14:01:07 <amoralej> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2021-02-10 14:01:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 10 14:01:07 2021 UTC. 14:01:07 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:01:07 <zodbot> The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2021-02-10' 14:01:09 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Feb 10 14:01:08 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:10 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:12 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2021_02_10' 14:01:27 <amoralej> #topic roll call 14:01:31 <mjturek> o/ 14:01:49 <spotz> o/ 14:02:04 <jcapitao> o/ 14:02:11 <amoralej> #chair mjturek spotz jcapitao 14:02:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao mjturek spotz 14:02:12 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao mjturek spotz 14:02:15 <ykarel> o/ 14:02:37 <amoralej> #chair ykarel 14:02:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao mjturek spotz ykarel 14:02:38 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao mjturek spotz ykarel 14:02:55 <amoralej> let's give a couple more minutes 14:03:38 <jpena> o/ 14:03:45 <amoralej> #chair jpena 14:03:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao jpena mjturek spotz ykarel 14:03:46 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao jpena mjturek spotz ykarel 14:04:39 <amoralej> #topic Publishing disk images for ppc64le 14:04:44 <amoralej> mjturek, ^ 14:04:55 <mjturek> hello! we've briefly discussed this in the past but jeremyfreudberg and I would like to get this going. Can someone detail where we could upload to and where we can get credentials for the server? 14:05:55 <amoralej> this is about overcloud images, right? 14:05:56 <mjturek> currently we just build and discard the images 14:05:59 <mjturek> yep! 14:06:34 <amoralej> where is tripleo pushing their images now? 14:06:49 <mjturek> jeremyfreudberg do you happen to know? 14:06:59 <amoralej> a http://images.rdoproject.org/centos8/ 14:07:02 <jeremyfreudberg> https://images.rdoproject.org/centos8/master/rdo_trunk/ 14:07:03 <jeremyfreudberg> yeah 14:07:12 <amoralej> who is maintaining that? 14:07:19 <amoralej> jpena, is it under infra control? 14:08:16 <jpena> amoralej: yes. I see there is a RSYNC_PASSWORD env variable in the jenkins nodes, and https://github.com/rdo-infra/ci-config/blob/master/jenkins/jobs/scripts/tripleo-quickstart-publish-testing-images.sh uses it 14:08:31 <jpena> not sure if that script is still up to date, but we could test it 14:08:44 <amoralej> but i think images are now created in zuul jobs 14:08:50 <amoralej> in periodic pipeline? 14:09:03 <amoralej> ykarel, ^ you know where images are created and published? 14:09:30 <ykarel> amoralej, in periodic pipeline there are image build jobs, which build and pushes those images to images.rdoproject.org 14:09:35 <mjturek> ah interesting jpena 14:10:04 <ykarel> periodic-tripleo-centos-8-buildimage-overcloud-full-master and periodic-tripleo-centos-8-buildimage-ironic-python-agent-master for master 14:10:34 <amoralej> mjturek, you are creating it in a job in ci.centos.org? 14:10:53 <ykarel> i don't think publish-testing-images.sh is still being used in ci.centos 14:10:54 <mjturek> https://ci.centos.org/job/tripleo-upstream-images-build-master-ppc64le 14:11:22 <mjturek> amoralej this job runs tripleo-ci's build-images role 14:11:23 <amoralej> ok, so you are more interested in the jenkins jobs 14:11:32 <amoralej> that jpena pointed 14:11:54 <amoralej> just make sure you don't collide with the locations used by tripleo for the other images 14:12:02 <mjturek> absolutely 14:12:18 <mjturek> is there a folder we should upload to? 14:12:28 <mjturek> not sure if we're the ones to decide that 14:12:52 <amoralej> maybe other folder http://images.rdoproject.org/centos8-ppc64le/ ? 