18:01:26 <gregdek> #startmeeting new-modules 18:01:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 4 18:01:26 2016 UTC. The chair is gregdek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:01:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'new-modules' 18:01:30 * gundalow waves 18:01:31 <gregdek> # 18:01:33 <gregdek> Grr 18:01:39 <gregdek> #topic roll call 18:01:43 <gregdek> Who's about? 18:02:03 <gundalow> MichaelBaydoun: you there? 18:04:18 * rbergeron is about 18:05:42 <gregdek> OK, anyone have any particular modules to enquire about? 18:05:54 * gregdek waits a bit 18:07:01 <gregdek> OK, if anyone has any modules in particular, they can step in. 18:07:19 <MichaelBaydoun> hello 18:07:22 <rbergeron> i know kei was looking at other things earlier in the networking meeting, not sure if he needed to follow up here but pretty sure he's got it going where he would like 18:07:26 <MichaelBaydoun> late, but here now, representing https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/1868#issuecomment-216855662 18:07:43 <gregdek> #topic extras/1868 18:08:19 <MichaelBaydoun> still needs a second shipit, having the hardest time finding someone to review/test it 18:08:36 <gundalow> I'm happy with it, just needs an extra shipit 18:08:41 <gregdek> Right, and wimnat says "not quite yet" 18:09:17 <MichaelBaydoun> actually he says don't have time to review 18:09:33 <gregdek> We can always choose to make a call. MichaelBaydoun has been persistent, and we've got quite a bit of testing, and we know it's gone through correctness checks. 18:09:40 <MichaelBaydoun> asked me to post output for him showing snake case, which I did 18:09:57 <rbergeron> yeah -- and i think wimnat just asked for squashing and to show something, and i think all that stuff is taken care of 18:10:20 <MichaelBaydoun> do you want me to squash, or can you do it during the merge? 18:10:27 <rbergeron> thaumos might be a little bit more free to review this week - he was in austin with me last week with conference shenanigans, but he may be still travelling 18:10:27 <gregdek> If wimnat gives ok on the output, is that sufficient? Should we even wait for that? 18:10:42 <gregdek> (I think we can now squash at merge time) 18:12:24 <gregdek> I'm inclined to give this one a shipit. I think it's received more eyeballs than most. 18:12:34 <gundalow> gregdek: aye, I'd agree 18:12:51 <rbergeron> i am as well -- I think we can assume lots of good faith here 18:13:16 <gregdek> OK. I'll mark it accordingly. Thanks MichaelBaydoun for your patience. 18:13:24 * MichaelBaydoun smiles as his first modules receives it's second shipit 18:13:27 <rbergeron> if wimnat feels like that was unkosher -- i think we all know each other well enough to have that conversation :) 18:13:29 <gundalow> if wimnat or anyone else comes back with something else then we can just bug fix it 18:13:44 * ryansb bumbles into meeting late 18:13:49 <gundalow> rbergeron: all part of the learning process :) 18:14:12 <rbergeron> MichaelBaydoun: thanks for your persistence :D i'm glad this meeting turned out to be useful for you. 18:14:19 <rbergeron> (and ansible as a whole, ;D) 18:14:36 <gundalow> \o/ 18:14:38 <gundalow> woot 18:14:47 <MichaelBaydoun> thank you all 18:15:10 <gundalow> what's the process for getting it merged? 18:15:18 <gregdek> ok. any other modules anyone want to advocate for in particular, or shall we move on the Big Pile? 18:15:37 <gregdek> gundalow: core team gives it a final review and then merges, ideally within 2 weeks :) 18:15:45 <jtanner> sorry, i'm late 18:15:46 <rbergeron> big pile, looks like :) 18:15:50 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/2151 I added needs_revision, but the bot doesn't seem to have picke dit up 18:15:52 <MichaelBaydoun> big pile 18:16:01 <rbergeron> jtanner and ryansb: welcome :) 18:17:24 <gregdek> How shall we attack the Big Pile this week? Oldest? Newest? Most comments? :) 18:17:46 <gundalow> I don't think there is much value in looking at oldest 18:17:48 <gregdek> (I really need a good way to find "new modules with at least one shipit") 18:18:00 <gundalow> gregdek: oh, that would be cool 18:18:48 <gregdek> Added as a ticket in ansible/community: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/88 18:18:58 <gregdek> In the absence of that, I vote for "most comments". 18:19:03 <gregdek> Which means: 18:19:16 <gregdek> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+label%3Anew_plugin+is%3Apr+sort%3Acomments-desc 18:19:23 <gregdek> Any objection? 