19:00:02 <thaumos> #startmeeting Public core meeting 19:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jun 6 19:00:02 2017 UTC. The chair is thaumos. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'public_core_meeting' 19:00:06 <thaumos> #chair thaumos 19:00:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: thaumos 19:00:39 <dag> o/ 19:01:09 <jtanner> . 19:02:33 <thaumos> #chair jtanner dag 19:02:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: dag jtanner thaumos 19:02:43 <abadger1999> Good day. 19:03:15 <thaumos> #chair abadger1999 19:03:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dag jtanner thaumos 19:03:52 * thaumos will give people a couple more minutes 19:04:50 <thaumos> How's everyone doing today? 19:05:26 <dag> busy :) 19:06:25 <jhawkesworth_> hey 19:06:34 <bcoca> i cannot find my pants 19:06:39 <thaumos> #chair jhawkesworth_ 19:06:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dag jhawkesworth_ jtanner thaumos 19:06:43 <thaumos> #chair bcoca 19:06:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca dag jhawkesworth_ jtanner thaumos 19:07:13 <thaumos> alright let's get started. 19:07:34 <thaumos> erasmix from GH are you around? 19:08:02 * nitzmahone lruks 19:08:06 * nitzmahone and lurks 19:08:27 <thaumos> #chair nitzmahone 19:08:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca dag jhawkesworth_ jtanner nitzmahone thaumos 19:08:47 <Mutter> Hello this is erasmix from CyberArk 19:09:24 <thaumos> thax @mutter 19:09:30 <thaumos> s/thax/thx 19:09:34 <thaumos> #topic discuss PR#21857 19:09:40 <abadger1999> #info Agenda: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/159#issuecomment-306584682 19:10:05 <Mutter> Thanks. What do we need to do to move this forward 19:10:17 <thaumos> #link https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/21857 19:11:11 <thaumos> abadger1999 or bcoca, would you guys be able to review this PR? 19:11:19 <thaumos> or jtanner 19:12:06 <bcoca> Mutter: why the 2 classes .. seems weird to have lookupclass just be a run wrapper 19:13:04 <Mutter> Do you have a recommendation? 19:13:15 <bcoca> more curioius 19:13:48 <bcoca> also .. the embeded k=(k=v) can be problematic 19:13:57 <bcoca> will confuse the task key value parser 19:14:01 <jtanner> i was gonna say that i see outstanding change requests, but then i realize they were added less than 3 minutes ago 19:14:10 <Mutter> I'm can you please expand? 19:14:11 <dag> :) 19:14:50 <bcoca> action: copy src="lookup( lookup('cyberarkpassword', AppID='Application1', Query='safe=Safe1;Folder=root;Object=User1'" 19:16:29 <jtanner> "'/opt/CARKaim/sdk/clipasswordsdk'" is that really the only place it can go? 19:16:54 <thaumos> how about this, let's move the reviews and discussion to the PR so we can move on. I don't think we'll get resolution from there. Sound good? 19:16:56 <jtanner> i've spent a lot of time with managers who like to move default install locations for "branding purposes" 19:17:12 <bcoca> ^ had missed the hardcoded part 19:17:15 <bcoca> yeah, that is not good 19:17:42 <thaumos> #action bcoca abadger1999 and jtanner to review 19:18:03 <jhawkesworth_> perhaps default to /opt/CARKaim/sdk/clipasswordsdk'but allow override via an environment variable (just an idea, not sure if others lookups get configuration via environment variables)? 19:18:05 <thaumos> #action mutter (erasmix:GH) to respond accordingly for cyberark review 19:18:24 <bcoca> jhawkesworth_: mostly, something i want to change/expand in 2.4 with ansible-config 19:18:25 <bcoca> project 19:18:29 <Mutter> Thank you 19:18:36 <thaumos> #topic ansible/ansible#21764 19:18:41 <thaumos> #link https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/21764 19:18:53 <Mutter> Are we also discussing PR 21764? 19:18:59 <thaumos> same for this, can we get reviewers to look at this one as well, please? 19:19:11 <thaumos> @mutter, please be sure to stay on top of this. 19:19:28 <thaumos> One ask I also have, if you can provide a list of at least two people, including yourself who would be maintaining these. 19:19:34 <Mutter> I sure will. Thanks 19:19:54 <thaumos> #action Mutter to provide a list of people from Cyberark to be maintaining. 19:20:41 <abadger1999> thaumos: note: if we don't get a reviewer here, it will jsut be the standard way to get reviewers... wait or ask on irc devel ml until someone looks. 