14:02:06 <amoralej> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2020-10-14 14:02:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 14 14:02:06 2020 UTC. 14:02:06 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:02:06 <zodbot> The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:02:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2020-10-14' 14:02:07 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Oct 14 14:02:06 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:08 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:02:10 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2020_10_14' 14:03:00 <amoralej> #topic roll call 14:03:10 <spotz> o/ 14:03:24 <jcapitao> o/ 14:03:46 <amoralej> #chair spotz jcapitao 14:03:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao spotz 14:03:47 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao spotz 14:05:06 <ykarel> o/ 14:05:14 <amoralej> #chair ykarel 14:05:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao spotz ykarel 14:05:16 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao spotz ykarel 14:05:44 <amoralej> let's start with first topic 14:05:55 <amoralej> #topic Test Day scheduling for Wallaby 14:06:34 <amoralej> spotz, all yours 14:06:54 <spotz> Looking up the test days page 14:08:37 <amoralej> spotz, you think it's still worthy to keep test days? 14:09:20 <spotz> Well according to the release notes we're updating there should be 2. We don't need them but the timings werevery close to the hoidays 14:09:33 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/nova-distgit rpm-master: Implement sources verification using upstream gpg signature https://review.rdoproject.org/r/30213 14:10:44 <spotz> Which is why I put it on the schedule. We could always say it's RC1 again for the note 14:11:15 <amoralej> spotz, release notes are not written in stone :) 14:11:31 <amoralej> so let's keep it only if we think it's adding value 14:11:35 <amoralej> wich i doubt tbh 14:12:00 <amoralej> at least, i'd remove references from release notes 14:12:17 <spotz> Ok done and we can discuss it later 14:13:04 <amoralej> ok 14:13:18 <spotz> I'll clean that part out of the announcement 14:13:35 <amoralej> i think the whole sentence can be removed 14:14:15 <amoralej> next topic? 14:14:18 <spotz> yeah 14:14:43 <amoralej> #topic mascot update 14:14:50 <spotz> #link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QM33NygP1_eDYpRRCpPp_-9LrbtOQsxC/view?usp=sharing 14:14:54 <amoralej> #link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QM33NygP1_eDYpRRCpPp_-9LrbtOQsxC/view?usp=sharing 14:14:57 <amoralej> oh 14:14:59 <amoralej> #undo 14:14:59 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7fccc81b3d10> 14:15:00 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QM33NygP1_eDYpRRCpPp_-9LrbtOQsxC/view?usp=sharing 14:15:30 <spotz> So that's the evolution to where we're at and we're looking at the Mallard so as not to resemble Donald Duck 14:15:31 <ykarel> Looks cool :) 14:15:54 <amoralej> yes, very cool 14:16:22 <spotz> Ok I'll let tiger know we're happy and we'll get back to getting the stikers on the laptop 14:16:33 <amoralej> so, one of those will be the chosen one? 14:16:53 <spotz> Timing wise getting it to OSF during summit/PTG might be bad 14:17:06 <spotz> The one on the right with the green head 14:17:19 <amoralej> ah, so that's temporal evolution 14:17:20 <amoralej> last wind 14:17:22 <amoralej> wins 14:18:39 <amoralej> it's cool 14:19:42 <amoralej> that's it about the mascot, right? 