17:01:02 <heidie> #startmeeting POSSE IRC meeting 2 17:01:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 30 17:01:02 2017 UTC. The chair is heidie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'posse_irc_meeting_2' 17:01:09 <heidie> #chair lorip 17:01:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: heidie lorip 17:01:21 <heidie> Welcome! 17:01:40 <heidie> The agenda for this meeting is here: 17:01:43 <heidie> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_2 17:01:55 <heidie> And lorip and I are chairs. 17:02:07 <heidie> Let's start by doing brief intros. 17:02:17 <lorip> #topic Introductions 17:02:20 <heidie> Let's go alphabetically. camm, are you around? 17:02:41 * heidie notes that I pinged camm who may or may not be paying attention. He "hangs out" on this channel. 17:03:04 <heidie> OK, I'll go next. I'm Heidi Ellis and I'm a member of the foss2serve team and a prof at Western New England University. 17:03:22 * heidie jody_ may be afk 17:03:29 <lorip> I'm Lori Postner - I teach at Nassau Community College in NY and am a member of the foss2serve team 17:03:33 <heidie> And I know that kevin-brown is AFK. 17:03:39 <lorip> what is afk? 17:03:48 <heidie> "Away from keyboard" 17:03:55 <heidie> Sorry, should have explained. 17:03:59 * lorip thinking, I should have known that! 17:04:31 <heidie> :-) 17:04:39 <heidie> quaid, do you want to intro yourself? 17:04:45 <quaid> yes 17:04:54 <quaid> I'm Karsten Wade, I work on RHT's open source and standards (OSAS) team with Tom Callaway and Gina Likins, and have been involved on/off with POSSE and TeachingOpenSource.org since the beginning. I'll be at this POSSE to provide general community expertise/support, and as I'm based nearby (Santa Cruz, CA) will be available ongoing to folks out here in the West getting started with TOS in the classroom/curriculum. 17:05:00 * quaid had that ready to go :) 17:05:02 <quaid> ## 30 ## 17:05:16 <heidie> quaid, We can tell! :-) 17:05:28 <heidie> jody_ can you intro yourself? 17:06:09 <heidie> salexander, would you like to intro yourself? 17:06:22 <salexander> I'm Susan Alexander, Professor at Walla Walla University in Washington. Brand new to POSSE but excited to participate; though playing catchup given hectic time of quarters! 17:06:53 <heidie> salexander, Right, my son is home right now as he goes to Drexel which is also on quarters. 17:07:15 <heidie> So it looks like the only POSSE faculty participants on are salexander and jody_ . 17:07:36 <heidie> And I know that jody_ was on the Tuesday IRC. So salexander, it looks like we can focus on your questions! 17:08:05 <heidie> salexander, Do you have any questions about IRC and how it works? 17:09:03 <salexander> I am scrambling to catch up and determine potential projects. One question that comes to mind... Typically I assume most stick to 1 project per class or do folks sometimes allow students choices of selected projects? 17:09:23 <lorip> salexander - we've seen both approaches 17:09:37 <heidie> And we usually suggest sticking to one project. 17:09:51 <lorip> most people find it easier to have all students on 1 project as it is less of a learning curve 17:09:51 <heidie> It reduces the overhead on instructors to manage multiple courses. 17:10:06 <heidie> But some folks have done it successfully. 17:10:12 <lorip> especially in terms of getting the dev environment up and running 17:10:15 <heidie> By "it" meaning more than one project. 17:10:25 <heidie> +1 ^ 17:10:36 <lorip> but as heidie pointed out - some people have been successful with using multiple projects 17:10:57 <salexander> I'm thinking narrowly defined tasks for one project for a formal class but perhaps open up a choice for upper division or senior projects (advanced students). 17:11:30 <heidie> salexander, Yes, that could be interesting. 17:11:39 <heidie> Are both classes running simultaneously? 17:13:08 <salexander> No, the upper division would be next year. I hope to work a little a lower division (sophomores) class the latter part of this quarter and carry that over into next year. 17:13:23 <heidie> Ah, yes, good plan! 17:13:45 <lorip> so what project(s) sound interesting to you? 17:13:46 <heidie> You might be able to use at least one of the same project. 