15:00:38 <PagliaccisCloud> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2018-09-03 15:00:38 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 3 15:00:38 2018 UTC. 15:00:38 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:38 <zodbot> The chair is PagliaccisCloud. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:38 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2018-09-03' 15:00:39 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Oct 3 15:00:38 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is PagliaccisCloud. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:40 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:42 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2018_09_03' 15:02:03 <PagliaccisCloud> There's not too much on the agenda this week so we should wrap up early. Feel free to add anything you'd like to discuss 15:02:07 <jpena> o/ 15:02:11 <amoralej> PagliaccisCloud, let me add something 15:02:15 <amoralej> i just remembered 15:02:24 <jpena> btw, it's October now :) 15:02:25 <PagliaccisCloud> #chair jpena amoralej 15:02:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej jpena 15:02:26 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej jpena 15:02:33 <PagliaccisCloud> oh h*ck hold on 15:02:36 <mjturek> o/ 15:03:00 <mwhahaha> :o 15:03:01 <PagliaccisCloud> #info set the wrong date for the meeting 15:03:12 <PagliaccisCloud> #endmeeting