15:01:09 <ykarel> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2019-09-18 15:01:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 18 15:01:09 2019 UTC. 15:01:09 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:01:09 <zodbot> The chair is ykarel. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2019-09-18' 15:01:09 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Sep 18 15:01:09 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ykarel. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:10 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:13 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2019_09_18' 15:01:30 <ykarel> Add topic to meeting agenda, https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting 15:01:36 <ykarel> #topic roll call 15:02:09 <jcapitao> o/ 15:02:14 <ykarel> #chair jcapitao 15:02:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: jcapitao ykarel 15:02:16 <openstack> Current chairs: jcapitao ykarel 15:02:33 <jpena> o/ 15:02:45 <ykarel> #chair jpena 15:02:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: jcapitao jpena ykarel 15:02:46 <openstack> Current chairs: jcapitao jpena ykarel 15:03:01 <mjturek> o/ 15:03:50 <ykarel> #chair mjturek 15:03:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: jcapitao jpena mjturek ykarel 15:03:51 <openstack> Current chairs: jcapitao jpena mjturek ykarel 15:06:07 <ykarel> Ok let's start with topics 15:06:31 <ykarel> #topic Train Release preparation update 15:06:45 <ykarel> it's me so there are some updates on it 15:06:51 <ykarel> #info CentOS7 Train DLRN builder is ready is building with stable/train and train-rdo branches if available else master 15:07:07 <ykarel> #info Status of branching is being tracked in Etherpad:- https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/train-release-preparation 15:07:35 <ykarel> #info CBS build of non-client libs in progress, client libraries are being branched(train-rdo) except openstackclient and ironicclient 15:07:49 <ykarel> jcapitao is preparing patch for branching client libraries 15:08:27 <ykarel> So till now issue is seen with openstackclient train release, with new release puppet deployments are not good. 15:08:55 <ykarel> jpena has pushed couple of patches to fix it, once it's fixed completely we will update it in RDO 15:09:30 <jpena> ykarel: I have a WIP patch for the cinder_type provider, I'll send it later today 15:09:45 <ykarel> jpena, okk nice, with that we should move forward 15:10:36 <ykarel> that's it for branching, any questions on these? 15:11:35 <rdogerrit> Sorin Sbarnea (zbr) created rdo-infra/ci-config master: Update etherpad to point to ruckroversprint15 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/22370 15:12:47 <ykarel> ok let's move 15:13:01 <ykarel> [ykarel] RC1 Target week(Sep 23 - Sep 27), services start cutting stable/train around it, promotion pipeline and check jobs preparation 15:13:10 <ykarel> #topic [ykarel] RC1 Target week(Sep 23 - Sep 27), services start cutting stable/train around it, promotion pipeline and check jobs 15:13:54 <ykarel> chandankumar, rfolco are you guys aware of the plan for these ^^ 15:14:04 <ykarel> any card where this is tracked by TripleO CI Team 15:14:12 <ykarel> so we can track the status from there 15:14:41 <ykarel> last week weshay acknowledge for it, but seems he is out today 15:16:10 <weshay> hello 15:16:30 <ykarel> weshay, RC1 Target week(Sep 23 - Sep 27), services start cutting stable/train around it, promotion pipeline and check jobs preparation 15:16:35 <chandankumar> ykarel: https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/epic/1279 15:16:42 <rdogerrit> User mjturek created rdo-infra/ci-config master: Fix syntax error in ppc64le container build playbook https://review.rdoproject.org/r/22371 15:16:55 <ykarel> so we are just looking for something