17:15:31 <salexander> The Sahana project looks interesting because I've got sophomores wanting to use Python and because I've worked research in decision support. OpenMRS looks interesting because of my fairly extensive research in medical monitoring systems and informatics. However it looks fairly established - are they taking contributions? 17:15:46 <heidie> OpenMRS is definitely taking contributions. 17:16:00 <heidie> We've had several POSSE alums have students contribute there. 17:16:10 <salexander> Still looking. Many of the projects are interesting and I'm trying to bridge with interest of students. 17:16:19 <heidie> I started on Sahana in 2006, but I haven't used it recently. 17:16:23 <heidie> Right, yes. I get that :-) 17:17:05 <lorip> I don't know much anything about the dev environment for sahana, but the dev environment for OpenMRS core requires some time to get set up. 17:17:25 <lorip> something to think about depending upon the amount of time you hope to spend this year... 17:17:39 <salexander> My task this weekend is more closely looking at the projects. 17:17:46 <heidie> Good for you! 17:18:27 <lorip> salexander - I know you said you were a bit behind on the activities - is there anything we can help with? 17:18:36 <lorip> any questions you might have at this point regarding them? 17:19:26 <salexander> No, just need to dig in. Has been end of one quarter, beginning of another; some house issues and career opportunities! One more question. 17:19:58 <salexander> Any insights off the top of your head of projects that would be a fairly rapid/straight forward setup for this quarter? 17:20:56 <heidie> One of the biggest issues in projects is setting up the dev environment. 17:20:56 * lorip thinking - camm should be able to get her set up with ushahidi? heidie what's your thought? 17:21:05 <heidie> Yes, that would work. 17:21:37 <lorip> I'd say no to OpenMRS as many people have said it takes a couple of weeks to get set up for the students. 17:22:12 <salexander> In my digging in, I'll definitely look more closely at that one, visit the page. Yes, even though OpenMRS is a natural fit for me - that was my impression, taking quite a lot of set up. 17:22:14 <heidie> Right. 17:22:23 <lorip> but for a longer course getting the environment set up is a great experience for the students 17:22:32 <heidie> Lately we've been looking at the Google Summer of Code projects as possible HFOSS projects. \ 17:23:56 <lorip> heidie - is there anything else we want to cover? 17:24:23 <heidie> salexander, Are there any questions about stage 1? 17:24:32 <heidie> And if not, are there any questions about stage 2? 17:24:43 <salexander> No, don't think so at this time. 17:24:56 <lorip> salexander as you are digging in think about the stage 2 groups and what you might like to sign up for 17:25:09 <lorip> here's a link to the page 17:25:12 <lorip> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage2_Groups 17:25:20 <salexander> Yes, will do. 17:25:34 <heidie> So I think we've covered our agenda. 17:25:35 <lorip> feel free to add sahana to the top if you are interested in that (or another project). 17:25:44 <lorip> I agree 17:25:56 <heidie> salexander, Just to note, I usually hang out in this channel so feel free to pop in and ask any questions that occur. 17:26:01 <lorip> salexander - feel free to ping either of us if you have questions 17:26:10 <salexander> Thanks. 17:26:20 <heidie> And just so you know, Lorip and I are twins! 17:26:22 <heidie> We think alike! 17:26:24 <heidie> :-) 17:26:38 <lorip> :) 17:27:04 <salexander> For real, twins or just think alike twins?! I have for real twin daughters!\ 17:27:05 <lorip> heidie - will you end the meetbot? 17:27:16 <heidie> :-) think-alike twins 17:27:19 <heidie> Cool! 17:27:21 <heidie> How old? 17:27:29 * heidie will end the meetbot 17:27:33 <lorip> identical or fraternal? 17:27:36 <heidie> but not the conversation 17:27:39 <heidie> #endmeeting