15:00:45 <PagliaccisCloud> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2019-08-14 15:00:45 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 14 15:00:45 2019 UTC. 15:00:45 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:45 <zodbot> The chair is PagliaccisCloud. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:45 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:45 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2019-08-14' 15:00:47 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Aug 14 15:00:45 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is PagliaccisCloud. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:48 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:50 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2019_08_14' 15:02:03 <jcapitao> PagliaccisCloud: hello 15:02:11 <jpena> o/ 15:02:27 <PagliaccisCloud> #chair jpena jcapitao 15:02:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud jcapitao jpena 15:02:28 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud jcapitao jpena 15:02:35 <amoralej> o/ 15:02:50 <PagliaccisCloud> #chair amoralej 15:02:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej jcapitao jpena 15:02:51 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej jcapitao jpena 15:08:59 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder-distgit rpm-master: Initial packaging https://review.rdoproject.org/r/21810 15:09:04 <PagliaccisCloud> Ready to get started everyone? 15:10:16 <PagliaccisCloud> #topic [apevec, dms] https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-openstacksdk/pull-request/4 updating clients in Fedora Rawhide to the OpenStack release under development? 15:11:55 <amoralej> apevec, ^ 15:12:08 <amoralej> so the request is to update openstack clients in fedora 15:12:40 <amoralej> i'm inclined to keep clients from last released openstack 15:12:44 <amoralej> i.e. stein now 15:13:30 <amoralej> but i think the actual question was to update f30 and f29 to stein 15:14:05 <amoralej> according to comments in the PR 15:14:17 <amoralej> we could update to what is in rawhide in F30 15:14:33 <amoralej> f29 is more complicated because of the py2/py3 stuff 15:14:36 <jpena> I think we should at least have stein in the latest released fedora, i.e. f30 15:14:56 <amoralej> apevec, dmsimard ^ would that be good enough? 15:15:03 <jpena> and try to bump those versions after we get train, etc 15:15:09 <amoralej> yes 15:15:13 <jpena> so latest released fedora == latest released openstack 15:15:16 <amoralej> that's the idea 15:15:29 <amoralej> tbh that was the idea for rawhide 15:15:35 <dmsimard> hello o/ 15:15:41 <amoralej> i didn't plan to update in stable releases 15:15:47 <PagliaccisCloud> #chair dmsimard 15:15:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej dmsimard jcapitao jpena 15:15:48 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej dmsimard jcapitao jpena 15:15:48 <amoralej> but i could update f30 15:15:54 <PagliaccisCloud> Morning dmsimard!! 15:16:02 <amoralej> dmsimard, wrt clients update in fedora 15:16:27 <amoralej> are the versions in rawhide good enough for you right now? 15:16:38 <amoralej> i'd prefer not to switch to train until it's GA 15:17:00 <dmsimard> amoralej: openstacksdk doesn't rely on clients anymore though, does it ? 15:17:14 <dmsimard> formerly known as shade 15:17:15 <amoralej> nop 15:17:43 <amoralej> but, it's more a matter of keeping a criteria for every openstack package 15:17:51 <amoralej> instead of doing one by one selection 15:18:03 <dmsimard> amoralej: there is a distinction between something like nova and openstacksdk 15:18:41 <dmsimard> (not that we ship nova in fedora anyway..) 15:18:48 <amoralej> openstacksdk uses things like keystoneauth1 15:19:00 <amoralej> and follows u-c and stable branches 15:19:08 <dmsimard> u-c for openstacksdk is 0.33 though 15:19:13 <amoralej> in master 15:19:18 <amoralej> but we keep stein 15:19:22 <amoralej> latest released 15:19:24 <amoralej> in fedora 15:19:25 <dmsimard> fair 15:19:37 <dmsimard> rawhide is the equivalent of master I suppose 15:19:50 <dmsimard> or should be 15:19:51 <amoralej> dmsimard, my proposal is to update f30 with latest in rawhide 15:20:17 <amoralej> dmsimard, we can't follow the updates speed in master for fedora even in rawhide 15:20:32 <amoralej> unless we do more automation 15:20:40 <amoralej> which is not in place 15:21:00 <amoralej> we've worked to make updates easier and reduce the manual work 15:21:12 <amoralej> but it's not like rdo trunk 15:21:17 <dmsimard> right 15:21:45 <dmsimard> it turns out that fbo has been working on getting pagure PRs tested with distro jobs to eventually get automated builds but we're not there quite yet 15:21:46 <amoralej> btw, dmsimard is that for zuul? 15:22:05 <amoralej> what is requiring openstacksdk? 15:22:29 <dmsimard> amoralej: more or less, we needed an interim before the release of centos 8 and tried distro packages instead of pip to run ansible openstack modules 15:23:14 <amoralej> ok 15:23:28 <amoralej> and it's 0.27 too old for openstack modules in ansible? 15:23:59 <dmsimard> 0.13 (iirc) was definitely too old, 0.27 is working for us so far 15:24:25 <dmsimard> then again 15:24:33 <dmsimard> perhaps we could've taken an old version of ansible and it might have worked 15:24:46 <rdogerrit> Gaƫl Chamoulaud created openstack/tripleo-validations-distgit rpm-master: Add python*-oslo-utils dependency https://review.rdoproject.org/r/21843 15:25:10 <amoralej> we can update to 0.27 in f30 15:25:15 <dmsimard> I didn't bisect where exactly the thing breaks 15:25:15 <amoralej> also need f29? 15:25:22 <dmsimard> f30 is fine 15:25:26 <amoralej> ok 15:25:32 <amoralej> will do that, then 15:25:46 <dmsimard> I can update my PR to address the failing build and other comments 15:26:05 <amoralej> #action openstack-sig to update openstack clients in fedora 30 with latest versions in rawhide 15:26:34 <amoralej> ok, thanks dmsimard yes, let's keep the conversation in the PRs 15:27:56 <amoralej> i think we can move on 15:28:08 <dmsimard> yup, thanks 15:28:19 <PagliaccisCloud> Thanks folks. Open floor time! 15:28:27 <PagliaccisCloud> #topic Open floor 15:30:40 <PagliaccisCloud> Anything you want to bring up for discussion? 15:31:47 <jpena> nothing fo rme 15:32:15 <amoralej> not from me 15:32:54 <jcapitao> nothing for me as well 15:35:32 <PagliaccisCloud> Well I guess we can move on to next week's chair 15:35:38 <PagliaccisCloud> #topic next week's chair 15:35:54 <PagliaccisCloud> Any volunteers? 15:37:07 <jpena> I'll take it 15:37:11 <jpena> I haven't chaired for a while 15:37:23 <PagliaccisCloud> Sweet, thanks jpena 15:37:45 <PagliaccisCloud> #action jpena will chair next week's meeting 15:39:35 <rdogerrit> Merged rdo-infra/ci-config master: Remove F28 from dlrn promoter files https://review.rdoproject.org/r/21841 15:39:37 <PagliaccisCloud> So I guess I'll give you all 20min back. Thanks for coming, everyone! 15:39:46 <PagliaccisCloud> #endmeeting