18:19:45 <gundalow> sure, so mysql_query first 18:19:50 <jtanner> oh boy, that one again 18:20:17 <gundalow> oh is this the using Ansible to poke data into mysql? 18:20:25 <gregdek> It is! 18:20:30 <bcoca> -100 18:20:34 <gregdek> And iirc, it put us into an existential spin. :) 18:20:43 <gundalow> hey bcoca :) 18:20:52 <gregdek> So perhaps we should just, uh, bypass that one for today? :) 18:20:53 * bcoca waves 18:20:58 <gundalow> or just say NO 18:20:58 <rbergeron> yesplz 18:21:13 <bcoca> i think we hve enough consensus on the 'commiters' side to say 'close and point at galaxy' 18:21:29 <gregdek> gundalow: iirc, we didn't want to say "no" without having a "this is why we're saying no". 18:21:42 <gregdek> Is there something in the guidelines that allows us to say "no because" to this PR? 18:21:43 <gundalow> no because brian said NO 18:21:47 <gregdek> If there is, happy to do it. 18:21:49 <bcoca> ^ we have plenty 'why', not only from committers, but community 18:21:59 <bcoca> in the ticket 18:22:01 <rbergeron> and the "why" documented so nobody else has to go through the same thing again. 18:22:27 <jtanner> funny ... this is exactly how the last discussion went 18:22:29 <rbergeron> i think that would at least make someone who went through the actual work feel like something beneficial that didn't exist to benefit him at least came of it. 18:22:47 * gregdek reads thru the comments to see if there's any actual consensus reflected there that I missed. 18:22:52 <gregdek> If not, gonna skip it :) 18:23:16 <gundalow> "Thank you for this PR, we have discussed this here in the PR, as well as in community meetings a number of times, although this module seems to address a problem you have we don't believe it's within the spirit of what we are trying to do with Ansible (as detailed in the various comments above). If you wish to make this more generally available may we suggest you add it to galaxy.ansible.com" 18:25:00 <gregdek> So. 18:25:03 <gregdek> Lots of discussion. 18:25:09 <gregdek> tima asked for some changes to be made. 18:25:18 <gregdek> nerzhul made those changes in good faith. 18:25:48 <gregdek> But they are still insufficient. 18:26:03 <gundalow> Do we need a grown up to just make a decision 18:26:22 <gregdek> LOL 18:26:23 <jtanner|t420> pretty sure it was made last time 18:26:55 <jtanner|t420> jimic said something along the lines of "this isn't state based, so no" 18:26:58 * gundalow suggest we finish talking about this module in 3 minutes (xx:30) 18:27:22 <gregdek> I'm deferring discussion. 18:27:24 <gundalow> Just because we say no doesn't mean they can't use it 18:27:28 <gregdek> There we are. 18:27:32 <gundalow> gregdek: \o/ 18:27:34 <gundalow> NEXT 18:27:36 <gregdek> Kicking the can down the road for another week or two. 18:27:48 <gregdek> How about 1078? 18:27:54 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/1078 win win robocopy 18:28:27 <jtanner|t420> hah, someone is going to love maintaining that one 18:28:42 <gregdek> The submitter? Since that's the maintainer. :) 18:28:58 <gregdek> #topic extras/1078 18:29:05 <abadger1999> gregdek: +1 bypass for now. 18:29:19 <jtanner|t420> oh, nvm ... it's not actually a synchronize port 18:29:23 * abadger1999 sorry -- hadn't scrolled down to the end of the meetiing yet... ignore me 18:30:04 <gregdek> Thanks abadger1999 :) 18:30:23 <gregdek> So looks like 1078 has been worked to pass guidelines. 18:30:32 <gregdek> And has one works_for_me that I can see... 18:30:46 <bcoca> it IS a syncronize port ... just uses robocopy instead of rsync 18:31:10 <jtanner|t420> it doesn't xfer between machines though 18:32:06 <bcoca> not the same way, but \\machine\folder 'should work' 18:32:07 <gregdek> Is there something fundamentally disqualifying about that? 18:32:16 <bcoca> gregdek: no, just scary 18:32:34 <jtanner|t420> synchronize has been a pita to maintain because connection methods make it extremely complicated 18:32:37 <bcoca> 2 things, a) does not use same transport as ansible to connect so no 'infer from ssh settings issues' 18:32:53 <bcoca> b) we have no privilege escalation on windows (yet) so that is also a non issue 18:33:02 <bcoca> ^ those are the 2 BIG problems with syncronize 18:33:15 <bcoca> which this module does not have (yet) 18:33:21 <gregdek> :) 18:33:45 <bcoca> so no opposition, though it is understandable that people freak out when 'syncronize' is mentioned 18:33:51 <bcoca> or anything 'like it' appears 18:33:55 <gregdek> Yep. 18:34:32 <gregdek> Well, it still needs a second 'shipit', and looks like maybe we should ask one of the commenters to provide it. 18:34:41 <bcoca> nitzmahone ? 