15:02:21 <amoralej> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2019-02-27 15:02:21 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 27 15:02:21 2019 UTC. 15:02:21 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:02:21 <zodbot> The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:21 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2019-02-27' 15:02:21 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Feb 27 15:02:21 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:22 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:02:25 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2019_02_27' 15:02:36 <amoralej> #topic roll call 15:06:01 <amoralej> i'm not sure if anyone is around :) 15:06:07 <amoralej> apevec, ykarel|afk chandankumar jpena|brb 15:06:08 <ykarel> o/ 15:06:16 <amoralej> #chair ykarel 15:06:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej ykarel 15:06:17 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej ykarel 15:06:22 <PagliaccisCloud> \o 15:06:25 <chandankumar> ah someone poked me 15:06:29 <chandankumar> amoralej: \o 15:06:42 <amoralej> #chair chandankumar PagliaccisCloud 15:06:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandankumar ykarel 15:06:43 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandankumar ykarel 15:07:42 <amoralej> #topic Stein GA preparation has started! https://trello.com/c/nkadXFWF/702-stein-release-preparation 15:07:57 <amoralej> in that card it's the list of tasks for stein GA prep 15:08:00 <amoralej> based on last one 15:08:13 <amoralej> please review it 15:09:53 <amoralej> We'll start creating a new dlrn builder for stable stein soon 15:10:29 <ykarel> amoralej, so we are getting rid of stein-py3-uc tag, right? 15:10:34 <amoralej> yes 15:10:45 <ykarel> and will be creating fedora-stein and master, right? 15:10:56 <amoralej> we've done the changes so that we can remove stein-py3-uc 15:11:03 <amoralej> that's part of the discussion 15:11:11 <amoralej> i'm not sure if it's worthy to have both 15:11:18 <amoralej> or just keep following master 15:11:43 <ykarel> yes good to clean it up, as it was only Ucssdk not python3 ready 15:11:45 <rdogerrit> Félix Enrique Llorente Pastora created config master: [WIP] Report base-singlenode-containers-build to DLRN https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19030 15:11:57 <amoralej> the point is if any CI job is going to use fedora and stein stable 15:12:21 <amoralej> currently iirc there is just one job using fedora repo in tripleo-ci, right? 15:12:24 <amoralej> quiquell, ^ 15:13:47 <amoralej> if there are plans to set fedora jobs for stable/stein we can create the builder 15:14:01 <amoralej> otherwise we'll just chase master 15:14:32 <quiquell> amoralej: a f28 containers build job is in the process to be run as non-voting check and as periodic 15:14:44 <quiquell> amoralej: is still WIP 15:15:04 <quiquell> amoralej: apart from that we just run the standalone-f28 job 15:15:25 * Duck o/ 15:15:47 <amoralej> quiquell, the question here is if we need two different dlrn repos for fedora 15:16:01 <amoralej> one for master and one for stein 15:16:46 <amoralej> quiquell, maybe it's worthy to bring the topic in one of the triple-ci meetings 15:16:52 <amoralej> about the plans for stein 15:17:10 <amoralej> also, need to discuss about adding the new promotion pipeline for stable/stein 15:17:55 <amoralej> i think it'd be good to coordinate between rdo and tripleo-ci 15:18:06 <amoralej> weshay, ^ time for stein preparation! 15:18:07 <quiquell> amoralej: yep this is a big issue we have to plan 15:18:30 <ykarel> yes +1, also pike is going EOL in few days, so good to plan for both pike and stein promotion jobs 15:18:33 <quiquell> weshay, panda|ruck: ^ 15:18:36 <amoralej> ok, so i think it's a topic for follow up after the meeting i'd say 15:20:09 <ykarel> agree, let's move ahead, and follow up post meeting in coming days 15:20:20 <amoralej> so i think that's the big thing to think about, what to do with fedora 15:20:30 <amoralej> other than that, is just another new release 15:20:58 <amoralej> ykarel, one thing that we can start doing is asking for replication of -testing to buildlogs 15:21:02 <amoralej> which is not in place yet 15:21:36 <ykarel> amoralej, +1 15:22:03 <ykarel> amoralej, so do we have some timeline for stein jobs 15:22:17 <amoralej> no, we need to discuss with the ci team 15:22:18 <ykarel> amoralej, i think it will be only after we have client/libraries releasesd 15:22:26 <amoralej> yes 15:22:26 <ykarel> and dlrn is ready 15:22:28 <amoralej> well 15:22:36 <amoralej> dlrn ready is the minimal 15:22:47 <amoralej> it does not depends on client/libraries released 15:23:23 <ykarel> yup but good to avoid running duplicate jobs until stein and master differs 15:23:32 <amoralej> yeah, that's right 15:24:25 <amoralej> ok, so let's keep discussing in the card 15:24:30 <amoralej> and move on to the next topic 15:24:55 <amoralej> next is about the fedora which we already discussed, let's get feedback from ci team before taking a decission 15:25:08 <ykarel> ack 15:25:35 <amoralej> quiquell, when do you have the meeting for tripleo-ci? 15:26:15 <weshay> 0/ 15:26:26 <amoralej> #chair weshay 15:26:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandankumar weshay ykarel 15:26:27 <weshay> amoralej ugh.. k 15:26:27 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandankumar weshay ykarel 15:26:29 <weshay> thanks 15:26:31 <quiquell> amoralej: we usually have the community meeting wednesday 15:26:46 <weshay> amoralej we should review the branching doc together 15:26:51 <amoralej> #chair quiquell 15:26:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandankumar quiquell weshay ykarel 15:26:52 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej chandankumar quiquell weshay ykarel 15:27:02 <amoralej> yes weshay, we need to coordinate and plan 15:27:22 <quiquell> weshay: community meeting is the place ? 15:27:52 <weshay> quiquell sorry .. for which subject? 15:28:40 <amoralej> weshay, about planning for stein promotion pipeline 15:28:51 <amoralej> would it be good to add it to a meeting? 15:29:02 <quiquell> weshay: they are talking about creating a dlrn builder for fedora stein 15:29:07 <weshay> I think we should review the doc async first.. and keep raising as a topic here 15:29:21 <amoralej> ok 15:29:36 <amoralej> weshay, quiquell look for me after the meeting and let's review it 15:29:50 <weshay> k.. found it 15:29:53 <weshay> adding you both 15:29:55 <weshay> and others 15:30:37 <amoralej> ok, let's move on 15:30:40 <amoralej> to next topic 15:31:06 <amoralej> #topic RDO Ocata EOL/Removal 15:31:25 <amoralej> #info https://releases.openstack.org/ ocata appears as unmaintained 15:31:40 <amoralej> with new model, releases can stay unmantained for long time 15:31:53 <amoralej> i'm not sure for how long do we need to maintain it in RDO 15:32:08 <ykarel> amoralej, i heard it was extended maintainance 15:32:19 <amoralej> nop according to official docs 15:32:31 <amoralej> oh sorruy 15:32:34 <amoralej> i missread it 15:32:45 <amoralej> actually it's in extended maintenance 15:32:47 <amoralej> you are right 15:32:56 <ykarel> yes, unmaintainted is TBD 15:33:05 <amoralej> yeah yeah 15:33:18 <amoralej> ok, then let's keep it while it's in extended 15:33:19 <weshay> amoralej quiquell email sent to collaborators 15:33:36 <amoralej> i just wondered if we could free some space for stein 15:33:41 <amoralej> but it seems not yet 15:33:42 <amoralej> ok 15:34:05 <ykarel> amoralej, pike is going EOL in few days 15:34:24 <ykarel> 2019-03-03 15:34:49 <ykarel> ok sorry, it says it will go extended maintainance 15:34:53 <ykarel> it's confusing :( 15:35:09 <amoralej> yes, it will go to extended 15:35:40 <weshay> wait.. pike is getting extended? 15:35:52 <ykarel> so all releases go extended maintainance? i remember only few releases go to that 15:35:53 <weshay> we have an issue w/ ceph on pike 15:35:55 <amoralej> https://releases.openstack.org/ says so 15:36:21 <weshay> rfolco|rover panda|ruck fyi ^ 15:36:37 <amoralej> but check definition of extended https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/stable-branches.html#maintenance-phases 15:36:51 <amoralej> "All bugfixes (that meet the criteria described below) are appropriate. No Releases produced, reduced CI commitment." 15:39:34 <amoralej> the point is that the timeframe for EM is "While there are community members maintaining it." 15:39:45 <amoralej> which is kind of difficult to define 15:40:02 <amoralej> so, we can say, we'll keep it on RDO while it passes CI 15:40:42 <ykarel> it also says projects to decide whether they are going to extended maintainance or not 15:41:17 <ykarel> Some project teams may choose to NOT enter extended maintenance and go directly to End of Life. At this point should a group wish to maintain that branch of a project they can do so within license and trademark constraints. Some OpenStack CI testing may be available via Zuul drivers 15:41:46 <amoralej> yeah, that's hard to track 15:43:03 <amoralej> let's move to next topic 15:43:12 <amoralej> #topic Ansible 2.7 update https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18721/ 15:43:22 <amoralej> i'm not sure about the status of nautilus 15:43:46 <ykarel> may be fultonj ^^ 15:43:53 <amoralej> i think they were building it in CBS 15:44:26 <amoralej> https://cbs.