18:06:59 <ryansb> #startmeeting New Modules Meeting 18:06:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 7 18:06:59 2016 UTC. The chair is ryansb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:06:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:06:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'new_modules_meeting' 18:08:52 <ryansb> Anybody around? 18:09:01 <MichaelBaydoun> I am 18:09:11 <ryansb> righto 18:09:11 <linuxdynasty> i am 18:09:40 <linuxdynasty> Have you had the time to look into the aws retry decorator yet? 18:10:02 <ryansb> I have - works with the PR you have out for...whatever that module was 18:10:14 <ryansb> I think Kinesis? 18:10:24 <linuxdynasty> yep and nat module 18:10:43 <linuxdynasty> let me know if you need anything else to be done to that decorator 18:10:59 <linuxdynasty> or is it good to merge and if so I will begin updating aws modules I have written 18:11:04 <linuxdynasty> and than the ones I am using 18:11:21 <ryansb> Let me do the code review part first (I tested but didn't review) 18:11:25 <linuxdynasty> kk 18:11:31 <linuxdynasty> thats it for me 18:11:42 <linuxdynasty> also it has tests with it 18:12:25 <ryansb> Oh, for reference we're discussing https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/17039 18:12:27 <ryansb> #link https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/17039 18:12:56 * gundalow waves 18:16:00 <ryansb> ok, so the agenda doesn't have anything new on it 18:16:11 <ryansb> does anyone have a module they'd like to pitch? 18:17:48 <gundalow> Nothing from me 18:17:56 <MichaelBaydoun> nothing here 18:18:33 <ryansb> I've got https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/2829 out 18:18:41 <ryansb> lambda alias and function 18:24:30 <ryansb> anyone else? 18:24:41 <ryansb> Otherwise going to close this meeting in a minute or two 18:27:04 <ryansb> also https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/2874 18:27:12 <ryansb> (just opened for new lambda_facts module) 18:27:20 <ryansb> alright, that seems like about it 18:27:24 <ryansb> #endmeeting