14:12:56 <amoralej> jpena, ^ wdyt? 14:13:56 <jpena> we have a top-level aarch64 directory with ocata and pike images, we could do the same and create images.rdoproject.org/ppc64le/master 14:13:58 <amoralej> iirc, the initial folder must be created in advance 14:14:19 <mjturek> oh nice! 14:15:04 <mjturek> can someone create a folder for us? 14:15:50 <jpena> I've created the folder already. Please contact me when you start uploading, we have some scripts to remove old images we will need to adapt 14:16:02 <mjturek> will do jpena 14:16:27 <jeremyfreudberg> thanks 14:16:28 <amoralej> mjturek, you plan to create images periodically? 14:16:38 <mjturek> amoralej we're building it for times a day 14:17:03 <mjturek> not sure if we'll need to adjust cadence but need to discuss that with oooci 14:17:05 <amoralej> just make sure you remove old ones 14:17:23 <amoralej> i'm not sure who/what takes care of prunning old ones 14:17:37 <mjturek> amoralej: jpena says there's a script that does it 14:17:45 <amoralej> ah, ok 14:17:55 <mjturek> but he'll need to adjust it 14:17:56 <amoralej> sorry, i didn't read it 14:18:00 <mjturek> \no worries! 14:18:04 <amoralej> yeah, i just re-read it 14:18:08 <amoralej> good 14:18:11 <jeremyfreudberg> yeah, seems we are building for ppc64le a lot more than for x86 is doing here... i mean, this is ~1 year and there are 40 images, and we would build as many in just 10 days 14:18:12 <ykarel> mjturek, isn't that job using url-trigger? 14:18:21 <jeremyfreudberg> i'm happy to do as much pruning as needed 14:18:32 <mjturek> jeremyfreudberg oh wow 14:18:49 <mjturek> ykarel we're doing a timed job currently. Is there a url-trigger we should use? 14:19:15 <ykarel> mjturek, yes it would be better to do with url-trigger to run unnecessary with same set of repos 14:19:37 <mjturek> ykarel might reach out to you to advise there 14:19:44 <ykarel> in our promotion jobs in ci.centos we run only when ex. trunk.rdoproject.org/centos8-master/current-tripleo/delorean.repo changes 14:19:58 <mjturek> oh cool! 14:20:12 <mjturek> +1 for running less frequently 14:21:10 <mjturek> so for now jeremyfreudberg and I will get the job uploading to that folder and will reach out as we hit blockers 14:21:26 <amoralej> ok, good 14:21:35 <amoralej> anything else wrt this topic? 14:21:36 <mjturek> jeremyfreudberg you have anything else? 14:21:42 <jeremyfreudberg> nope 14:21:48 <mjturek> cool thanks rdo folks! 14:22:09 <amoralej> #topic ansible-macros status 14:22:15 <amoralej> jcapitao, all yours 14:22:26 <jcapitao> so, currently mock config doesn't allow us to install weak deps in CBS 14:22:37 <jcapitao> I pinged Arrfab on #centos-devel channel to discuss about this 14:23:05 <jcapitao> he doesn't seem okay with the idea of providing those macros as they are still in Fedora rawhide (not yet branched anywhere) 14:23:38 <jcapitao> plus, it seems that ansible will make some changes in the near future, maybe we should wait a bit ? 14:24:58 <amoralej> iirc, it's sshnaidm who was willing to add some collections 14:25:27 <amoralej> so, as soon as he moves on we will hit this issue 14:25:43 <jcapitao> yeap 14:26:11 <jcapitao> so, do we ask to install weak deps anyway ? 14:26:15 <ykarel> so after fedora branches 34, he is ok? i see f34 will be released Apr 20 14:26:41 <amoralej> i'm not sure why branching is relevant in this case tbh 14:27:02 <amoralej> i think installing weak deps is good anyway 14:27:07 <amoralej> in cbs builds 14:27:22 <ykarel> atleast optionally allow to SIG who wants 14:27:41 <amoralej> yes, right 14:27:56 <amoralej> jcapitao, did arrfab tell you if that is possible? 