2024-10-14 15:00:07 <@adamwill:fedora.im> !startmeeting Quality 2024-10-14 15:00:11 <@meetbot:fedora.im> Meeting started at 2024-10-14 15:00:07 UTC 2024-10-14 15:00:11 <@meetbot:fedora.im> The Meeting name is 'Quality' 2024-10-14 15:00:11 <@adamwill:fedora.im> !topic Roll Call 2024-10-14 15:00:14 <@adamwill:fedora.im> !hi 2024-10-14 15:00:16 <@zodbot:fedora.im> Adam Williamson (adamwill) - he / him / his 2024-10-14 15:00:23 <@derekenz:fedora.im> !hi 2024-10-14 15:00:24 <@zodbot:fedora.im> Derek Enz (derekenz) 2024-10-14 15:00:44 <@bittin:matrix.org> !hi 2024-10-14 15:00:48 <@zodbot:fedora.im> No Fedora Accounts users have the @bittin:matrix.org Matrix Account defined 2024-10-14 15:00:54 <@bittin:matrix.org> !hi bittin 2024-10-14 15:00:56 <@zodbot:fedora.im> Luna Jernberg (bittin) - they / them / theirs 2024-10-14 15:01:25 <@adamwill:fedora.im> happy canadian thanksgiving, everyone 2024-10-14 15:03:45 <@adamwill:fedora.im> hehe 2024-10-14 15:03:50 <@adamwill:fedora.im> alrighty, let's get started 2024-10-14 15:03:56 <@adamwill:fedora.im> !topic Previous meeting follow-up 2024-10-14 15:04:50 <@adamwill:fedora.im> !info "adamw to propose rewording of the beta upgrade criterion footnote about package sets" - I still did not get to this. I am a failure. will get to it soon, I promise 2024-10-14 15:04:53 <@adamwill:fedora.im> !action adamw to propose rewording of the beta upgrade criterion footnote about package sets 2024-10-14 15:05:10 <@adamwill:fedora.im> any other followup? the other criterion proposal by sumantro is active on the list, please provide feedback 2024-10-14 15:05:36 <@kparal:matrix.org> adamw: your feedback on it would be great 2024-10-14 15:05:58 <@bittin:matrix.org> not been here for a while, been a bit too busy 2024-10-14 15:07:56 <@adamwill:fedora.im> yeah, i'll get to it :| 2024-10-14 15:08:09 <@lruzicka:matrix.org> Allo 2024-10-14 15:08:10 <@adamwill:fedora.im> i saw you had already sent it back for revisions so i was waiting on those 2024-10-14 15:09:11 <@lruzicka:matrix.org> I can take a look, too. Thanks for a reminder. 2024-10-14 15:09:31 <@derekenz:fedora.im> Yeah same here 2024-10-14 15:10:18 <@adamwill:fedora.im> thanks folks 2024-10-14 15:10:32 <@adamwill:fedora.im> !topic Fedora 41 status 2024-10-14 15:10:40 <@adamwill:fedora.im> so, we're nearing crunch time! freeze is tomorrow 2024-10-14 15:11:08 <@bittin:matrix.org> and Go/No Go Meeting on Thursday i think 2024-10-14 15:11:30 <@bittin:matrix.org> https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-operations-report/133731/1 2024-10-14 15:12:08 <@adamwill:fedora.im> the go/no-go is for the very optimistic target date 2024-10-14 15:12:34 <@adamwill:fedora.im> we'll have one if somehow all blockers are addressed tomorrow and we can do an RC, otherwise probably not 2024-10-14 15:12:45 <@bittin:matrix.org> ah alright 2024-10-14 15:12:54 <@adamwill:fedora.im> i think the dates got shuffled a bit for US thanskgiving, i would usually expect that early target to be a week later 2024-10-14 15:13:24 <@bittin:matrix.org> two more weeks, when its ready and all blockers are gone etc 2024-10-14 15:14:35 <@adamwill:fedora.im> usually the target #1 is a week after early target 2024-10-14 15:14:43 <@adamwill:fedora.im> this time it's two weeks after. so i think early target got moved up 2024-10-14 15:14:50 <@adamwill:fedora.im> anyhoo! great time to find, file and fix blockers. ;) 2024-10-14 15:15:04 <@adamwill:fedora.im> has anyone looked at the latest version of the pi fixes yet? 2024-10-14 15:16:40 <@kparal:matrix.org> and coremodule 2024-10-14 15:18:02 <@adamwill:fedora.im> welp, we'll come back to it 2024-10-14 15:18:09 <@adamwill:fedora.im> oh, hi 2024-10-14 15:18:41 <@frantisekz:fedora.im> Kamil Páral: on pto as said in the cz chat in the morning, no poking please 2024-10-14 15:18:57 <@adamwill:fedora.im> sorry franta 2024-10-14 15:19:03 <@kparal:matrix.org> forgot about that 🙂 2024-10-14 15:19:11 <@kparal:matrix.org> turn off your notifications! 