14:07:08 <GWH> #startmeeting POSSE Meeting 1 14:07:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue May 1 14:07:08 2018 UTC. The chair is GWH. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:07:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:07:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'posse_meeting_1' 14:07:23 <GWH> #chair kussmaul 14:07:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: GWH kussmaul 14:07:41 <GWH> Hi everyone, welcome to our first IRC meeting for POSSE! :) 14:07:58 <GWH> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_1 contains the agenda for this meeting 14:08:25 <GWH> #topic Introductions 14:08:50 <GWH> Let's begin with introductions. We can proceed in roughly alphabetical order by user name (called a "nick" in IRC) 14:09:03 <GWH> And we can use the #info command to gather a summary of this information. I'll go first to demonstrate 14:09:35 <GWH> #info I'm Greg Hislop and I'm a faculty member at Drexel University in Philadelphia. I'm one of the organizers of POSSE. 14:09:50 <GWH> Farhan? 14:10:07 <Farhan> #info I'm Farhan Siddiqui...faculty at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA 14:10:26 <GWH> glikins may not be online 14:10:44 <GWH> Heidi and joanna are POSSE people... 14:10:51 <GWH> kevin is a student 14:10:53 <kussmaul> #info I'm Clif Kussmaul, I teach at Muhlenberg College (Allentown, PA), POSSE organizer, FOSS & POGIL evangelist :-) 14:11:07 <GWH> LinDeng? 14:11:22 <LinDeng> #info I am Lin Deng, faculty of Towson University, teaching software engineering 14:11:32 <LinDeng> first time join POSSE 14:11:44 <GWH> matt__ 14:11:50 <matt__> # info Hi, Matt Magnusson I'm a lecturer at the University of New Hampshire. Durham, NH. 14:12:06 <GWH> great! I think that's everyone? 14:12:29 <GWH> quaid is likely not online, and zodbot is our meeting bot 14:12:46 <GWH> #topic IRC and Meetbot basics 14:13:17 <GWH> Any questions about IRC and the Meetbot? 14:13:41 <GWH> We find that typically many faculty have not been IRC users prior to starting POSSE 14:14:16 <matt__> This is new to me 14:14:22 <LinDeng> new to me as well 14:14:25 <GWH> Basic IRC use is pretty simple... once you get connected, you can just type and hit enter! 14:14:44 <Farhan> I'm using it for the first time as well 14:14:57 <GWH> if you want to address an individual in the discussion, it helps to lead with their name... 14:15:07 <GWH> for example... 14:15:20 <GWH> kussmaul: how are you today? 14:15:39 <kussmaul> GWH: thankful that this is the last week of classes :-) 14:16:00 <kussmaul> matt_: I look forward to talking more about POGIL sometime 14:16:13 <GWH> the behavior varies by client, but many clients will highlight a post where you are mentioned... and if the IRC client is running but you're not on that window the client may flash the icon or provide some other notification 14:16:40 <matt__> kussmaul: that's be great, I sat in on a class this morning using POGIL. 14:16:50 <kussmaul> ... since many FOSS participants leave chat windows open so they can lurk, even if not paying full attention 14:16:52 <GWH> addressing an individual also just helps everyone understand what prior post you're replying to 14:17:53 <GWH> kussmaul: good point! people who are part of FOSS communities that use IRC tend to have a client running all the time... and just monitor channels that they care about. 14:18:47 <GWH> So, for example, glikins and quaid are both Red Hat people who are interested in teaching about open source, so they keep connected to this channel 14:19:15 <GWH> The other thing happening in this chat is the meetbot... 14:20:01 <GWH> zodbot connects to the channel and then monitors what is going on and responds to commands. All the lines that start with # are meetbot commands... 14:20:35 <stoney> (sorry I'm late... had chair issues to deal with) 14:20:55 <GWH> so when I typed #startmeeting, zodbot caught that and responded, but also started logging this meeting. Commands like #topic and #info are used to create a meeting summary. 14:21:06 <matt__> Is IRC being used in many classroom environments besides HFOSS? Is it easy to set one up for your class. I'm wondering if courses use as an alternative to something like Piazza? 14:21:28 <GWH> after we end the meeting, zodbot will post links to a transcript of the meeting and summaries in plain text and html 14:21:39 <GWH> Hi Stoney! 14:21:46 <stoney> Hi :) 14:21:51 <GWH> Stoney: could you do a #info to introduce yourself? 14:22:20 <stoney> #info Stoney Jackson, Western New England University, POSSE Team member... and sheepishly late 14:22:20 <GWH> We have 3 POSSE participants on and Clif is around too.. 14:22:44 <GWH> OK. thanks! Any other questions about IRC? 14:23:42 <GWH> As a side note, this foss2serve channel is available on freenode, and zodbot is connected all the time. If you want to do a class activity and run a meeting like this with your students, feel free to do so! 14:24:06 <Farhan> Is it possible to undo something written with a meetbot command? 14:24:09 <stoney> matt__ I'm not ignoring your question, but I don't know the answer :) 14:24:52 * stoney looking through meetbot commands 14:25:07 <GWH> matt__ Setting up a channel is easy - you just create a name and start chatting 14:25:35 <stoney> Farhan not that I'm aware of 14:25:38 <GWH> the basic facilities are pretty limited though relative to something like Piazza... 