14:00:53 <jcapitao> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2020-05-06 14:00:53 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 6 14:00:53 2020 UTC. 14:00:53 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:00:53 <zodbot> The chair is jcapitao. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:53 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:53 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2020-05-06' 14:00:55 <openstack> Meeting started Wed May 6 14:00:54 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jcapitao. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:56 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:58 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2020_05_06' 14:01:11 <rdogerrit> Merged config master: Added rdo-common resource file https://review.rdoproject.org/r/27216 14:01:19 <jcapitao> Please add any last-minute topic to the agenda at https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting 14:01:30 <jcapitao> #topic roll call 14:01:32 <amoralej> o/ 14:01:33 <leanderthal> o/ 14:01:46 <iurygregory> o/ 14:01:56 <jcapitao> #chair amoralej leanderthal iurygregory 14:01:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej iurygregory jcapitao leanderthal 14:01:57 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej iurygregory jcapitao leanderthal 14:02:40 * iurygregory not sure if should be chair sorry 14:03:16 <leanderthal> iurygregory, definitely should be chair! 14:03:43 <leanderthal> welcome and it's awesome to see you, iurygregory 14:03:48 <jcapitao> iurygregory: take a sit :) 14:03:49 <iurygregory> =) 14:03:54 <ykarel> o/ 14:04:12 <jcapitao> #chair ykarel 14:04:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej iurygregory jcapitao leanderthal ykarel 14:04:13 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej iurygregory jcapitao leanderthal ykarel 14:04:31 <leanderthal> mjturek, if you're around; would love to get your input on some things 14:04:36 <leanderthal> and spotz as well! 14:04:43 <mjturek> o/ 14:05:26 <jcapitao> #chair mjturek 14:05:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej iurygregory jcapitao leanderthal mjturek ykarel 14:05:27 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej iurygregory jcapitao leanderthal mjturek ykarel 14:06:06 <jcapitao> ok let's start 14:06:09 <spotz> o/ 14:06:13 <jcapitao> #topic Ussuri Updates 14:06:17 <jcapitao> #chair spotz 14:06:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej iurygregory jcapitao leanderthal mjturek spotz ykarel 14:06:19 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej iurygregory jcapitao leanderthal mjturek spotz ykarel 14:06:23 <leanderthal> :-D 14:06:32 <jcapitao> #info rdoinfo master tags are switched to victoria, so from now on master != ussuri 14:06:45 <jcapitao> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/27088/ 14:06:54 <jcapitao> #info most of the projects are branched and built, remains ~50 packages (low priority) to be branched 14:07:00 <leanderthal> jbrooks, if you're awake? 14:07:06 <jcapitao> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/ussuri-release-preparation 14:07:21 <iurygregory> yay Victoria \o/ 14:07:21 <jcapitao> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/q/topic:ussuri-branching 14:07:45 <chandankumar> \o/ 14:07:47 <leanderthal> (SQUEEEEE!! !) 14:08:07 <spotz> Nice job! 14:08:09 <jcapitao> yeah the Victoria journey begins 14:08:17 <amoralej> jcapitao, you think we are far from passing packstack and p-o-i jobs? 14:08:45 <jcapitao> amoralej: i think we should be good tomorrow 14:08:55 <jcapitao> ykarel: wdyt ? 