19:20:48 <jtanner> i added review to 21764 19:20:56 <thaumos> thanks jtanner 19:21:08 <Mutter> Thank you 19:21:09 <thaumos> agreed abadger1999 19:21:52 <thaumos> okay, moving on for time 19:22:22 <thaumos> #topic ansible/ansible#23862 19:22:25 <thaumos> #link https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/23862 19:22:45 <thaumos> pilou, are you here? 19:23:29 * resmo waves 19:23:48 <thaumos> #chair resmo 19:23:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca dag jhawkesworth_ jtanner nitzmahone resmo thaumos 19:24:19 <thaumos> okay moving on 19:24:39 <thaumos> #topic guidance on ordered dictionaries for Windows modules. I prefer a common solution. 19:24:51 <thaumos> #link https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/25265#issuecomment-306209518 19:25:00 <thaumos> @dag take it away 19:25:16 <jtanner> didn't the windows meeting happen last night? 19:26:00 <abadger1999> nitzmahone: ^ 19:26:02 <thaumos> dag put this in comments today 19:26:24 <nitzmahone> Yeah, I was in the midst of commenting on this in the WWG agenda 19:27:35 <nitzmahone> He's right that this is potentially bigger than just a Windows thing 19:28:09 <jtanner> oh, topic tricked me into thinking this was only win32 19:28:11 <nitzmahone> I don't know if we currently have the capability to preserve dict order from the various places they come from 19:28:37 <bcoca> nope 19:28:58 <nitzmahone> I've seen hacks for YAML loaders that will preserve as ordered dict, but unless that part is solved, what we do on the module API end is moot 19:29:05 <bcoca> actually, my python is compiled with 'hash randomization' so even the 'accidental order' is not repeated 19:29:18 <nitzmahone> We'd have to be able to preserve that all the way through playbook parse to module gen 19:29:26 <bcoca> yeah, we would need to overload pyyaml to use order dicts 19:29:48 <jhawkesworth_> interesting. I wonder how win_nssm app_parameters ever worked 19:30:23 <nitzmahone> We may be getting it by accident 19:30:43 <alikins> win_nssm is powershell? 19:30:43 <bcoca> well, first ... the 'common powershell code' should be filtering out _ansible_* 19:31:06 <bcoca> b) it probably was working long time ago before we introduced _ansible_ vars 19:31:13 <bcoca> 2.1? 19:31:37 <jhawkesworth_> win_nssm predates 2.1 for sure. 19:32:54 <nitzmahone> Pretty sure we don't need to shred Ansible's guts to fix win_nssm 19:33:45 <jhawkesworth_> agreed. win_nssm doesn't really need to pass pa 19:33:54 <jhawkesworth_> 10 19:34:11 <jhawkesworth_> gargh! error cat on keyboard! 19:34:29 <nitzmahone> rm -f cat 19:34:53 <nitzmahone> `access denied` 19:35:10 <nitzmahone> ECLAWS 19:35:15 <jhawkesworth_> yes, interesting to have a common hash table structure to behave the same regardless of powershell or python , but win_nssm doesn't need a has for parameters 19:35:35 <jhawkesworth_> :-) 19:35:58 <jhawkesworth_> cat now on desk, keyboard on lap! 19:35:59 <nitzmahone> Ordered dict support would be a cool thing, but I suspect there are a number of corner cases that would be painful to fix 19:36:41 <nitzmahone> (to ensure that the order is received unmolested by the module) 19:37:19 <nitzmahone> I'm not sure there's a lot more to talk about on that one ATM 19:37:38 <jhawkesworth_> yeah, sounds like the best thing to do is 1/ not assume string for untyped parameters (which would get win_nssm working I think) 2/ fix win_nssm 3/ ordered dicts a separate thing later 19:37:46 <jhawkesworth_> is ^ a plan? 19:37:54 <nitzmahone> +1 19:38:26 <nitzmahone> (should be easier with PS declarative argspec- can't wait for you guys to poke holes in it) 19:38:33 <jhawkesworth_> cool. 19:38:49 <jhawkesworth_> I think we should move on as dag and trond not about to comment further atm 19:39:04 <thaumos> @nitzmahone could you do the honour of placing a couple of action items in your own words? 19:39:53 <nitzmahone> #action WWG folks to look at win_nssm app_parameters issues 19:40:08 <thaumos> heh 19:40:14 <nitzmahone> #info ordered dicts probably aren't happening anytime soon 19:40:17 <thaumos> 😝 19:40:40 <thaumos> #topic The purpose of connection: local 19:40:51 <thaumos> @dag are you still around? 19:41:06 <dag> sorry 19:41:10 <dag> phonecall 19:41:21 <thaumos> no worries, shall we cover your other two items next time? 19:41:49 <dag> yes 19:41:53 <thaumos> Okay cool 19:41:56 <dag> the omap thing maybe ? 