20:01:18 <heidie> #startmeeting POSSE Meeting 3 20:01:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 14 20:01:18 2019 UTC. 20:01:18 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 20:01:18 <zodbot> The chair is heidie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:01:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'posse_meeting_3' 20:01:34 <heidie> #chair lorip 20:01:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: heidie lorip 20:01:37 <heidie> Welcome all! 20:01:57 <heidie> Hi everyone, time to start our POSSE meeting! 20:02:00 * chbrooks waves hello 20:02:08 <heidie> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_3 contains the agenda for this meeting 20:02:14 <fmaiorana> Glad to be part 20:02:23 <heidie> Glad to "see" everyone! 20:02:27 <heidie> #topic Roll Call 20:02:32 <kthurston> heidi: hello 20:02:48 <heidie> Please reply with a #info your name, your institution. For example: 20:03:01 <heidie> #link Heidi Ellis, Western New England University 20:03:03 <heidie> kthurston, Hi! 20:03:07 <kthurston> #info Karen Thursotn, North Idaho College 20:03:14 <ylong> #info Yuan Long, Georgia State University 20:03:21 <michelem> #info Michele McColgan, Siena College 20:03:22 <lorip> heidie - isn't it #Info, not #link? 20:03:23 <chbrooks> #info Chris Brooks, University of San Francisco 20:03:28 <dletarte> #info Dominic Letarte, Temple University 20:03:31 <DanielaI> #info Daniela Inclezan, Miami University 20:03:33 * heidie notes that kthurston correctly uses #info instead of #link 20:03:36 <heidie> :-) yup 20:03:38 <lorip> #info Hi All! I'm Lori Postner from Nassau Community College. I'm one of the POSSE organizers. 20:04:18 <fmaiorana> #info Francesco Maiorana, University of Catania, mooving next fall 20:04:40 <lorip> fmaiorana - do you know where you are moving to? 20:04:47 <fmaiorana> KSU 20:04:58 <heidie> fmaiorana, Cool! 20:05:09 <heidie> OK, I think we're ready for the next topic. 20:05:11 <lorip> that's great! 20:05:17 <heidie> #topic Progress on Stage 1 Activities 20:05:34 <heidie> Are there any questions or problems on stage 1? 20:06:10 <kthurston> heidie: Just that I had to catch up and have not updated the activity spreadsheet yet. Will be done later today. 20:06:22 <heidie> kthurston, That would be super! 20:07:01 <fmaiorana> I will update the activity spreedsheet too 20:07:24 <heidie> Great 20:07:27 <lorip> anything people want to comment on? things they thought were helpful, interesting, confusing, etc.? 20:07:43 <heidie> The goal is to complete all activities by the time you show up in Phila. 20:08:04 <heidie> Including having git installed on your machine. 20:08:23 <lorip> and a github account! 20:08:37 <michelem> Does the project we pick have to be one of the three HFOSS projects listed? Is it the organizers preference for us to stick with those three? 20:08:38 <heidie> Right! 20:09:08 <heidie> michelem, We have found it helpful to have more than one faculty member on a project so that there is someone to ask questions to. 20:09:36 <heidie> michelem, but we don't dictate that you must and people frequently change projects as they learn more. 20:09:36 <lorip> michelem - for the purpose of the workshop we like to stick to a few projects, but we are always open to having faculty use other projects and us learning about them 20:09:46 <heidie> ^^^ :-) 20:09:52 <lorip> michelem - did you have a specific project in mind? 20:10:43 <michelem> If I have to pick between the three, I’d probably pick the data project (I think it was the middle one). If I can pick my own, I’d like to develop activities around documentation for Sugar as we hope to use that in our informal STEM program. 20:10:46 <kthurston> heidie: Regarding any troubles/problems, I found it was the most difficult to find roadmap/release schedule information and even historical information about both Sugar Labs and Sahara Eden. Wikipedia.org filled in the history. 20:11:23 <heidie> kthurston, Yup, that is part of the learning. Many projects don't give you any good idea of where they're headed. 20:11:37 <lorip> kthurston: right, not all projects have roadmaps and some do but they aren't easy to find 20:11:59 <lorip> okay - heidie, you are a few strokes fasting at typing than I am! :) 20:12:18 <heidie> :-) 20:13:11 <lorip> the other thing to note is that some projects put stuff on their outwarding facing site, often geared at clients while others put stuff with their code repos 20:13:58 <fmaiorana> Is there the possibility to participate in the workshop activities remotely? 20:14:17 <lorip> michelem - I believe we have some colleagues who have been involved with sugar labs that we can put you in contact with 20:14:21 <kthurston> Thank you heidie and lorip! 