18:00:01 <nirik> #startmeeting proventesters (2011-09-28) 18:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 28 18:00:01 2011 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:01 <nirik> #meetingname proventesters 18:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'proventesters' 18:00:01 <nirik> #topic init process/agenda/why are we here? 18:00:13 <nirik> hello proventesters... anyone around to meet up? 18:00:18 * tflink is around 18:02:10 * Southern_Gentlem 18:03:32 <nirik> smaller crowd today. ;) 18:03:37 * nirik will wait another minute or two 18:03:40 * adamw kinda here 18:03:57 <adamw> but poking efi stuff on my main box. 18:05:03 <nirik> ok, lets go ahead and dive in... might make it a short meeting. 18:05:10 <nirik> #topic Stats/Info 18:05:29 <nirik> tflink: you had generated some stats about which updates were still in updates-testing and for how long? 18:06:11 <tflink> yeah, crude output is at http://tflink.fedorapeople.org/testing_stats/ 18:07:08 <nirik> did you get that from looking at the db? or ? 18:07:21 <tflink> grabbing data from bodhi 18:07:23 <nirik> I wonder if we could ask lmacken to adjust the reports bodhi sends out to include that info? 18:08:06 <tflink> I just grabbed all the packages in testing and filtered out all the ones that were critpath and hadn't requested push to stable yet 18:08:29 <nirik> Dunno how handy it would be, but it might shame people seeing how many days there... 18:08:50 <nirik> Southern_Gentlem: I failed to propose a list for the testable stuff last week. ;( I'll try and do so this week... 18:09:13 <lmacken> tflink: there is also an API for that, /critpath?unapproved=True&release=F16 18:09:35 <tflink> lmacken: ah, didn't realize that. I was just using fedora.client 18:10:11 <lmacken> tflink: ah yeah, I need to expose that in the BodhiClient 18:10:32 <nirik> lmacken: how hard would it be to add 'N days' in front of each entry in the 'have yet to be approved' 18:10:50 <tflink> lmacken: but I don't think that would get the the same data 18:10:50 <lmacken> nirik: not hard at all 18:11:05 <tflink> I was interested in all non-pushed updates, not just the unapproved ones 18:11:45 <lmacken> tflink: ah, ok. 'unapproved' just implies status!=stable 18:11:49 <tflink> or do we assume that its the maintainer's responsibility to request push to stable once it's approved 18:11:55 <lmacken> but it should really be request!='stable' 18:12:04 <tflink> lmacken: oh, I assumed it was the critpath_approved data 18:12:07 <lmacken> tflink: depends on if autokarma is enabled 18:13:05 <lmacken> tflink: ah yeah, it does use that data as well 18:14:24 <tflink> I guess that the first question is if this data is useful 18:14:54 <nirik> I kind of think it is... 18:15:03 <nirik> but it's hard to say what will motivate people. 18:15:04 * tflink hasn't had the chance to check, but has suspicions that there might be old non-obsoleted but replaced builds in those lists 18:15:31 <lmacken> it's useful, but I think we need to do a better job of making it obvious what needs testing on the web interface, which is what I've been working on lately 18:16:13 <nirik> ok. 18:16:18 <lmacken> http://lewk.org/img/bodhi-20-frontpage.png 18:16:23 <tflink> I can keep those lists updated and make them easier to read in the mean time 18:16:58 <nirik> lmacken: how far out is the mythical 2.0? ;) 18:17:17 <lmacken> nirik: I'm not quite sure yet, but I've been making a lot of progress lately. 18:17:31 <lmacken> I already have db migration written, and my next step is working on form generation & validation 18:19:12 <nirik> cool. Wonder if doing some kind of 'these things need done before we can release' checklist would be good. 18:19:43 <lmacken> yeah, I'll make an effort to keep the bodhi2 wiki page up to date 18:19:59 <nirik> cool. 18:20:01 <tflink> nirik: probably but not sure if bodhi is the best place for that 18:20:12 <tflink> unless there are plans that I don't know about 18:20:31 <nirik> place for which? release checklist? or the days in testing? 18:20:37 <tflink> release checklist 18:20:56 <nirik> yeah, wiki page or bodhi's trac would be the place for that. 18:21:09 <tflink> with the recent efi mess, that's on my list of things to think about once things calm down a bit 18:21:28 <nirik> sounds good. 18:21:38 <nirik> #topic Outreach 18:21:56 <nirik> So, how can we get more testers and proventesters? anyone have any ideas we can brainstorm? 18:23:28 * nirik will try and gather ideas. 18:23:32 <nirik> perhaps we can come up with some ways. 18:23:50 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 18:24:07 <tflink> sorry, distracted trying to get a test run 18:24:10 <nirik> Folks are a bit busy today... so anything for open floor? or shall we call it a quick meeting. 18:24:19 <nirik> yeah, me too... busy week. ;( 18:26:11 * tflink is tempted to say quick meeting 18:26:24 <tflink> I have a couple of ideas on the outreach idea at some point, though 18:26:41 <nirik> yeah, I have a few... not sure how well they would pan out, but might be worth trying. 18:26:57 <nirik> anyhow, yeah, lets call it a quick meeting... 18:27:01 <nirik> and try next week. ;) 18:27:13 <tflink> as long as we don't slip again :-/ 18:27:20 <nirik> yeah. 18:27:26 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming folks! 18:27:30 <nirik> #endmeeting