19:42:05 <thaumos> #action will revisit this next meeting 19:42:05 <bcoca> already closed above 19:42:19 <dag> ah ok 19:42:22 <thaumos> #topic Open Floort 19:43:08 <dag> ok, connection: local 19:43:38 <bcoca> -1 to change, as stated in ticket, breaks precedence for no good reason 19:43:47 <dag> in a hybrid environment with both ssh and winrm connection types, the `connection: local` is not realy useful 19:43:57 <bcoca> you want it to work like local_action/delegate_to: localhost which it is not meant to do 19:44:05 <thaumos> #topic The purpose of connection: local 19:44:09 <bcoca> dag: wait_for: host={{ansible_host}} 19:44:13 <bcoca> connection: local 19:44:16 <bcoca> ^ useful 19:44:36 <bcoca> local_action/delegate_to would change ansible_host to the localhost, which is not what you want 19:44:38 <dag> bcoca: right, but what is the purpose of connection: local, if it's not reliable 19:44:38 <thaumos> ec2: * 19:44:39 <thaumos> connection: local 19:44:42 <bcoca> connection: 'sets connection' 19:44:49 <bcoca> does no more, no less 19:44:57 <bcoca> local just happens to be 'one connection' 19:45:07 <bcoca> it is not treated special 19:45:44 <bcoca> not sure what 'not reliable' means, from ticket it just seesm to indicate you expected delegate_to: localhost behaviour, but that is an incorrect expectation 19:46:31 <dag> bcoca: you expect that connection: local is not influence by ansible_connection 19:46:43 <bcoca> i dont expect that 19:47:02 <dag> I do, I expect connection: local to work on the local machine 19:47:03 <nitzmahone> remote_user < ansible_user, etc 19:47:03 <bcoca> you are mixing value with keyword 19:47:09 <bcoca> ansible_connection overrides connection 19:47:14 <bcoca> does not matter the value OF connection 19:47:36 <dag> so connection: local may be doing WinRM on a Linux system 19:47:39 <nitzmahone> standard precedence- there are situations where it's great,and situations where it sucks, but it is what it is 19:47:42 <dag> that is not expected behaviour IMO 19:47:55 <bcoca> dag: no, you expect connection: local to work like delegaet_to ... again, they are different keywords 19:48:03 <nitzmahone> remote_user: blargh will get ignored if you set ansible_user, too- it's the same thing 19:48:16 <dag> nitzmahone: with remote_user it does supersede ansible_user, so yes, we have a precedent 19:48:25 <bcoca> 'connection vars' override 'connection keywords', it has always been the case 19:48:35 <bcoca> no, remote_user does not override ansible_user 19:48:42 <bcoca> its the other way around 19:48:50 <bcoca> ansbile_user > remote_user 19:49:19 <bcoca> what might confuse you is that 'ansible_ssh/winrm_user' will get ignored if connection: != winrm/ssh 19:49:19 <nitzmahone> (like I said above) ;) 19:49:27 <bcoca> nitzmahone: yep 19:50:30 <dag> there is a difference, two variables vs a variable and a directive 19:51:00 <dag> and usually directives in a local context supersede directives in the global context 19:51:05 <dag> connection is not a variable 19:51:10 <bcoca> conneciton is directive 19:51:14 <bcoca> ansible_connection is variable 19:51:32 <bcoca> connection variables SUPERCEDE connection directives/keywords the ALWAYS have 19:51:42 <dag> become_user is a directive 19:51:55 <bcoca> and ansible_become_user supercedes it 19:51:55 <dag> it does supersede the ansible.cfg become_user 19:52:01 <nitzmahone> and ansible_become_user will override it 19:52:26 <bcoca> 'connection variable' > keyword > cli > envvar > config 19:52:32 <bcoca> ^ its always been that precedence 19:52:51 <dag> well, for a heterogeneous setup that makes no sense for connection 19:52:56 <bcoca> dont confuse become_user in config as a variable, it is not 19:53:06 <dag> it may be that it has always be like this, connection: local becomes something to avoid then 19:53:07 <bcoca> dag: it does 19:53:21 <bcoca> no, not to avoid, just not usable the way you are trying to 19:53:45 <dag> to avoid, because it could suddenly stop working as you expect 19:53:49 <dag> that's what happened to us 19:53:51 <bcoca> you NEED delegate_to: localhost, but insist on using connection:local ... that is not an issue with connection 19:54:05 <bcoca> stop? its always worked this way 19:54:10 <dag> the moment we started to do both Linux and Windows in the same playbook, connection: local was broken 19:54:27 <bcoca> dag: no, it wasn't, you just were using it improperly 19:54:35 <dag> bcoca: if you move from 1 connection type, to 2 connection types this problem manifests 19:54:47 <dag> that's what I am saying, and people may not realize it 19:54:50 <bcoca> you should not be using it for localhost delegation even with 1 connection type 19:54:57 <dag> so again, what's the purpose of connection: local 19:55:05 <bcoca> using the local connectio plugin 19:55:11 <bcoca> NOT delegating to localhost, there is a difference 19:55:12 <dag> why shouldn't everyone be using delegate_to :localhost ? 