14:19:53 <spotz> We think it's safe against Disney and by making the RDO larder on the laptop and stickers smaller we should be ok with CentOS and OSF 14:20:03 <spotz> Yep that's it 14:20:11 <amoralej> ok, nice 14:20:30 <amoralej> #topic Updates about victoria release preparation 14:20:44 <amoralej> spotz, i moved your point about release notes here 14:21:01 <amoralej> #info Release docs - https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/victoria-release-announcement 14:21:11 <amoralej> in addition to the tests days 14:21:17 <amoralej> we need to add some content there 14:21:26 <spotz> Thanksm for somereason I can't find my tab! 14:21:57 <amoralej> wrt contributors, i think jpena had the query somewhere in documentation 14:23:05 <amoralej> i got it 14:23:22 <amoralej> #action amoralej to update contributors list for Victoria 14:24:06 <amoralej> also, we need to add some improvements 14:24:18 <amoralej> or new stuff there 14:24:21 <amoralej> ykarel, jcapitao ^ 14:24:30 <amoralej> think in what has been added 14:24:40 <amoralej> new packages, etc... 14:24:48 <amoralej> relevant stuff 14:25:34 <ykarel> amoralej, ack 14:25:53 <ykarel> can add new packages/retired packages etc 14:25:57 <ykarel> ovn NFV sig 14:25:57 <amoralej> yes 14:26:03 <amoralej> yep 14:26:40 <amoralej> and we can mention major upstream changes 14:26:41 <jcapitao> source tarball validation (should be good) 14:26:46 <amoralej> yes 14:27:08 <amoralej> so feel free to add those to the etherpad 14:27:13 <jcapitao> ok 14:27:44 <ykarel> ack 14:27:49 <amoralej> and we will work there to get a nice list 14:28:10 <amoralej> other than that, note that final releases for main projects have been published today 14:28:29 <amoralej> and we are working to get them build and pushed together with source tarball validation 14:28:48 <amoralej> we still need to wait for cycle-trailing projects for RDO GA 14:28:52 <amoralej> as kolla or tripleo 14:29:06 <amoralej> which should arrive in one or two weeks iiuc 14:29:39 <amoralej> #info final releases for main OpenStack projects have been published today 14:30:23 <amoralej> #info RDO will wait for cycle-trailing projects to push RC1 builds to publish RDO Victoria GA 14:30:52 <amoralej> #info Currently enabling sources tarball validation using upstream GPG signature 14:31:05 <rdogerrit> Ronelle Landy created rdo-jobs master: Use a single playbook for fs030 c8 master https://review.rdoproject.org/r/30224 14:31:07 <amoralej> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/q/topic:gpg-verification 14:31:16 <ykarel> amoralej, wrt gpg verification https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/30212/, Release bump not needed, right? 14:31:33 <spotz> amoralej: DO we have a timeframe to finish everything up and get the announcement ready> 14:31:37 <ykarel> as release patch will be rebased after cherrypick 14:31:48 <amoralej> exactly 14:31:59 <amoralej> i was discussion with jcapitao in pm right before the meeting 14:32:09 <amoralej> no need to bump releases in the cherry-pick 14:32:15 <ykarel> okk likely those patches were submitted before discussion 14:32:20 <amoralej> yes 14:32:23 <ykarel> ack 14:32:34 <amoralej> my doubt was wrt libraries or clients 14:32:40 <jcapitao> yeap i won't bump release for the next ones 14:32:41 <amoralej> which are already final releases, not rc1 14:33:01 <ykarel> for those we need to bump together with cherry pick 14:33:06 <amoralej> but if we bump release, we'll need to push 14:33:16 <amoralej> another massive tag again 14:33:21 <amoralej> with all packages 14:33:28 <amoralej> i think we can do it by groups later 14:33:35 <ykarel> wfm 14:33:35 <amoralej> no rush 14:34:03 <jcapitao> you mean to avoid having to sync with CentOS infra team ? 14:34:11 <amoralej> yes 14:34:51 <jcapitao> ack 14:35:24 <amoralej> btw, signature validation is checked twice 14:35:31 <amoralej> one in the ci job itself 14:35:37 <amoralej> and one in the cbs build 14:35:44 <amoralej> so, even if we don't do the cbs build 14:35:56 <amoralej> job is checking gpg signature fo the tarball 14:35:58 <ykarel> yeap right 14:36:34 <amoralej> although that will not be the tarball included in the srpm in cbs 14:37:03 <amoralej> anything else related to victoria? 