🙂 2024-10-14 15:19:12 <@adamwill:fedora.im> enjoy pto, it can wait 2024-10-14 15:19:57 <@adamwill:fedora.im> don't think i was tracking anything else specific... Conan Kudo , do gnome/kde have any late surprises coming up for us? 2024-10-14 15:21:53 <@lruzicka:matrix.org> Today, I found that there are at least two preinstalled applications that did not want to start - InfoCenter and System Settings on KDE. 2024-10-14 15:22:15 <@derekenz:fedora.im> F41? 2024-10-14 15:22:45 <@lruzicka:matrix.org> Yes, F41, the 20241013 nightly 2024-10-14 15:23:22 <@lruzicka:matrix.org> I was unable to find any report in journalctl that would explain why this is happening. 2024-10-14 15:24:04 <@adamwill:fedora.im> oh yikes, i'd been writing the info center one off as the typing issue, but indeed it isn't :| 2024-10-14 15:24:08 <@conan_kudo:matrix.org> not that I knew of, I have a computer running nightly f41 doing quite fine 2024-10-14 15:24:28 <@adamwill:fedora.im> ditto system settings 2024-10-14 15:24:48 <@lruzicka:matrix.org> This happened at least 4 times in openQA today (I kept restarting it) and when I tried manually, I could reproduce that, too. 2024-10-14 15:25:09 <@conan_kudo:matrix.org> okay, I'll try to dig into it 2024-10-14 15:25:18 <@conan_kudo:matrix.org> I'll apply tonight's compose and see if I can repro 2024-10-14 15:25:25 <@conan_kudo:matrix.org> err last night's compose 2024-10-14 15:25:26 <@lruzicka:matrix.org> Maybe, you only could reproduce it on new installations? 2024-10-14 15:27:34 <@adamwill:fedora.im> the exact launching mechanism might matter too 2024-10-14 15:28:09 <@adamwill:fedora.im> openqa opens the kicker, types 'info center' or 'system settings', hits enter 2024-10-14 15:28:26 <@adamwill:fedora.im> we can see from the video that it *tries* to launch the right thing, but it doesn't work. 2024-10-14 15:28:33 <@adamwill:fedora.im> lruzicka: can you file a bug? 2024-10-14 15:28:55 <@lruzicka:matrix.org> adamw: Filed and proposed. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2318535 2024-10-14 15:29:07 <@adamwill:fedora.im> awesome 2024-10-14 15:29:46 <@adamwill:fedora.im> anything else on f41? 2024-10-14 15:30:18 <@adamwill:fedora.im> !topic Test Day / community event status 2024-10-14 15:30:26 <@adamwill:fedora.im> Sumantro Mukherjee: around? 2024-10-14 15:30:46 <@bittin:matrix.org> me and lemonzest helped out a bit on the updates testing with GNOME on various Dell laptops today (had some extra time) 2024-10-14 15:31:03 <@adamwill:fedora.im> thanks, bittin 2024-10-14 15:31:10 <@amoloney:fedora.im> Hes on PTO till 22nd Oct afaik 2024-10-14 15:34:35 <@adamwill:fedora.im> oh, right. yikes. i should keep an eye on the test days then. or does someone else want to? 2024-10-14 15:34:48 <@bittin:matrix.org> testdays app is down atm: https://testdays.fedoraproject.org/ (or only for me?) 2024-10-14 15:34:48 <@adamwill:fedora.im> sigh, and the app is down...probably openshift... 