#fedora-neuro: neurofedora 2020-10-24

Meeting started by FranciscoD_ at 13:00:50 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. Bot commands: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Guide#MeetBot_Commands (FranciscoD_, 13:01:32)
    2. Agenda: https://neuroblog.fedoraproject.org/2022/10/21/next-open-neurofedora-meeting-24-october-1300-utc.html (FranciscoD_, 13:01:33)

  1. Introductions and roll call (FranciscoD_, 13:01:48)
  2. Tasks from last meeting (FranciscoD_, 13:05:41)
    1. Last meeting logs: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-neuro/2022-10-10/neurofedora.2022-10-10-13.00.html (FranciscoD_, 13:06:20)
    2. FranciscoD_ correct link in blog post -> DONE (FranciscoD_, 13:06:32)
    3. FranciscoD_ fix https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2126115 -> DONE (FranciscoD_, 13:07:08)
    4. FranciscoD_ fix https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2115503 -> DONE (FranciscoD_, 13:07:30)
    5. ACTION: FranciscoD_ update python-mne to 1.2.1 : https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2136474 (FranciscoD_, 13:08:32)
    6. https://github.com/G-Node/python-odml/issues/417#issuecomment-1280406820 (Penguinpee, 13:10:41)
    7. Penguinpee ask odml upstream what their plans for rdflib 6.0.0 are (preferably with a time line) -> DONE (FranciscoD_, 13:11:46)
    8. odml upstream have plans implementing rdflib 6.x in the next two month (rough estimate). (FranciscoD_, 13:11:57)
    9. AGREED: +2/-0 wait for upstream to fix odml for rdflib 6.x (FranciscoD_, 13:18:58)

  3. Open Pagure tickets (FranciscoD_, 13:19:23)
    1. Tickets to be discussed at meetings should be tagged "next meeting": https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issues?status=Open&tags=S%3A+Next+meeting (FranciscoD_, 13:19:41)
    2. ACTION: Penguinpee inquire with rdflib maintainers about API change notification e-mail (as per FESCo guidelines) (FranciscoD_, 13:21:45)
    3. AGREED: Gradually add neuro-sig packages to Zuul, and encourage maintainers to add all new packages to Zuul from now on (FranciscoD_, 13:30:53)

  4. Package health check (FranciscoD_, 13:31:26)
    1. Neuro-sig packager dashboard is here: https://packager-dashboard.fedoraproject.org/dashboard?groups=neuro-sig (FranciscoD_, 13:31:50)
    2. We prioritise FTBFS/FTI bugs, then other bugs and updates, and then anything else (FranciscoD_, 13:34:30)
    3. ACTION: FranciscoD_ correct dashboard link in e-mail (FranciscoD_, 13:34:43)
    4. we've got a few FTBFS bugs, but quite a few of them have fixes in -testing, so they should be fixed once the F37 freeze is over and these updates hit stable (FranciscoD_, 13:36:32)

  5. Open package reviews (FranciscoD_, 13:51:38)
    1. Please see the neuro-sig review tracker bug here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=fedora-neuro (FranciscoD_, 13:51:59)
    2. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2136778 (FranciscoD_, 13:53:32)
    3. ACTION: FranciscoD_ check python-pyABF update and close review ticket (FranciscoD_, 13:59:18)

  6. CompNeuro image generation check (FranciscoD_, 13:59:45)
    1. https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=30691 (FranciscoD_, 14:00:02)
    2. rawhide build failed recently, but it isn't a neuro-sig issue. Something broken in the workstation packages, so the build will be fixed when that is (FranciscoD_, 14:00:28)
    3. Tickets for failed builds are filed here, if anyone wants to subscribe to the repo etc: https://stg.pagure.io/releng/failed-composes/issues (FranciscoD_, 14:01:25)
    4. Next meeting in 2 weeks, same time (FranciscoD_, 14:02:01)

Meeting ended at 14:02:01 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. FranciscoD_ update python-mne to 1.2.1 : https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2136474
  2. Penguinpee inquire with rdflib maintainers about API change notification e-mail (as per FESCo guidelines)
  3. FranciscoD_ correct dashboard link in e-mail
  4. FranciscoD_ check python-pyABF update and close review ticket

Action items, by person

  1. FranciscoD_
    1. FranciscoD_ update python-mne to 1.2.1 : https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2136474
    2. FranciscoD_ correct dashboard link in e-mail
    3. FranciscoD_ check python-pyABF update and close review ticket
  2. Penguinpee
    1. Penguinpee inquire with rdflib maintainers about API change notification e-mail (as per FESCo guidelines)

People present (lines said)

  1. FranciscoD_ (96)
  2. Penguinpee (33)
  3. zodbot (12)
  4. music[m] (11)
  5. music (0)

Generated by MeetBot 0.4.