20:14:44 <heidie> fmaiorana, WE've found it difficult to do this in the past. 20:14:58 <fmaiorana> OK. Thanks 20:15:11 <lorip> fmaiorana: we don't have a good way to support remote participation, but we will be having future POSSEs that you could participate in the face to face part once you are at a US school 20:15:29 <fmaiorana> I know, it will be for the next one 20:15:38 <heidie> Sure! 20:16:35 <michelem> I met Walter Bender at an open source conference and I’ve communicated with him a bit. I’m hoping to develop my ideas for students to adapt Sugar for our FLOSS Desktop for Kids program and share it with other FLOSS Desktop programs. So, I’d love to meet some others who worked on Sugar. 20:17:20 <lorip> heidie - has Wes done work with Sugar? anyone else you can think of? 20:17:42 <lorip> michelem - if we can't recall who has worked with SugarLabs this would be a great question to post on TOS 20:17:43 <michelem> Wes and I are planning to meet up as he’s 10 minutes away. 20:17:47 <heidie> It is Steve Jacobs 20:17:49 <heidie> From RIT 20:18:15 <michelem> I’ve emailed with him, too. Steve is going to “give” me one of his students to help us in the fall. 20:18:31 <lorip> michelem - that's great! 20:18:42 <michelem> Yeah, I’m excited! 20:19:58 * lorip thinking time to move on? 20:20:04 <heidie> Yup 20:21:32 <lorip> #topic Stage 1 Activities on Planning for HFOSS in Courses 20:21:44 <lorip> This is about activities B.4 and C.3 20:22:08 * heidie is glad that lorip is on top of things! 20:22:19 <heidie> Have people thought about which course might be your target for applying HFOSS? 20:22:26 <heidie> What courses are you thinking about? 20:22:51 <DanielaI> Capstone design project 20:22:52 <michelem> We filled this in somewhere, right? What’s the website? 20:23:14 <ylong> I am thinking about an entry level course. 20:23:16 <kthurston> I am thinking about my CS2 course, or possibly my operating systems software course 20:23:24 <chbrooks> We have a course called Computers and Society that I've taught. It's also a community-engaged learning course, so it should be interesting. 20:23:33 <lorip> michelem - are you asking about the group page for stage 2? 20:23:49 <lorip> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage2_Groups 20:23:52 <kthurston> I am also thinking about CS1 at a more introductory level (gaining familiarity with the FLOSS environments) 20:24:06 <michelem> Thanks, that’s it. 20:24:18 <lorip> chbrooks - is this a non-majors course? 20:24:22 <heidie> chbrooks, 20:24:24 <heidie> Cool! 20:24:33 <fmaiorana> CS1/CS2 courses 20:24:48 <heidie> Ah, sounds like we have a number of folks interested in intro courses. 20:25:00 <lorip> we've had faculty do a general openness course as well as freshman seminars - I don't know if either of those might align 20:25:14 <dletarte> "Software design" for me. It's a prereq class for capstone and involve doing three projects of four to five weeks. 20:25:18 <michelem> Intro for me. Most of my students are physics majors with some coding experience. Most don’t use java. 20:25:21 <chbrooks> no - it's for CS majors. Minors sometimes take it too. It used to be a standard CS ethics course, but I've revamped it to be more about things like open source and the digital divide 20:25:43 <heidie> dletarte, Yup, we've had folks do that kind of course as well. 20:25:59 <kthurston> I consider the open source repositories as good sources for example code to get students familiar with coding constructs and styles (read before you write concept) 20:26:00 <lorip> chbrooks - sounds cool! 20:26:07 <chbrooks> thanks! 20:26:20 <heidie> Note that there are instances of several different kinds of courses here: 20:26:22 <heidie> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Category:Courses 20:26:30 <lorip> kthurston - we have some activities that do this - what language do you use? 20:26:59 <kthurston> C++ for CS1/CS2, a variety for Operating Systems and language courses 20:27:24 <kthurston> "language theory/concepts courses 20:27:33 <fmaiorana> My students will be nonmajors too. They will have programming experience in Java and or Python 20:27:54 <lorip> kthurston - we have a colleague named Stewart Weiss at CUNY Hunter College - they use C++ in their intro courses, let me see if I can quickly locate some of his work 20:28:20 <kthurston> lorip: thank you, I think I met Stewart at SIGCSE in February! 20:28:41 <fmaiorana> I agree with the idea to read before writing 20:28:47 <lorip> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Repo_exploration_for_overloading_ops_in_C%2B%2B_Activity 20:28:48 <heidie> DanielaI and ylong, what courses are you considering? 20:29:33 <lorip> kthurston - that's the first one I located, but since you met him I'd highly recommend reaching out (or we can do so on your behalf) as I know he spent time working with C++ code 20:30:10 <lorip> ylong you said entry level, CS1 or something other than that? 20:30:18 <DanielaI> For me, it will be senior project design course (capstone) 20:30:24 <ylong> Oh... I am thinking about CS1. 