19:55:18 * nitzmahone has never been a fan of using play directives for this reason 19:55:22 <bcoca> one is about execution, the other is about execution + environment 19:55:49 <nitzmahone> It's just another way to do things, but if you've set it in the inventory, the play directives are moot 19:55:50 <bcoca> dag: in most cases, they should, there ARE cases for connection :local, but those are limted 19:55:56 <dag> bcoca: again, when would you use `connection: local` instead of `delegate_to: localhost` ? 19:56:01 <dag> I asked you before, there was no answer 19:56:08 <bcoca> dag: ^ i did, for wait_for 19:56:15 <bcoca> scrollback 19:56:27 <dag> why for wait_for ? 19:56:37 <nitzmahone> Let's back up: dag: what do you want to do here? 19:56:39 <bcoca> several cases in which you want to use the 'conneciton environment of the remote' but execute local 19:56:53 <nitzmahone> What's the goal of this discussion? 19:57:14 <dag> nitzmahone: well, IMO connection: local has no real purpose, and can only be confusing 19:57:17 <bcoca> wait_for: host={{ansible_host}} port:22\n connection: local 19:57:20 <bcoca> ^ that example 19:57:24 <dag> either fix that, or recommend to not use it 19:57:26 <nitzmahone> We can't remove it without removing the entire connection keyword. 19:57:56 <bcoca> lineinfile: regex="{{ansible_host}}" .... 19:58:12 <dag> nitzmahone: you could give a warning to warn about the usage :) 19:58:13 <bcoca> ^ antoher in which conneciton: local is preferec over delegate_to: lcoalhost 19:58:21 <bcoca> template/copy/etc ... many reasons 19:58:21 <dag> bcoca: but that will fail 19:58:22 <thaumos> @dag, you'll see us use it a lot here 19:58:23 <thaumos> https://github.com/ansible/lightbulb/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=connection%3A+local&type= 19:58:47 <bcoca> dag: how so? if you delegate_to: localhost .. it will fail as it will be wrong ansible_host 19:59:00 <dag> it's weird that for all the use-cases you give, those will fail if you start mixing windows/linux 19:59:16 <abadger1999> I think dag's saying if you combine his inventory with the use-cases given, then it will fail. 19:59:22 <bcoca> dag: it will fail in YOUR environment as you set asnbile_connection .. but you can also override that for task vars: ansible_connection :local 19:59:23 <dag> abadger1999: yes 19:59:39 <dag> we have to set ansible_connection, we absolutely cannot do without 19:59:41 <bcoca> dag: its not meant to ONLY work in your environment .. there are other setups 19:59:56 <dag> if we are staging 10 systems, 5 windows, 5 linux from a single inventory 20:00:12 <dag> we can only indicate which ones need winrm, and which need ssh 20:00:29 <dag> and if the target is winrm, my connection: local will fail 20:00:52 <bcoca> because you dont want connection local, you want delegate_to: localhost 20:01:11 <dag> bcoca: you keep repeating yourself and dismissing the case at hand 20:01:39 <bcoca> no, i understand the case, i just dont agree that the code needs to change to your usage 20:01:40 <dag> which is that this issue will bite other people when they start having 2 connection-types 20:01:50 <bcoca> there are plenty of use cases this is fine 20:01:53 <dag> bcoca: I didn't say I want to change it to my usage 20:02:03 <dag> bcoca: I want to warn people, and give recommendations 20:02:10 <bcoca> dag: no, not even, there are other ways to deal with multiple connectio types w/o setting ansible_connection 20:02:18 <bcoca> dag: your PR chagnes the usage 20:02:19 <dag> the PR is my first impementation, this topic is about the purpose of connection: local 20:02:42 <dag> I am not making the case here to get the PR merged 20:02:45 <dag> far from that 20:03:05 <dag> but your example fails with my inventory 20:03:12 <dag> if you use connection: local 20:03:18 <dag> and that's not right 20:03:37 <dag> and you can keep repeating *I* should use delegate_to: localhost in my case 20:03:43 <bcoca> yes 20:03:47 <dag> that's silly 20:03:58 <sivel> why is that silly? 