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=25141 seems wip 15:44:34 <fultonj> we have early builds which i linked to 15:44:43 <fultonj> in the review 15:44:48 <fultonj> however, they fail in tripleo ci 15:45:01 <fultonj> i had a test job to get it working 15:45:02 * fultonj gets link 15:45:16 <amoralej> fultonj, you mean package builds or containers? 15:45:22 <fultonj> amoralej: both 15:45:30 <fultonj> ceph-ansible rpm package and ceph-container container 15:45:43 <fultonj> links to both my in last comment in that review ^ 15:46:03 <amoralej> i don't see successful cbs builds in https://cbs.centos.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=534 15:46:23 <fultonj> the same combination fails for me in tripleo ci however https://review.openstack.org/#/c/501810/ 15:46:47 <fultonj> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/501810/ 15:47:09 <fultonj> http://cbs.centos.org/repos/storage7-ceph-nautilus-testing/x86_64/os/ 15:47:11 <amoralej> i guess using ceph-ansible from https://cbs.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=25129 with containers using 4.0 beta 15:47:12 <amoralej> right? 15:47:44 <fultonj> amoralej: that's the version of ceph-ansible we want 15:47:51 <fultonj> which works w/ ansible 2.7 15:48:19 <fultonj> amoralej: remember gfidente's copr? 15:48:29 <amoralej> ah, ok, using a copr 15:48:39 <fultonj> we need to get the newer clients in the openstack containers so they can talk to nautilus 15:49:06 <amoralej> fultonj, i see FS0001 passed using new ceph-ansible 15:49:19 <ykarel> amoralej, but there is no ceph 15:49:25 <ykarel> in fs001 15:49:33 <amoralej> oh, i though fs001 uses ceph 15:49:40 <amoralej> i always mess it up with FS 15:49:54 <amoralej> fultonj, so, do you expect to have fixes soon? 15:50:49 <fultonj> amoralej: we need gifidente 15:50:53 <fultonj> he's not here today 15:51:00 <amoralej> ok 15:51:09 <amoralej> we'll sync with him when he's back 15:51:10 <fultonj> we need to get the newer clients in the openstack containers so they can talk to nautilus 15:51:21 <fultonj> the newer clients, he was building in copr 15:51:31 <fultonj> 1. gfidente on copr 15:51:41 <fultonj> 2. can we build new newer clients? 15:51:51 <fultonj> amoralej: want to talk more about it after this meeting? 15:52:13 <amoralej> fultonj, we can wait for gfidente 15:55:29 <rdogerrit> rdo-trunk created openstack/networking-bgpvpn-distgit rpm-master: python-networking-bgpvpn: failed to build 29ae6f6 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19031 15:55:30 <amoralej> let's move on 15:55:37 <fultonj> ack 15:55:46 <amoralej> #topic open floor 15:55:53 <amoralej> anything else to bring to the meeting? 15:56:12 <mwhahaha> not sure if folks saw the email to the ML about replacing some puppet modules 15:56:24 <mwhahaha> the openstack ml that is 15:56:46 <mwhahaha> it sounds liek they would like to investigate replacing vcsrepo, sysctl and powerdns 15:56:59 <mwhahaha> this may have an impact on tripleo/rdo depending on how we can cut over 15:57:00 <amoralej> no i didn't mwhahaha 15:57:08 <amoralej> i'll check 15:57:46 <amoralej> the plan is to do it in this cycle? 15:57:59 <mwhahaha> it sounded like they wanted to try 15:58:02 <mwhahaha> i'm concerned about that 15:58:26 <mwhahaha> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-February/003264.html 15:58:45 <mwhahaha> please reply on the thread if you have concerns about this switch as well 15:59:08 <amoralej> yeah i see 15:59:13 <rdogerrit> rdo-trunk created openstack/networking-bgpvpn-distgit rpm-master: python-networking-bgpvpn: failed to build 29ae6f6 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19032 15:59:51 <amoralej> looks like it may be a problem, yes 16:00:11 <amoralej> I'll check and reply 16:00:17 <mwhahaha> thanks 16:00:22 <amoralej> thanks for point to it 16:00:27 <amoralej> we are out of time 16:00:36 <amoralej> any volunteer for next week meeting? 16:00:54 <jpena> I'll take it 16:01:23 <amoralej> #action jpena will chair next meeting 16:01:43 <amoralej> unless someone has anything else, i'll close the meeting 16:02:13 <rdogerrit> Javier Peña proposed rdo-infra/fedora-stable-config master: Add python-jira to stable config https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19028 16:02:48 <rdogerrit> Juan Antonio Osorio proposed openstack/tripleo-common-distgit rpm-master: Clean up leftovers https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19019 16:03:03 <amoralej> #endmeeting