20:30:32 <lorip> DanielaI - is this a 1 semester or 2 semester course? 20:30:43 <lorip> ylong - what language is your CS1 in? 20:30:48 <DanielaI> 2 semester course. Students work in the same teams over the two semesters. 20:30:50 <kthurston> lorip: thank you for the link to Stewart's activity 20:31:08 <ylong> Java will be the language I am going to teach. 20:31:45 <lorip> DanielaI - I think Grant Braught at Dickinson has implemented a 2-semester capstone 20:31:51 <heidie> Yes, he has 20:32:23 <DanielaI> lorip: that will be a good reference! Thank you. Each team has a faculty mentor assigned. I am planning to facilitate the work of faculty mentors. 20:32:59 <heidie> Dickinson's capstone: 20:33:02 <heidie> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Capstone,_Dickinson,_Braught 20:33:19 <lorip> heidie - you beat me to it - I was just pasting it in :-) 20:33:33 <heidie> Great minds and all that :-) 20:34:20 <DanielaI> heidie: thanks for the link! 20:35:12 <heidie> Sure! 20:35:31 <heidie> Are there any other questions/comments about planning the use of HFOSS in courses? 20:35:38 <ylong> heidie - I am reading the materials from the previous link. Can "CS principle" be considered as a 1-semester CS entry level course? 20:35:47 <heidie> And please do remember to sign up for a group if you haven't already: 20:35:56 <heidie> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage2_Groups 20:35:58 <lorip> ylong - you might want to look at something like #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Review_Coding_Conventions which is a Java based project 20:36:04 <heidie> ylong, Yes! 20:36:20 <ylong> Thank you, heidie. 20:36:24 <heidie> Some programs use CS Principles as their first course. 20:37:10 <heidie> Other questions? 20:37:10 <lorip> or depending upon how far you get in Java, maybe this would be helpful #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Comparable_Interface_-_Code_Reading-Activity 20:38:19 <heidie> OK, moving on 20:38:22 <heidie> #topic Good of the Order - Travel Questions 20:38:43 <heidie> #info Everyone should log their arrival and departure times: 20:38:55 <heidie> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FZS5iNELU5CclWgiaGXswUY7sWm3u5RtXmC5t8khBH4/edit#gid=0 20:39:29 <lorip> heidie - I didn't get a chance to look at Greg's email this morning, I'm assuming it had local transportation info, correct? 20:39:42 <heidie> I believe so. 20:40:29 <heidie> WE kindly request that folks organize rides from the airport together, if possible. 20:40:48 <lorip> any questions about local arrangements or the face-to-face meeting? 20:41:38 <chbrooks> We'll head over from the hotel to Drexel together on Monday? 20:41:40 <kthurston> Not sure anyone wants to wait for my arrival at 11:40pm on Sunday :/ 20:41:55 <heidie> :-) 20:43:57 <heidie> Are there other questions about travel? 20:44:05 <heidie> We have updated the schedule: 20:44:19 <heidie> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage_2_Activities 20:44:31 <chbrooks> How's the weather in Philadelphia? 20:44:42 <heidie> It is going to be overcast and rainy 20:45:15 <heidie> But temps in the 80's 20:45:28 <chbrooks> (y) 20:45:29 <heidie> Hmmm, looks better than last time I looked. 20:45:47 <heidie> Looks like chances of t-storms, but fairly hot. 20:46:14 <heidie> 89, 82, 79 20:46:26 <chbrooks> casual dress is OK? 20:46:31 <lorip> dletarte you are in the philadephia area, correct? 20:46:39 <dletarte> Yes 20:47:08 <lorip> chbrooks - yes, casual is fine! the workshop will be in a new building so I have no idea how cold the AC might be :) 20:47:19 <heidie> Right! 20:47:21 <lorip> dletarte - any weather info? 20:47:25 <heidie> Yes, definitely casual. 20:47:39 <dletarte> sunny looking by window right now. 20:47:40 <chbrooks> sounds good. I'm in SF, so I'm used to wild temperature swings :-) 20:47:50 <heidie> :-) 20:47:55 * lorip heidie is in CT and I'm in NY so neither of us can look out our windows and provide reasonable info 20:48:04 <heidie> And just a reminder to please arrive with git installed on their machines. 20:48:27 <ylong> Sure :) 20:48:31 <heidie> :-) 20:48:38 <heidie> Are there any last questions? 20:48:49 <heidie> I'm looking forward to seeing you all in a few days! 20:48:52 <chbrooks> I'm good. Thanks for organizing ! 20:48:59 <michelem> See you soon. 20:49:08 <heidie> See you all soon! 20:49:09 <ylong> Thank you. See you soon! 20:49:16 <fmaiorana> Thank for this interesting meeting 20:49:18 <DanielaI> No questions from me. See you soon! 20:49:19 <kthurston> Thank you. 20:50:30 <heidie> Great! I'll end the meeting then. 20:50:33 <heidie> #endmeeting