14:08:57 <amoralej> as soon as we have all required packages for those, we should propose the promotion 14:09:27 <ykarel> jcapitao, yes lets finish pending builds, and go with promotion to -testing 14:09:54 <ykarel> i believe by tomorrow we will have rc1 promotion patch 14:10:06 <amoralej> ykarel, jcapitao we should make centos guys aware before doing the actual tag 14:10:40 <ykarel> amoralej, ^^ is needed why? 14:10:41 <amoralej> make them aware of massive tagging events 14:10:52 <ykarel> just curious as we recently tagged victoria 14:11:16 <amoralej> let's ask in centos-devel 14:11:19 <amoralej> after this mtg 14:11:22 <ykarel> okk 14:11:23 <jcapitao> amoralej: oh, is there such an impact on their workload ? 14:11:44 <amoralej> last time i did it, they asked me to make them aware 14:12:18 <leanderthal> yes, definitely. 14:12:23 <leanderthal> please let them know after this meeting. 14:12:39 <leanderthal> and bring it up tomorrow in centos cloud sig meeting as well so we can get it officially on record 14:12:57 <jcapitao> +1 14:12:59 <amoralej> ok 14:12:59 <iurygregory> ++ 14:13:01 <spotz> +1 14:13:02 <amoralej> good point 14:13:24 <ykarel> +1 14:13:31 <weshay|ruck> 0/ 14:14:00 <jcapitao> #chair weshay|ruck 14:14:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej iurygregory jcapitao leanderthal mjturek spotz weshay|ruck ykarel 14:14:01 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej iurygregory jcapitao leanderthal mjturek spotz weshay|ruck ykarel 14:14:29 <jcapitao> about the new XStatic modules added upstream for vitrage dashboard 14:14:46 <jcapitao> as they are not yet packaged for Fedora 14:15:12 <jcapitao> we will pin vitrage-ui to 3.0.0 14:15:32 <jcapitao> the last commit before the add of the XStatic modules 14:16:30 <amoralej> lgtm 14:16:36 <ykarel> +1 14:16:42 <amoralej> these deps are only for vitrage-ui 14:16:53 <amoralej> so i think it should be under vitrage maintenance 14:17:18 <amoralej> we already advised maintainers 14:17:54 <jcapitao> yeah 14:18:35 <jcapitao> let's hope they will package them 14:19:18 <amoralej> yep 14:19:19 <jcapitao> anything else to discuss on this topic ? 14:20:28 <jcapitao> let's move 14:20:31 <jcapitao> #topic Remove old fedora repositories 14:20:32 <amoralej> is it enabled the automation to create new builds from reviews in openstack/releases? 14:20:41 <amoralej> for rc2 and rc 3 14:21:10 <amoralej> yes, i see it 14:21:10 <ykarel> amoralej, yes ^^ working https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/q/topic:ussuri-update 14:21:18 <ykarel> there are already some rc2 builds 14:21:19 <amoralej> cool 14:21:24 <amoralej> wrt fedora 14:21:48 <amoralej> #info we still have in trunk.r.o some old fedora repos we used in the transition to python3 14:22:07 <amoralej> #info those repositories are not updated anymore 14:22:37 <amoralej> #info everything under https://trunk.rdoproject.org/fedora/ will be deleted 14:23:20 <amoralej> #action anyone still using fedora repositories from trunk.rdoproject.org stop doing it and ask us if need advice about what to use 14:23:41 <leanderthal> amoralej, when was the last time they were accessed? do we have that metric? 14:23:51 <amoralej> i can check 14:24:06 <amoralej> the problem usually is that we see access from mirrors which are not actual users 14:24:11 <leanderthal> yeah, fair. 14:24:18 <spotz> Haven't checked lately but are the install dos updated for the repo changes yet? 14:24:21 <leanderthal> could we write an email or blog post please? 14:24:23 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing-distgit ussuri-rdo: openstack-neutron-dynamic-routing-16.0.0-0.1.0rc1 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/27291 14:24:49 <iurygregory> worth sending an email I would say 14:24:55 <leanderthal> spotz, for the ussuri install? 