14:28:01 <amoralej> i mean, request to enable weak deps 14:28:04 <jcapitao> plus it's BR 14:28:48 <jcapitao> amoralej: nope, he did not explictly say it was not possible 14:29:00 <jcapitao> I will create a pagure ticket 14:29:06 <amoralej> so, i'd try to move on with the weak deps 14:29:07 <jcapitao> to track it 14:29:14 <amoralej> we can discuss wrt ansible-macros 14:29:19 <amoralej> as a separated issue 14:29:25 <amoralej> but it's something we can do in the SIG 14:29:58 <jcapitao> right 14:30:36 <spotz> hehee I like the he didn't explicitly say it was not possible:) 14:31:12 <amoralej> we like explicitness :) 14:31:31 <amoralej> #action jcapitao to request to enable weak dependencies in CBS build root 14:32:25 <amoralej> so i think we have next steps wrt this? 14:32:32 <amoralej> jcapitao, wrt the python3-pip issue 14:32:39 <rdogerrit> Merged rdoinfo master: Fix pin for puppet-certmonger https://review.rdoproject.org/r/31932 14:32:40 <amoralej> did you find something?, it's a weird issue 14:33:08 <jcapitao> I haven't find anything relevant 14:33:31 <jcapitao> I'll check with centos guys 14:33:40 <jcapitao> as you mentioned 14:34:06 <amoralej> but i think it should affect to anyone building something with BR on python3 in centos7 14:34:18 <amoralej> although probably not may people will be using it 14:34:37 <amoralej> there may be something preventing python3-pip installation in cbs buildroot 14:34:50 <jcapitao> to bring context: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/31885/ 14:35:23 <amoralej> check mock config 14:35:24 <jcapitao> ah ? 14:35:45 <rdogerrit> rdo-trunk created puppet/puppet-certmonger-distgit train-rdo: puppet-certmonger-2.6.0-1.a198870git https://review.rdoproject.org/r/31933 14:35:52 <rdogerrit> rdo-trunk created puppet/puppet-certmonger-distgit ussuri-rdo: puppet-certmonger-2.6.0-1 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/31934 14:35:59 <rdogerrit> rdo-trunk created puppet/puppet-certmonger-distgit victoria-rdo: puppet-certmonger-2.6.0-1 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/31935 14:36:05 <jcapitao> but if there is not python3-pip then python3 would not be able to be installed ? 14:36:19 <amoralej> yes, that's the problem as i understand it 14:36:27 <amoralej> python3-pip is Requires for python3 14:36:46 <jcapitao> I will give another shot this afternoon 14:37:20 <amoralej> DEBUG util.py:439: Error: Package: python3-3.6.8-18.el7.x86_64 (build) 14:37:20 <amoralej> DEBUG util.py:439: Requires: python3-pip 14:37:22 <amoralej> in fact 14:37:25 <amoralej> other question is 14:37:32 <amoralej> what is pulling python3 as dependency 14:37:46 <amoralej> there may be some issue in some of the deps 14:38:07 <amoralej> ah, ansible-freeipa you mentioned 14:38:08 <jcapitao> it's ansible-freeipa 14:38:11 <jcapitao> yeah 14:38:37 <amoralej> ok, let's check it after the mtg 14:38:49 <amoralej> we can move to next topic, right? 14:38:59 <jcapitao> yes 14:39:41 <amoralej> #topic Issues in Fedora with OpenStack packages and python 3.10 14:40:16 <amoralej> so, some of you may have got mails related to BZs with build failures with openstack packages in fedora for python3.10 14:40:24 <amoralej> mostly related to collections 14:40:51 <amoralej> as example https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1926360 14:40:54 <openstack> bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1926360 in python-oslo-context "python-oslo-context fails to build with Python 3.10: AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'MutableMapping'" [Unspecified,New] - Assigned to chkumar 14:41:25 <amoralej> #info tracker BZ https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1890881 14:41:27 <openstack> bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1890881 in Changes Tracking "Python 3.10 tracker" [Unspecified,Assigned] - Assigned to thrnciar 14:42:07 <amoralej> those failures are related to builds in a test copr 14:42:19 <amoralej> but the plan is to include 3.10 in F35 14:42:50 <amoralej> so, i think we have some time to fix, i don't like to start pushing cherry-picks in the distgit 14:42:57 <ykarel> so fixes are already in place 14:43:13 <amoralej> when we are going to have final releases for libraries and clients in wallaby in three weaks 14:43:20 <amoralej> ykarel, some of them are fixed, some others not 14:43:27 <amoralej> let me check 14:43:48 <jpena> at least we should identify if there's a fix upstream, and send it if there's not 14:43:54 <jpena> sushy was lacking one fix 14:43:57 <amoralej> #info