14:26:07 <GWH> you do see FOSS projects using IRC channels as contact points for general support issues though 14:26:11 <stoney> Farhan probably just have to issue another #command to "retract" something for the record 14:26:23 <Farhan> stoney: okay 14:26:35 <GWH> running a channel with a meetbot would be a better combination - but you'd have to host the meetbot yourself 14:27:18 <stoney> matt__ Is it possible to run a meeting in Piazza? 14:27:29 <matt__> I do like the meeting notes functionality. Are there certain applications where this a good fit, like a team meeting. How would it compare to something like slack? 14:27:35 <stoney> I've used Piazza, but never for meetings 14:27:57 <matt__> stoney: I'm not sure that is a good fit for it, It seems like its more topic based q and a 14:28:13 <matt__> plus general annoucements 14:28:26 <GWH> matt__ slack clearly is a next generation tool in some ways, although it's not open source :-) 14:28:27 <stoney> matt__ slack has a permanent history and you can share files through it 14:29:04 <matt__> so unless you are using a meetbot, a record of chat isn't maintained? 14:29:13 <stoney> there is riot.im that is similar to slack and is open source 14:29:29 <stoney> matt__ correct 14:29:32 <GWH> matt__ correct. you need an addition like a meetbot to make IRC persistent 14:29:43 <stoney> when I logged in, I didn't see any history 14:29:55 <matt__> interesting. what's involved in with setting up a meetbot? 14:30:00 <stoney> which can be an advantage 14:30:22 <GWH> it's an open source project... so you can download and install. But you do need a server to run it on 14:30:30 <stoney> do I really want people to know how I behaved 3 years ago... I'm so much more mature now... right? 14:31:10 <GWH> OK... let's move on... 14:31:44 <GWH> #topic HFOSS projects 14:31:44 <GWH> #topic HFOSS projects 14:31:44 <GWH> #topic HFOSS projects 14:31:44 <GWH> #topic HFOSS Projects 14:32:43 <GWH> over the weeks of stage 1, we ask you to be looking at HFOSS projects that your students might work on... 14:33:10 <GWH> it's early in stage 1, but has anyone got questions about HFOSS projects you might be interested in? 14:34:23 <GWH> OK... I'll take that silence to indicate that perhaps you haven't gotten that far in stage 1! :-) 14:34:26 <matt__> Not really any questions, more just trying to target what could be a good fit for class room environment, I'm interested in a couple of topic areas 14:34:33 <GWH> hi lorip! :-) 14:35:11 <lorip> hi! just jumped on to make sure I could connect without chatzilla :) 14:35:32 <GWH> matt__ that's fine. at this point we just want people to be starting to look at projects and think about their class needs. 14:35:53 <GWH> lorip: looks like you were successful! 14:36:08 <GWH> lorip: want to #info to introduce yourself? 14:36:23 <GWH> we have 3 POSSE attendees on the chat 14:37:08 <GWH> #topic stage 1 14:37:36 <GWH> Does anyone have other questions about the POSSE stage 1 materials and exercises you're doing now? 14:38:18 <matt__> #info Matt Magnusson I'm a lecturer at the University of New Hampshire. Durham, NH. 14:38:19 <Farhan> Just to clarify: an HFOSS project should be selected from the list of projects on the HFOSS communities page? 14:39:42 <matt__> No but I think these are good activities, so it sounds like these same ones are meant to be done in classroom? 14:39:51 <lorip> sure - hi everyone, I'm Lori Postner from Nassau Community College in NY, a member of the team that will be running POSSE 14:39:58 <GWH> Farhan: there are multiple answers to that question... 14:40:28 <GWH> We like people to work with one of the HFOSS projects that we list during stage 1 and 2 so that we have groups that can work together 14:40:49 <GWH> that may be the same project or different from one you choose to work on with students in the future 14:41:16 <matt__> has anyone worked/or interested in ed tech projects? I'm interested in the canvas one 14:41:34 <lorip> now that I've interrupted, I'm going to have to sign off - bye :) 14:42:11 <GWH> OK... any other questions? 14:42:24 <kussmaul> matt_: I've done a few things in Moodle, and had a few students do the same 14:42:56 <kussmaul> matt_: I've also had several students work on FOSS for libraries with our librarians - one graduated and now has a FT job doing the same 14:43:31 <LinDeng> I had the same question as Farhan, but it is answered already, thanks! 14:43:31 <GWH> matt__ we've had people look at sugar labs and also blockley, but I'm not sure they've gone very far with that 14:43:47 <matt__> kussmaul: that's great to hear, also moodle looks interesting 14:44:07 <matt__> GWH: I'm not clear on what sugar is/does? I didn't quite follow from the site 14:44:41 <GWH> sugar is the software that provided the platform for the One Laptop per Child project... 14:45:19 <GWH> OLPC has faded, but the Sugar platform can be used on most computers 14:46:51 <GWH> I'm going to end this meeting... when I do so, be sure to note the zodbot reply and check out the links provided in fact, I'll make that part of our meeting summary... 14:47:04 <GWH> #action check out the links from zodbot after the meeting ends 14:47:35 <GWH> you'll see that action in the meeting summary... you can also collect links and other meeting decisions for the summary 14:47:49 <GWH> thanks everyone for stopping by! 14:47:55 <Farhan> Thank you! 14:48:01 <matt__> thanks 14:48:08 <stoney> thanks GWH ! 14:48:13 <GWH> #endmeeting