14:25:03 <spotz> Yeah 14:25:18 <amoralej> leanderthal, i will send a mail 14:25:23 <leanderthal> spotz, those will be updated as part of the release announcements the week of 18-22 may 14:25:30 <amoralej> #action amoralej to send a mail about fedora repositories removal 14:25:31 <leanderthal> (theoretically) 14:25:36 <leanderthal> amoralej, perfect; thank you! 14:25:41 <spotz> Ok perfect 14:26:01 <jpena> I noticed we have a couple jobs defined at rdo-jobs using the rdo-fedora-stable nodeset, I'll take care of removing them 14:26:12 <leanderthal> thx jpena 14:26:48 <jcapitao> #action jpena to remove rdo-jobs using rdo-fedora-stable nodeset 14:28:34 <jcapitao> ok, next topic 14:28:39 <jcapitao> #topic RDO Ussuri Release Announcement 14:28:51 <jcapitao> ^ leanderthal all yours 14:29:15 <leanderthal> I have written the pre-announcement 14:29:27 <leanderthal> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/ussuri-release-announcement 14:29:30 <rdogerrit> Javier Peña created rdo-jobs master: Remove old jobs using the rdo-fedora-stable nodeset https://review.rdoproject.org/r/27300 14:29:35 <leanderthal> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/ussuri-release-announcement 14:29:36 <leanderthal> ahem. 14:29:48 <leanderthal> and i need help gathering the new / current contributors 14:30:08 <leanderthal> and the technical highlights (these are mostly grabbed from upstream tripleo / openstack) 14:30:22 <leanderthal> but if there's something in particular that RDO is chuffed about, add it 14:31:25 <leanderthal> i also crossed some things out specifically leaving them in because i'm nervous about the mirror / multi arch mirrors and such 14:32:04 <leanderthal> which is why i particularly want us to talk about that tomorrow in CentOS Cloud SIG meeting which meets thirty minutes from now TOMORROW on #centos-meeting 14:32:24 <leanderthal> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand 14:32:48 <leanderthal> also, i need .... someone else to actually publish this, take the lead as i'll be on PTO 16-31 may 14:33:25 <iurygregory> if you give me the steps I can do for you leanderthal =) 14:33:33 <spotz> Same here 14:34:06 <leanderthal> iurygregory, spotz - why don't i email you both instructions? 14:34:18 <iurygregory> leanderthal, sounds good to me =) 14:34:28 <spotz> Sounds good 14:34:28 <leanderthal> i want to say we got them onto the website at some point, but i'd like to make sure that happens anyway. 14:34:33 <mjturek> I can be at the sig meeting but not sure I have much to input (we're veeery close on ppc containers but still can't say it;s done) 14:34:39 <rdogerrit> Merged puppet/puppet-tripleo-distgit rpm-master: Remove unused puppet-trove from dependencies https://review.rdoproject.org/r/27083 14:34:54 <leanderthal> mjturek, perfect; definitely want at least THAT on record, please. 14:35:54 <amoralej> i'll joing the mtg leanderthal 14:36:04 <leanderthal> awesomeness, thx amoralej 14:36:33 <leanderthal> #action leanderthal to email spotz and iurygregory re: ussuri release announcement blog / links / instructions 14:36:50 <leanderthal> any questions for that topic? 14:37:20 <spotz> Not until we see the instructions:) 14:37:31 <iurygregory> atm nope =) 14:37:34 <leanderthal> fair 14:37:37 <iurygregory> spotz ++ 14:37:39 <jcapitao> ok let's move then 14:37:41 <jcapitao> #topic leanderthal is leaving Red Hat; last working day is 17 May 14:38:11 <leanderthal> and that's why i especially need others to know how to do the release announcement. 