15:00:13 <mjturek> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2019-03-13 15:00:13 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 13 15:00:13 2019 UTC. 15:00:13 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:13 <zodbot> The chair is mjturek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:13 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2019-03-13' 15:00:14 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Mar 13 15:00:13 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mjturek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:15 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:18 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2019_03_13' 15:00:28 <mjturek> #topic roll call 15:00:30 <jpena> o/ 15:00:34 <ykarel> jschlueter, recently zuul was update, gerrit was updated long ago 15:00:35 <fultonj> o/ 15:00:36 <ykarel> o/ 15:00:51 <Duck> quack 15:00:57 <mjturek> #chair jpena fultonj ykarel Duck 15:00:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck fultonj jpena mjturek ykarel 15:00:58 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck fultonj jpena mjturek ykarel 15:01:08 <jschlueter> ykarel: so registered/prefered email addresses got lost? 15:01:30 <rdogerrit> Jon Schlueter created openstack/tripleo-common-distgit rpm-master: remove duplicate description block https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19353 15:01:34 <amoralej> o/ 15:01:37 <jschlueter> got it fixed now 15:01:43 * jschlueter grumbles 15:01:47 <mjturek> #chair amoralej 15:01:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck amoralej fultonj jpena mjturek ykarel 15:01:48 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck amoralej fultonj jpena mjturek ykarel 15:01:58 <jschlueter> o/ 15:02:04 <mjturek> #chair jschlueter 15:02:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck amoralej fultonj jpena jschlueter mjturek ykarel 15:02:05 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck amoralej fultonj jpena jschlueter mjturek ykarel 15:02:17 <baha> o/ 15:02:21 <mjturek> #chair baha 15:02:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck amoralej baha fultonj jpena jschlueter mjturek ykarel 15:02:21 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck amoralej baha fultonj jpena jschlueter mjturek ykarel 15:02:23 <mjturek> welcome all 15:02:54 <mjturek> Agenda can be found here as always https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting 15:03:22 <mjturek> so let's get to the first topic 15:03:45 <mjturek> #topic Logging woes for containers job 15:04:26 <mjturek> so figured I'd give an update on the ppc64le containers job, we got the logging patch merged yesterday but it seems to need a `matches` statement (see conversation earlier with dmsimard) 15:04:59 <mjturek> so hopefully we'll have something up in a few hours to fix that 15:05:38 <mjturek> alright let's move on to the next topic, unless anyone has anything to bring up here 15:06:08 <mjturek> #topic As per tripleo-ci change pike w/ ceph is workikng again (see https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19141 + depends-on) 15:06:16 <mjturek> fultonj you're up! 15:06:31 <fultonj> mjturek: thanks, just wanted to wrap up that open topic from last week 15:06:37 <fultonj> no need to rm any ceph jobs from pike 15:06:42 <fultonj> thanks ykarel for the idea 15:06:54 <fultonj> we can move to next topic unless there's questions on that 15:07:17 <mjturek> very cool! thanks fultonj and ykarel 15:07:27 <fultonj> #topic Ansible 2.7 blocked in Stein on Nautilus build on PPC 15:07:27 <amoralej> nice! 15:07:46 <fultonj> we want to land https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18721 15:08:00 <fultonj> it breaks on ceph 15:08:06 <mjturek> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18721 15:08:14 <amoralej> fultonj, it failed scenario0001 with ceph issue 15:08:30 <fultonj> there's a dependency chain that leads to ceph nautilus builds 15:08:53 <fultonj> we were close to having those builds 15:09:00 <fultonj> they work on x86_64 15:09:04 <fultonj> but not ppc https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=15906 15:09:07 <amoralej> can we help somehow? 15:09:12 <fultonj> so ^ is opened to get it addressed 15:09:21 <fultonj> amoralej: i don't know 15:09:26 <fultonj> i wanted to update the situation 15:09:32 <amoralej> ups 15:09:35 <amoralej> i see that issue 15:09:36 <fultonj> not sure if there anything else we can do but push on that bug 15:09:41 <amoralej> needs help from centos guys 15:09:53 <amoralej> for ppc arch 15:09:59 <fultonj> (or centos gals) 15:10:27 <fultonj> gfidente sent an email and opened the bug 15:10:32 <amoralej> ok 15:10:40 <fultonj> amoralej: anything else we can do? 15:11:09 <fultonj> #link https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=15906 15:11:36 <amoralej> it fails at compile time 15:11:53 <fultonj> amoralej: yeah, same thing builds on gfidente's local machine w/ more memory 15:12:13 <fultonj> maybe a hardware issue? 