19:00:55 <darci> #startmeeting POSSE Meeting 1 19:00:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 3 19:00:55 2018 UTC. 19:00:55 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 19:00:55 <zodbot> The chair is darci. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'posse_meeting_1' 19:01:15 <darci> #chair lorip 19:01:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: darci lorip 19:01:25 * glikins[m] is gina (of Red Hat) 19:01:37 <darci> You can have more than more chair, so lorip will be helping out! 19:01:47 <darci> Hi everyone, welcome to our first IRC meeting for POSSE! :) 19:01:53 * glikins[m] will be in and out as I'm in another meeting 19:02:04 <darci> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_1 contains the agenda for this meeting 19:02:18 <darci> #topic Introductions 19:02:38 <darci> Let's begin with introductions. We can proceed in roughly alphabetical order by user name (called a "nick" in IRC) And we can use the #info command to gather a summary of this information. I'll go first to demonstrate 19:02:50 <darci> #info I'm Darci Burdge and I'm a faculty member at Nassau Community College in Long Island New York. I'm one of the organizers of POSSE. 19:03:14 <darci> Please use the #info tag...ajan you are up! 19:04:09 <lorip> I don't think ajan is with us... let's move on to aroca 19:04:12 <darci> Maybe ajan is away, aroca? 19:04:15 <darci> :) 19:04:20 <bkim> #info I'm Bo Kim, a profesor and the chair of the CS dept at Southern New Hampshire University. 19:04:30 <aroca> #info aroca = Alberto Roca, ExecDir of DiverseScholar & independent bioinformatics researcher 19:05:30 <lorip> denise, I think you are next 19:05:44 <Denise> #info I'm Denise Fermented and I am a faculty member in Computer Science at LeMonye-Owen College 19:05:47 <glikins[m]> good to see you again aroma! 19:06:02 <glikins[m]> s/aroca/aroma 19:06:02 <Denise> Sorry spell check 19:06:14 <Denise> My last name is Ferebee 19:06:30 <darci> :) 19:06:39 <darci> spell check !%$&%# 19:06:44 <Guest68477> #info I'm Mike Franklin and I am a faculty member at Kennesaw State University, Marietta Campus in Marietta, GA (Atlanta, GA). 19:06:49 <lorip> I was thinking autocorrect! 19:07:14 <Denise> Yeah.... :( 19:07:16 <lorip> or actually auto-not-correct :) 19:07:35 <aroca> this is already more entertaining than a typical audio conference call (or YT Google+ hangout w/typical initial tech probs 19:07:48 <darci> glikins? 19:08:13 <darci> or HShahria? 19:08:13 * glikins[m] is gliki 19:08:26 <glikins[m]> #info /me is gina of Red Hat 19:08:28 <glikins[m]> (sigh) 19:08:47 <darci> So glad you could join us! 19:08:49 <HShahria> #info hshahria = Hossain Shahriar, Associate Professor, Information Technology at Kennesaw State University 19:09:06 <JGFoster> James Foster has joined chat.freenode.com which at least connected; the instructions said to connect to webchat.freenode.com. Am I in the right place for the IRC Meeting #1 for the POSSE? 19:09:08 <glikins[m]> darci: will be in and out 19:09:11 <Guest68477> Hossain - good to see you! 19:09:37 <lorip> yes, James you are in the right place - welcome! 19:09:43 <darci> JGFoster: we are doing introductions 19:10:20 <JGFoster> I'm James Foster, an old programmer (60 yrs) but new to teaching (since January). 19:10:31 <lorip> what school are you teaching at? 19:11:30 <JGFoster> I am at Walla Walla University, a faith-based liberal arts and sciences school with about 2000 students (mostly undergraduates). 19:11:39 <HShahria> Mike, good to see you. 19:11:46 <lorip> am I up next? joannakl, kevin-brown or kussmaul1 available? 19:12:05 <kussmaul1> #info Clif Kussmaul - I teach CS at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA. I'm on the POSSE team, and I'm also very involved in POGIL (process oriented guided inquiry learning). 19:12:37 <lorip> #info Hi! I'm Lori Postner from Nassau Community College in NY. I'm also an organizer of POSSE. 