https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22collections.abc%22+(status:open%20OR%20status:merged) 14:44:19 <amoralej> jpena, yep, that's a good point 14:44:24 <ykarel> ohkk so then we have to send fix for pending ones or reach out to maintainers 14:44:34 <amoralej> tbh, i think those are being treated systematically 14:44:48 <amoralej> i'd expect that there are reviews for all or most of them 14:44:52 <amoralej> but yes, good to check 14:45:27 <amoralej> and i'd propose to update packages in Fedora as soon as possible even before of Wallaby GA 14:45:39 <amoralej> maybe at RC1 or so 14:46:02 <jcapitao> ok, and update later with final releases ? 14:46:07 <amoralej> no 14:46:22 <amoralej> in fedora we have only libraries and clients 14:46:30 <amoralej> so, they are finally releases 14:46:32 <ykarel> at rc1 client/libs are final ones 14:46:36 <ykarel> yeap right 14:46:37 <amoralej> yep 14:47:02 <jcapitao> okk 14:47:08 <ykarel> there may be more after that for FFE but those are rare 14:47:35 <amoralej> yeap 14:47:40 <amoralej> we can treat those later 14:48:15 <amoralej> so, to start, could we get a list of all the bz for python3.10 that affect to packages in openstack-sig? 14:48:25 <amoralej> or the ones we maintain 14:49:40 <ykarel> yes sounds good 14:49:45 <amoralej> we can try to create a query 14:49:54 <amoralej> that includes any of us as assigned 14:50:05 <amoralej> i'm not sure what's the best way, tbh 14:50:43 <ykarel> iirc we you have created similar query in past when we were retiring some packages, can use that 14:50:48 <ykarel> s/we/you 14:50:50 <amoralej> mmm, right 14:50:55 <amoralej> i'll find out 14:51:03 <amoralej> i need to remember 14:51:05 <amoralej> :) 14:51:18 <amoralej> so, i'll create some etherpad with the list 14:51:24 <amoralej> so that we can start working on it 14:51:52 <amoralej> #action amoralej to create the list of BZ for python3.10 issues related to openstack packages 14:52:23 <amoralej> #action openstack-sig to check if there are missing patches upstream for issues with python 3.10 14:52:50 <amoralej> #info we will update openstack libraries and clients in Fedora as soon as final ones are releases by RC1 14:52:56 <amoralej> i think that's it 14:53:16 <amoralej> #topic chair for next week 14:53:19 <amoralej> volunteers? 14:53:38 <ykarel> i can take it 14:53:55 <amoralej> #action ykarel to chair next week 14:53:59 <amoralej> #topic open floor 14:54:25 <amoralej> time for anyone that wants to bring some other topic 14:55:02 <spotz> A reminder if you received an email about Cloud SiG and wish to be a member going forward please answer me:) 14:55:19 <amoralej> any progress with replies= 14:55:21 <amoralej> ? 14:55:38 <spotz> A few and talked to Rich yesterday, they're ok with us removing the non-responses 14:55:45 <amoralej> ok 14:56:01 <amoralej> spotz, you plan to update the cloudsig wiki? 14:56:24 <spotz> Oddly none from the unapproved queue 14:56:35 <amoralej> ok 14:56:36 <spotz> amoralej: I've updated once a little already 14:56:41 <amoralej> well, let's give some time 14:56:42 <amoralej> ah, ok 14:56:55 <amoralej> someone showed interest also on it 14:57:02 <amoralej> on improving the wiki 14:57:13 <amoralej> ykarel or jcapitao, iirc 14:57:23 <spotz> I put the meeting frequency change and the interim contacts on it already 14:57:27 <ykarel> yeap i pointed out 14:57:38 <amoralej> ok 14:57:47 <spotz> Oh and removed the word Linux linke on the calendar page 14:58:04 <amoralej> ok :) 14:58:13 <amoralej> so, we are almost out of time 14:58:21 <amoralej> anything else? 14:58:29 <spotz> ykarel: Feel free to make any little changes to it, if you want to do something bigger just share for another set of eyes first. Kinda like we do for large mailings 14:58:50 <ykarel> spotz, sure will sync with you on it 14:58:59 <spotz> I for one am bad for missing my own typoes in larger things:) 14:59:55 <amoralej> i'm closing the mtg 15:00:08 <amoralej> sorry, i have one more right now :) 15:00:21 <amoralej> #endmeeting