#rdo: RDO packaging meeting (2015-01-04)
Meeting started by number80 at 15:06:05 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- roll call (number80, 15:06:11)
- agenda at
https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Packaging (apevec,
- 2014.2.2 Juno updates (number80, 15:09:10)
- ACTION: RDO packages
maintainers are invited to rebase their packages on
Friday/Monday (number80,
- http://tarballs.openstack.org/keystone/keystone-stable-juno.tar.gz
- pkg owners to submit only Fedora builds with
rdopkg update (apevec,
- CBS builds for EL7 by hguemar/apevec in a
separate rdopkg update (apevec,
- ACTION: jruzicka to
create CBS bsource very quickly (apevec,
- ACTION: hguemar/apevec to do CBS builds for EL7 and submita
separate rdopkg update (apevec,
- ACTION: All package
owners to submit only Fedora builds with rdopkg update (apevec,
- Juno/EL6 builds (number80, 15:27:02)
- EL6 Juno will be developed in
github/openstack-packages/ juno branch (to be created) (apevec,
- with %dist conditionals in spec (apevec,
- lookup in fedora openstack-nova git history for
examples (apevec,
- ACTION: alphacc will
come back with a wishlist in order of pacakges to build for EL6
Juno (apevec,
- nova ceilometer for start, may need neutron for
the migration (apevec,
- ACTION: alphacc will
start this week with nova (apevec,
- ACTION: jruzicka will
help number80 with clients in order to test rdopkg working with EL6
builds (apevec,
- alphacc's legal approved FPCA! (apevec,
- ACTION: alphacc will
make all interested party to work too (apevec,
- ACTION: apevec to
create openstack-packages juno branch from f22/master (apevec,
- Follow-up delorean repo test (apevec, 15:46:55)
- Delorean (trunk Kilo RPMs) repo is (apevec,
- warning may eat kittens! (apevec,
- gchamoul is debugging Packstack /
puppet-modules in Delorean repo (apevec,
- ACTION: apevec to
check with derekh about Delorean refreshing itself (apevec,
- ACTION: rbowen will
ask again about DNS A record for trunk.rdoproject.org to point to
current Delorean IP (apevec,
- ACTION: gchamoul will
debug Packstack / puppet-modules in Delorean repo (apevec,
- ACTION: weshay_ to
move Delorean CI job to http://prod-rdojenkins.rhcloud.com/
- Kilo-2 this week, we want to publish working
Delorean snapshot to rdo.fedorapeople.org/openstack-trunk
Meeting ended at 15:58:43 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- RDO packages maintainers are invited to rebase their packages on Friday/Monday
- jruzicka to create CBS bsource very quickly
- hguemar/apevec to do CBS builds for EL7 and submita separate rdopkg update
- All package owners to submit only Fedora builds with rdopkg update
- alphacc will come back with a wishlist in order of pacakges to build for EL6 Juno
- alphacc will start this week with nova
- jruzicka will help number80 with clients in order to test rdopkg working with EL6 builds
- alphacc will make all interested party to work too
- apevec to create openstack-packages juno branch from f22/master
- apevec to check with derekh about Delorean refreshing itself
- rbowen will ask again about DNS A record for trunk.rdoproject.org to point to current Delorean IP
- gchamoul will debug Packstack / puppet-modules in Delorean repo
- weshay_ to move Delorean CI job to http://prod-rdojenkins.rhcloud.com/
Action items, by person
- alphacc
- alphacc will come back with a wishlist in order of pacakges to build for EL6 Juno
- alphacc will start this week with nova
- alphacc will make all interested party to work too
- apevec
- hguemar/apevec to do CBS builds for EL7 and submita separate rdopkg update
- apevec to create openstack-packages juno branch from f22/master
- apevec to check with derekh about Delorean refreshing itself
- gchamoul
- gchamoul will debug Packstack / puppet-modules in Delorean repo
- jruzicka
- jruzicka to create CBS bsource very quickly
- jruzicka will help number80 with clients in order to test rdopkg working with EL6 builds
- number80
- jruzicka will help number80 with clients in order to test rdopkg working with EL6 builds
- rbowen
- rbowen will ask again about DNS A record for trunk.rdoproject.org to point to current Delorean IP
- weshay_
- weshay_ to move Delorean CI job to http://prod-rdojenkins.rhcloud.com/
- RDO packages maintainers are invited to rebase their packages on Friday/Monday
- All package owners to submit only Fedora builds with rdopkg update
People present (lines said)
- apevec (137)
- number80 (28)
- alphacc (18)
- eggmaster (14)
- gchamoul (14)
- jruzicka (13)
- kbsingh (10)
- weshay_ (7)
- rbowen (6)
- zodbot (6)
- laudo (3)
- DV (2)
- ihrachyshka_ (2)
- larsks (1)
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