#rdo: RDO meeting - 2018-08-22
Meeting started by PagliaccisCloud at 15:00:46 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- roll call (PagliaccisCloud, 15:02:17)
- Verify github orgs using redhat.com domain to increase visibility (& security) https://blog.github.com/changelog/2018-08-07-domain-verification/ (multiple domains are possible) (PagliaccisCloud, 15:07:42)
- ACTION: ssbarnea|ruck
will update existing ticket with Redhat IT to add two additional TXT
records to redhat.com dns (PagliaccisCloud,
- IT already told me that we will need to wait
for Sep11 to get the change performed due to their scheduling. still
we need to get record list first. (leanderthal,
- RDO Rocky GA Test Days 5-6 September https://www.rdoproject.org/testday/ (PagliaccisCloud, 15:22:51)
- ACTION: amoralej to
check if there is any review to release kolla (leanderthal,
- ACTION: amoralej will
follow up with kolla to confirm they're ready by GA testing
- next week's chair (PagliaccisCloud, 15:33:33)
- jpena is next week's chair (PagliaccisCloud,
- open floor (PagliaccisCloud, 15:36:58)
Meeting ended at 15:47:37 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- ssbarnea|ruck will update existing ticket with Redhat IT to add two additional TXT records to redhat.com dns
- amoralej to check if there is any review to release kolla
- amoralej will follow up with kolla to confirm they're ready by GA testing
Action items, by person
- amoralej
- amoralej to check if there is any review to release kolla
- amoralej will follow up with kolla to confirm they're ready by GA testing
- ssbarnea|ruck
- ssbarnea|ruck will update existing ticket with Redhat IT to add two additional TXT records to redhat.com dns
People present (lines said)
- leanderthal (30)
- PagliaccisCloud (29)
- amoralej (23)
- zodbot (10)
- openstack (8)
- jpena (6)
- ssbarnea|ruck (6)
- rdogerrit (1)
- Duck (1)
- EmilienM (1)
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