-17-13.02.html (FranciscoD_, 13:10:33)
    2. FranciscoD_ assign rhbz #2018705 to vanessa_kris as Outreachy task for this week -> DONE (FranciscoD_, 13:10:53)
    3. FranciscoD_ make time to update ITK - WIP (FranciscoD_, 13:11:14)
    4. ACTION: FranciscoD_ make time to update ITK (FranciscoD_, 13:11:17)
    5. FranciscoD_ add snakemake update to vanessa_kris 's Outreachy task list for this or next week -> DONE (FranciscoD_, 13:11:31)
    6. FranciscoD_ complete review for autograd -> DONE (FranciscoD_, 13:11:43)
    7. oluyosola provide update to python-pesto review tickett -> PENDING (FranciscoD_, 13:11:57)
    8. ACTION: oluyosola provide update to python-pesto review tickett (FranciscoD_, 13:11:59)
    9. hardeborlaa needs to import this one (approved): https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2018238 -> WIP (FranciscoD_, 13:12:13)
    10. ACTION: hardeborlaa needs to import this one (approved): https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2018238 (FranciscoD_, 13:12:17)
    11. FranciscoD_ update #2026389 -> DONE (FranciscoD_, 13:12:44)
    12. ACTION: FranciscoD_ request python-neurotune SCM and import etc. (FranciscoD_, 13:13:09)
    13. FranciscoD_ vanessa_kris : see if #2034723 can be put on Outreachy task list this or next week too -> DONE (FranciscoD_, 13:13:31)
    14. ACTION: omnidapps[m] add short description to planets describing what they do (FranciscoD_, 13:14:29)
    15. FranciscoD_ write up announcement blog post etc. -> DONE (FranciscoD_, 13:14:49)
    16. FranciscoD_ chair next meeting -> in progress :) (FranciscoD_, 13:16:47)

  4. Open pagure tickets (FranciscoD_, 13:17:12)
    1. You can file tickets here and tag then with "next meeting" if you want the ticket discussed here: https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issues?status=Open&tags=S%3A+Next+meeting (FranciscoD_, 13:17:31)

  5. Packages health check (FranciscoD_, 13:18:06)
    1. The NeuroSIG package dash board is here: https://packager-dashboard.fedoraproject.org/user/neuro-sig (FranciscoD_, 13:18:25)
    2. https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel%40lists.fedoraproject.org/message/VHWE3UEPNV6DM5OQPSR3RQGIGUOHK4PR/ (FranciscoD_, 13:24:33)
    3. Need to prioritise FTBFS/FTI bugs to ensure all packages are functional for F36 (FranciscoD_, 13:26:50)
    4. Package maintainers can request access to test machines for debugging: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Machine_Resources_For_Package_Maintainers (FranciscoD_, 13:32:00)

  6. Open review tickets (FranciscoD_, 13:33:07)
    1. NeuroSIG review tracker bug is here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=fedora-neuro (FranciscoD_, 13:33:17)
    2. All review tickets are in progress, no unassigned ones (FranciscoD_, 13:35:40)

  7. CompNeuroFedora compose check for f36 (FranciscoD_, 13:35:57)
    1. https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=30691 (FranciscoD_, 13:35:59)
    2. CompNeuro ISO image is building fine (FranciscoD_, 13:37:08)

  8. Neuroscience query of the week (FranciscoD_, 13:37:35)
    1. Collect useful bits on our ticket here: https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issue/318 (FranciscoD_, 13:38:12)

  9. Next meeting date/time/chair (FranciscoD_, 13:42:34)
    1. AGREED: Next meeting in 2 weeks on 14 Jan at 1300 UTC (FranciscoD_, 13:43:15)
    2. ACTION: omnidapps[m] chair next meeting (FranciscoD_, 13:43:41)
    3. ACTION: FranciscoD_ set up meeting blog post and send out reminder (FranciscoD_, 13:44:00)
    4. ACTION: FranciscoD_ send out today's meeting logs (FranciscoD_, 13:44:11)

  10. Open floor (FranciscoD_, 13:44:14)

Meeting ended at 13:47:44 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. FranciscoD_ make time to update ITK
  2. oluyosola provide update to python-pesto review tickett
  3. hardeborlaa needs to import this one (approved): https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2018238
  4. FranciscoD_ request python-neurotune SCM and import etc.
  5. omnidapps[m] add short description to planets describing what they do
  6. omnidapps[m] chair next meeting
  7. FranciscoD_ set up meeting blog post and send out reminder
  8. FranciscoD_ send out today's meeting logs

Action items, by person

  1. FranciscoD_
    1. FranciscoD_ make time to update ITK
    2. FranciscoD_ request python-neurotune SCM and import etc.
    3. FranciscoD_ set up meeting blog post and send out reminder
    4. FranciscoD_ send out today's meeting logs
  2. hardeborlaa
    1. hardeborlaa needs to import this one (approved): https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2018238
  3. oluyosola
    1. oluyosola provide update to python-pesto review tickett
  4. omnidapps
    1. omnidapps[m] add short description to planets describing what they do
    2. omnidapps[m] chair next meeting
  5. omnidapps[m]
    1. omnidapps[m] add short description to planets describing what they do
    2. omnidapps[m] chair next meeting

People present (lines said)

  1. FranciscoD_ (145)
  2. omnidapps[m] (35)
  3. shaane[m] (14)
  4. zodbot (9)
  5. vanessa_kris[m] (2)
  6. zbyszek (0)
  7. alciregi (0)
  8. barakat-ajadi (0)
  9. hafsat (0)
  10. hardeborlaa (0)
  11. oluyosola (0)
  12. oluyosola:fedora.im (0)
  13. OluyosolaAfolabi (0)
  14. vanessakhris (0)
  15. zbysz (0)
  16. zbyszek[m] (0)
  17. achilleas (0)
  18. HafsatAjia-Egbey (0)
  19. lbazan (0)
  20. major (0)
  21. MeWjOr (0)
  22. music (0)
  23. music (0)
  24. omnidapps (0)

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