19:12:38 <darci> Is there anyone else? 19:13:06 <lorip> wei_? 19:13:17 <darci> Might be away... 19:13:32 <Wei_> #info I'm Wei Jin from Dept of Information Technology at Georgia Gwinnett College in Lawrenceville, GA 19:13:32 <darci> Okay, again welcome! 19:13:43 <MikeFranklin777> #info I'm Mike Franklin and I am a faculty member at Kennesaw State University, Marietta Campus in Marietta, GA (Atlanta, GA). 19:13:44 <darci> Hello! 19:13:55 <MikeFranklin777> Posted again since I sorted out my nickname... 19:13:58 <Wei_> I participated in CSPOGIL last year. 19:14:02 <lorip> Did we miss anyone? 19:15:00 <darci> I'm going to change the topic 19:15:01 <darci> #topic IRC and Meetbot basics 19:15:34 <lorip> hey darci - did we post the agenda? 19:15:40 <darci> A primary goal for today is to become familiar with IRC, perhaps you already are? 19:15:53 <darci> Yes, the link is at the beginning 19:15:59 <glikins[m]> #info you can use /me and most clients will sub your name, like 19:16:06 * glikins[m] is distracted 19:16:19 <lorip> thanks - I missed it - just in case anyone joined late 19:16:22 <lorip> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_1 19:16:35 <kussmaul1> Wei_: good to cross paths with you again! 19:16:57 <darci> Thanks glikins! Yes, /me is always fun! 19:16:58 <lorip> how many people are familiar with IRC? 19:17:11 <Denise> I am 19:17:47 <bkim> I am not.. 19:17:58 <Wei_> kussmaul1 The same here! 19:18:01 * MikeFranklin777 is not... 19:18:37 <lorip> sounds like many people may be new to IRC - it is a tool that is often used in open source projects 19:18:49 <aroca> hv not used IRC since grad school in 90s along w/Gopher... 19:19:06 <lorip> ah Gopher - I remember that! 19:19:07 <glikins[m]> ROTFLOL! yeah, I hadn't either until I started at Red Hat 19:19:43 <Denise> Have not used it since the 90's either 19:19:52 <JGFoster> I'm new to IRC and am struggling! 19:20:08 <glikins[m]> and Archie too 19:20:19 <darci> Probably most important for us is the use the the meetbot commands such as #info, #link, etc. 19:20:46 <darci> They help to organize the key points of the meeting 19:21:04 <glikins[m]> #info one thing that's interesting to me is why FOSS projects use IRC 19:21:42 <lorip> glikins - can you give us a quick overview of that? 19:21:46 <darci> glikins[m]: yes, do tell 19:22:03 <glikins[m]> #info which has to do with (a) lowest common denominator (b) always works (bandwidth not an issue) and c) not locked in: communities can control their own data 19:22:29 <JGFoster> It seems to me that IRC is more real-time but open-source projects I've worked on do fine with email and discussions in GitHub issues and related areas. 19:22:44 <glikins[m]> #info which, given the choices that Slack, for instance, has recently made (closing their IRC bridge) is important 19:23:31 <glikins[m]> JGFoster: a lot of it depends on the size of the project. There's a critical mass necessary to have an IRC channel be really useful... too small and ppl aren't online 19:23:34 <lorip> what's nice about IRC is that you can hang out in a channel and know when someone is pinging you to get your attention - you don't have to necessarily pay attention 19:24:26 <glikins[m]> #info All the big projects I know have at least one real-time channel like IRC, Slack or Gitter 19:24:28 <darci> yes, and it is often a good place to get answers to questions 19:24:32 <JGFoster> One thing I notice is that when I log in I don't see any history. Is that a charastic of my client or of IRC in general? If it is part of IRC it seems to be less useful than typical alternatives. 