2024-10-14 15:35:04 <@adamwill:fedora.im> nirik is upgrading openshift clusters 2024-10-14 15:35:08 <@bittin:matrix.org> ah 2024-10-14 15:35:10 <@adamwill:fedora.im> this affects a lot of stuff as, well, we host a lot of stuff on openshift 2024-10-14 15:36:16 <@adamwill:fedora.im> from the wiki it looks like upgrade test day is current: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2024-10-11_F41_Upgrade_Test_Day 2024-10-14 15:36:20 <@adamwill:fedora.im> so please help out with that! 2024-10-14 15:36:24 <@adamwill:fedora.im> (once testdays app is back :>) 2024-10-14 15:36:26 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> if we setup apps right it shouldn't cause any outage... but some apps are not setup with multiple pods, etc 2024-10-14 15:36:32 <@adamwill:fedora.im> !info upgrade test day is ongoing - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2024-10-11_F41_Upgrade_Test_Day 2024-10-14 15:37:17 <@adamwill:fedora.im> !info virtualization and IoT test days happened last week - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2024-10-11_Virtualization and https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2024-10-07_Fedora_41_IoT_Edition 2024-10-14 15:37:25 <@adamwill:fedora.im> not sure if we have any others upcoming 2024-10-14 15:38:32 <@bittin:matrix.org> and Pagure was getting DDOSed but maybe stopped now (nor do i) 2024-10-14 15:38:32 <@bittin:matrix.org> https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/issues?status=Open&tags=test+days 2024-10-14 15:39:47 <@bittin:matrix.org> not sure if: https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/issue/791 got a date ? 2024-10-14 15:39:53 <@adamwill:fedora.im> yeah, working from the pagure tickets is a bit tricky as they don't have dates or statuses on how far along they are in planning...i tend to use the app as source of truth #1 then the wiki as #2 :D 2024-10-14 15:40:05 <@bittin:matrix.org> ah oki 2024-10-14 15:41:25 <@bittin:matrix.org> its up now again 2024-10-14 15:43:14 <@adamwill:fedora.im> yay 2024-10-14 15:45:39 <@adamwill:fedora.im> !info virtualization test day had decent participation and a couple of bugs filed 2024-10-14 15:46:03 <@adamwill:fedora.im> !info IoT test week also had some good turnout and covered all the test cases 2024-10-14 15:46:26 <@adamwill:fedora.im> !info CoreOS test day happened at https://testdays.fedoraproject.org/events/198 and similarly results look good 2024-10-14 15:46:31 <@adamwill:fedora.im> alrighty 2024-10-14 15:46:35 <@adamwill:fedora.im> !topic Open floor 2024-10-14 15:46:37 <@adamwill:fedora.im> any other business, folks? 2024-10-14 15:46:53 <@bittin:matrix.org> don't have anything 2024-10-14 15:46:58 <@adamwill:fedora.im> talking about virtualization test day reminds me about https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2317048 - it would be great if more folks can test that 2024-10-14 15:47:13 <@adamwill:fedora.im> the report is that f41 doesn't work on UEFI on VMware, grub2 issue 2024-10-14 15:49:31 <@lruzicka:matrix.org> Not at the moment. 2024-10-14 15:52:20 <@derekenz:fedora.im> Nothing here. Hopefully will run some test days stuff 2024-10-14 15:52:36 <@adamwill:fedora.im> thanks for that derek 2024-10-14 15:52:54 <@adamwill:fedora.im> !info additional testing on the VMware / F41 bug reported at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2317048 would be great 2024-10-14 15:53:00 <@adamwill:fedora.im> blocker review starting in 8 minutes 2024-10-14 15:53:53 <@adamwill:fedora.im> thanks for coming, folks! 2024-10-14 15:54:08 <@bittin:matrix.org> not joining that, but thx for this meeting 2024-10-14 15:54:09 <@derekenz:fedora.im> Thanks Adam 2024-10-14 15:55:17 <@adamwill:fedora.im> !endmeeting