14:38:31 <iurygregory> =OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 14:38:35 <tosky> :( 14:38:37 <jcapitao> nooooo 14:38:37 <amoralej> ooooh 14:38:44 <iurygregory> oh no 14:38:45 <leanderthal> here's the cool part, though, that we're upstream. and i'm going to another open source / cloud / edge company, so i'll still lead the cloud sig and i hope to still contribute here, too 14:38:56 <leanderthal> **HUGS** 14:39:14 <amoralej> glad to still keep you around 14:39:30 <leanderthal> i hope to have time to be more technically involved 14:40:18 <amoralej> we are always open to contributors :) 14:40:24 <leanderthal> YESSSS 14:40:28 <jcapitao> :) 14:40:37 <spotz> :) 14:40:44 <iurygregory> good luck in your next challenge leanderthal =) 14:40:58 <leanderthal> thx so much iurygregory 14:41:00 <ykarel> all the best leanderthal for ur next challenges 14:41:35 <leanderthal> thx so much ykarel 14:41:39 <jcapitao> yeah best wishes for your new job 14:41:44 <amoralej> +1 14:41:55 <leanderthal> thx so much jcapitao and amoralej and rdo 14:41:57 <spotz> +1 14:42:10 <mjturek> :( +1 14:42:37 <tosky> all the best! 14:43:02 <leanderthal> thx so much spotz and mjturek and tosky 14:43:55 <jcapitao> let's continue 14:44:03 <jcapitao> #topic chair for the next meeting 14:44:16 <chandankumar> leanderthal, sad to hear that, All the best for new adventure :-) 14:44:22 <jcapitao> any volunteer ? 14:44:36 <leanderthal> jcapitao, i'll be here next week 14:44:39 <leanderthal> so i can do it! 14:44:50 <leanderthal> thx so much chandankumar 14:45:36 <jcapitao> for your last shot, thanks leanderthal 14:45:48 <jcapitao> #action leanderthal to chair next meeting 14:46:10 <jcapitao> #topic open floor 14:46:24 <jcapitao> any additional topic you would like to discuss ? 14:46:29 <tosky> really quickly... 14:46:31 <tosky> I sent out a review to update the maintainers for *cinder* bits, also shamelessly adding myself: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/27299 - apart from the tempest plugin, because I believe the configuration should inherit from the template for tempest plugins where I'm already in 14:46:33 <tosky> The other maintainers voted already; I don't remember anymore if I should do anything else, or if I need to pass any special approval process 14:46:37 <tosky> When reviewing the change I noticed cinderclient has no "component:" field. As I wasn't sure whether to add 'component:cinder' to cinderclient (some of the *client have component:client, other component:<project_they_are_close_to>) so I didn't touch it 14:47:34 <amoralej> tosky, that should be fine 14:47:40 <amoralej> mmm 14:48:54 <amoralej> it inherits component from config rpmfactory-client 14:49:12 <amoralej> which is component: clients 14:49:24 <amoralej> there was some discussion about where clients should be 14:49:41 <amoralej> and was finally decided to move to its own component 14:49:52 <tosky> I see 14:49:57 <rdogerrit> Javier Peña proposed rdo-jobs master: Remove old jobs using the rdo-fedora-stable nodeset https://review.rdoproject.org/r/27300 14:50:03 <tosky> ok, it was more a personal curiosity 14:50:21 <tosky> the question about the review was/is more important :) 14:51:11 <amoralej> it's fine 14:51:17 <tosky> thanks! 14:52:52 <ykarel> i just noticed old centos8 images are not cleaned up https://images.rdoproject.org/centos8/master/rdo_trunk/?C=M;O=D 14:53:21 <ykarel> i see centos8 is not in list https://github.com/rdo-infra/rdo-infra-playbooks/blob/master/roles/rdo-infra/image-server/files/prune_tripleo_images.sh#L25 14:53:46 <ykarel> may be images.rdoproject.org is already using too much disk due to it 14:53:50 <ykarel> dpawlik, can u check ^ 14:54:50 <ykarel> ok /me checks 14:55:17 <ykarel> i see /dev/mapper/vgimage-image 1000G 764G 236G 77% /var/www/html/images 14:56:04 <amoralej> yeah, looks like we need to clean those 14:57:12 <ykarel> yes 14:57:27 <ykarel> ok will propose patch to add centos8 to list 14:58:09 <amoralej> for master and ussuri 14:58:19 <ykarel> and train too, it's upcoming 14:58:36 <amoralej> ok 14:58:49 * jcapitao needs to dig into those r.o subdomains 14:59:20 <amoralej> jcapitao, those are overcloud images created in tripleo periodic jobs 15:00:17 <jcapitao> okk will check that 15:00:48 <jcapitao> we are running out of time 15:00:56 <jcapitao> let's close 15:01:02 <jcapitao> #endmeeting