14:37:23 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/ceilometer-distgit victoria-rdo: Implement sources verification using upstream gpg signature https://review.rdoproject.org/r/30223 14:37:35 <amoralej> ykarel, you know if the upgrade job was fixed for nfv ovs? 14:38:03 <ykarel> amoralej, no, not yet, there are couple of patches to fix upgrade jobs in general 14:38:22 <amoralej> there are new builds in nfv testing repo 14:38:33 <amoralej> i was waiting to get upgrade job working first 14:38:39 <ykarel> and ovs one fix is not ready and that will depend on those other patches 14:38:43 <amoralej> but it may be good to test and push to -release 14:38:58 <amoralej> ovs one fix? 14:39:00 <amoralej> wdym 14:39:20 <ykarel> amoralej, that ovs_upgrade ansible module 14:39:24 <ykarel> let me fetch link 14:39:29 <amoralej> ah, ok 14:39:29 <ykarel> that you were testing 14:39:34 <amoralej> yes 14:39:53 <amoralej> i though you were saying some ovs fix 14:39:58 <amoralej> yes, i follow you 14:40:02 <ykarel> ok 14:40:18 <ykarel> wrt victoria release i updated https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/victoria-release-preparation today 14:40:32 <ykarel> L 92,118 for missing bits 14:40:49 <ykarel> Packages branched but don't have build yet - 14th October, 2020 14:40:56 <ykarel> Packages Not branched yet - 14th October, 2020 14:41:16 <ykarel> and closing those except tripleo ones 14:41:53 <ykarel> Also there was a victoria promotion recently with minimal set of jobs 14:42:03 <amoralej> the usual suspects 14:42:21 <amoralej> ykarel, nice, that's good progress 14:42:24 <ykarel> https://trunk.rdoproject.org/api-centos8-victoria/api/civotes_agg_detail.html?ref_hash=13431bf4c5a8ee8c0231f11d43050939 14:42:26 <amoralej> the victoria promotion i meant 14:42:50 <amoralej> ykarel, i think none of the missing ones are blockers 14:43:12 <amoralej> we can wait for upstream releases and branching 14:43:39 <ykarel> yes we can wait until tripleo releases 14:44:22 <rdogerrit> Merged openstack/neutron-distgit rpm-master: Implement sources verification using upstream gpg signature https://review.rdoproject.org/r/30212 14:44:35 <ykarel> also i did some tests with victoria-release + missing packages from delorean current https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/30035/8/playbooks/run-rdoinfo-cbs-centos8.yaml 14:44:49 <amoralej> i think some of the missing ones are retired 14:44:53 <amoralej> as puppet-opendaylight 14:45:07 <ykarel> yes right 14:46:10 <ykarel> that's it on this topic, we can cleanup the list in coming days 14:46:17 <amoralej> yes 14:46:26 <amoralej> thanks ykarel for updating the list 14:47:17 <amoralej> #topic chair for next week 14:47:35 <amoralej> who wants to chair next week? 14:47:47 * ykarel out full next week 14:47:55 <jcapitao> i can take it 14:48:06 <amoralej> #action jcapitao to chair next week 14:48:17 <amoralej> enjoy your pto ykarel 14:48:36 <jcapitao> +1 14:48:51 <amoralej> #topic open floor 14:48:56 <ykarel> yeap Thanks 14:49:08 <amoralej> anything you'd like to share in open floor? 14:49:40 <spotz> zdo we want to cancel for summit and ptg? 14:50:24 <amoralej> yes, it's probably good to cancel 14:50:31 <amoralej> it's in two weeks right? 14:50:36 <amoralej> 26th-30th 14:50:55 <spotz> Next week is summit I thought and following week ptg. Let me get a calendar:) 14:51:16 <spotz> Yeah next week is sumjmit 14:51:49 <amoralej> oh, maybe, i was checking ptg only 14:51:58 <spotz> I konow I'll miss next week, I have a workshop to do during this time 14:53:04 <amoralej> yes, summit 19-23 14:53:09 <spotz> SO if you hold next week with ykarel on PTO and me workshoping it'll most likely just be jcapitao and amoralej 14:53:11 <amoralej> anyway, i'd keep next week 14:53:19 <amoralej> just in case 14:53:32 <spotz> Sounds good. I'll catchup after in the minutes 14:53:35 <amoralej> and cancel during ptg, as i guess it has more interest for us 14:53:46 <amoralej> and prefer not to cancel two weeks in a raw 14:54:00 <spotz> Yeah timing not ideal 14:54:15 <amoralej> row 14:54:28 <ykarel> +1 14:54:31 <amoralej> no big problem anyway 14:56:33 <amoralej> i think we can close the meeting 14:56:46 <amoralej> unless there is some last minute topic 14:57:27 <amoralej> #endmeeting