19:24:55 <glikins[m]> cough yep. that's IRC. 19:25:05 <glikins[m]> you can set logging up in your client (prolly) 19:25:09 <darci> JGFoster: links to the logs and the minutes will be posted so that you can view the entire meeting at any time 19:25:16 <lorip> we are using a meetbot so our meeting is logged, but if you aren't using one then there isn't a history 19:25:40 <glikins[m]> and it's (a) kept locally and (b) only available for times you're online unless you're using a bouncer 19:25:47 * lorip thinking do people want a few minutes to play around with some of the commands like nick, me, away, back, etc? 19:26:41 <glikins[m]> #info logging can also be enabled by a bot (like zodbot which is what we use) -- but that's done on a per-channel basis 19:27:39 <darci> I'm using a new client, just wondering how it marks clients as being away 19:27:56 <glikins[m]> JGFoster: another weird thing about IRC is nicks aren't permanent unless you register them in the "universe" you're in (like free node) 19:28:21 <lorip> I'm using a new client too - I had been using chatzilla in firefox but it isn't a plug in in the latest version 19:28:23 <glikins[m]> I see "offline for 4seconds" under your name 19:28:43 <lorip> under whose name? 19:29:04 <JGFoster> Interesting. I do see a line across the scrolled text. I suppose that means that I might have missed something. 19:29:33 <glikins[m]> Darci's -- she marked herself away to test it, I'm guessing 19:29:49 <darci> I'm back now, I think :) 19:29:57 <glikins[m]> which client are you using JGFoster ? 19:30:08 <lorip> you are back - I'm not sure I could tell you were aay 19:30:17 <lorip> oops - away not *aay* 19:30:28 <JGFoster> mIRC on Windows. I tried to get a macOS client to work but had more trouble. 19:30:46 <darci> I see the line too, and don't recall seeing it in the past. 19:31:13 <kussmaul1> I use pidgin, a "universal chat client", and once had a student write a pidgin plugin to use a speech synthesizer 19:31:15 <darci> I'm using a web-based client, webchat 19:31:47 <darci> I have pidgin installed on my laptop. Do you recommend? 19:31:53 <glikins[m]> JGFoster: You may want to check out Colloquy on Mac 19:31:53 <lorip> I'm using webchat.freenode.net 19:31:58 <darci> I miss chatzilla! 19:32:13 <HShahria> I am using kiwiirc 19:32:17 <lorip> shall we move on? 19:32:26 <HShahria> I fuond it is easy to access to IRC by pluggin server and channel info 19:32:45 <glikins[m]> I never fell in love with Pidgin but it was better than XChat which was the default on my team 19:32:48 <HShahria> however, I found hexanode not very obvious to connect to a channel 19:33:37 <darci> I tried XChat yesterday and didn't care for it either 19:33:40 <glikins[m]> Colloquy and Pidgin both bridge to other chat networks too, like Gchat which is nice 19:33:58 <glikins[m]> and YIM, if anyone still uses that 19:34:53 <darci> Any other questions/thoughts before we move on to the next topic? 19:34:58 <bkim> \me using webchat. should i install alternative? 19:36:27 <darci> I think it depends on your needs...this is really a personal decision 19:36:34 <lorip> bkim if it is working for you no need to change 19:36:46 <bkim> okay- thanks. 19:37:04 <HShahria> darci, could you explain whether meetbot process automatically all # type info? 19:37:05 <darci> Okay, on to the next topic 19:37:15 <darci> sure! 19:37:49 <HShahria> given that I have chat log from IRC, how to generate summary using # 19:38:17 <darci> If I understand correctly...there are certain #commands that are picked up by the meetbot 19:38:26 <lorip> I'm not sure I totally understand the question, but when you end the meeting the log is automatically generated 19:38:30 <glikins[m]> yes, that's right 19:38:37 <HShahria> so, was this generated manually or using meetbot, http://foss2serve.org/images/foss2serve/4/43/MousetrapBot2013-03-01.pdf 19:38:46 <glikins[m]> HShahria: the logging is done at the meetbot server 19:38:58 <darci> Using meetbot 19:39:00 <glikins[m]> (I think zodbot is hosted by Fedora community) 19:39:18 <lorip> glikins - I think you are right 19:39:27 <glikins[m]> you can't generate the results from your local chat logs unless you had a bot to do it 19:39:50 <darci> We will post links to the logs/minutes on foss2serve 19:40:15 <glikins[m]> that said, a script that grep'd for things that started with a # wouldn't be all that hard to write and could then be run locally 19:40:52 <HShahria> fair enough info, thanks all 19:41:03 <darci> #link https://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot here's list of meetbot commands 19:41:15 <HShahria> sorry I interrupted darci to move to next topic 19:41:53 <darci> Sure, just wanted to make sure all questions were answered. 