18:35:18 <gregdek> Possible. We can ask nitzmahone and previous commenters, and with luck we'll get either a second shipit or a needs_revision from one of them. 18:35:34 <abadger1999> or trond or jhawkesworth if they have time. they've already made some comments. 18:35:34 <gregdek> Make sense? 18:35:43 <gregdek> I'll ping all of 'em. :) 18:35:44 <abadger1999> yeah. 18:36:06 <gregdek> OK. I will do that. One sec. 18:36:59 <gregdek> OK, done, thank! 18:37:01 <gregdek> THanks! 18:37:06 <gregdek> Next up: 18:37:36 <gregdek> 213 fails, I'll look into that later 18:38:07 <gregdek> Looks like 1324 is already in shipit... 18:38:18 <gregdek> #topic extras/1324 18:39:07 <gregdek> Ah, looks like abadger1999 had some comments, and no response yet. 18:39:15 <gregdek> I'll put it back into needs_revision. 18:39:25 <gundalow> missing needs_revision on 1324? 18:39:40 <gundalow> gregdek: :) 18:40:14 <gregdek> Moving on! 18:40:48 <gregdek> 286 breaks and is in pending action, skipping for now... 18:41:01 <gregdek> 1868 we just shipped... 18:41:21 <gregdek> 211 in pending action... 18:41:41 <gregdek> 1502! 18:41:47 <gregdek> #topic extras/1502 18:41:54 <gregdek> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/1502 18:42:28 <gregdek> This one has two recent shipits. 18:42:34 <gregdek> Anything suspect about it? 18:43:01 * gregdek afk bbiab 18:43:54 <gundalow> not one I've looked at before. Looks like it's been well reviewed and sensible code 18:43:55 <MichaelBaydoun> I'm good with it, not sure why the last comment is ready_for_review 18:44:02 <jtanner|t420> seems like the boto connection intialization would be in the utils 18:44:56 <gundalow> jtanner|t420: which functions is that? 18:45:22 <jtanner|t420> ah, boto3_conn is from utils 18:47:11 <gundalow> what should version_added be now, 2.2? 18:47:47 * gregdek is back 18:48:01 <jtanner> gundalow: yes, matches the current changelog version 18:48:03 <MichaelBaydoun> yes, the commit will fail it doesn't say 2.2 18:48:11 <MichaelBaydoun> commit check that is 18:48:26 <gregdek> So ask him to change version and then shipit? 18:48:44 <gundalow> I've added a few (very minor) comments 18:48:53 <gregdek> Or we can just put it in shipit and let core change the version if it's close? 18:49:02 <gregdek> gundalow: are they worth needs_revision? 18:49:49 <gregdek> OK, I'll go ahead and put it in needs_revision with a note that he'll basically get a shipit when these changes are made? 18:49:51 <abadger1999> gregdek: <nod> anytime it's just version_added, make a note and core can change it... (Core just needs to be aware that that is an issue). 18:49:55 <gundalow> will take mmochan < 5 minutes to fix, 18:50:05 <gregdek> If he's making other changes anyway might as well 18:50:33 <gregdek> okeydoke. that's what i'll do then. 18:50:36 <gregdek> One sec. :) 18:50:48 <gundalow> I've added a comment 18:51:00 <MichaelBaydoun> would be cool if the module developer could put a token there, that would get replaced automatically at merge time with the correct value 18:51:11 * jtanner takes notes to update modules_changelog.py to also check version added in the module 18:52:00 <gregdek> MichaelBaydoun: yes, I've asked for that a couple of times :) 18:52:03 <gregdek> OK. 18:52:07 <gregdek> Moving on, 8m left: 18:52:11 <gundalow> ansible-validate-modules (invoked by Travis) should be checking that version_added is there 18:52:24 <gregdek> 555 is in needs_revision/pending_action... 18:52:44 <gregdek> #topic extras/1687 18:52:46 <gregdek> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/1687 18:53:23 <gregdek> Looks like it's had quite recent changes that no one has had time to test. 18:53:29 <gregdek> So a reminder to folks will do here. 18:55:04 <gregdek> #topic extras/1901 18:55:06 <gregdek> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/1901 18:55:23 <gregdek> And this will be the last for today. 18:56:18 <gregdek> Looks like we have one shipit, waiting for a second, and sivel was a -1 originally... so if we can turn that -1 to a +1, we're probably good. 18:56:28 <gregdek> So I've pinged sivel in the PR. 18:56:38 <gregdek> (And also in the channel!) 18:56:51 <gregdek> Progress! Lesson: ignore the sticky ones. :) 18:56:58 <gundalow> \o/ 18:57:03 <gundalow> successful meeting I think :) 18:57:09 <gregdek> ok. 18:57:13 <gundalow> back in 5 for next meeting 18:57:20 <gregdek> Wrapping this one up. We'll start the community one in 5-ish. 18:57:23 <gregdek> #endmeeting