14:01:58 <jcapitao> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2021-05-19 14:01:58 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 19 14:01:58 2021 UTC. 14:01:58 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:01:58 <zodbot> The chair is jcapitao. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:58 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting_-_2021-05-19' 14:01:58 <openstack> Meeting started Wed May 19 14:01:58 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jcapitao. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:59 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:02:01 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2021_05_19' 14:02:09 <jcapitao> #topic roll call 14:02:17 <jcapitao> #chair spotz ykarel 14:02:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: jcapitao spotz ykarel 14:02:18 <openstack> Current chairs: jcapitao spotz ykarel 14:02:26 <jpena> o/ 14:02:57 <amoralej> o/ 14:03:24 <jcapitao> #chair jpena amoralej 14:03:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao jpena spotz ykarel 14:03:25 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao jpena spotz ykarel 14:03:50 <rdogerrit> Jiří Podivín proposed openstack/validations-libs-distgit rpm-master: Adding ansible to reqs to match requirements.txt https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/openstack/validations-libs-distgit/+/33777 14:06:22 <jcapitao> ok let's start with first topic 14:06:26 <jcapitao> #topic Release checklist (include TripleO sign off) 14:06:49 <jcapitao> spotz: all yours 14:08:12 <spotz> So after our release announcement made the lists weshay|ruck hit me up as they actually had a job still failing. So I'd reecommeend adding just giving trripleo a heads up we're gettiing ready and make everrything is good on their end 14:08:38 <spotz> It ended up being fine within a day but better to be perfect on launch day 14:09:09 <ykarel> spotz, which job? 14:09:22 <spotz> ykarel: one minute 14:09:56 <ykarel> ack, in CloudSIG release we currently validate scenario001-standalone and that was passing 14:09:58 <amoralej> but, i guess tripleo jobs are with rdo-trunk not cloudsig 14:10:01 <spotz> https://ci.centos.org/view/rdo/view/promotion-pipeline/job/rdo_trunk-promote-wallaby-current-tripleo/ 14:10:32 <ykarel> ohhk that one, but that job don't use cloudSIG repos and is not in CLoudSIG release criteria 14:10:39 <amoralej> anyway, it's probabaly good to check but note that the tested content in those jobs is different that the released in cloudsig 14:10:52 <ykarel> ok it's green today 14:11:03 <ykarel> yes +1 14:11:27 <spotz> Yeah it passed the next day so I didn't send anything oout 14:16:10 <jcapitao> ok, so do we keep our validation as-is (i.e scenario001-standalone validating cloudsig content) ? 14:16:56 <amoralej> i'd say so although i think it's good to give tripleo a heads up before announcing 14:17:02 <amoralej> we may add more scenarios too 14:17:36 <spotz> I'd say just add a point on the trrello card for veereifieed releezse with TripleO PTL 14:18:51 <jcapitao> ok I'll add it in trello card then 14:19:36 <spotz> Seeems like the lest amount of work for us:) 14:21:16 <jcapitao> the quicker but not optimal solution :) 14:21:47 <jcapitao> let's move to second topic 14:21:55 <jcapitao> #topic RDO chat options beyond IRC? 14:22:15 <jcapitao> apevec added it earlier today 14:22:30 <jcapitao> the plan is to back #rdo channel 14:22:46 <spotz> Wee're actually discussing in the TC channel. But we have the marrix room 14:22:55 <jcapitao> and matrix would be a solution 14:23:02 <amoralej> so, iiuc matrix is like something on top of irc? 14:23:46 <tosky> amoralej: no, it's an independent service but it can bridge to other services, like IRC 14:24:04 <jcapitao> matrix is kind of a network which can bridge multiple chat system 14:24:10 <tosky> in fact the main matrix instance has a bridge to freenode and to OFTC, you can access this room through matrix.org alraeady 14:24:38 <amoralej> ok 14:24:54 <amoralej> i'll investigate a bit on matrix 14:25:01 <spotz> TC seeems to be leaning to OFTC as we've had channels for a while 14:27:49 <jcapitao> well, distributed system is better than centralized for this kind of service imho 14:29:02 <jcapitao> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/matrix-server-channel-setup/29844 14:29:10 <jcapitao> ^ Fedora's plan 14:29:52 <spotz> I think CentOS is still worki g on it 14:32:16 <jcapitao> other pros for matrix, is that is more inclusive, folks can communicate to IRC channel through fancy chat client (for those who are unwilling to interact with IRC client) 14:34:29 <spotz> I think we need to see what OpenDev ecides on and our close communitiees like CentOS and Fedora 14:35:07 <amoralej> i'd expect centos and fedora to be aligned 14:35:11 <amoralej> but we will see 14:36:22 <spotz> I suspect they will aas well 14:38:40 <jcapitao> ok, we'll see, let's move on 14:38:47 <jcapitao> #topic Next Week's Chair 14:39:00 <amoralej> i can take it 14:39:06 <spotz> jcapitao: You'e name was actually o thhe agenda:) 14:39:27 <jcapitao> copy/paste I guess :D 14:39:32 <jcapitao> thx amoralej 14:39:38 <spotz> hehe 14:39:41 <jcapitao> #action amoralej to chair next week 14:40:04 <jcapitao> #topic Open Floor 14:40:11 <jcapitao> and open floor 14:40:27 <jcapitao> if you want to bring out something else 14:48:36 <spotz> Seems like wee'reee good 14:48:47 <jcapitao> yeah I'm going to close the meeting 14:48:58 <jcapitao> thank you all for joining 14:49:02 <jcapitao> #endmeeting