15:12:14 <gfidente> goes OOm in CBS I opened a tiecket 15:12:18 <gfidente> OOm 15:12:20 <gfidente> OOM 15:12:30 <amoralej> let's see if centos team has any better idea 15:12:49 <PagliaccisCloud> \o 15:12:57 <mjturek> #chair PagliaccisCloud 15:12:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: Duck PagliaccisCloud amoralej baha fultonj jpena jschlueter mjturek ykarel 15:12:58 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck PagliaccisCloud amoralej baha fultonj jpena jschlueter mjturek ykarel 15:13:32 <fultonj> ok, i guess that's all we have to say about that 15:14:34 <mjturek> #info PPC build is failing with an OOM, need to talk with centos folks for help here. E-mail sent and bug opened 15:14:43 <mjturek> #undo 15:14:43 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by mjturek at 15:14:34 : PPC build is failing with an OOM, need to talk with centos folks for help here. E-mail sent and bug opened 15:14:45 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #info PPC build is failing with an OOM, need to talk with centos folks for help here. E-mail sent and bug opened 15:14:59 <mjturek> #info PPC build of ceph nautilus is failing with an OOM, need to talk with centos folks for help here. E-mail sent and bug opened 15:15:25 <mjturek> alright ready to move on? 15:15:35 <fultonj> +1 15:15:53 <mjturek> cool so that's it for proposed topics 15:16:01 <mjturek> #topic chair for next meeting 15:16:17 <mjturek> Anyone up for chairing next week's meeting? 15:16:28 <mjturek> please, not all at once 15:16:33 <amoralej> i can take it :) 15:16:37 <mjturek> :) thanks amoralej 15:16:48 <mjturek> #info amoralej to chair next meeting 15:17:00 <mjturek> cool that brings us to open floor 15:17:17 <mjturek> #topic open floor 15:17:35 <mjturek> Does anyone have anything else they'd like to bring up? 15:17:56 <rdogerrit> Jon Schlueter proposed openstack/tripleo-common-distgit rpm-master: remove duplicate description block https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19353 15:17:59 <mjturek> Summit/PTG is approaching, anyone going? baha and I are hoping to attend but are awaiting approval 15:18:09 * fultonj going 15:18:14 <mjturek> \o/ 15:18:52 <baha> It'd be my first PTG! So hoping it works out =) 15:18:57 <mjturek> +1 15:19:49 <mjturek> alright great to see a nice turnout today, I think we can close out the meeting 15:19:59 <ykarel> i think i have one topic 15:19:59 <fultonj> thanks mjturek 15:20:03 <mjturek> oh! 15:20:09 <mjturek> go ahead ykarel 15:20:23 <ykarel> so we have a review removing ocata jobs:- https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19236/ 15:20:33 <mjturek> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19236/ 15:20:38 <ykarel> we need to decide for how long we need to run those jobs 15:21:22 <ykarel> as per https://releases.openstack.org/, it just says ocata is extended maintainance 15:21:32 <ykarel> no timeline how long will it be in that phase 15:22:00 <ykarel> and how long RDO need to keep testing incoming patches 15:22:14 <ykarel> and support ocata 15:22:42 <ykarel> so once we decide we can do same for pike 15:22:50 <ykarel> and other extended releases 15:22:53 <ykarel> thoughts? 15:23:06 <amoralej> ykarel, there are no more releases for ocata 15:23:14 <amoralej> so we should not need more oooq jobs for ocata 15:23:18 <amoralej> in rdoinfo 15:23:31 <ykarel> amoralej, okk, and weirdo jobs? 15:23:46 <ykarel> i see those are still running in multiple projects 15:24:11 <amoralej> ocata jobs? 15:24:14 <amoralej> what projects? 15:24:21 <ykarel> yes, atleast weirdo ones 15:25:20 <amoralej> mmm 15:25:25 <amoralej> are those jobs broken? 15:25:48 <amoralej> i think we will not run weirdo for ocata anymore 15:25:52 <amoralej> well 15:25:59 <amoralej> do we still run promotion pipeline on ocata? 15:26:15 <ykarel> amoralej, no 15:26:34 <ykarel> current oldest is pike 15:26:35 <amoralej> then, we can get rid of those jobs, i'd say 15:27:18 <ykarel> okk 15:27:46 <mjturek> so that means https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19236/ can merge as is? 15:28:35 <ykarel> no, we need to cleanup projects to not run those jobs, and then we can remove those jobs instead of deprecating them 15:28:42 <mjturek> ahh okay 15:29:16 <amoralej> yeah, exactly 15:29:24 <amoralej> need to cleanup weirdo projects 15:29:38 <rdogerrit> Adam Kimball created rdo-infra/ci-config master: Add match to tripleo-upstream-publishers so it always runs https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19354 15:30:38 <mjturek> cool, so sounds like there's a plan for that, ykarel anything else here? 15:30:48 <ykarel> we can move on 15:30:53 <mjturek> thanks! 15:31:01 <mjturek> anyone else have anything they'd like to bring up? 15:32:06 <mjturek> alright, thanks everyone! 15:32:15 <mjturek> #endmeeting