20:03:59 <bcoca> well, that IS it's purpose 20:04:02 <dag> users won't know when to use connection: local vs delegate_to: localhost 20:04:14 <dag> because it works with one inventory, and fails with the ,ext 20:04:17 <bcoca> local_Action then? 20:04:20 <bcoca> not sure what you mean 20:04:28 <dag> as soon as they go from Linux to Linux+Windows 20:04:53 <abadger1999> i think dag is proposing that we document that when you reach for connection: XX you should be reaching for something else instead. 20:05:04 <sivel> `connection: local` only changes the connection plugin in the context of the current node, it doesn't say inherit the context of localhost, that is what `delegate_to` is for 20:05:05 <abadger1999> And possibly deprecating the connection directive as well 20:05:08 <nitzmahone> I don't think there's a straightforward technical solution to this problem. Ansible precedence is what it is, and this is one of the cases that sucks. Let's work on the doc side of it for clarification 20:05:17 <bcoca> ^ delegateion points at lcoal_action/delegate_to: localhost primarily 20:05:36 <bcoca> 'cloud' guides use mostly connection: local as it is keeps the asnible_host info 20:05:43 <bcoca> ^ which is another 'correct' usage 20:05:47 <nitzmahone> sivel: (and only within the rules of precedence as they stand) 20:05:48 <dag> abadger1999: yes, I question the purpose of `connection: local` in general, and think we need to clarify this 20:05:52 <bcoca> abadger1999: no reason to deprecate it 20:05:55 <sivel> technically speaking, overriding just `connection: local` does have it's uses 20:05:57 <dag> because I am not the only one who is making this mistake 20:06:06 <abadger1999> bcoca: are these correct usages though or should they be setting ansible_connection: ? 20:06:07 <sivel> it's just people misunderstand when to use what 20:06:13 <dag> bcoca: I did not say deprecate, where did I say deprecate 20:06:13 <bcoca> abadger1999: they are correct 20:06:23 <thaumos> abadger1999 said deprecate @dag 20:06:24 <abadger1999> bcoca: can I override ansible_connection per-task instead? 20:06:28 <bcoca> dag: abadger1999 did 20:06:34 <sivel> abadger1999: you could, using `vars` 20:06:34 <thaumos> okay, let's take a step back 20:06:44 <sivel> but not something that is extensively talked about in the docs 20:06:47 <bcoca> then lets remove all directives for vars? 20:06:49 <abadger1999> So that seems like the correct idiom 20:06:56 <abadger1999> and conneciton local is jsut incorrect all around 20:07:02 <bcoca> abadger1999: it is not 20:07:05 <thaumos> as an action item, let's have a doc created for HOW TO use connection: local 20:07:08 <bcoca> ^ several examples with correct usage 20:07:12 <dag> thaumos: thanks :) 20:07:23 <bcoca> thaumos: we already have a doc, playbook delegation 20:07:38 <sivel> I think more specifically, it should be around using delegation instead of using `connection: local` 20:07:43 <sivel> which bcoca mentions we have 20:07:45 <bcoca> it is 20:07:46 <thaumos> #action dag to take a first pass at documenting further 20:07:52 <thaumos> fair enough 20:07:57 <bcoca> ther eis only one part that talks about connection: local as 'antoher method' 20:07:57 <thaumos> thanks for clarifying me 20:07:58 <sivel> people using `connection: local` should be doing so when they know they want it 20:08:06 <thaumos> I think it's fair to give examples. 20:08:19 <bcoca> ^ mostly cloud/wait_for or 'local updates with remote connection ifo' 20:08:21 <thaumos> and it's more fair to have dag bring up his ideas around it since he brought this up. 20:08:22 <bcoca> ^ 3 cases 20:08:34 <bcoca> 4 if you add api 5 with network 20:08:37 <thaumos> okay, let's get them documented with use case examples. 20:09:32 <abadger1999> I think I've become convinced that connection: XXX is wrong in all cases. 20:09:33 <dag> the problem description why I brought this up is here: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/24076 20:09:38 <dag> (linked from the PR) 20:10:06 <nitzmahone> abadger1999: (unless you're using the default) - I think it's an anachronism in the face of multi-transport inventories 20:10:23 <abadger1999> the cases that bcoca brought up should be using vars: ansible_connection: local instead. 20:10:39 <thaumos> #endmeeting