14:04:38 <darci> #startmeeting POSSE Meeting 3 14:04:38 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Nov 3 14:04:38 2017 UTC. The chair is darci. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:04:38 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:04:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'posse_meeting_3' 14:04:54 <darci> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_3 contains the agenda for this meeting 14:05:35 <darci> We have a fairly short agenda...it will mostly depend on how many questions you all have! 14:05:51 <darci> First, let's do introductions... 14:05:53 <darci> #topic Roll Call 14:06:01 <darci> Please reply with a #info your name, your institution. For example: 14:06:09 <darci> Darci Burdge, Nassau Community College 14:06:25 <hongjiang> #info Hong Jiang, Benedict College 14:06:30 <howard> #info Howard Francis, University of Pikeville 14:06:40 <bburd> #info Barry Burd, Drew University 14:07:20 <darci> It's always hard to tell who is here and who isn't...anyone else? 14:07:38 <darci> Hello LB! We are doing introductions... 14:07:47 <LB> Good morning! 14:07:52 <darci> Name and institution 14:07:53 <jody_> #info Jody Paul, Metropolitan State University of Denver 14:08:18 <LB> #info Lina Battestilli North Carolina State university 14:08:42 <darci> Welcome all! 14:08:55 <darci> For those who have just joined, here is a link to the agenda. 14:09:06 <darci> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_3 14:09:33 <darci> Moving on to the next agenda item... 14:09:35 <darci> #topic Progress on Stage 1 Activities 14:09:49 <darci> We would like to know how things are going. 14:10:01 <darci> Any questions, issues regarding stage 1 activities? 14:10:56 <darci> This is a really busy time and I'm sure you're having trouble finding time to work on this.. :) 14:11:32 <hongjiang> I’m still at stage 1B, and try to catch up. 14:11:33 <bburd> Generally doing okay with them. 14:11:55 <LB> I am almost finished with PartB ... started looking at PartC 14:11:58 <bburd> Some of the material will stick in my mind; some won’t. 14:12:14 <howard> I liked some of the videos on copyrights and licensing related to open course 14:12:37 <darci> There are a few sections that will be important for the face to face workshop (stage 2). 14:12:49 <LB> I need to look more closely at the courses-specific activities 14:12:52 <darci> In particular, activities B.4 and C.3 14:13:03 <hongjiang> I didn’t see “Graphs” on Gitbub 14:13:11 <darci> Yes, LB...those are the ones I just mentioned. 14:13:39 <LB> :) yep ... I will look more closely at those before the face to face next week 14:13:57 * darci looking for the graphs on github 14:14:05 <LB> Are there best practices on how to use this in a Senior Design (Capstone) course 14:14:52 <darci> hongjiang: you can click the insights tab (to the right of the <>Code tab) 14:14:56 <hongjiang> I guess “Graphs” means “Insights”, right? 14:15:11 <darci> Hi Stoney, welcome! 14:15:23 <stoney> hi darci ! 14:15:29 <darci> We are just talking about the stage 1 activities that are important for stage 2. 14:15:32 <stoney> sorry I'm late... got distracted 14:15:36 <stoney> ok... :) 14:15:39 <darci> No worries! 14:16:20 <darci> LB: There are a lot of approaches to using this in a Senior Design (Capstone) course. Maybe Stoney can respond better to that? 14:16:40 <stoney> sure 14:16:56 <darci> We will also have former POSSE attendees who have done this speak at the workshop. They have all done wonderful things. 14:16:56 <stoney> I ran a prototype of a project-based capstone course 14:17:10 <stoney> we used scrum to drive the course 14:17:23 <stoney> and we worked on GNOMEs MouseTrap 14:18:26 <stoney> I'd be happy to share more if folks are interested, or if someone has a question 14:18:32 <LB> Usually in the beginning of the course we tell the students the basic requirements ... or things they need to complete by the end of the semester. I feel that this might be harder with these open source projects with lots of contributors 14:19:18 <stoney> LB yes assessing students is something I had do consider 14:19:46 <stoney> The course had 3 objectives: teamwork, learning something new, and applying something old 14:19:51 <darci> Yes, harder in this environment. What students complete is likely to vary. 14:19:55 <stoney> (I know these aren't stated as objectives" 14:20:30 <stoney> Then students collected publicly available artifacts that they either authored or coauthored 14:20:34 <darci> It is harder to say that a commit must be accepted by the project, but better to work on process. 14:20:39 <stoney> so a portfolio 14:20:48 <stoney> then I graded them on that 14:21:25 <stoney> as darci says, it's better to grade on process 14:21:32 <LB> stoney was your course for senior students? 