19:41:55 <darci> #topic HFOSS projects 19:42:27 <darci> During the upcoming weeks, you will be introduced to some of the HFOSS projects we have worked with 19:42:44 <darci> and you will be asked to think about which one you might be interested in. 19:43:01 * darci searching for the link to projects 19:43:02 <glikins[m]> HShahria: (BTW, unsurprisingly, at least one script that does that already exists: https://dev.w3.org/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm) 19:43:30 <darci> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/HFOSS_Communities 19:44:16 <darci> This page contains some information and our interests are always growing/changing 19:44:43 <lorip> we will probably add openfoodfact to this list 19:44:45 <lorip> #link https://world.openfoodfacts.org/ 19:45:15 <darci> We have recently starting thinking about developing an open source project that could be used by food pantries on college campuses 19:45:46 <darci> Open Food Facts could likely be part of that effort 19:46:45 <darci> Has anyone had students involved in a FOSS project? 19:47:27 <JGFoster> One of my current courses has an assignment to contribute to an open-source project. 19:47:45 <darci> Awesome! 19:48:03 <darci> What type of contribution are you expecting? 19:48:30 <MikeFranklin777> I have a few students doing some open source coding on game engines, assets, etc. 19:48:47 <JGFoster> I expect contributions related to documentation at best; maybe contribute bug reports about installation problems. 19:49:13 <darci> That is also very cool! 19:49:35 <HShahria> well, I have used open source project in health IT course this spring 19:49:50 <Denise> I will need to go and give a final exam soon... 19:49:59 <darci> So, the point here is to ask you to start thinking about this; no decisions must be made at this point. 19:50:00 <HShahria> it was using OpenMRS, installing and then figuring out needed functionalities to improve the clinical workflow process 19:50:09 <aroca> #info at our 1st EquitableTech.org #EqTech17 workshop, we introduced TxStateU CompSci students 2 I’m noob so want 2 explore that db project 19:50:56 <darci> Denise: that is fine, no worries! 19:51:02 <aroca> #info at our 1st #link EquitableTech.org #EqTech17 workshop, we introduced TxStateU CompSci students 2 _OpenMRS_. I’m noob so want 2 explore that db project 19:52:32 <bkim> not yet for us, but hopefully in near future 19:52:49 <darci> OpenMRS is a pretty big project....it can seem pretty intimidating at first! 19:53:21 <darci> So, we are getting close to the hour mark... 19:53:35 <darci> does anyone have any questions about the activities, or anything else? 19:53:58 <darci> Also, please remember to provide short comments on the stage 1 activities by logging your progress. 19:54:16 <darci> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hG45B8aK4A7JaSDx4PE3UvXQNMw6Ph-iE53YqvMOrWQ/edit#gid=0 page for logging Stage 1 comments 19:55:18 <darci> These comments can also be suggestions for improvement...they are always appreciated. 19:56:07 <aroca> #info: re: #EqTech17 & OpenMRS, recognize magnitude of goal. Will be partnering w/ TSU CompSci dept's db & medical informatics faculty. They're interested in real-world projects 19:56:11 <MikeFranklin777> Thanks for the introductions and information.... 19:56:38 <darci> Okay, I'm going to end the meeting, if anyone has questions, I'll stick around for a bit. 19:56:50 <darci> Thank you all for coming! 19:57:24 <darci> #endmeeting