where we can track the status for these jobs preparation 15:17:06 <ykarel> chandankumar, okk Thanks good place to start 15:17:15 <ykarel> #link https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/epic/1279 15:17:19 <chandankumar> ykarel: let's catch tomorrow on this 15:17:20 <weshay> fyi.. we have not started any work there yet 15:17:36 <ykarel> ok np, we are just looking if it's on your radar 15:18:11 <ykarel> it would be good if jobs start running when project start creating branches 15:18:30 <ykarel> as master and train diverges from there 15:19:01 <ykarel> any question on above, or else we move to next 15:20:30 <ykarel> #topic CentOS8 and RDO Train/Ussuri 15:21:00 <ykarel> #info CentOS8 planned release date- 24th September https://wiki.centos.org/About/Building_8 15:21:40 <jcapitao> finally 15:22:32 <ykarel> Train release date is just after 3 weeks of it:- 16th October, so it will be difficult to have RDO Train GA with CentOS8 15:23:27 <ykarel> as apart from RDO own preparation we need to rely on other SIGs like virt/storage etc 15:24:06 <rdogerrit> Merged config master: Enable container login for base jobs https://review.rdoproject.org/r/22304 15:24:27 <ykarel> and once CentOS8 releases finally, we will have more clear picture how to move forward and plan for other SIGs 15:24:55 <ykarel> that's it from me, so any opinion, questions on CentOS8 and RDO releases? 15:25:08 <ykarel> we will be discussion more on this in coming weeks 15:25:16 <jpena> I would just replace "difficult" with "impossible" :) 15:25:32 <ykarel> yes practically that's true :) 15:25:56 * ykarel wondering if someone says i m possible 15:26:43 <ykarel> weshay, EmilienM mwhahaha fyi ^^ 15:27:15 <EmilienM> ykarel: alex and I are busy right now, working on gate issues 15:27:23 <EmilienM> what's tl;dr? 15:27:35 <ykarel> EmilienM, CentOS8 and RDO Train/Ussuri 15:27:44 <weshay> ykarel, the POC for CentOS 8 will be zbr 15:27:54 <weshay> ykarel, forward all your concerns to zbr please 15:28:06 <ykarel> weshay, sure will keep him in loop 15:28:38 <amoralej> yes, i think it's imposible at ga at least 15:28:46 <ykarel> #chair amoralej weshay 15:28:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao jpena mjturek weshay ykarel 15:28:47 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao jpena mjturek weshay ykarel 15:28:57 <amoralej> we may be able to add rdo train on centos8 post-ga 15:29:01 <zbr> initially i had a centos8 filter on irc client but had to disable it due to spam :D 15:29:31 <ykarel> amoralej, yes that sounds reasonable considering the timeline 15:29:34 <rdogerrit> Joel Capitao created config master: Create train-rdo branch for client libraries https://review.rdoproject.org/r/22372 15:30:12 <ykarel> but maintaining both will be a burden, let's see how things goes in next weeks 15:30:20 <amoralej> yes 15:30:22 <amoralej> we'll see 15:30:26 <amoralej> there are several options 15:31:47 <ykarel> yup 15:31:53 <weshay> ykarel, waiting on https://review.opendev.org/#/c/681897/ for ml3 15:31:55 <weshay> fyi 15:32:03 * ykarel looks 15:32:23 <ykarel> ack 15:33:23 <ykarel> ok let's move to next topic 15:33:50 <ykarel> #topic Chair for next week 15:33:56 <ykarel> any volunteer? 15:34:04 <amoralej> o/ 15:34:13 <ykarel> amoralej, Thanks 15:34:22 <ykarel> #action amoralej to chair next week Meeting 15:34:59 <ykarel> #topic open floor 15:35:10 <ykarel> feel free to bring any topic now 15:40:17 <ykarel> so if nothing else to discuss, we can close and everyone gets 20 minute back 15:40:22 <jpena> yay 15:41:06 <ykarel> ok let's close than 15:41:13 <ykarel> #topic endmeeting 15:41:39 <ykarel> sorry #undo 15:41:50 <ykarel> #undo 15:41:50 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x7f9394ffa690> 15:41:51 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #topic endmeeting 15:41:56 <ykarel> #endmeeting