14:21:48 <stoney> the public artifacts I graded on was things like blog posts, discussions on open tickets, etc. 14:21:50 <stoney> no 14:22:03 <stoney> but it had juniors and seniors 14:22:07 <stoney> it was a special topics course 14:22:31 <jody_> We also have gotten significant feedback from our clients to help with assessment. Our previous Senior Experience courses have always worked with in-person clients/customers, which provided the opportunity for a lot of Requirements Engineering activities and significant experience with negotiating agreements. 14:23:05 <stoney> after this trial run, we added the capstone for our CS majors (seniors), it will be first officially offered in Spring 2019 14:23:24 <stoney> jody_ clients are a good thing :) 14:23:40 <stoney> jody_ they are a little harder to come by in most open source projects 14:24:43 <darci> These kinds of conversations are a focus at the face to face workshop. 14:24:43 <LB> Ok thank you stoney ... my focus during/after the workshop is to try to find how we can apply that to our core capstone course 14:25:11 <stoney> LB awesome... it's a good fit for HFOSS :) 14:25:14 <darci> There's quite a bit of time set aside to work in small groups and have these discussions. 14:25:23 <LB> OK thank you 14:26:01 <darci> This is, in part, why it is really helpful if you have completed B.4 and C.3 14:26:29 <darci> Other questions? 14:26:57 <darci> Okay, I'll move on to the next agenda item... 14:26:59 <darci> #topic Stage 2 Group Sign-up 14:27:15 <darci> Has everyone signed up for a project and a course? 14:27:23 <darci> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage2_Groups to sign up 14:27:48 <bburd> I signed up. 14:27:56 <darci> Great! 14:28:19 <jody_> Yes. 14:28:52 * howard has signed up 14:28:52 <darci> This helps to determine interest and how we might split into groups. We will look at this and your responses to B.4 and C.3 as we make final plans for the workshop. 14:29:03 <hongjiang> Signed up 14:29:03 <stoney> I like the "first choice", "second choice" thing 14:29:17 <LB> I signed up at the top .. but see there are more groups toward the bottom of the page. I will add my name there too 14:29:25 <hongjiang> May I sign up 2 for the course session? 14:29:40 <darci> stoney: yes, me too! 14:29:58 <darci> hongjiang: yes, absolutely! 14:30:14 <hongjiang> Thanks 14:31:06 <darci> :) 14:31:41 <darci> If there aren't other questions, then I'll move on... 14:31:50 <darci> #topic Good of the Order - Travel Questions 14:32:14 <darci> #info Everyone should log their travel information -- There is a Google sheet in the 'POSSE 2017-11 Participants' folder on Google drive 14:32:25 <darci> #link https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2rMbpfK2ojuU0pNOEFBWjhSWms 14:32:50 <LB> For the local Raleigh people ... can we get parking info/passes? I thought it was on Centennial campus at NCSU but saw that the meetings are actually downtown. 14:33:00 <darci> I know that at least one person was having trouble editing the sheet yesterday, so let us know if you have trouble. 14:33:26 <darci> LB: There was parking info in the email the Greg Hislop sent out earlier this week. 14:33:28 <darci> You 14:33:43 <darci> Ooops...You'll pay and then be reimbursed. 14:33:52 <LB> Ok thank you 14:35:24 <darci> It is helpful for those who are arriving at the same time to carpool. 14:35:44 <howard> I'm driving in, but don't know when we'll be arriving, but i'm willing to take a couple of ppl to the airport on saturday (indicated that on the spreadsheet) 14:35:51 <darci> I was just looking and am happy to see that someone is coming in around the same time as I am. 14:36:01 <darci> Thanks howard! That will be helpful! 14:36:08 <hongjiang> I’ll rent a car about 4 hours driving. 14:36:52 <darci> One last thing... 14:36:57 <howard> for driving, should we keep receipts for gas, or keep track of mileage? 14:37:22 <darci> howard: mileage 14:37:37 <darci> You'll be reimbursed at the government rate. 14:37:43 <hongjiang> I didn’t see the travel file in the folder 14:37:43 <stoney> howard print a google maps route 14:38:28 <howard> ok, thanks 14:38:40 <darci> #info Everyone should arrive in Raleigh with Git installed on their laptop and have completed C.2 14:39:12 <darci> We will be doing a git activity on the first day... 14:39:33 <hongjiang> ok, thanks 14:39:34 <stoney> yeah git! 14:39:38 <darci> :) 14:40:02 <darci> Okay, that's all I have...last call for questions. 14:40:18 <bburd> None from me. 14:40:26 <LB> See you all next week! 14:40:35 <darci> Looking forward to meeting you all! 14:40:37 <hongjiang> Can you share the travel information sheet link again? 14:40:55 <darci> Yep! 14:41:09 <darci> #link https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2rMbpfK2ojuU0pNOEFBWjhSWms 14:41:43 <jody_> Two weeks! 14:41:48 <hongjiang> Got it now, thanks. 14:42:11 <hongjiang> Yes. See you all in 2 weeks. :) 14:42:22 <bburd> ok 14:42:22 <darci> Thank you everyone! I'll stick around for a bit (another meeting at 11:00) in case there are other questions. 14:42:29 <darci> Bye all! 14:42:31 <darci> #endmeeting